

[Denali’s POV]

Burning. My lungs are burning, and my body is freezing. I can feel a cold floor beneath me, but it is solid, so why am I wet? Everything is confusing, and I don’t know what’s going on.

Groaning, I begin to pry my eyes open, but the world around me is blurry. Blinking a few times, I manage to get things to become clear, and I can see Rosco lying on the ground. He isn’t moving, and it is clear from my vantage point that something is wrong.

“Rosco,” I rasp, but my voice is barely a whisper. “Rosco, wake up.”

He doesn’t move; he doesn’t even flinch at the sound of my voice, and as I look closer, I can see blood beginning to pool beneath him.

“Rosco,” I repeat, more strongly, but he continues to not move. “Rosco!”

Slowly, I attempt to lift my body, but it is so damn heavy. What’s wrong with me? And where was I?

Everything was a blur before I woke up in this place, but I knew that something serious must have happened.

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