
14. Raising My Family.

Damon approached now Mimi, who was lying down, not reacting anymore to his touch and his telepathy confirmed her loss of consciousness. He checked her eye just to make sure. She had been very dangerous and Damon had felt her willingness to attack with his telepathy.

"Mimi is down," Damon said once he was sure his wife was truly unconscious.

He stood up, stretched himself, and sighed as the door opened and everyone came inside. He felt this night in his body. It had been a rough ride.

As an Alpha female with cubs, Mimi was unpredictable. She had proven herself to be ready to attack. Damon was tired from a full night's treatment, but he was happy. Most importantly, Mimi would get little help and those cubs would get to know the pack. 

One last push: Mimi's surgery. Damon wasn't about to let Adam or Charles touch his alpha female. Mariella came into the room with a stretcher. She had a stretcher per Damon's request with a thick warm blanket. She watched how, with extreme tenderness and protection, Damon lifted Mimi onto the stretcher and tucked her in. Mariella had brought a blanket too, as a sedative might affect Mimi's thermoregulation and cool her down. Damon had told her what to bring. She obeyed, without asking.

They had had a long night. Damon cursed himself as he lifted this way too-skinny cat to the stretcher and secured her into it. He put straps on the cat but not too tight as this specimen was just bones and skin.

"Here, eat these." Mariella handed Damon a large stack of sandwiches with a variety of meats in between.

She had gone into the kitchen to get some substance for Damon as he had worked with Mimi all night long. Even Damon was an energy being, food provided vitamins and minerals. His bump had to be top-notch for Mimi and it consumed Damon's calories as well. Mariella and Damon had never conducted actually any test if eating was more calorie efficient to get in shape than using pure energy. Converting energy into muscle, fat, well it spends that energy.

Damon ate eagerly. The sandwiches were quickly devoured, along with a few cans of soda that Mariella had brought with her. The fridge in Mimi's room had revealed 80 liters of breast milk. This was recovered. Adam and Charles carefully froze it for future puppies. Now there would be no more milk production at all. They would have made some sort of drug to prevent this in the future.

Charles looked at the sleeping feline, he wanted to go and stroke her, but a sharp glance from Salvatore stopped him in his tracks. He knew that they would have time. 

The two of them took Mimi upstairs to the medbay. Damon went to set up the operating theatre and gave Mariella a referral so that Mariella could start looking for tubes. Damon would take the blood after the surgery. Mimi would probably be force-fed for a couple of days on the medbay. She was so damn skinny. Even Adam and Charles were doctors, now they had no access to this surgery, but they had to tend to cubs.

Damon felt possessiveness for Mimi, not just love like he felt for Mariella but Mimi was truly his.

Everything was ready. Damon moved Mimi to the operating table, and they started removing the huge udders. There was tissue everywhere. These were not normal like a feline would have, but Mimi had created this duct system that led to her abdominal aorta to get all the nutrients in that milk as fast as possible.

Mimi had a whole new set of ducts that Damon burned off. He had to make dental substances, just like burning off her feeding glands. These worked the same way, except Mimi was one feeding, not getting fed. Eventually, it was all gone, and they let Mimi's stomach close up. She would be pretty sore as there was again extensive scarring but a few days of feeding should ease up the worst and then there were painkillers to be taken. Then Damon changed Mimi into human form and carried her to bed.

"32 kilos, impressive," Mariella said as she estimated the weight of the now still sleeping Mimi.

She looked at the sleeping woman. Mimi looked tired as ever, her dark circles around her eyes were even more noticeable, her face was gaunt, and her hands were skeletal almost. She looked very young, vulnerable, and utterly spent. Mariella had noticed that she had herself matured a bit like she was not anymore so innocent looking she had her offspring but Mimi looked as young as ever.

Damon was taking blood tests. He worked gently, Mimi's blood pressure was low so it took time for the tubes to fill.

He grunted."Well, darling, here is what happens when I am not the alpha male, husband for her, and Adam and Charles are elsewhere. Did you know that at our last wedding, I had to jelly her for a week before the wedding because she had gone working in the hospital, and lost an insane amount of weight in a few weeks? This happens when she is left in charge of her nutrition." 

Mariella looked at him and said, "I can believe it, somehow it is Mimi, not caring for herself but others. But don't blame yourself, this is because of all of us. I should have asked you for that book in my mind so I could have gone through it, so we would had all of the information and we would have done mutual breeding area. Be in the pack but I was just hormonal, wanting you to myself, and listening to Di, not so wise." 

