
Chapter 19: Choosing of the Champions

After dinner the group of friends split up. Luna wandered off with Ginny while Fleur followed her schoolmates back to their carriage. Harry waved goodnight to his companions in the other houses and walked up the stairs towards the Gryffindor Common Room. When they hit the seventh floor though Hermione stopped him.

"Harry," she said chewing her bottom lip. "Would you mind coming with me for a bit?"

"Sure, Hermione," Harry said curious. "Nev, we'll catch up in a few minutes." His friend nodded and kept going while Hermione led Harry towards the corridor with their meeting room. "How come you wanted to see the Room, Mione?"

"A few reasons…" she said quietly. Hermione pulled to a stop near the tapestry and asked Harry to stand against the wall while she opened the Room. Pacing nervously in front of the tap dancing trolls, Hermione eventually got the Room's door to materialize. "Okay," she paused hand on the knob and let out a long breath, "come on, Harry."

His brow furrowed at his girlfriend, Harry followed her inside and promptly stopped dead, eyes wide. "What the…" The Room was not the meeting room he was used to. Harry had long since figured out it subtly changed each time they used it but it had always been primarily the council chamber with a few extras. Now…now it was basically as far from a conference room setting as was possible to get. In place of the round table and chairs there was a writing desk against the wall and a bed in the middle of the room. In place of the comfy easy chairs surrounding a small fireplace, there was a beanbag chair and a recliner in the corner. Almost every wall was consumed by bookshelves filled with everything from Jules Verne to romance novels. The ceiling had several different posters including, Harry noticed blushing slightly, one of him and Daphne made from the photo Luna had taken over the summer as they stood in front of the dead basilisk.

"Mione…what the bloody hell…"

She stood near the desk nodding slowly. "Well, that answers that I suppose." Turning to Harry she smiled and gestured for him to sit on the bed and she took a seat next to him. "I started thinking about this Room over the summer, Harry, and I came up with several conclusions. It's obviously not a normal castle room. Even magical locations can't generally alter themselves on the fly like we've seemed to do at times with this place. I got to thinking about how the older members of our contingent all stumbled across it in different…configurations I guess would be the appropriate term: Shiva with her supply cache, Amelia with her bedroom, Susan with her secret meeting area. When you mentioned at the World Cup about the walls suddenly being able to absorb spells when you needed a training area I started to put two and two together."

She shrugged as Harry stared at her in amusement. "I figured that there were two primary explanations. Either the Room existed in several primary setups that could be subtly changed in small ways or it quite literally molded itself to whoever opened the door. Either way, the requirement to walk past it three times envisioning what you want would be how it latched onto the configuration to display."

Harry looked around the small bedroom with an intrigued eye peering more closely at the subtle touches that gave it life and character. "It's the latter isn't it? This is a copy of your bedroom."

Hermione smiled at him and patted his leg approvingly. "Yes, it is. I thought it would be excellent for accomplishing both purposes of this evening. The first was of course testing to see if we could create new schematics for the Room, which obviously was a resounding success."

"Agreed," Harry said turning to Hermione with a grin. "It's very you, Mione. I can't wait to see it in real life. The poster is a cute addition by the way."

She blushed and muttered, "Yes, well it was a good picture and you were both rather dashing in that pose…" Hermione shook herself and continued slower and more confidently, "I would very much like for you to see it when we next return home, Harry. I still need to introduce you to my parents in a better manner than the harried meeting at Diagon a few years ago."

He nodded dutifully. "So, what was the second reason you wanted it to become your bedroom, Mione? Just to show me?"

Hermione started ringing her hands and blushing even more fiercely. "Harry…I um…I'm not sure how to…oh blast it all!" She took a deep breath and looked up at him determination blazing in her eyes. "Harry, I would like to try and progress our relationship a bit."

Harry's mouth dropped open and his mind stuttered. "P-progress our relationship? Err, what exactly do mean there, Mione?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and put a hand on his cheek. "You know what I mean, Harry. We've been dating for nearly a year and haven't done anything more than snog. I know I'm not pretty or beautiful or – "

Harry vehemently shook his head and cut her off. "Mione, you are beautiful. I don't care that your teeth are a bit big and your hair gets a bit fluffy when you don't use that shampoo Lavender recommended. You are beautiful and don't deny it."

She smiled at him. "Thank you, Harry. I'll perhaps admit that you find me attractive at least. Which is horribly sweet of you, by the way." She held up her hand to stop him from arguing. "Regardless of which of us is correct on the subject of my physical qualities, Harry, I am a girl. I will never think I am as pretty as you as a boy would see me. Besides, compared to someone like Daphne I am almost plain. Compared to Fleur with her supernatural beauty and Tonks with her ability to fix anything she finds annoying I might as well be invisible."

"Hermione," Harry said frowning, "you were basically my first friend. Whether or not you are as attractive as other girls doesn't make an ounce of difference to me."

"I know. Well – I know that here," she said tapping her head. "But this is all besides the point. Harry, you are surrounded by women now with only five real male friends and two of them are practically triple our age – even if they are less mature than either of us most of the time. I know it's stupid to feel insecure, but between that fact and that you are not only more or less required to be in a multiple relationship, but that I am actively pushing you towards that…I can't help but feel like I might end up on the sidelines. Stop," she said shaking her head when he opened his mouth. "I know what you're going to say, Harry. And I understand and agree with it. I just can't help but feel this though. I am smart. That's my primary asset. I…want to feel like I am a woman also though. I want to know that you find me attractive. Not to just understand it intellectually. And I've known ever since we started this that I'd likely be the one to take the lead considering your childhood…I…" she wrung her hands again and finished softly, "we don't have to go very far. But I would really like to at least maybe…as the Americans would say, get to second base?"

"Err," Harry fumbled. He wasn't quite up to speed on American slang. "Um, okay. But I'm not entirely sure what that means, Mione…"

Her head jerked up to meet his eyes and suddenly she started laughing. Her laughter set Harry off and they fell back onto the bed chortling hysterically. After a minute or so Hermione's laughter quieted and she pushed herself up so that she was hovering over Harry with a smile on her face, both of their expressions far more relaxed than a few minutes ago. "Let me put it in terms that you might understand better, boyfriend of mine. I would be delighted if you would touch my quaffles."

Harry peered at her for a moment before his eyes widened and he snorted again. "Wow. That has got to be one of the lamest Quidditch puns I've ever heard, Mione. Though…oh god Dean and Seamus have used that before!" He laughed again and she smiled with him shaking her head good naturedly.

"I assumed they would have. I don't think there's a good Quidditch reference for third base but we'll approach that when the time comes. I would assume you'd understand if I said catching my snitch though yes," she asked eyebrows raised.

Harry's face turned red though he nodded hurriedly. "Not really ready for that, Mione."

"Neither am I, love. Neither am I," she said leaning down to lightly kiss him not noticing how he had stiffened slightly at her appellation. "Though I admit to being selfish and wanted to be your first when we are ready for that." She pulled away from his lips and peered down in confusion. "Harry?"

