
Chapter 73: Partnership

"What do you mean by that?" Cormac asked, his concern growing.


"With everything you've told me and what I've seen for myself," Helen explained, "I'd say they'll only become bolder as time passes, and it'll get harder to control. As the guild master, even I wasn't informed about the chimeras. I discovered it on my own, which means the guild now has some bad apples. It'll be challenging to separate the wolves from the sheep."


"We need to do something about this before it really gets out of hand," Devin said, his frustration clear.


"Yes, we will," Alex agreed, "but we can't do it openly or make an announcement. We don't want to alert the organization we're closing in on, or cause panic among civilians and other adventurers."


"And what did the king say about this?" Cormac asked.


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