Damon focused on taking the rest of the blood samples. Mimi looked again so tired, and pale. Rest would do her good. He had nothing to say. Now there was no Damien inside him so he could blame himself for all of that he wanted. There was no excuse.

"PEG button, visceral puree, feeding fluid, vitamin concentrate. And what else then comes out of those tests..." Mariella listed to herself as she searched for supplies.

She was trying to be clinical but self-hate and blame that flood from Damon through their bond made her want to wrap herself around him and take him to the bedroom making him forget.

Damon knew there was no point in giving Mimi her milk. It wouldn't be absorbed. He'd smelled it at night, and it had been a disappointment. Mimi's milk was a superfood, high in fat, vitamins, and trace minerals, all intact. All of it had just come out of Mimi and would then have to be put back in another way. She had somehow done it that way, so it would be used by her cubs, not by her. She was done with the best version of milk that there was. 

In a while, the first test results started to whirr out of the machine. Damon had finished taking the tests and went to the printer, took the results, and went to sit by the computer to see the results. He shook his head as he looked through. It would be again making compromises, and he hated making compromises.

The blood test results were all over the place. There was not really one value in the reference range or anywhere near it. Results told him about Mimi's compromised nutrition, her lack of support that showed elevated levels of cortisol, and few other values as she was under stress and her hormones were sky high, not all of them but those that would drive her to care for her cubs and tend to them.

It would take time to fix those, too. Damon sighed wearily. The compromise would be that they could only fix some of them, not all of them, because Mimi had the right to awake to be her cubs and maybe get those other litters. If it had been any other situation, that young lady would have been in feeding for a few weeks at least, not just a few days at most.

He knew that even if he kept Mimi under sedation it would not help her enzymes, cortisol, and stress were driving them down, and if she was not part of caring for her cubs, she would not give nurturing pheromones to others and not one of them would want to care for cubs. Mimi was one to show the way.

Mariella came over and took Damon by the hand. " Come on honey, let's go. Mimi is asleep and needs to be fed. I know that we just can't fix her fully, but we can feed her when she wakes up. Come on."

Mariella took Damon to one bedroom for 24 hours. Adam and Charles would look after the cubs during that time. Mimi's cubs were in one room, in an enormous cage, because they were quite feral still. Adam and Charles left meat and milk for them, but no one came to eat. They were a little worried about this, but they just had to wait for Damon to be free and see the situation himself. Cubs were in the bunch, back of the cage and not even Mimosa or Shadow could not make them eat. They just hissed, snarled, and growled. They were quite big, strong, and desperate, meaning full of claws, teeth, and whatnot. Their fear smelled in the air like a thick blanket.

The 24-hour session restored Damon's energy and alertness, and they went to help care for the cubs. Adam was in the kitchen and he was worried. It had been almost two days, and the cubs had not eaten. Those cubs would get sick soon, they were magical creatures, meaning nutrition was paramount. And they would be soon dehydrated. 

Mariella asked, "What's worrying you, Adam? I can see that see that something is bugging you."

Adam said, "Mimi's cubs won't eat. They haven't eaten the whole time, two days now. They are scared, hiss and snarl, not coming at all closer, and Mimosa or Shadow can't help either. It seems that those cubs need their mother. They are soon dehydrated enough to get sick, their fear smells in the air, and if Mimi wakes up, seeing her cubs sick, and in distress, god knows how she reacts. "

Damon sighed. He needed to try a few things first. Mimi needed to get some feeding on herself. Again, compromises and choices. 

Damon said, "Fine. We will take care of our cubs first, and I will go spend some time with them. Let's see if my pheromones would help, but if not, then we have no alternative than waking Mimi up. God, I hate compromises."

His voice was tight. After feeding their cubs with meat puree, coffee, chocolate, and sugar, they saw Mimi's cubs.

"Huge," Mariella said. Damon did not let Mariella in the room but she had look at them from the window. 

Mimi's puppies were big, sinewy, greedy puppies. They were the puppies of an alpha couple. Especially the lepard. At a week old, the lepard was twice the size of a normal cub, greedy, lively, and arrogant. 

Damon said, "Fine, you go be with our cubs and boys. I will go in there and try to calm them down and get them to eat. I will tell you if I need something. I hope I can help them."

Mariella nodded and walked away. Damon opened the cage door after locking the room. Then he changed into a huge black lion, winged, and stepped into a cage. He laid down, released a steady stream of calming feel-good pheromones, and moved his tail lazily, waking up cubs' to play instinct. He had to be all calm, and safe to approach, now it was not time to be impatient.