"You love me?" he asked softly. His arms came up and wrapped around her waist.

Hermione's mouth dropped open as she realized what she had just said and the implications it would have for Harry. Blushing she nodded. "Yes, Harry. I do love you. I have for a while now."

"That's…" he paused and leaned up to brush a kiss against her lips. "That's the first time someone has said they love me."

Hermione blinked rapidly. "Surely Shiva would've said that at some point?"

"No," Harry shook his head with a rueful grin. "She's actually been pretty careful not to say it. It came up a few months ago and she said that she didn't feel right telling me that yet. She felt like if she told me that she loved me, it'd be like she was taking my mum's place or something. And she's been doing everything she can to avoid replacing my mum – even if I don't remember her at all beyond one or two hazy scenes. Shiva uses other terms of endearment; like when she calls me 'kid', I know what she really means. Both of us agreed this is better for the moment."

"Oh," Hermione said softly. "I hadn't realized."

"I love you too, Hermione Granger," Harry said his voice quiet but powerful in its emotion.

Hermione smiled and leaned down to claim her boyfriend's lips with her own. The snog was deep and long. When they finally came up for air, she smirked at him. "Sooo…about my quaffles…"

Harry looked in her eyes and paused for a long moment. "You're really sure, you're okay with this?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and lightly patted his cheek. "Harry, I'd be willing to bet my house that I am the more adventurous one in this relationship and that I am going to be ready for things long before you are. So to bluntly answer your question: yes. Now, do want me to take off my shirt or not?" She smirked at him as she sat up and lightly rested one hand on her stomach so that her t-shirt rode up ever so slightly.

Harry groaned. "You don't play remotely fair when it comes to me you know that?" Hermione just nodded sagely. "Yes, Mione, I would very much enjoy you taking your shirt off."

Hermione's smirk widening into a full on grin, she reached down with both hands and grabbed the trailing edge of her shirt. Hesitating for only a moment, she lifted it over her head in one smooth motion leaving her upper body clad in just a scarlet bra. Her face was slightly red but most of the awkwardness seemed to have been thankfully bled off earlier. Carefully, Hermione reached behind her with one arm and popped the clasp to her bra letting it fall to the bed beside her.

Harry tried not to stare. He really did. He failed. His Mione was perfect and her breasts even more so. They were about average size and so perky he idly wondered why she even needed the bra. Her nipples were small but clearly visible against her white flesh.

"Harry," Hermione said with a playful tone, "you need to breathe, love."

Harry heard what she said but it didn't really process for another moment. When it did, he took a reflexive gasp and finally managed to tear his gaze away from her chest. Looking up to Hermione's face he grinned sheepishly and said, "Mione, I don't care what you or anyone says. You, are beautiful."

She gave him an adoring smirk and crawled across the bed so that she was straddling him. Leaning down to his ear she whispered, "Prove it."

Harry walked into the boys' dormitory that evening with a smile plastered over his face that he doubted even Voldemort would have been able to knock off. As he moved over to his bed, his current mood did not go entirely unnoticed. Neville cocked his head at his friend and raised his eyebrows. "Harry, you're in a horribly good mood tonight."

"Yup," Harry said succinctly.

"Anything you want to share?" Neville asked laughing.

"Nope." Harry smiled at him. "A gentleman never kisses and tells."

Neville fell back onto his bed holding his sides as his laughing increased. He wiped his eyes after a bit and still chortling softly he saluted Harry. "Way to go, mate. I was wondering just how long she'd wait before kicking your arse and moving things along."

"Hey! Who said Hermione was the one to push?" Harry asked feigning holding his hand over his chest as if struck in the heart.

"Oh, please, Harry. We all know that you're never going to be the one to take the first move. Oh wait, it still counts as the first week back. Yes!" he pumped a hand into the air as Harry looked at him inquiringly. "I got to see Tracey in the morning. You just won me five galleons, Harry!"

Umbridge paced around the Goblet of Fire close to midnight and fought the urge to giggle. It had been so easy. All she'd done was write the horrible little half-blood's name onto a slip of parchment and tossed it into the Goblet. There weren't even any protections against her simple subterfuge! The stupid thing had accepted her entry without a single hiccup or burp. Such a foolish old man. Why anyone could just submit any name to the artifact! A quick compulsion charm on the thing so that it would choose her paper and that was that!

Losing her inner battle, Umbridge let out her giggle and took one final look around before starting to walk away. She hummed to herself and envisioned the brat's death at the hands of the monstrosity she had acquired for the First Task. That would teach the boy to disrespect his betters!

Barty Crouch Jr. resisted the urge to slap his forehead. That pink toad was a representative of the Ministry? Things had certainly changed since he had been imprisoned. Just because Barty hated his late father didn't mean he thought the man had been incompetent. On the contrary in fact. Bartemius Sr. had been exceedingly good and ruthless at his job. If Umbridge was the cream of the current crop…well even the pathetic fool Wormtail would've had a good shot at taking over!

A compulsion charm? On an inanimate object? How had she passed her OWLs let alone her NEWTs? And just simply writing Potter's name down herself and submitting it? By Merlin, if he decided to be smart and not compete she'd lose her magic since the paper was tied to her and not the boy! Barty was strongly tempted to go and finish the fool off. It wasn't even worth subverting people like that. All they did was pollute the gene pool.

Shaking his head in pity for her poor mother, Barty used his new magical eye to take a quick look around. He was still getting used to the horribly awkward double vision, but was quickly growing to love the thing. It had taken some time to figure out the X-Ray functionality, but now that he had…well walls certainly weren't the only thing rendered see-through. Barty was greatly looking forward to his upper level classes. If the Frenchies joined in all the better! Even if they didn't, there were always mealtimes to ogle. That was all he was getting with Babbling anyway. There was an attractive woman indeed – you could bounce a galleon off that arse! Barty couldn't imagine how Moody had managed to avoid using the functionality. The veritaserum questioning had proven the man was above such things though even the potion had been unable to force the retiree to explain why. Well Barty had been in prison and then under the imperius for…a long time. He certainly didn't have such hang-ups. The Death Eater did have some standards though; he'd restrict himself to just the sixth and seventh years.

Happily convinced that he was definitely alone in the Entrance Hall, Barty moved forward and dropped his parchment into the Goblet. This one had been torn off of one of Potter's old assignments so that the name was written in the boy's own hand. The school had been filled in above the name by Barty but that wouldn't be enough to tie the magic to him. Only to identify the appropriate category.

He chuckled again at how ridiculous this task had become. A hydra and a manticore? He hadn't even been able to find out the final monster these fools would face. No, Barty wouldn't be assisting Potter through this. There wasn't any point. If the Ministry was going to go all out on this gladiator game he'd simply sit back and enjoy the fireworks. His master would surely be satisfied with the boy's spectacular death.

Finishing a short spell to add a fourth school's name to the Goblet's enchantments, Barty turned away smiling. He almost felt bad for Potter.

