
424: My claim

"The fox saved Sui's life, but it was also according to the will of Goddess Serenity. She is a kind-hearted soul who would save her child no matter what. Can't you feel her benevolence in her small act of kindness?"

The Grand Priest asked as he smiled happily.

He seemed to have taken this small act by the fox deity as a sigh of Goddess Serenity's grace.

But Yunjin knew better. The princess had seen everything, and her power told her that the goddess this priest worshipped so much was nothing more than a demon posing as a goddess.

She had fooled everyone once and gained power. And now she was trying to regain what she had lost.

"Princess, please slow down. I cannot keep up with you…what is this room?"

Sasha entered the shrine where the Grand Priest was trying to revive the goddess, and she gasped out aloud.

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