
150, The space between Soul City and Tiandou City is torn apart! [First Update]_1

"Sister, look, what kind of soul beast is this? Its wings are so big and pretty…"

Shui Yue'er looked up at the sky, shaking the arm of Shui Bing'er in amazement.

Tang San turned his head and glanced at them, roughly identifying them as students from the Skywater Academy, and also formidable opponents they would soon encounter in the Soul Master contest.

At this moment, almost everyone in Tiandou City had rushed over to watch this colossal "soul beast" that challenged their understanding.

"You all have arrived! I want to make an announcement. From today onward, I am the lord of Tiandou City!"

Jin E Xiao Douluo stood on Mosila's head, hands akimbo over his chubby waist, shouting with a childlike voice.

"Pah! Who do you think you are to be the lord? This is the Imperial City of Tiandou! Are you, a little brat, trying to be the emperor or something?"

Ma Hongjun also stood with hands akimbo, yelling toward the front.

"Fatty, be careful, don't stick your neck out recklessly."

Tang San suddenly furrowed his brow and warned.

"Don't worry, Third Brother, it's just a little brat. I'll go and have a chat with him!"

A smile appeared on Ma Hongjun's face as he spoke, and suddenly a burst of scorching flames erupted from his body, unfolding wings of crimson behind him.

Watching Ma Hongjun flying up into the air, Tang San's expression grew worried. Of course, he wasn't afraid of the little boy, but rather the giant moth beneath the boy.

Even as a soul beast, he had never encountered one of such enormous size until now...

"Huo Wu, that little guy is too arrogant. Watch me go up there and teach him a lesson!"

Feng XiaoTian purposely came to the Blazing Fire Academy's side, wearing a green uniform, and spoke indignantly in front of Huo Wu.

A giant moth that can be controlled by a child didn't really bring a sense of crisis to the people present.

After all, that moth was so beautiful.

"Are you two the representatives sent by Tiandou City? Hahaha, good, let's discuss when to hold the ceremony for the lord's ascension!"

Jin E Xiao Douluo excitedly spoke from atop Mosila's head.

"To hell with your ceremony, kiddo, go home and drink your milk!"

Ma Hongjun shouted from a higher position.

However, as soon as the words left his mouth, the smile on Jin E Xiao Douluo's face collapsed instantly.

He furrowed his adorable eyebrows and said,

"Ignoring the lord's words comes with a punishment!"

The next moment, a stream of white silk sprayed out from Mosila's mouth. Ma Hongjun couldn't react in time and was enveloped in the white threads and blasted in one direction.


Tang San shouted. Blue Silver Vines rapidly shot out, entwining around Ma Hongjun's body, but he, too, was dragged away by the powerful force.

Fortunately, Dai Mubai appeared in time, releasing his Martial Soul and forcefully embracing Tang San, but the ground still bore a long trench from the drag of the two.

Moments later, the three of them sat on the ground in disarray while a wail followed shortly after from behind them.

It turned out that Feng XiaoTian was fixed to the city wall by the white silk.

"What on earth is that thing…"

Tang San frowned, filled with inner shock.

"It must be because of Lin Yi, Lin Yi of Soul City definitely knows! That giant moth must be a gift he gave to that little guy!"

Ning Rongrong suddenly spoke with a look of conviction.

"Lin Yi again?!"

Tang San's expression turned to one of confusion; he had heard Ning Rongrong mutter this name for several days now!

What's more absurd was that not long ago, Zhu Zhuqing said she had gone to Soul City and even met this young man.

Looking at the pair of vast and obscuring cyan wings fluttering above the city wall, Tang San slowly started to believe in the existence of this person...

But who exactly was Lin Yi, and how could he possess such extraordinary power?


In Soul City.

The Third Offeror hurried over to Thousand Waves' side, anxiously saying, "Boss, we must hurry and bring Second Brother back. If we delay a few more minutes, Tiandou City might become ruins…"

An Ultimate Douluo and a two-hundred-meter moth indeed had such power.