Dumbledore listened to the report from the portrait of Icarus the Winged. Icarus had a penchant for heights and his portrait was stashed away in the loftiest reaches of the Entrance Hall. It made for the perfect vantage point for spying on the coming and going of students. Tonight in particular it made watching over the plots of others laughably easy.

Umbridge's foolish scheme hadn't a prayer of succeeding and when she'd left secure in her own superiority, Dumbledore had groaned thinking he'd have to go and take matters into his own hands. Then Alastor Moody – hehem – Crouch Jr. had stepped up to the plate. The young man had been good, Dumbledore could give him that. He'd managed to fool most and his performance might even take in Amelia in passing. But Alastor had been his friend for several decades. He had long ago established safeguards to ensure that people would be able to identify if someone was impersonating him. When Alastor had made Dumbledore memorize three different phrases that would be included in his initial address after some time apart he'd thought the man horrifically paranoid. Now that said precaution had proven correct…well he'd buy the old man a bottle of firewhiskey when the year was over and Crouch had been taken care of.

A simple check of the Castle wards had shown the list of personnel on the grounds and revealed Barty's ploy. It wasn't a bad plan all things considered. Dumbledore had initially tipped his hat at the man for coming up with it. Now Barty had proven worth Dumbledore's blind eye by taking care of the little problem without Dumbledore ever having to dirty his own hands.

Just because Harry needed to die, it didn't mean he had to personally participate in the killing. After all, that was what trials were for, were they not? To test one's self and…if one was found unworthy…to punish.

Considering the evening for a moment, Dumbledore was only too happy that Umbridge was even more foolish than he had assumed. Merlin forbid, if she had actually managed to be even an iota more competent he might have had to worry about Harry's name coming up twice! Or three times if Icarus hadn't told him about Barty's attempt as well! Shuddering at the thought of that potential disaster, Dumbledore popped a lemon drop into his mouth and started preparing to head to bed.

By the time lunch rolled around the next day, Harry had gotten over his annoyance that his friends were betting on his love life. That had probably been largely helped by the Weasley twins quietly confiding that the main pot had already been taken by McGonagall last year when Hermione and he had officially become a couple. Harry had barely been able to look at the Scot all during the morning classes after learning that little tidbit.

He ended up in a rather interesting discussion with Fred and George during lunch while the rest listened in. "I can't believe you missed our beards, Harry!" George groaned. "They were so impressively long and everything!"

Fred nodded sagely and started stroking the air under his chin where his beard had previously been. "Aye, truly epic, mate!"

"Well they weren't intentional so I don't see why you're bragging about them," Harry said lifting an eyebrow at them. "Did you seriously think that a simple aging potion would get you over that line?"

"It seemed like a simple enough thing to try," Fred said with a shrug.

Harry nearly choked on his drink he started laughing so hard. Fleur turned to Hermione and asked, "Is zis normal? Does 'arry regularly have issues eating? Zis is the second time he 'as nearly died at ze table in less zen a day." Her mouth quirked up at the end of the statement trying to hide her grin.

Hermione just rolled her eyes. "You get used to the random bouts of madness. It's a hazard of the Comm Stones," the brunette gave her friend an evil little grin. "Just wait until you get your own. Then you'll be the one interrupted by random insane comments you simply won't be able to stop from laughing at."

Fleur shuddered theatrically. Luna gave a dreamy smile and reached over to pat her hand. "Don't worry, Fleur. Our whispers are far more entertaining than Blibbering Humdingers. They can be quite rude sometimes. We will simply harp on the amazing virtues of classmates and staff." She paused and tapped a finger against her chin. "Though I may inquire every so often if you've come across a crumple-horned snorkack."

Harry got his laughs quieted and smiled at Luna. "One day you'll find them, Luna." Turning back to Fred and George he lifted an eyebrow. "So you two wanted a simple solution to get your names in the Goblet and you went with an aging potion?"

Fred shrugged. "Granted it's not our best idea ever."

George continued with a solemn nod, "We're convinced Dumbledore is having this selection so early in the year because he wants to ensure that we can't figure out ways to cheat the precaution."

"Downright conniving of the Headmaster, that is," Fred agreed sagely. "Why it's a right Slytherin move. No offense ladies." He nodded to Daphne and Tracey who simply raised their eyebrows in response and acknowledged the point.

"You guys realize the age line is only two meters back from the Goblet right?" Harry asked.

The twins nodded. "Yeah, of course. What's your point, Harry? Got a rune we could use to get across or extend our arms or something?" George asked.

Harry looked between all his friends. Susan, Hannah, Neville, Luna, Tracey, Daphne, Fleur, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny all looked back with confused expressions. Ron was trying and failing to look like he wasn't listening in but the neglected food on his plate was evidence against him. Katie, Angelina and Alicia all had their eyebrows raised as well. "Really? None of you have a clue what I'm getting at? Katie, you at least should understand, you're a half-blood."

"What does that have to…do with…" Katie began before trailing off and slamming her head into the table. "God. Harry, you don't seriously think that would work?"

He grinned. "I'm sure Fred and George will let us know in a few minutes if it does or doesn't."

"Harry. Mate. Buddy. Pal. Partner," Fred said with respect practically dripping from his voice. "Please help a fellow prankster out."

"You guys ever heard of basketball?" Harry asked innocently. Hermione made a squeak beside him and Dean groaned. Ron's eyes narrowed and the rest just looked confused. Except for Luna. Luna fell off the bench holding her sides, laughing so hard she could barely breathe.

"Um," George asked holding up his hand, "what's basketball?"

Harry took up a napkin, crumpled it into a ball and tossed it at George's face, hitting him between the eyes. "Imagine that was the Goblet." At the stunned expressions of his companions Harry took another napkin and folded it into a small triangle. He held that in his palm and used his other hand to flick it toward the Slytherin table. The little paper flew across the room and struck Malfoy in the back of his head. Harry had already turned back to look at the others who were even more dumbfounded than before. "And that is from Muggle American Football. Bit different than regular footy but still entertaining to watch."

"Who hit me?!" Malfoy screamed from the other side of the room. Harry completely ignored him.

Fred and George looked at each other blinking owlishly. As one they reached into their backpacks and tore out pieces of parchment. Hurriedly writing on their respective sheets and folding them up they turned to Harry and bowed. "Excuse us for a moment." A little ways away, Ron balled up his own slip of paper and hurriedly followed his brothers into the Entrance Hall.

"No way is it that easy…" Tracey muttered staring after them.

Hermione sighed and shook her head staring into her plate. "Wizarding culture seems immune to logic to a scary extent. I have apparently been infected by whatever infliction they have. It certainly wouldn't surprise me at all to see…oh yes; it worked."

Three beaming red-heads returned to sit at the table. Fred and George bowed again to Harry. "Our liege. You are truly worthy of your greatness!"

"No problem, guys," Harry chuckled. "Good luck. If you get chosen you better put forward a good show. I know you're smart enough to do well."

Daphne shook her head. She muttered just quiet enough for Hermione and Tracey to hear, "Merlin! Thank god I yelled at him yesterday before he had the chance to think about it."

