
Extra Chapter 7

The author sat at his desk, fingers tapping away on the keyboard, deep into editing the latest chapter for the next day's upload. The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of his monitor illuminating his focused expression. All was calm, until—


The door burst open, nearly flying off its hinges.

Author: Muttering under his breath "Let me guess... Deadpool? Again?"

Deadpool: Leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, grinning "How did you know?"

Author: Not looking up from his screen "You're the only one who constantly interferes with my work."

Deadpool: Sauntering over, hands behind his head "Oh, come on. I know deep down you love having me around."

Author: Deadpan, not missing a beat "Nope. Yada yada, screw you."

Deadpool: Dramatically clutching his chest "Ouch! That hurts, man!"

Author: Glancing at him for the first time "Good."

Deadpool, ever the actor, threw himself onto the couch in the corner of the room, pretending to be mortally wounded. He writhed in exaggerated pain, moaning dramatically.

Deadpool: Groaning "I gave you the best years of my life! And this is the thanks I get? Cold rejection? You're heartless, author. Absolutely heartless!"

The author rolled his eyes, trying to stay focused, but the constant whining from the couch was becoming impossible to ignore.

Author: Sighing "What do you want, Wade?"

Deadpool: Popping up immediately, grinning again "I'm glad you asked! I was thinking..." He paused for effect, wiggling his eyebrows. "...what if we did a buddy cop novel? You know, me and you, solving crimes, being bros, fighting evil side by side."

Author: Rubbing his temples "No."

Deadpool: Not discouraged in the least "Or! How about a romance novel? Picture it: the witty, charming Deadpool, swept up in a whirlwind romance with—"

Author: Cutting him off "Still no."

Deadpool: Pouting "You never let me have any fun."

Author: Sarcastically "Yeah, because your idea of fun usually involves breaking the fourth wall, mass destruction, and me somehow ending up in an even worse mood."

Deadpool: Grinning wider "Exactly! And yet... you're still not writing that musical number I asked for."

Author: Groaning "Not this again..."

Deadpool: Leaning in closer "You can't resist forever. One day, I'll get my musical moment. Jazz hands, top hats, the whole shebang."

The author turned his chair to face Deadpool directly, narrowing his eyes.

Author: "If you ever manage to get me to write you a musical number, it'll be the day pigs fly and you stop breaking my stuff."

Deadpool: Eyes twinkling mischievously "Challenge accepted."

Author's Note: "Sorry, everyone. Today's chapter took longer than expected because a certain someone keeps interrupting my work. Hopefully, I'll be back on schedule soon... unless Deadpool finds another way to mess things up."

Deadpool (from off-screen): "Oh, you know I will!"

Author: "I'm starting to regret my career choices."

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