
31. Heal The World.

I woke up in bed alone. This was a room, made out of black, gold, and violet, vampire colors. No one had fucked here. I was wrapped up all around in thick bandages, smelling like passionfruit and his bump. My skin was not sore anymore, and I got up to sit unwrapped myself and notice that my stomach was intact but incredibly sore. I'd had a pretty fucking rough treatment though, and now I didn't understand why, but then again, it had been a lesson.

I just did not understand why he had to fuck with me originally or he did not want me. Mere jealousy? I don't know Damon, not anymore. Mariella knows this better. Maybe she could explain this to me then. I hadn't slept for more than 16 hours. I was too tired to try to dig out my pretender side and then I noticed he had manipulated it too, pushed it deeper. 

There had been a clock, and I knew what day it had been. He had stabbed me for 72 hours straight. Three days. No wonder I was sore. And with metals, even if they weren't still in my body, I could feel the effects lingering still. I got out of bed, and my eyes were still swimming pretty damn well, but after a while, it went away. Or I got used to it. I went for a walk and changed my clothes, but I didn't go to the wash yet, even though I was cold. As I opened my wardrobe, I noticed that there were Damon's clothes in there and mine too, not Mariella's. Did he make room for me and him?

I was thirsty, and my idea was to go to the kitchen and find something to drink and then, when I felt refreshed, take a hotter shower. Damon was cooking dinner and noticed me coming in. I was not able to eat anything, but my mouth was parched. I needed caffeine too, so an ice-cold Coke seemed like an excellent choice.

He looked at me and said, " You should still be asleep, missy, for quite a while. You are pretty damn drugged still. What are you missing?"

I said, "I'm thirsty. I came to get a drink. Not able to eat yet."

I went to the fridge, got a bottle of Coca-Cola, and went to the table. Ah, this was just what I needed.

Damon got a big smoothie, put it in front of me, and said, " I'd rather you drink this. Don't drink that yet."

The thought of a thick smoothie in my dry throat sent shivers of disgust down my spine, and I shivered. I was not in the mood for that, not at all.

I opened a bottle of Coke and took a fantastic swig and, after a moment, another. Oh, that felt good. I did not even belch this time. But then, after a while, I ran to the bathroom and threw up all over the contents of my stomach. Pain tore through me and oh my god that it hurt. My stomach, my muscles, they weren't up to this task and I rolled over to my side, holding my stomach, trying not to retch anymore and get this goddamn pain to stop, nausea did not ease up, so I had to get up to puke again. 

It didn't seem to stop right away, and I felt Damon come into the bathroom and say, "I warned you, let me show you, and I'll help you."

I was still puking and shaking; I was cold, in pain, and really nauseous still. He gathered my long and red hair up and braided it. Then he helped me sit on the toilet and wiped my face. I was trying to not shake so much. Nausea was easing up slowly, but the pain had not stopped at all. Then I noticed that this was number four because this white stripe was on his forehead, and his whole front hair was white.

I said, "I think you're number four." My voice was trembling, husky from puking.

He was somehow different from others, more caring, and as he had been in that pen which I used to sign my divorces, well, he had felt me better. According to Mariella, it was affected by each version where they had put on. 

He nodded and helped me up, walked me to the kitchen, almost carried me, gave me a smoothie, and said, "Start very gently, baby, just little sips."

I did as he said and managed to keep something inside me. My stomach was still on fire. I was so cold, and I was debating whether to take a shower or just go back to bed. 

He came and stood me up after I had slowly finished the smoothie. I thought I was about to get a hot shower. He kept me in place as he sank his teeth into my neck and tasted my blood. He drained several liters of my blood. It was so damn tasty. Then he went a little way off into the distance to think about the results.

He came up to me and said, "You'll chop up those medicines any way you like, but that's how you'll wake up so quickly. You literally rip them apart and then there is the mess in your blood. But fine. You have quite a lot of deficiencies in your blood as well, but it has to wait for now. "

He smashed his teeth into my neck and drained what felt like tiny marbles.

Then he stopped and said, " Now you've got quite a lot of universal choppers. Those should help break up those pieces of medicine you've torn apart. You need to eat in some time, or else you will have to go medbay to have some IV."

I said, "Thanks. I think I'm going to take a boiling shower. My belly is way too sore for me to eat still."

Damon the 4th said, " Go ahead but don't cool off. I could whip up a few drinkable meals for you in some time. You are hypothermic, still on drugs, and it takes time for those choppers to get rid of all the drug remnants. "

I turned around after I'd gone some distance and said, "Damon, where's number one? With Mariella? "

I was just curious, and I assumed that he has gone to fuck with her.