Luna picked herself up and sat back down smiling from ear to ear. "Harry, Tracey? Would either of you mind if I entered my name?" Matching expressions of horror blossomed across nearly every face within earshot. She let it ride for almost a minute of complete silence before devolving into more side splitting cackles. "Don't worry, I wouldn't want to upset Fate by throwing that large of a wrench into her plans!"

Dinner rolled around fraught with tension. Everyone from three different schools were waiting with bated breath for Dumbledore to end the meal and just get on with the Champion selection. Harry was sitting with just Neville, Hermione and Luna as the others had all decided this was important enough to stick with their separate Houses. His stomach was clenched and he had barely eaten anything. Whether he was hoping his name did still come out of the Goblet or if he was hoping it wouldn't…even Harry couldn't say. All he knew was that he felt like he was going to be sick and he just wanted this night to end so he could get on with his life one way or another. Hermione beside him was almost as nervous. She had his hand clenched so tight under the table he could barely feel his fingers.

"Attention please. Attention please," Dumbledore called officiously as he stood up with arms outstretched. Immediate silence fell upon the crowd. Smiling Dumbledore waved his wand and the Goblet of Fire floated into place on its stand directly in front of him. "The Champion selection should begin momentarily. Headmistress Maxime, Headmaster Karkaroff and I all wish to extend our best wishes to all who entered and assure you that whether or not you are chosen as your school's Champion, you are all worthy of respect."

The Goblet's fire blazed higher and shifted from orange to blue. "Ah it seems the Goblet is ready to deliver the name of our first Champion." Dumbledore moved forward and caught a small folded piece of paper as the flames dropped back down into the cup. "The Champion from Durmstrang is…Victor Krum!"

The Hall broke into applause as Krum nodded his determination and stepped forward. A very small smile on his face was the only expression he let out. The rest of Durmstrang was not so reserved though and they hollered and stamped their feet. The Hogwarts and Beauxbatons congratulations was almost as loud. Ron's voice rang out over a good portion of the noise, "Wooohoooo! Go Krum! Go Krum!"

Krum was waved towards a side door near the back of the Hall and Dumbledore waved for the crowd to quiet down. The Goblet started flaring up again and when Dumbledore pulled his hand back he was clutching another slip of parchment. "The Champion for Beauxbatons is…Fleur Delacour!"

The applause from the Beauxbatons was not nearly as enthusiastic as Krum had received though the students from Hogwarts and Durmstrang were obviously pleased with the Veela girl's selection. Fleur smiled widely as she walked to the door Krum had entered. Harry wasn't sure if he imagined it or not but he thought she held her head a bit higher after Hermione had shouted, "Way to go, Fleur!"

Again the applause slowed and again the Goblet flared. "The Champion for Hogwarts is…Fred Weasley!" Dumbledore started clapping with the rest of the school for a moment before he blanched and looked at the note in his hand again. He grimaced and cast several spells on the parchment as Fred was bowing and glad-handing practically half the school during his way towards the back room. While the applause from the other two schools was similar to the earlier Champions, Hogwarts seemed almost evenly split between cheers and laughter.

Finally laying aside the piece of parchment with Fred's name on it Dumbledore raised his hands for quiet. "Yes, yes, thank you one and all for your support." There were many murmurs amongst the Hogwarts students though the staff reaction to Fred's selection was varied. Flitwick apparently had won a bit of gold as he was happily counting galleons handed over from Sprout, Vector and Shiva. Harry smirked as he saw McGonagall shift, holding one hand to her face, her other hand surreptitiously slid over and deposit something on top of Flitwick's pile.

"Now, we will – " Dumbledore cut off as the Goblet flared again. Harry groaned and squeezed Hermione's hand. Daphne was right. He had never had to bother with considering entering on his own.

Dumbledore drew the paper back from the Goblet as the flames died completely. "Harry Potter." All sounds in the Hall died. "Harry Potter!" Harry sighed and stood up. Hermione's eyes had widened and she tried to tug him back down into his seat shaking her head.

"I'll be back in a bit, Mione," Harry said softly leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Gather everyone up into the Room's Council configuration." He stepped back from her and pulled his hand out of her grip and headed towards the back room. The students flooding the Great Hall all seemed to continue holding their breath. Harry glanced towards the staff table and saw that McGonagall and Flitwick were both leaning back in their seats with a resigned expression. Bagman on the other hand was looking ecstatic, Moody was completely unsurprised, Snape had an even darker sneer than usual and…Shiva wasn't there.

Harry's insides churned as he got closer to the Trophy Room the Champions had gathered in. He hadn't had a chance to talk to Shiva about the conversation between Daphne and himself the other day. Would she think that he had entered himself into the Tournament? Would she care if he had? Would she take him telling Fred how to enter as proof that he had done it too? Would she call him a liar when he said he hadn't? Would she kick him out? Would he have to go back to the Dursleys after everything? Would Daphne's word be enough to convince her? Would Daphne decide he'd gone and been an idiot despite his promise? Would she leave him too? Would Hermione believe him? Would – Harry's rapidly stumbling mind came to a grinding halt as he pushed open the door to the Trophy Room and found himself pressed up against Shiva's shoulder.

Harry breathed out a shaky sigh and his guardian pushed him back. Her eyes were angry but whether it was at him or otherwise he couldn't tell. "I'm only going to ask once and I will accept whatever you say as the truth, Harry." She said softly. Her voice still seemed to carry through the entire room. Fred, Fleur and Krum looked on with confused gazes. "Did you enter yourself?"

Harry shook his head. "No. Daphne talked me out of it the night we heard about the Tournament. I considered it but…"

Shiva pulled him back into her. "Okay, kid. Okay. We can deal with this."

" 'arry?" Fleur asked. "What iz going on? Do zey want us back out zere?"

Next to her Fred sighed. "No. Harry's luck is just acting up again I imagine."

The door to the Trophy Room banged open and Dumbledore came in like a storm of fury. He started to reach for Harry but when he saw the teenager still next to Shiva the old man's arm dropped and his gaze narrowed. Behind Dumbledore, Snape, Moody and the other Headmasters walked in.

"Did you enter your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" Dumbledore said. His voice practically seemed to rumble with anger and power.

Harry scowled. "No, Headmaster. I did not enter my name."

"He is obviously lying," Snape said glaring at Harry. Harry and Shiva glared right back at the Potions Master. Maxime and Karkaroff nodded along with Snape. Fleur looked between Harry and the others.

"You are to compete 'arry?" she whispered. "But zere are already three contestants."

"Exactly!" Maxime said striding forward. Her bulk took up a large section of the corner of the room. She came close enough to Harry that Shiva raised her wand slightly at the larger woman. "Ze leetle boy is not only a liar, 'e is a cheat!"

"Don't you dare call Harry a cheater!" Shiva shouted back at Maxime. "If he says he didn't enter, then he didn't enter!"

"This is outrageous! How dare Hogwarts have two Champions! I will not stand for it!" Karkaroff shouted. "The boy will not be involved and if he is then Durmstrang will withdraw!"

