
1st Inning (1)

Ken was stunned by the ruthless call of the coach just moments after the mistake was made. Sure he thought that the guy was an idiot, but he didn't expect that such a move would get him tossed from the game immediately.

'Is this what college ball is like?' Ken thought, assessing the situation with a frown on his face.

However, he shook his head. This was more than likely Coach Brown asserting his power over the players. Since this was his first year as Head Coach, it was understandable that he would be harsh, at least in the beginning.

The problem was, Ken hated this type of dictatorial coaching method. It was one thing if the coach was harsh on their mistakes, but something else entirely if he was just throwing his weight around for the sake of it.

But he could only remain silent. His playing time hinged on his ability to show off his skills in this game, so no matter how much he didn't agree with it, he needed to hold his tongue.

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