
Chance (2)

But with Latrell now on base, it would be silly not to use it at a time like this.

In an instant, he felt throbbing in his mind as his eyes perceived everything around him. Since he was focused on the pitcher, he saw every twitch of the guy's muscles as he strode forward and whipped his arm out.

From the time the ball left the pitchers fingertips, Ken's gaze was locked onto the ball, analyzing the velocity, the spin as well as the environmental effects.

'Ughhh' Ken felt a piercing pain in his frontal lobe from the information pouring in, almost causing him to lose concentration. It seemed that the increase in mental capacity had caused him to overestimate his ability.

He quickly rescinded his mental capacity before his brain exploded. Thankfully he had already managed to ascertain the trajectory of the pitch.

Ken planted his foot and twisted his body, sending the bat flying into the strike zone.




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