
chapter two

"At least there should be water inside here" I opened it and saw different type of juice and then I saw a red liquid that was shinning and it was tasty" I opened it and drank it in one gulp and then started coughing violently, "Ahh, blood, is that blood I just drank?" I looked around for a sink and tried to throw up but nothing came out, I shivered and had goosebumps all over my skin, the taste was metallic and hard and I coughed, I removed my clothes immediately and entered the shower and washed my body entirely and tried to get rid of any blood, I saw some shampoo and used them all, then when I was done I wore the bathrobe and came out, I couldn't put on the clothes I wore before so I opened the wardrobe I saw, "Clearly there's a difference between Nigeria and Korean" I said as I scanned the outfits I saw, it was all male clothing, "I hope the owner doesn't mind sha, hope Koreans aren't as unrealistic in reality as they are in their movies" I took out a pair of black shorts, and white bogus shirt with the drawing of army, but the shoes were oversized so I just took a pair of slippers even though it was oversized, I released my hair because it was heavy on my neck, then I came outside and bumped into Jhope, "Uh... you changed" "Yeah, I love the clothes, it's comfortable, is it yours? I'm sorry it's just that there was nothing to wear and I figured this was the most unique" jhope just continued staring and smiling, "it's alright, uh.. dinner is ready I just came to see if you drowned in the tub" "Ha, nice try, I'm not that stupid" I followed him to the place that was called dinning, " I guess when Jennifer was about to write this was the house she was thinking up"

it's beautiful and sophisticated I thought,

when we arrived, everyone raised their head up and opened their eyes wide, " what are you wearing??" Taehyung was the one who spoke up, "Well of you must know, this are clothes of course " "But do you have any idea whose is that?" "Sure it's Jhope " no one said anything and Suga made a space for me to sit and eat, "Thank you suga " "Your hair is nice" he said and bowed in a Korean way as a way of saying thank you" Jennifer came in after I just picked my spoon up, she was wearing a pair of black trousers that clung to her body, revealing the size of her hips and ass and a blue baggy shirt like mine, with a pair of sneakers, " My clothes?" Jimin said,  "Sorry there wasn't anything in the room for me so I made do with this" "It's okay, it suits you even, I don't mind, come take a seat here" he said, "No, come with me" Jungkook said, Jennifer smiled and said, "I'll stay with Jimin tonight, maybe some other time Jungkook" Jungkook them shook his head vigourously like a kid and I laughed, "I hope you aren't taken in by his charms?" Taehyung Said, "It's possible, I mean she totally looks smitten by him" jhope said and they all smiled, " I told you already, you guys aren't fine, if anyone is fine here, it should be Jimin, Jungkook, jhope and RM, then suga and Jin and then you, you're the last " She pointed at him, I looked at V as I picked up a pair of chopsticks, "But that's not what the internet say so you must be blind " " yes I'm blind so unblind me, maybe I'll see you as handsome " "Really??" RM said this time" I looked at them then sighed, "Okay, maybe you guys are all handsome, yes including you Taehyung I mean your army definitely says so, cus if there were the ones here, they definitely would have already jump and tear your bones off in admirations, even wanting to have your babies, but although I'm an army, I'm not that crazy of a fan, I like you all but I have preferences which I won't mention so don't ask" "What about you uh.." Taehyung said and looked at Jennifer, " Jennifer" Jimin said, " no comments" she said and they all grunted, "At least tell us what armies think about us" Jin said, "Why don't you ask them, I'm sure they'll be Soo happy, I'm speaking on their behalf" jennifer said, "Really?" RM asked and she nodded, I took my chopsticks and picked out food and eat, "You know for a black, you guys sure know how to use chopsticks" Suga said only to my hearing, "Well practice makes perfect " "What the hell are you doing in my clothes?!!!" I looked up and saw lee Joon Gi staring at me horribly, "Your clothes?" "Wow! that's a first" Hwang inyeop said happily, "First person to wear his clothes and its a girl, this is huge " Ahn hyoseop smiled, lee dong wook came in drinking soda, "wow, I am smelling trouble" he teased, "Oh so the room with the blood was yours??" I asked non chalantly, "Don't tell me you touched the blood?" " well I'm sorry for the cloth but I was thirsty and I didn't even know it was blood until I drank it all" "You drank blood??" RM laughed, "Please don't remind me" I said, " anyways I'm sorry" "Guess we have another vampire in the house " Jin said and relaxed back, "This won't do, take off my clothes " Joon Gi said immediately, "Take what off, I ain't taking it off!" "I said take it off!!" "And I said no!!" "Don't make me come there and take it off myself!!" I dropped the chopsticks on the table hard, "Okay you want me to take it off fine, I will, but don't forget I'm not wearing anything else so I'm taking it off oo" "no,no,no" all of them screamed in Korean language, "He said to take it off!" I almost removed it off raising up till it exposed my tummy, "No don't !!" he shouted and I smirked, "Don't take it off" he said again, "But you said-" I tried to say when he cut me off, "You can wear it, but just today" I sat down back and noticed that that all of them had turned red and I laughed inwardly, this boys were much more shy than I imagined, I looked at jennifer who gave me a thumbs up, "I guess most of the things in their movies are still true" I thought,