"No ve vill not!" Krum said scowling. He strode forward. "My magic is tied to the Goblet and the Tournament now. I have no intention of vithdrawing and losing my magic because somevon smart found a vork-around of the enchantments. He is obviously skilled. Let him compete and show his skill."

"I didn't enter my name," Harry hissed through his ground teeth. He turned to Krum and growled out in a slightly less frustrated voice, "But thank you for the support." Krum nodded at Harry but didn't seem quite convinced.

Harry turned to look at Fleur as the Professors resumed shouting at each other. His friend was frowning and talking to Fred who just kept shaking his head gesturing towards Harry. "Fleur?" Harry said softly. She appeared to hear him despite the ongoing arguments and turned to look at him. She gave a soft smile and a nod. Tapping her ear, she mouthed "Later" and went back to talking to Fred. Harry sighed and felt Shiva pull him against her tighter.

Turning his attention back to the debate he heard Umbridge say in her sickeningly sweet voice, "Well the boy has made his bed. Now he must lie in it. Regardless of anyone's feelings he is a participant and he will compete. Or we could simply bar him and he'd lose his magic. Either way would be a suitable punishment for a cheater I suppose." She gave a little giggle that set Harry's hairs on end. When had the woman even entered? For that matter when had Bagman entered?

Shiva snarled. "Oh really? And how do we know that you didn't enter him? You certainly seem to be taking every opportunity to degrade Harry and our guests."

Umbridge's smile made Harry want to hurl. "I am a representative of the Minister himself little girl. I realize that may be a bit too complicated for you to understand."

"Oh so ze Minister is in the 'abit of insulting his allies zen?" Maxime growled. "Be quiet pink toad or you will see yourself squashed."

"How dare you!"

"QUIET!" Dumbledore roared. The room fell silent. "The magic of the Goblet is absolute. Harry must compete or he will lose his magic. There is to be no more debate."

"Actually I have a question about that," Harry said raising his hand. All eyes turned on him. "Can I see that piece of parchment, Headmaster?" With a frown Dumbledore handed the slip of paper to him. "Well this is my handwriting."

"He admits it!" Snape crooned.

"As I was saying," Harry snarled, "this is my handwriting with my name. But the school above it isn't mine. I've never even heard of…'Salem Exchange'. And it looks like this thing is torn on the bottom. Look, you can even see a bit of the next line down…I think this was from an essay for History of Magic. Nothing else I wrote would have 'goblins' on it."

Shiva sighed. "The 'Salem Exchange' school closed about five years ago. Guess we know how your name came out now."

Moody grunted. "Aye, someone was smart about it." Unnoticed to everyone present, Umbridge preened – apparently forgetting that she had not used Harry's essay nor had she written a new school. "The guilty party obviously entered him under a fourth school with him as the only participant."

"It doesn't matter how he cheated to get in," Karkaroff said. "What is important is that Hogwarts now has two Champions and Durmstrang and Beauxbatons only have one!"

"So just select two more of your own students," Shiva said glaring at the man. "Goddess knows, it's not that complicated of a solution!"

"What?!" Karkaroff yelled.

"Why are you even here, Babbling?" Snape shouted.

"As Harry's legal guardian I have far more right to be in here than you do Snape! At least Moody has the excuse of being a retired Auror. What's yours? Headmaster's pet?" Shiva yelled back.

"Why you!" Snape grabbed for his wand but Dumbledore pushed his arm down and stepped between the two Professors.

Harry stepped forward pushing Shiva behind him and tried to shift the argument away from an out and out fight. "Madam Umbridge, the Ministry has declared that only legal adults can participate in this Tournament this year correct?"

"Absolutely, child," Umbridge said with a little giggle on the end.

"I am not a child, Madam Umbridge," Harry said. Behind him, he felt Shiva stiffen. "And I am being forced to compete in this yes?"

"You have no other choice," her smile widened.

Harry nodded slowly. "Okay then." He turned to Karkaroff and Maxime. "You're right, it's not fair that Hogwarts has two Champions. So if we can't turn the Goblet's fire back on why not canvas your students to see if anyone wants to be a second contestant for your school to even things out? If you want the same restrictions on them as are on the four of us then just have them sign a magical contract or something."

Fleur stepped forward. "Zat is not such a bad idea. It would remove much potential controversy."

Krum also nodded. "I agree vith this proposal. It sounds fair."

Fred held up his arm. "I also like it. We could rename the Tournament into the Hexwizard Tournament too!" Harry grimaced at that contribution.

Maxime and Karkaroff turned to each other and considered. Before either could say anything though Dumbledore spoke up. "I do not think that would be keeping with the spirit of the Tournament unfortunately. I have to vote against it."

Maxime sighed but nodded. "As distasteful as I find it, I agree. Risking one of my students is already bad enough. I am in no 'urry to risk a zecond simply to balance ze scales. Fleur can win all on her own."

Fleur's eyebrows rose and she glanced at Harry before nodding at her Headmistress.

Umbridge gave a little giggle. "The Ministry will not accept such a drastic change at this stage."

Karkaroff scowled. "Well I would have agreed to it but it appears I'm overruled. Victor will be more than enough to crush your contestants."

Krum snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, well if we're all done fighting with each other?" Bagman said stepping forward with a happy smile. The man's expression was so out of place that Harry almost started laughing. "Now the First Task is meant to test your courage and ability to think under fire. It will be on October 31st. Quite appropriate hold a frightening task on Halloween don't you think?" Bagman chuckled and whatever good mood Harry had managed to acquire from his minor victories just plummeted straight through to China. He might as well just jump off the Astronomy Tower now because it would be quicker and less painful than whatever was going to happen on Halloween. "We won't give you any hints to this except that you should be prepared for a fight! Good luck to everyone and – "

"Wait," Shiva said holding up her hand. "What are the restrictions?"

"I'm sorry?" Bagman asked confused.

"The restrictions. What can't they bring into the area? What level of spells are they allowed? Who can help them? What are the bloody rules you imbecile!?"

Bagman frowned for a minute then chuckled again. "Oh yes, I did seem to forget that part didn't I. Crouch was supposed to be the one explaining all this you, but with Miss Umbridge's late replacement – "

"Madam. It's Madam Umbridge. Or Senior Undersecretary Umbridge," The Umbitch giggled.

"Yes, of course, with Madam Umbridge's late replacement I'm not fully up to speed on specifics like that. Hmm let's see, rules, rules, what were they…oh right!" Bagman snapped his fingers and nodded. "The Champions can't receive any assistance from members of the staff of their own schools. They are allowed to bring in a single spell casting aide at the start of each Task as well as any items of clothing they prefer. They cannot use Muggle items. They are allowed to use any spell, rune or ritual they deem appropriate. Barring the use of Unforgivables of course. Lethal force is frowned upon, but not illegal. I think that covers most of it."

Shiva nodded and remained quiet. After glancing around the room and seeing no one else about to comment, Bagman smiled and clapped his hands together. "Well then, good luck to our Champions! I'll see you all next week for the Weighing of the Wands!"