But the combined intelligence of these two, probably didn't even reach 70; they definitely lacked self-control!

"We must go."

"But the distance from here to Tiandou City is so great, it took half an hour just for the scout to deliver the message by flying. By the time we get there, my second brother probably would have turned Tiandou City upside down!"

Emperor Xue Ye listened to the two discussing, his face already as pale as death.

After anxious contemplation, Thousand Waves suddenly turned to Di Tian, approached him respectfully, and bowed:

"Senior, could you use your space powers to transport me and my third brother to Tiandou City?"

Upon hearing this, Di Tian looked troubled, "Although I possess the ability to control space elements, I'm only capable of teleporting. As for space transmission, this advanced method... it would require my lord."

Thousand Waves thereupon turned to Gu Yuena and bowed once more with great seriousness.

"I beseech you, Senior, for assistance."

However, Gu Yuena crossed her arms, her expression displeased as she turned her body away, "I refuse. Why should I help when it would delay my attack? What do your human affairs have to do with me?"


Thousand Waves and the Third Offeror stood rooted to the spot, their hearts filled with an urgent frenzy.

If Tiandou City were to be destroyed at this time, the relationship between Soul Hall and the Tiandou Empire would surely deteriorate rapidly.

What should they do now!

[Do you wish to apply the Evolutionary Immortal Stone to the mastery of space elements?]


[Application complete. Congratulations, host. Your mastery of space elements has been elevated to the ultimate proficiency.]

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi revealed a faint smile.

Although he was an outsider in their affairs, a rift between the Tiandou Empire and Martial Soul Hall at this moment would do him no good whatsoever.

Moreover, he needed to spread his reputation for goodness, not for ill; he could not let that brat Golden Crocodile sully his good name.

At that moment, the Third Offeror silently nudged Thousand Waves.

"Big brother, why not ask Senior Lin Yi for help?"

Thousand Waves looked troubled, "How could I possibly have the face to ask him? That brat Golden Crocodile is using the prize given by Senior Lin Yi for mischief. How could I have the gall to ask Senior for help with this matter!"

Gu Yuena, overhearing Thousand Waves' words, pursed her lips, "It's no use asking him. The Golden Dragon King doesn't possess the mastery of space elements, much less the ability for space transmission, which requires extreme mastery over the elements."

Being able to use ultimate fire was absurd enough; Gu Yuena didn't believe Lin Yi could also have the ultimate control over space.

For space transmission, one had to have reached the pinnacle of mastery over space elements.

But to everyone's surprise, Lin Yi, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.

"Tiandou City, right?"

At his words, Thousand Waves' eyes lit up with excitement. He nodded vigorously, "Yes! Yes!"

The arms Gu Yuena had raised slowly fell to her sides. She looked in Lin Yi's direction, her pretty face gradually filled with astonishment.

Lin Yi, calm-faced, extended his finger forward and drew an arc in mid-air.

A point of silver light blossomed there, like the lighting of a fuse, and a giant silver arc began to expand, creating a huge spatial portal in the air.

Thousand Waves and the others watched the scene before them in shock.

They were actually able to see the sights of Tiandou City from this side of the portal!

There, the scene was already crowded with people, and on the highest building, a giant moth two hundred meters long was flapping its blue wings.

Meanwhile, on this side of Tiandou City, people who had been observing Mosila suddenly sensed something. They turned around and saw a colossal spatial portal that had abruptly appeared in mid-air.

Everyone's expressions gradually turned to surprise.

Holy moly! Has space itself been torn?!

Tang San and his companions, looking through the rear of the massive spatial passage, stared dumbfounded at the view on the other side.

They saw Sect Master Ning, Emperor Xue Ye, Xue Qinghe, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong.

They also saw the symbol of Soul City—the Six-winged Angel Statue.

Beyond that were the beautiful Pope, venerable guest elders, shocked Elders of the Soul Hall, Dai family father and son, and the eldest daughter of the Zhu Family.

And then there was a stunningly beautiful woman with silver hair.

But most unique of all was the calm-faced young man sitting cross-legged on that platform.

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