It took three hours or a little more first bite to feel his tail. Lepard had gotten closer and jumped at his tail. Damon knew that as strongest, the other cubs saw lepard as leader and if he could win him over, this might work better. He had never used this much his pheromones and this took a lot out of him. He continued to move his tail. Lepard got more enthusiastic, and soon a few more cubs were also trying to catch his tail. Next, he let his wings relax, slowly, not making any sudden moves, making the cubs even more curious. Lepard was first to smell his wing, his feathers. 

Now he purred to his cubs, still letting his pheromones work their magic, he took with his paw, one bowl of meat closer, picked up one bite of meat, ate it a bit, and spit it out, warming it and showed it was ok to eat. He was doing the same as Mimi had done. It felt right and cubs had learned this type of feeding. Damon was already thinking about how to make this kind of meat mush for the next batch. Maybe a few dentals would be in order. Lepard was the first to eat.

Damon warmed more meat for them, chewing, swallowing, and regurgitating it back up, now giving few dentals and his intestinal flora and fauna as well. And soon, cubs started to go with bowls of meat and eat very hungrily. He had no idea of time. His cubs were now what mattered. He plucked all of the fur from his hindleg, showing good veins, and bit his skin, so blood smelled in the air. He wanted to make sure that this cacophony of different things burning would dissipate, meaning all of these hungry vampires would get some blood.

Soon sharp sting of several teeth told him that vampires had found his leg.

When Mariella came back in eight hours to see, he saw Damon sleeping in his lion form, all of Mimi's cubs sleeping near him. He had put his wings over them protectively. She could smell his blood, and see his bare hind legs, with bite marks. Lepard was sleeping between his paws, his face almost buried in Damon's long mane. Mariella brought more meat, for Damon too.

A few hours later when they woke up, they ate another meal, this time meat had been processed with the help of Mariella's formula after Damon had told her about this warming and giving them good bugs. mariella's saviour radar had made quite a few substances and this would be given now to every cub. 

Damon said to Mariella, "I think, darling, these cubs could see other ones, that is if you are ready to share the room with Mimi."

Mariella said "I am. How about that every female is some space, we have here two huge rooms, bigger could be a cubs room after two weeks before they go out and this other is big enough for us all to have our own space, we can use movable walls to provide little privacy. This is what we would had done, according to that book, from the start to have a big mutual nest where females would help each other. "

Damon said, "Fine by me if you are up to it. Let's just see that Mimi has ample room, so she is not too stressed. her cortisol is quite damn high and it affects enzymes as well." 

He went out of the room after seeing that cubs were now playing when Mariella was in the room and then Mariella took him to those other rooms. They made up the bigger space ready as a pack, well everyone else except Mimi, but that was perfect. There was grass, trees, toys, and everything else that cubs might want to do.

Then it was time to bring cubs together. They did not put on many movable walls. Cubs of the wolves were on the far side of this space and they played amongst themselves while Mimi had one part in the room. The biggest part and Mariella and Damon had their space next to her. It was fun to see as their cubs and Mimi's cubs started to get together. 

Lepard was always first to check everything out, he wanted everything first, he was as impatient as his father and he was almost a really little arrogant bastard. A loyal son of his father. Whereas Demon was also greedy and lively, he was seductive. Demon purred and bribed; he licked with his little tongue. For some reason, Demon and Lepard got on well together. It seemed Lepard went and Demon followed and taught Lepard how to bribe to get what he wanted. Those two were becoming quite a horror duo at a fast pace. They had fun, but Damon had to be firm when they got out of control. 

When Lepard found out just how fun it is to climb up the curtains, showing Demon how to do it, and then quite many cubs followed these two, Lepard soon climbed up the curtain rod, balancing high up near the ceiling and then Damon changed into human form, took him down, telling to him not to do it, but he did it again anyway until Damon had to use alpha power to get message through. Or as he was a vampire, he had his velvet, and Mariella's blood was what lepard wanted, so Mariella was his favorite victim to velvet. It did not take too many times for Damon to bite Lepard's teeth down, and no velveting of any kind

Mimi slept for three days. The puppies were already talking. Mimosa went around teaching all the puppies and talking to them. Cub's first word had been dad, and that had made Damon very happy. Also, the same went with Mimi's cubs too. Damon had his three females to work on as he went from female to female, and the heat was on. 

The more e.g., Shadow put up with, the longer and more energetic the session and the more heat agents. According to Damon, the amount of stimulants affected fertility. The more he was forced or allowed to inject, the more fertile the female would be. His heat substances were very effective, and he used all his time to fuck his females. All of them got good doses and many times a day. They knew that they would be so freaking fertile and the next litter would be even bigger and there was nothing they could do about that thing.

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