The assembled students and teachers started to file out of the room. Fleur attempted to speak with Harry but was quickly steered outside by Madam Maxime. Krum just nodded to his competitors as he followed Karkaroff out. Dumbledore gave a small shake of his head and left with a scowling Snape following completely ignoring both Harry and Shiva. Moody went with them and Umbridge and Bagman left quickly as well. It was soon down to just Fred, Harry and Shiva.

"So," Fred said with an air of forced joviality. "Looks like the Potter luck has struck again eh, mate?"

Harry sighed and nodded. "Yeah. You know it's funny, I almost did enter intentionally. How hilarious would it have been if my name had come out twice huh?"

Fred snorted. "Yeah that would've been a great prank. I'm surprised no one bothered to yell at me for being underage."

Shiva groaned. "Yeah, I'm sure McGonagall will grill you later, Fred. To be honest, most of us expected either you or your brother to figure out a way to get in so we weren't really surprised. At least you'll be 17 before the school year is out. And you were an official Champion so the Goblet deemed you worthy. The worst we can really do is yell at you for being an idiot and then praise you for being smart and getting around the restriction."

"You know, Professor, Harry is the one who showed me and a lot of the other Gryffs how to enter…" Fred said frowning. Shiva's eyebrows rose and she turned to Harry.

"Oh come on! It's not complicated. All I did was fold some paper and show them how to toss it so they could lob it into the Goblet. It's not like I invented the wheel, Shiva!"

Her jaw dropped and she just stared between the two of them. "No bloody way…He didn't even bother to put up a kinetic ward or a repelling charm around the thing?" Two shaking heads answered her. "Oh for crying out loud. It's like he wanted people to try and enter…Congratulations Fred. You earned your spot. I look forward to seeing how you do. Unfortunately I can't help you since I teach here. However I don't teach at the Salem Exchange and were you to sit in on some training sessions I have with Harry…well I can't very well bar you from watching him now can I?"

"I might have to sit in on some of those, Professor," Fred said nodding. "Harry, you want to head into the Tower together?"

"Yeah. But I need to meet up with my friends first. See how many I still have after this…" he muttered. "If you come with, I can show you the Room I'll probably use for a lot of the training. Oh, Shiva, Hermione worked out a lot more of what the Council Room can do. It's pretty neat and a lot more versatile than we thought."

Shiva nodded while Fred bowed for them to show the way. Squaring his shoulders, Harry walked out of the Trophy Room and heading up to face his friends.

Harry walked into the Room with Shiva and Fred following behind him. He winced as he saw a divide down the center of the room. Hermione and Daphne were on one side while Susan, Neville, Hannah and Tracey were on the other. Luna was sitting next to Hermione happily playing with her hair but still obviously in the middle of the two separate groups. Tracey was glaring at Daphne while Daphne and Hermione were busy comparing notes and crossing things out on separate sheets of parchment.

"Err, hey guys," Harry said raising his hand in a slight wave. He received huffs of "finally" from Hermione and Daphne, a happy smile from Luna and grunts from the others.

"Wow, tense in here," Fred said shaking his head and walking forward. "So which side is the 'Harry's Luck Sucks But He's Not An Idiot Like Fred' side?" Snorts of amusement greeted him as Luna gestured grandly towards Hermione and Daphne. "Cool," Fred smiled and plopped down beside Daphne. "So, Nev, you leading the 'Seriously, Harry Why You Would Go Be As Stupid As Fred' side?"

Neville groaned but nodded. "Apparently."

"You guys really don't believe I entered myself do you?" Harry asked quietly. He moved to sit across from everyone in the center of the table. Shiva took a seat beside him.

"We're…reserving judgment until we had a chance to talk with you, Harry," Neville said carefully. "We've been friends for over three years. None of us are about to throw away our friendship with you over this, but we do want to know what happened tonight."

Harry turned to look at Hermione, Luna and Daphne. Daphne sighed and looked up from her paper. "I already told you two days ago, Harry. I'm not abandoning you and I'm not about to berate you for being dragged into yet another horrible situation for pissing off some elder deity by having the audacity to be born."

Hermione sighed. "And I am certainly not about to let you deal with this with just Daphne. You people say I'm scary. If I'm not around to tone you both down, she's going to have you practicing the blood boiling curse by the end of the month." She shook her head and smiled at Harry. "And no, Harry, I certainly don't think you would enter this on your own. I am sure you would have had good reason to, but I seriously doubt you would have wanted to annoy us all quite so much by not mentioning such a thing to us beforehand."

Luna spoke up. "I don't particularly care either way," she shrugged. "You are my friend and I will of course support you no matter what. You helped me when no one else cared and I will always do the same for you." She cocked her head and her gaze grew a bit sharper with her tone slightly less vapid. "However I also know how badly you desire to be free of the chains binding you, Harry Potter. If you did enter the Tournament of your own choosing I have no problem with that. What would make me somewhat perturbed was if you had done so without telling me prior." She smiled, her dreamy look back and the cold edge gone. "Much as Hermione said, I don't really think that you would do that though. You are far too noble to not tell at least one of your friends before you go and do something foolish."

Neville sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Look, Harry, I know you didn't do squat with the Goblet last night but you had some chances earlier today. And yeah the four of us," he gestured to Susan, Hannah and Tracey, "agree with Luna and Hermione that you would have a good reason to get into it. You're using it to get emancipated with the legal loophole the Ministry left right?" Harry nodded.

Shiva looked at him in surprise before laughing. "Wow, kid, I hadn't even considered that before Umbridge started going on about it in the Trophy Room. You realized that loophole before?" Harry smiled slightly and ran a hand through his hair nodding again.

Daphne snorted. "You know, I'm not sure I really expressed just how impressed with that I was the other day. It really is rather Slytherin of you, Harry." Tracey sighed and nodded her agreement from the other end of the table. "It is extraordinarily cunning to use their own rule against them like this without seemingly any of them realizing it. I think you're really a Gryfferin."

Harry laughed and several others joined in. Fred turned to Daphne questioningly, "A Gryfferin?"

She shrugged, "A Slytherin hiding in Gryffindor. Or a Gryffindor with Slytherin tendencies. More or less the same thing I suppose."

"Ah. Yup, our Harrykins is totally a Gryfferin," Fred agreed happily flashing a thumbs up.

"I'll agree that I'm a Gryfferin if you agree that you are a Slythindor," Harry groaned. At the questioning looks he expounded, "A Slytherin with Gryffindor tendencies. What true, full Slytherin would willingly run into the Chamber of Secrets to fight a basilisk with no backup beyond me?"

Daphne worked her mouth for a minute before the rest of the room agreed, Harry was right she was certainly a Slythindor.

"Harry," Neville said drawing the attention back to him again. "Can you tell us what happened?"