Four looked at me and said, " You know what mode he was in. Then he took Mariella to the Master session so you can figure out for yourself what it's going to be like."

I smiled and was secretly pleased that I wasn't Damon's only victim, although otherwise, they could have a great Master session and then be completely uninhibited and intertwined afterward. But I doubt that, not sure if was Damon in the mood for fucking much. Bashing around but pleasure for Mariella. Not sure of that. 

I took a shower, and it was enjoyable. And I was still cold afterward, so I retreated to one of my dens and got under the warm blankets to watch TV. I had my own knitted blankets here. They were made out of squares or whatever shapes I had been knitting. There, I watched movie after movie, and I wasn't hungry yet. I was alone, warm, and safe and slowly I was waking up more and more. 

My even more tender stomach hadn't appreciated that vomit and was still so sore that I couldn't even think about eating at the moment. Of course, with my metabolism, it was less ideal not to eat, but my life is what it is. I was now too sore to think about my calories and eating. Maybe at some point.

It was 24 hours before I was even hungry enough to go out and find something to eat. I went to the kitchen, number four was again there cooking he noticed me, and quite damn fast whipped up for me a few big glasses of liquid food and I ate slowly, sipping thick soup or whatever with a straw, trying to get the hunger off because it hurt and pretty damn hard still.

I managed to eat as much as I could, and luckily, the hunger was quenched by that amount. He had tasted my blood, and he was not happy with it. Before I got any food, he spent about 15 minutes with teeth in my neck draining several substances and then I got to eat. He made me eat as much as I could pureed food, as it was easier for my stomach to digest. After a meal, he drained some more stuff into me. Then, I went back to my movies and waited for my poor stomach to heal slowly.

Mariella was so damn tired, sweaty, sore, and tender, but she was happy, too. Whatever Damon had been doing with Mimi for three days had opened Damon up completely. Although the Master session had been brutal and painful so that Mariella was really sore, Damon had been so incredibly liberated and unloaded now with the right sex and control that Mariella had seen an obvious difference before and after.

Mariella was still tied to the bench while Damon wandered around the basement, still looking for something. Master wasn't quite ready yet. Mariella felt the lashes of the strip on her back and then fucked her violently, penetrating her pussy over and over again. He did not fuck as much as he beat her, hurt her. Enjoyed her pain. There was a minor pleasure for her. 

Mariella couldn't help but gasp as the thick cock pounded her cunt hard and mercilessly, and every time she exploded, Damon either stabbed or slashed. Mariella found herself trying to stop her orgasm, and Damon really enjoyed tearing Mariella's self-control to shreds. The pain was almost too much for her. 

He used various drugs, from muscle relaxants to sedatives, and many different kinds of machetes and knives. Marielle was finally around when Damon then cut her loose, so cut and fucked she didn't think it was possible.

Damon picked Mariella up, looked her in the eye, and said, " The day after tomorrow is the wedding, darlin'. It's going to be a great one. I think I'll be with you on the first day. We'll enjoy our wedding together."

Mariella didn't know what to think. Would that side calm down at all in a couple of days, or would it escalate? How about the wedding night? She couldn't even think of anything to do with it. Not even a little bit. She had been drained, there had been fear and terror, and sex had come at the end. 

Damon delivered her to the two, who looked at Mariella with almost as treachery, and Mariella wondered if she would still have to deal with him, what on-earth shape she'd be in by the wedding. Number two was not an easy boy to unload and Mariella was wondering the right way to deal with him.

But he put her to bed, gave her three capsules, and said, "Take these and see if you can get some rest. Our wedding is coming up, and you're going to need strength. My bride..."

Mariella swallowed the capsules and got under the covers. She was not sure that the wedding would be as she thought. Number two was who he was so he might work on her if number one would go for Mimi. it was not so good deal to have several salvatores. They seemed to inspire each other. 

The two left the room, and Mariella said to Charles in her head, "Charles, will you come and help me sleep again?"

She was feeling sore, and there was a slight feeling of being hunted, and she was too tired to think who it was. Was it number one or two? 

Charles grunted and said, " Just a minute, and I'll be there."

Then he came. He was wearing nothing but black leather trousers and a bare torso. He came and wrapped himself around Mariella, and whatever had been in those capsules took effect, and Charles's humming and stroking made her drift off to sleep. He kept her safe and the feeling of being hunted went away as sleep took her over. 

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