
Chapter 3. Knowledge is power

Kaguya looked at her appearance in the river, she was quite beautiful; fair skin without blemishes, long silver hair, slightly narrowed eyes and red coloured lips. She was garbed in white, purple and gold– three extremely rare colours for common people. Discounting the fact that she had a rennesharingan on her forehead and horns coming out of her head, she appeared to be a regular foreign princess.

" That's not good indeed. " Kaguya tapped her forehead, casting an illusion of a regular citizen.

For the past month, she has been (un officially) claiming 5 acres of land, building a barrier around said land and strategically placing her All killing ash bones around her property. Was it necessary to go this far? No. Did she care? No. Humans have proved themselves, time and time again, their vile nature.

I then constructed a Japanese mansion– almost the exact same one That Rabbit goddess used to have– with a sprinkle of moderness of course. The plumbing took the majority of my time but it was very worth it.

I also created some chibi versions of my mum, Issac and my little brother, as well as a chibi kurama. They have their own personalities, likes and dislikes seperate from me. Is this a healthy coping mechanism for my loses? I do not know. What I do know, however, is that this place seems less lonely.

In week 3 I told my cute chibis to explore the forest for me and the surrounding area. Under careful observation it was noted that the forest I was in were crawling with those creatures and no humans lived here however, adjacent to the forest was a human settlement. The settlement has quite the number of occupants, the oldest is an old man in his 40s and the youngest is a 1 year babe. While the hair colour of these individuals varies, only the ones with white hair had circle-like tattoos?/seals?/tribal marks? On the side of their lips. They are also the fewest members of the bunch, just under 10 people and tend to not speak. Perhaps they lost their voices? Is that why they have those markings near their lips? Or maybe they have an Infection in their throat, that could be the reason the markings exist.

plausible considerating adequate treatment for those things haven't started developing 'till the 90's.

'Perhaps I could make them work for me? The best way for refugees to work for you is to provide a safe working environment, food and a nice place to rest. (Birds aren't willing to fly far from you if they know they're in good hands) . Even though I could work on my farm alone, I rather not have to work on it for centuries. Though, that thought is for another time. '

Kaguya hummed leisurely making her way to the Settlement.


Yuka is a tall young woman in her early 20s with short brown hair and matching eyes. She has a plain face with a scar on the bridge of her nose and a somewhat buff figure from her daily work. In modern times, she would've been considered 'okay-cute', however this was neither the modern era nor was this the real world. She is considered slightly better than the Voldemort next door and the last resort in arranged marriages.

Yuka huffed, putting down the basket of herbs with a bit more force than necessary. She was a bit frustrated at the Kamo and Kota Clans.

In these parts, they are the ruling Clans and have being ruling the area for 3 of 4 generations now. Because of some politics and bitching, they are at each other's throats. They fighting is also affecting small clans and ordinary people like us.

"Why did they have to rage a war against each other? Tsk, so stupid! " She muttered, because of them she and her sisters were displaced.

"This day is quite sunny isn't it?" An airey voice spoke.

" Yes! Perfect for wheat to grow. " snapping out of her thoughts Yuka quickly answered, she swivels around to see the prettiest woman to ever bless her eyes.

Long, sliver hair that reached above her ankle even when most of it was in a bun, pale eyes that had an alure to them, fair skin without blemishes, bright red coloured lips. She was garbed in equisit kimono, an hagoromo, coloured in white, purple and gold. The pin in her hair alone could set up my family for life! Even though she was smiling, her form exuded power...

Oh heavens! She's a Royal!

Yuka was quick to prostrate on the soil, " Your majesty please forgive this one for she did not know!"

Kaguya was also quick to console her to her feet, " is it quite alright, you are forgiven. No need to bow longer"

Yuka let her get picked up in a daze, wow, this is the first I'm seeing a Royal.

"Um... Your majesty.... "

" Princess is fine" kaguya smiled

" Your Highness... If I'm not being presumptuous, what is your name?" Yuka inwardly smacked her head, she should've paid attention to what her elder sister was saying.

" I am Kaguya Otsutsuki, Princess of the Otsutsuki" I would startle her more if I gave her my full title.

Otsutsuki? She must be a Foreign Princess, but....

"What's a princess like you doin' here?" Realizing what she said sounded disrespectful Yuka panicked, " umm... I mean... "

" I was visiting my smaller provenances and noticed some disturbances in the area, could you shed some light on that?" Kaguya smiled sweatly.

Yuka's mood noticeably dropped at the reminder, " There's a war going on between the Kota Clan and Kamo Clan, Princess "

Oh? A war already?

" I don't know much about why they started it but it's been going on for 2years now. The war has gotten so bad that smaller clans and folks got displaced, some left to wonder while others build settlements like this" Yuka gestured behind her.

" I see..... Do you perhaps have a leader to this place?"

" Leader? Not officially but everyone listens to Uncle Marko! "

"Uncle Marko?" Kaguya slightly tilts her head, a gesture that subconsciously makes the other party speaks more.

" Yeah! Buff guy with green eyes and a beard, he might look intimidating but he's a softy! " Yuka turned to pick up her basket, " oh and– huh? "

" Princess? " Yuka looked around confused, any traces of the Princess was gone and the sun was getting hotter, she frowned " don't tell me the mushrooms got to me? "

Now that she thought about it, why would a foreign Princess be out here?

She frowned again, " the heat must have gotten to me"

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