
Chapter 70: Assassin

The battle with him showed me that in the last month, I had made a significant leap in power... but it's also possible that this particular god was simply weaker. 

The red-haired god was faster and stronger physically, but I had no reason to be proud yet. 

Fighting these kinds of enemies almost always ends in a fight because normal magic can't kill them, and alchemy isn't working well right now either. 

It's back to good old ultra-violence.

"Hmm, well, at least I know how to become stronger again..." 

I pulled out the Sinful Key and contemplated whether to undergo the same evolution. 

This could be done without any problems in the Battle Arena, but it might get me in trouble here in the real world. 

 "Hmm, there's another way."

After spending a hundred Chat Points, I went to Shinoa's world and immediately used the Sinful Key to myself. 

The transformation took longer, but I now had twelve wings behind me and a black energy halo above my head. 

I looked like some angel... with golden eyes as if made of molten gold. 

In the Battle Arena, I didn't feel the full extent of the transformation because it was just an illusion of that space, but now... my soul trembled with power.

Overall Power: 7-A+ (A being that surpasses the strength of ordinary mortals, capable of affecting huge mountains or equivalent areas of space)

I feel like I could easily destroy an entire mountain the size of Everest.

In principle, the Universal Gacha showed me that, but that's not the limit. 

I used to have to force my aura and Ki with Bang techniques to get to this level of power, but now it was just normal for me. 

All twelve wings were full of light energy, while the halo contained darker energy. 

An angel is a pure being, perfect, and created by a god, but I'm an imperfect angel, yet I still remain a Seraph of the End with the power of light. 


I thought about the path I had taken as I flew over the eastern coast of the United States. 

It wasn't just luck that favored me, but divine luck in the beginning.

I received two systems, each of which could turn an ordinary person into a being capable of challenging a god in at least a year.

I hadn't even passed half that time yet and had two systems.

"And here I am, reaching near-divine power, but why don't I feel any better?" 

I asked myself as I continued to hover. 

The wings didn't move because they didn't need to, and gravity itself adjusted to my desire and my Will. 

In the DC Universe, there are New Gods from Genesis, and I'm not sure which versions exist in the comics, but I'm more than sure that I'm not strong enough yet. 

I can feel that even Zeus from Olympus would be a bigger threat to me.

All twelve wings gathered energy, and the wings emitted a gentle white light that made the whole space more favorable. 

I used teleportation to get above the ocean where I saw one of the world's unknown islands. 

The island had an area of approximately eight hundred square kilometers.

After that, bright beams of light shot out from the tips of my wings, and a wave of energy that consumed everything moved forward and traced a line across the island. 

Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded like twelve atomic bombs had detonated once. 

The explosion simply split the island in half while destroying a large part of it with a heat wave. 

After spending some time checking on both people and vampires, nothing unexpected happened during the day. 

So, I returned to my previous appearance, but my eyes now had an even more saturated shade of yellow than before.

In my world, there was still plenty of work to be done. 

The grand opening of the arc reactor in Metropolis was slowly approaching. Then the weaker version of the arc reactor could be started in significant locations across the USA. 

In four days, I needed to go to Atlantic City for the opening of LuthorChemical, where various waste materials would be processed, including those hazardous to health and the environment. 

I had already developed everything necessary for this. After all, Stark's knowledge was no joke.

But before that, I needed to visit Gotham from the company's side. 

The building in Gotham would be the future site for developing advanced weaponry and armor by LuthorArm. 

The situation in Gotham calmed down slightly, and many criminals went underground. 

The deaths of two unusual criminals yesterday were shown live on TV, and everyone knew who killed him and wouldn't want to be that person.

Moreover, Penguin had passed on information that Black Mask had absorbed another gang and was now strengthening his position. 

The False Face Society not only strengthened its presence on the streets of Gotham but also actively opposed the Wayne Foundation... and once again, the criminal had a vendetta against them for some reason. 

Of course, there were better times to visit this city, but I wasn't particularly worried about my life for many reasons. 

Shinoa decided to accompany me while Lena stayed in Metropolis with Cortana.

We left for Gotham the following morning after getting into the alchemically created armored car.

On the way, we stopped in one of the cities where Zatanna was currently performing, so I decided to visit her.

"Is this one of your girlfriends?" 

Shinoa asked.

"Yeah, a magical friend." 

I chuckled as we approached the building where her performances were held. 

After knocking on the door to the dressing room, it opened by itself and showed the familiar brunette with blue eyes.

"You're back and decided to visit me right away?" 

Zatanna asked immediately and hugged me, but I didn't object at all.

"We were passing by, and I thought I'd say hi." 

I corrected her. 

"This is Shinoa. She's... a good acquaintance of mine."


Zatanna measured us both with her gaze.

"I'm sixteen, so everything's legal." 

Shinoa replied with a smile.

"Ahem, well, come in. Tony, when can you continue helping me with my training and searching for my father?" 

Zatanna asked while seductively swaying her hips as she walked, and there was a slight tone of annoyance and jealousy in her voice.

"We're going to Gotham on company business, and then I'll be free for a while." 

I explained roughly.

"I'm glad you didn't forget about me. How was your trip? And yes, something seems different about you..." 

