

" She lacks discipline, '' Guard Esme sneered. " It would be good to take her back to Rockwell and train her.

" Lower your voice when you are talking to Tatian "Jasper's voice boomed.

" You are not her father Jasper. Drop the pretense" General Adora's face remained passive as she spoke out loud.

" No. He is not my father " Tatain drawled and her meaning was so clear that Luna suppressed a chuckle and the Commander's reactions said it all.

" What the fuck is going on? " Guard Esme muttered as his eyes darted from Jasper to Tatian.

" What did I miss? " Angelina walked in and when she spotted General Adora she snickered and then walked over and lowered herself slowly on the chair. " Well, well, what made you drag yourself from your godforsaken town to Elisera?"

" It's good to see you, Angelina, the years have been kind to you " General Adora responded.

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