Harry sighed but nodded to his friend. "When Dumbledore announced it at the Welcoming Feast I thought about entering so I could get out from under his thumb. Daphne talked me out of it." He blushed as he continued, "She made very good points and was not shy about expressing them." Daphne nodded her agreement but steadfastly refused to look up from her sheet of parchment. "I didn't enter my name into the Goblet. I can't say I'm really all that surprised that I did get entered or even that I'm entirely disappointed by it, because I can still use it now to get complete control of my own life." He shrugged. "However I can tell you that I did not put my name into that thing myself."

Daphne slid one of her papers over to him. "If you want, that's the magical vow. I had Hermione look it over too. It's horribly specific but it's always smarter to be as specific as possible with vows to ensure you don't accidentally force yourself into anything because you missed a word or something."

Shiva took the paper from Harry's hands and smiled at the younger girl. "Thanks, Daphne, but it's not necessary. We have some proof that Harry didn't enter. The parchment with his name on it is in his handwriting but it looks to have been pilfered from an old essay and the school name isn't in his hand."

Neville, Susan, Hannah and Tracey all let out a loud relieved sigh and slumped back. Tracey saluted him. "Well, that's good to know. I'd hate to have to call you an idiotic Gryffindor when you've been doing so well with being sneaky and conniving lately."

"Thanks, Trace," Harry said shaking his head in amusement. "I think."

Susan rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Harry. It's nice to know you didn't enter yourself. We still would've stood by you if you did. But," she shrugged, "I probably would've been annoyed with you for a while. From what I've heard this thing is a glorified blood sport if you're not extremely well prepared and at least somewhat lucky."

Hannah nodded. "Yeah, I agree. Fred, by the way, you're a bloody idiot! Harry you get a pass for coming to your senses. Always listen to the girl. We're pretty much always right. Fred, did you even bother to ask Alicia if she was okay with you doing this?"

Surprising everyone, Fred nodded. "Of course. George and I love to prank anyone and everyone but we're not idiots. I'm not about to lose my girl just because I wanted to prove I'm more than just a prankster."

Hannah's mouth slammed shut with a clack. Hermione looked at Fred in a new light. "Wow. A Weasley twin wanting to be more than a prank master…I'm proud of you Fred. I may even convince Harry to introduce you to Padfoot and Moony now."

Fred had been leaning his chair back on two legs with his feet up on the table. At Hermione's mention of two of the creators of the Marauder's Map he completely lost his balance and crashed to the floor. "What the bloody hell?!"

As the group of Gryffindors trumped into the Common Room with Fred and Harry at the forefront they arrived to thunderous applause and proffered butterbeers. With wide eyes, Harry even saw McGonagall sitting in an armchair with a butterbeer in hand.

"Professor?!" Fred exclaimed. Harry vividly nodded along with the man.

"Ah, I was beginning to think you two had tried to run for the hills," McGonagall said levering herself out of the seat. "First off, Harry, I've seen enough since you've arrived to recognize your misfortune when it occurs. As I'm sure Professor Babbling has already figured out, with you entered under a different school I would be more than happy to provide any assistance you require. Professor Flitwick has also extended his services. And I believe he mentioned something about 'perhaps now Potter will regret not taking me up on those dueling lessons'. He seemed quite smug about it too so perhaps you should prepare a rejoinder before class with him." Harry just stared as McGonagall cracked a large smile. Half the room's mouths dropped at that.

"Secondly, Mr. Weasley," McGonagall turned to Fred and sighed heavily. Everyone seemed to hold their breath. "Fred, you better bloody well put forth a good showing. I know you can do it. Make the same effort as you use in your pranks and you should have few issues. Make Gryffindor proud both of you!"

She walked past the goggling students towards the portrait hole. Just before opening the way though she turned to Harry and gave one final note, "I imagine you'll be leaving the castle tomorrow to…obtain necessary items. Do try to ensure that Professor Babbling gets you back before curfew, Harry. Good evening everyone. Try not to stay up too late."

Tonks was about to go to sleep for the evening when she was interrupted by an insistent tapping on her window. Trying to ignore it Tonks groaned and rolled over. Her bruises from the stupid doxies were aching and all she wanted was to sleep. The work in clearing Number 12 Grimmauld Place had gone a lot faster once Remus had started to help them. Unfortunately she was still doing a lot of it on her own between Sirius' tentative dates with Bonesy and his appointments with the Mind Healer that Remus escorted him to. This Battle Maid job was getting old fast. It was interesting sure but she wanted to raise Walburga and Orion Black from the grave just to kill them again. How many Dark artifacts did one family need? Even the Malfoys probably had less than these people!

The tapping came again. Snarling Tonks sat up. "Fine! I'm coming you stupid bird!" Shuffling towards the window, Tonks glared at the offending messenger. The beautiful snowy owl fluttered inside and perched on the bedpost. Tonks groaned again and shook her head. "Sorry, Hedwig. It's been a long day. Forgive me?" The owl twisted her head and hooted imperiously. "How about for an owl treat?" Hedwig turned to regard her before twisting away again. "I am not making you bacon at 11 p.m. I have some bologna left over from lunch though. Is that an acceptable compromise?" Hedwig looked at Tonks again and gave a quick head bob and hoot. Tonks smirked and got her sandwich bringing it back to the owl. As she gobbled up the proffered treat, Tonks laughed. "You are one spoiled bird, Hedwig." Hedwig hooted agreement and lifted her leg to deliver her letter.

Tonks unwrapped it seeing Harry's distinctive scrawl and smiled to herself.


So before I start this letter, let me first say: please don't crumple it up and burn it until the end. Read everything before losing your temper Battle Maid.

Tonks blinked. That certainly didn't bode very well.

Okay, so I don't know how much you've heard or if Sirius knew beforehand or not. The Triwizard Tournament is starting up this year. Great fun right? A Tournament that apparently has a 68% death rate including hostages and spectators.

She'd heard talk about the Crouch having pushed for the Tournament to bring morale back up after the Sirius death hunt but had figured it would've died when he was forced out of office. This really didn't bode well.

I considered trying to enter it for a bit.

She seriously considered Flooing to the school and slapping some sense into him. He'd listen to her. Probably. Or she could find Hermione and get the brunette to slap some sense into him.

But Daphne browbeat me into thinking straight. So that's not happening anymore.

Tonks breathed a sigh of relief. Then she reread that line and laughed. Yeah Greengrass would be her second choice after Hermione. Shiva would've freaked out too much.

I figured this next part would probably be better in a letter rather than Comming you. The selection was tonight. Durmstrang has Victor Krum as its Champion. Cool huh? The Beauxbatons Champion is Fleur Delacour. The same Fleur I told you about from the World Cup. Small world.

Tonks nodded agreement. That was a bit unexpected. It would be nice though that he and Hermione got to hang out with Fleur a bit in a non-deadly setting. Well…as non-deadly as preparing for a Triwizard Tournament could be. A traitorous part of her mind seethed at the French Veela for being there while she was stuck in a house trying its best to kill her.

