
Chapter 86- Can you Teach me?

'I'd like to see whether there is some busted OP ability like the ones Kushina and Karin have.' Renjiro thought.

Renjiro took the book and did not hesitate to open it. As he opened it, Renjiro finally saw five abilities with their descriptions aptly noted down. His eyes quickly scanned the words written in the book.

'Only five, I thought they would be more. But then again, five seems like a weirdly average number.'

The first ability was Chakra Absorption. This ability would allow one to gain the ability to absorb and transfer chakra from others, effectively draining their energy to replenish their own reserves or disrupt their jutsu.

'Looks good, but I feel weird about it. The only useful way I can see myself using it is by absorbing someone's chakra until they die. Cruel, but effective since I would gain their chakra in return. This would probably not work against people stronger than me, like the jinchurikis and the sort, but having tailed beast chakra can help me create other kekkei genkais. Maybe I can even have power-ups like Ginkaku and Kinkaku, though their bloodline helped them.'

The second ability listed was Emotional Sensing. This ability would allow one to develop the ability to sense the emotions of others through the fluctuations in their chakra. This heightened empathy allows him to understand the feelings of those around him and respond accordingly.

'No. Just no. This seems like an ability sage mode would give me, so I'd rather wait. That reminds me, I need to start looking for a summon, that would fast-track my plans of learning Senjutsu.

Also, heightening my empathy can have devasting consequences in the future. I am a shinobi who is a tool, a means to an end, more empathy would be counter-productive.'

The next ability was Medical Intuition. This ability would give the user an innate understanding of chakra and its effects on the body. It could develop into a keen intuition for diagnosing and treating ailments, enabling him to sense what is wrong with another person's health without the need for medical ninjutsu or medical equipment.

'They had an ability tailor-made for Medical ninjutsu? I am not shocked, but this is pretty unexpected. Yes, I was planning on learning Medical Ninjutsu, but that was so that I could only tend to myself, not to others. Yes, I am that selfish, deal with it. 

Having this ability wouldn't help as I already have improved regeneration. I haven't tested its limits, but I am sure when combined with basic medical ninjutsu, it would work well. At least, I hope it will.'

The next ability was Chakra Soothing. This ability would help one learn how to use their chakra to calm and pacify hostile entities or individuals, including summoned beasts. This soothing chakra can diffuse tense situations and establish a sense of tranquillity in the user's surroundings.

'Damn. This is a good one. It seems so trivial, but if someone as creative gets their hands on this, they could either be the saviour of the shinobi world or the end who destroys it. It is one of those abilities that Authors would give their Main Characters.'

'It seems like it works just like Kotoamatsukami, but I am not sure whether the target would know if they are being manipulated. If they do, then that would be a massive flaw.'

'That said, Shisui's variant was more... what's the word? Subtle. Ao only knew that Danzo was manipulating Mifune because of his byakugan, but this ability would require one to use their chakra to achieve a similar goal. Even if I get it, I would not be able to use it in front of many Konoha clans and even some sensory shinobi.'

The final ability was Chakra Shielding. It would allow one to create a protective barrier of chakra around themselves, shielding against physical and elemental attacks with ease.

'If I didn't have any chance of getting the Susanoo, then I would probably get it. They say defence is the best offence, or is it the other way around? All in all, I am pretty much pissed that most, if not all, of the abilities here, have major flaws or don't fit my style.'

Closing the book, Renjiro stood up and returned the book back to its owner who in turn asked, "Are done going through them?"

Renjiro nodded his head as he let out a loud sigh. Kushina caught on to the cue, "You didn't like any of them?"

"Yes, they were not what I expected. But I guess I was wrong to have higher expectations from the very start."

"Haha..." Kushina laughed boisterously.

"What's funny?"

"Renjiro, there are no bad abilities or jutsus, only bad users. If you, with your Sharingan, cannot see the diamonds in this rough list, then maybe you are a ba- unfortunate user." Kushina said with a laugh.

"Says the one who had the list for years, but couldn't get another Chakra Seinou," Renjiro retorted with a chuckle.



"Anyway, I am interested in your adamantine chains,"

"What about it?"

"How do you manifest them?" Renjiro asked. He clearly wanted a demonstration.

'I vaguely remember her using them during the Magatama process and even saw them binding Kurama. I just want to see how she manifests them and judge whether they can be used in combat.' 

"It's easy," Kushina said as she took a breath and focused. The chains materialized from her torso with a faint shimmer, their links gleaming like polished metal. Each link looked meticulously crafted. 

As they extend outward, the chains seem to pulsate with power, vibrating with the raw chakra coursing through them.

With a flick of her wrist, Kushina sent the chains whirling through the air, their movements fluid and precise. 

They spiralled around her in a mesmerizing dance, weaving intricate patterns before lashing out with astonishing speed and precision.

'She has good control over them. I am now sure even without being a jinchuriki, Kushina would be a kage level shinobi if she lived longer.' Renjiro could not help but gawk at the sight

As they moved, the chains emitted a faint humming sound, resonating with the force of Kushina's chakra. After the display, Kushina, with a final flourish, retracted the chains back into her body, their shimmering forms dissipating into wisps of energy. 

"Satisfied?" Kushina asked.

"Can you only manifest them from your torso?"

"No, I haven't mastered it yet. I have only focused on its fuinjutsu aspect of making barriers and stuff, but If I do, I would be able to manifest them from anywhere in the body."

'She hasn't mastered it, yet she was able to bind the Kurama with it? What will happen if this ability is mastered to its full potential? She'll basically be Kimimaro on steroids!'

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"Do you think I was the first person in the clan to awaken this ability?" Kushina asked.

'It was pretty obvious she wasn't considering they shared ways of awakening other Seinous.'

Kushina saw the look on Renjior's face and said, "I did awaken it naturally, but I did prepare my body for it."

"Can you teach me how to awaken it?"

"Renjiro, I have already said this before, if you decide to take the risk then I will teach you."

"Thank you, sensei," Renjiro said. This was so good that he decided to indulge Kushina in her charades.

As Renjiro got up and prepared to leave, a thought flashed in his mind. He knew he had to go and prepare for his other duties, but the question was so one that he had thought ever since Kushina enlightened him about Chakra Seinou.

"Before I leave, I still have one more question," He began, "You have talked of Chakra Seinou like it was some sort of coming-of-age ceremony, So, how was the Uzumaki Clan defeated when they had shinobi with such abilities?"


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