Zatanna observed thoughtfully and approached me closely.

"Well... where I went wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, so I had to get my hands a little dirty." 

I replied, not delving into details. 

"Are you doing okay?"

"What happened to me for the past few days?" 

Zatanna smirked.

 "I banished a couple of spirits recently, but nothing new besides that."

"Spirits? We dealt with vampires." 

Shinoa boasted.

"Shinoa and I dealt with vampires and zombies as well as a crowd of cultist fanatics." 

I added pride to her in front of my friend. Well, they were almost the same age... 

"You're not a magician?"

"Nah, I'm more of a warrior." 

Shinoa said while pulling out her scythe that quickly took on its large size.

"Hmm, a magical weapon? It emanates something dark... Well, never mind." 

Zatanna didn't dwell on it. 

"Come on, let me show you my new tricks!" 

Zatanna became impatient and wanted to show me what she had achieved alone.

After watching her new "tricks" and talking a bit, Shinoa and I continued. 

Zatanna would soon be traveling to New York for another concert, so I would visit her soon.

After all, her father's library was very extensive and contained a lot of useful knowledge, and I enjoyed spending time with Zatanna. 

Shinoa wanted to drive the car halfway to Gotham, and I couldn't say no when she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Zatanna seemed very happy showing you her tricks." 

Shinoa said as she continued to drive. 

I used magic to move the pedals up on purpose so she could reach them without any problems.

"She enjoys doing what she does, and I support her. If that's what she wants, why not?" 

I shrugged.

"You understood what I meant. She's clearly into you. Administrator-kun is already starting to gather his harem..." 

Shinoa smirked. 

"You had sex with your sister, but not with me." 

There was a hint of hurt in her voice.

"Shinoa, calm down... you're pretty lewd for your age. Is it your raging hormones?" 

I asked, not expecting to hear an answer.

The usual dark mood and police patrols at every junction greeted us when we got to Gotham. 

We left the car in the parking lot under the LuthorArms building and went in.

"Administrator-kun, can you hire me?"

 Shinoa asked as we rode the elevator to the upper floors of the building.

"You haven't even finished high school yet..."

"Well, I was far ahead of the school program, but I didn't finish it on orders from above." 

Shinoa explained.

"Then you need to go and finish university. That's actually what I was going to suggest to you." 

I said when Shinoa pouted.

"University... sounds boring. But if you'll take me there and pick me up afterward... hehe." 

Shinoa grinned lewdly. 

"And in the car, I'll give you a blowjob... deal?" 

She added suggestively.

A girl who looked Asian and wasn't friendly walked out of the lift as soon as the doors opened. 

"Anthony Luthor, I heard you're good at fighting."

 She said this before attempting to punch me in the face.

"I've heard there are strange fetishes about flirting in China, but I didn't think it was that extreme." 

I remarked while tilting my head to dodge the blow. I then prevented her from kicking me in the stomach by grabbing her leg with my hand.

She reacted swiftly, jumping on one leg and somersaulting backward, pulling her limb out of my grasp.

"Let us at least get out of the elevator... What do you want anyway?"

I asked while stepping out of the elevator. Shinoa followed me and watched her with interest.

"You're clearly not an ordinary person, Anthony Luthor." 

She said this while preparing to fight again.

"I'm a billionaire, genius, philanthropist, and I'm about to kick an Asian girl's butt if you don't explain what the hell is going on." 

I said, moving forward to grab her... and it was very easy for me even without using my superpowers or magic. I was even better than her in martial arts alone.

The twenty-five percent assimilation with Bang who rose to the top of the world with martial arts and could shatter mountains with his bare hands is not to be underestimated.

I simply sent the girl flying using martial arts without using my superpowers. 

Then I beat her skill and delivered a couple of painful blows to her chest and shoulder before flipping her over and sending her flying.

"You're good at fighting, but you're doing it without spark." 

I told her. She herself didn't look too good after those hits. 

"So what do you want?"

"You clearly outmatch me... We'll meet again." 

She said that and threw something under her feet, and the entire room was filled with smoke. 

Then she swiftly ran to the stairs... and behind her flew a very small drone made of nanobots.

"What was that?"

 Shinoa asked while not making any moves, and me too. 

After all, she didn't stand a chance anyway. 

It was even somewhat amusing to fight someone you could crush with a finger if you didn't hold back.

"Lady Shiva, a hired assassin who clearly waited for me here for something. Well, not for murder because she would have attacked differently. It's like she wanted to test me." 

I said this while thinking about what I had observed. 

I had already analyzed her, and she really was Lady Shiva or Sandra Wu-San. 

She's very good at martial arts for an ordinary person, but her metagene isn't fully activated yet. 

She can already be considered one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in the world.

"And is she your friend?"

"I haven't met her before... We need to hire some security, or else people will keep sneaking in." 

I sighed. 

"Let's go talk about your training, pervert."

"Yeah, that's me." 

Shinoa proudly nodded, hugging my arm.

"It would be nice if you could get a real education here. It'll be useful for you too, since you're in a different world now." 

I reminded her. 

It seems that Lady Shiva came to test me, and the League of Assassins, or the Assassins' League is somehow involved in this.



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