And from Hogwarts…it gets a bit tricky. Dumbledore just put up a stupid Age Line around the Goblet of Fire. It wasn't even that far from the Goblet. I showed a few of the Gryffindors how they could make those little paper football things (American football not footy) and flick them towards the Goblet. So…yeah, Fred Weasley got chosen because of that.

Tonks burst out laughing. Oh, Harry. Poor guy probably just earned himself a servant for life after that. Good for Fred. He was resourceful enough to do fine during the events.

And everyone thought it was over, but well you know me and my luck. The Goblet flared up again and wouldn't you know it, my name came out. Don't light the letter on fire, Nymphadora. Either keep reading or Comm me.

Tonks snarled and had to set the parchment down before she tore it into little pieces. She let out a yell and slammed her fist into the wall of her bedroom. "Merlin's balls! Bloody freaking fucking son of a goddamn it! Screw you old man!" Tonks' hair kept shifting from fire engine red to her natural brown and her face nearly purpled. She shook out her hand and cast a quick healing spell to reset the bone using the pain to focus a bit. "Comm on, contact – " she bit off the last word and took a few deep breaths. Not yet. She'd wait until she finished his letter first. She didn't consider for a second that Harry had circled back around and entered himself into the Tournament. He had said he hadn't, so he hadn't. This was Dumbledore's fault. She didn't know how, but it was Dumbledore's fault. She'd strangle the old man with his own beard the next time she got her hands on him.

Still reading? Wow. Okay, I'm a little surprised but thanks for not freaking out too bad.

"No dice, squirt. Just too mad to call," she muttered.

Alright so Shiva helped defend me to the three Headmasters, Snape, Moody, Bagman and Umbridge.

"Umbridge! That bloody toady bitch is there?!" Tonks was sorely tempted to hit the wall again.

You probably know, but Umbridge is horrible. I've barely spoken to her for ten minutes and I already hate her. Luna's dubbed her 'The Umbitch'. Apparently it's an honorary title for despicable human-toad hybrids in the Quibbler.

That got a snort of amusement out of Tonks.

I'm pretty sure she's trying to kill me. If she was actually intelligent I'd probably be a bit worried. If her display of brains during that meeting though was any indication…well honestly I'm more worried that there is a second person trying to kill me who's doing a much better job of it. My current bet is Moody but that's mostly because he's the Defense teacher this year and 2 out 3 murder attempts isn't a good record so far.

Tonks frowned. Moody had trained her. He was weird and somewhat creepy sure. And if you got on the wrong side of his paranoia you'd probably wind up with a lengthy stay in St. Mungos and a phobia of something or other. But he shouldn't have anything against Harry…

So, yeah, Shiva defended me, I'm using this opportunity to get something I've been searching for for years…if that's too vague you can Comm me later. Fleur seemed to accept that I didn't enter myself, I don't think Krum cared either way but he wasn't against me taking part. Fred's just happy to have a friend to practice with. I talked with the others afterwards. Hermione and Daphne were immediately on my side. Luna was also on my side but would've been quite angry if I had entered myself without telling her.

Tonks nodded again. Made sense. Those three were basically his right hands. Neville was close behind but he didn't seem quite as tight as the three girls. And Harry was obviously going to claim emancipation somehow which could only be a good thing.

Neville, Tracey, Susan and Hannah were annoyed. I get the feeling that they were willing to listen but that they were ready to believe I had entered myself. You know, I honestly don't blame them. Especially since I almost did. And they were all present when I had told Fred and the others how to enter their names. So while it's frustrating I can't blame them for being suspicious.

"Too bloody noble," Tonks said shaking her head. Hedwig hooted her agreement.

We managed to convince them that I hadn't entered myself. Going back to the Common Room was…interesting. McGonagall of all people was there drinking butterbeers with the Gryffs!

Tonks dropped the paper in shock. She hurriedly scrambled to pick it back up and keep reading.

I know, crazy right! And she wasn't angry at all! She was actually more or less commiserating with me for my awful luck and offered to train me if I asked. Flitwick has also made the same offer! She didn't even yell at Fred! She all but patted him on the back and praised him for getting in! I don't know what the hell we did to make her loosen up but I love the old Scot!

Tonks would toast to that. "Congrats, Squirt. You have done the impossible yet again…well either you or Fred. Tossup there."

And so we get down to the entire point of this letter. Well, the second point of this letter. Yes, I wanted you to find out before it's in the papers but I also would like to ask a favor. Well I suppose more of job opportunity. I know you're still sorting out your feelings and things (and I am too I guess) so I sure as bloody hell don't want things to get awkward. But…I could really use a bit of help. Shiva, McGonagall, and Flitwick all have classes to teach. Fleur and Fred are both fellow Champions so I can't do everything with them. Daphne and Hermione are developing a crazy schedule with some pretty advanced things but they still have classes too. I…you were the youngest Auror in decades and you were trained by a legend…I would really appreciate it if you'd be willing to help me train…I have an idea on how to get my utility belt into the Tasks but…well if it doesn't work I really need to get better with my spells…please help?

"Yeah, screw that." Tonks shook her head and turned to Hedwig. "Is he serious?" Hedwig gave a hoot that sounded suspiciously like the owl version of a laugh. "Yeah, he really is an idiot huh, girl? Comm on, contact, Harry."

"Tonks? How far did you get?" Harry asked sounding wary.

"Eh, almost to the end, squirt. I need a new nickname for you by the way. Did you seriously believe I wouldn't come help you train, Harry?" she asked sitting down on the bed and petting Hedwig.

"Well…I don't know, Tonks. It's been…a very long day."

"Yeah I get that," she sighed. "Harry, are you going to be at Gringotts most of the day tomorrow?"

"Oh you figured that part out. Good. Yeah, probably. McGonagall gave Shiva and me carte blanche to head over whenever."

"Seriously starting to love that woman…" Tonks muttered. "Okay. In that case I'll take the day to get some things together, give Sirius and Remus the heads up and be to over to help first thing Monday. I'll see if I can swing some quarters in the castle under a Private Tutor thing. If not, I'll just bunk in Hogsmeade or something."

There was a long pause. "Are you sure, Tonks? You really don't have to do this…"

"Harry," she sighed. "I'm sure that Hermione has already stated several times that she's not going to let you get your arse kicked here. Well that goes double for me. I have a ton of experience that pretty much none of the others do. I…care about you, Harry. A lot. And I'm not letting you get hurt because I can't get over myself."

Another long pause. "I care about you too, Tonks. Thanks."

"You're welcome, Harry. Now get some sleep. I'll see you in a day or two. Disconnect."

Hedwig hooted and bumped her hand. "Yeah I know. I'll take care of your human." Hedwig hooted again. "Fine you stupid bird, I'll let him take care of me too." The owl preened. "Eventually." An indignant hoot followed and Hedwig pecked her fingers eliciting a laugh from Tonks. The owl leaned over and picked up the letter again. Tonks took it back and finished up the ending.

If you're willing to help, I really do appreciate it, but the last thing I want to do is push you into anything that would be weird or uncomfortable. You mean a lot to me, Tonks. So either way, thanks. I'll talk to you soon.

Your friend,


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