
Chapter 94: Firing On All Cylinders!: The Four Aces Alliance Gets Into Our Stride! (Part 2)

"Hello viewers...Keiko here again...and now viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next part of this crossover episode...But first viewers, like always, a recap of the previous chapter, is in order!...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

And here is the recap of the previous chapter in question...

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood, everyone on our side, seemed to be in very good spirits. And what I mean by that, is that we all felt, that we were all currently doing a very good job, in keeping the villains rouges gallery off balance. And, with what had already happened, and what was about to still transpire, would more then prove, that when you work together like we were currently doing, then there was nothing that the villains put in our way, that we weren't going to be able to overcome.

And while we're on the subject of that...

"Alright, enough of this insolence! It is time for you all to die! So prepare yourself Bluebell, because I intend to finish you and your allies off, once and for all!" The all too familiar, and very arrogant sounding voice of Pluie, then suddenly decided to speak up with.

And with a sort of defeated sigh, then suddenly escaping out of Angel Bluebells lips, Pluie then decided to take immediate offense to that.

"Hey Bluebell, am I boring you?!" Pluie arrogantly said, only to be met with a very aggressive response almost immediately. And what I mean when I say that, is. Well...

"Alright, I am now completely sick of hearing you talk in such an arrogant sounding tone Pluie! And speaking of people on our side, currently being completely sick of you...." I suddenly heard Angel Bluebell respond with. To which she then turned her attention, to several individuals on our side.

And, upon giving them all a nod. And with a smirk, now very much present on Angel Bluebells face. They then set about, teaching Pluie, and several of the other villains on their side, a very important lesson about teamwork.

"Saint...Twin...Swords!" The all too familiar sounding voice of Angel Salvia, then suddenly rang out with, as she conjured up her Saint Twin Swords, and then proceeded to charge towards Pluie, with both of them drawn back, and at the ready, to strike.

And as Angel Salvia's Saint Twin Swords, made a metallic crashing sound, as they both slammed against Pluie's sword of darkness. I then realized, that when it came to the rest of the villains rogues gallery, time for the rest of them, was running out. As it was now only a matter of time, before they all wound up losing everything...again.

And this had been immediately followed, by me doing my usual end of chapter fourth wall break.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter now done, we will now head right into the current chapter.

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so getting back to the current situation at hand. And, as it stood, Angel Salvia, was currently locked in a clash of steel and swords, against Pluie. But, as Angel Bluebell had said to me back in the open area, when her and Wedding Peach had returned Misaka back to normal. I knew, that things regarding our unbeatable advantage against the villain rogues gallery, was only going to become more prominent, as time went on.

And sure enough...

Angel Bluebell, simply just wound up turning her attention, back to the three individuals, that she had turned to not too long ago. And upon giving the three of them another nod. The three of them, along with several more, wound up springing into action.

"World...Shaking!" Sailor Uranus said, as she raised her right hand, clenching it into a fist, and conjuring up one of her most powerful attacks. Which she followed up, with slamming her attack into the ground, as it then made its way towards several of the villains on the other side.

"Deep...Submerge!" Sailor Neptune said, as she raised both of her hands upwards, and conjured up one of her most powerful attacks. And after she had done a complete spin, she launched her attack towards several of the villains on the other side.

"Dead...Scream!" Sailor Pluto said, as she used her Garnet Rod, to conjure up one of her most powerful attacks. And, after doing a complete spin, she launched her own attack, towards several of the villains on the other side.

And, as Angel Salvia, wound up seeing the three of their attacks closing in fast, and managed to action roll out of the way with inches to spare. Pluie, Aquelda, Igneous, Potamos, and Petora, weren't able to react to the three separate attacks, until it was already far too late. As all three attacks, wound up slamming into the five of them, and then caused all five of them, to be blown out of existence. Which wound up leaving absolutely nothing left of the five of them, not even ashes.

And upon seeing all of this occur, I just couldn't help, but give off a small sort of smile. Since I knew full well, that Angel Bluebells plan, was now in full swing. And to make matters all the more dire, and severe, for all of the remaining villains on the opposing side. All they could do at this point, was delay the inevitable. As I also knew full well, that we didn't need to show all of our cards in our possession, so to speak, should the villains decide to come crawling back from the dead again.

But, what I did not know, was that Sakura and Zachary, due to their very first encounter with Sailor Pluto several months back. And what Sakura herself had said during that encounter, would wind up all but solidifying, that this time, the villains, would not wind up coming back this time. I mean after all, they didn't call it her invincibility spell for no reason.

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers...before once again bringing my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end, of this part, of the crossover arc of these three fanfics...But fear not viewers...as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...And so viewers...with that thought currently very fresh on all of your minds...I will see all of you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

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