Jin stood up after a while and said, "I'm going swimming " he left, "Come join me later girls" then he left with a wicked grin,

"Don't mind him, he's actually leading you to a trap" Jimin said to us smiling, "He loves to do that, he's a mermen" suga said to me, "Wow, no wonder he has the guts to swim up this cold mountain "

" you girl will have to serve us from now on, whatever we want you get for us, and you won't leave this mountain ever" RM said seriously this time, I wanted to say something but Jennifer said first, " it's okay, how hard can it be, I accept, in exchange, you get to treat us with respect " "Sure" they agreed, " and also no narssistic comments too, ask your armies if you want I'm sure they are dying to talk to you right now, ahh I wished they were the ones here" I said and Jennifer laughed while Taehyung rolled his eyes, "This is the first time I have seen girls that aren't dying about our handsomeness, you're really surprising " lee dong wook said sitting up and looking at us with piercing gazes, "Eyes down Fox boy, we are as clear as open book" "I'll be the judges of that" jhope said , "Be my guest" jennifer responded.

After dinner, I took a walk around with my hands in the pocket, when I stumbled on the swimming pool, I moved closer and squat down when someone raised his head from the water, jin, he had mesmerizing blue eyes as a siren, exactly what Jennifer wrote was true, " you look handsome fish boy" I gave him thumbs up, "But I thought you were saying just now that we weren't handsome "Aii, I'm just kidding, it's because I wanted to get on Taehyung's nerve, that's all, you, you're pretty" he smiled, "Yes you're really pretty, I can see why fans scream your name all the time, world wide handsome!"

Jennifer said as she sat down beside the pool, "Jennie wanna swim?" she shook her head, "Nah, I'll drown, oh i love your tail, it's shiny in the water, that's my favourite colour too" Jin splashed her water with the tail and laughed as she glared at him, then he suddenly asked something, "Are you really not scared of us?" she scoffed and laughed, " I have seen scarier things in Nigeria, trust me This is a tip of the iceberg, no this is heaven even" Jin laughed a deep throaty laugh, "Maybe you should tell me all about Nigeria, I'm interested now about it" "Maybe later, I'm really sleepy" Jennifer stretched and yawned, "Me too" I stood up and stretched, "Nice talking to you" I said and left with Jennifer, "Goodnight girls" Jin waved, "Jennifer what next, it doesn't seem like what happened will reverse back?" "I don't know but in the mean time try not to be suspicious okay, I'm really tired and I need to sleep, running those woods gave me a scare but not enough, I'll just sleep and wake up to whatever life throws us" she turned to the room she came out from and entered, I moved to the  room I came out from but I stopped at the door fearful at first, "Don't tell me you want to sleep with me?" Lee Joon Gi came behind me, " And what if I want to??" I looked in his eyes as it turned red and black, " I'll drink your blood in the night, I wonder how black people's blood taste like " he licked his lips, "Dream on" Ahn hyoseop came out from his room and I rushed to him, "Oppa!" I called him, and he was startled, "what did you call me?" he asked looking down at me from his height, "Oppa, I need somewhere to sleep and Lee Joon Gi said he'll kill me In the night, please help me" he looked at Lee Joo Gi , I swinged his arm, "Oppa, come on, you're an angel, help me, please!!" I said the please in Korean, and he sighed, "Okay but only for tonight" "Yess!" I jubilated triumphantly, and stuck out my toungue at lee joon Gi, "And what if I dont want you to go??" he said suddenly and the hairs in my neck stood up, " impossible, you detest me, like you said, oppa let's go" I opened the door to his room and he entered and I stuck my toungue at Lee Joo Gi.

Ahn hyoseop room was heavenly just like his personality, there was sweet smell and feathers everywhere and a nice cooling scent too, but he only had one bed, he brought out a mattress and a pillow, " sorry I only have a bed and I would have shared with you but I dont know how you'll react" I smiled, "You're gentlemanly, I'll sleep on the mattress okay, it's no big deal" "Really??, you'll surely catch a cold, why don't we share the bed, it's big enough for two" "You know you remind me of business proposal " he laughed, and folded his arms, " in what aspect" "well on your gentlemanly aspect, I remember a scene quite similar to this, but you told  her you will carry her if she insists" I giggled, "well don't forget, there were all movies too" "I'm still insisting, I'm sleeping in the mattress and that's final" I grabbed the blanket and laid down smiling, "okay but if it's uncomfortable tell me okay" " hey I'm used to the cold already okay, don't mind me" he laid down on his bed, and I close my eyes, "Don't take the words of Joon Gi to heart okay, he's quite sweet if you get to know him" " yeah, I guess he's not the same as in movies ,just like my girl or moon lovers or scholar" "You Do Know a lot of our movies" "of course, I watch Korean movies like freaks, if you get what I mean , I just--" I yawned, "Love it ' I completed my statement, "Good night Callista" "Good night Oppa". I said and dozed off.

Kim Namjoon's POV

                        I stretched and woke up, feeling energized, I yawned and little fire came out of my mouth, I stood up and brushed then washed off, as I was coming out of the bathroom I bumped into Hwang inyeop, "Good morning jhope" "Yep, guess where Callista slept" he started, "Uhm.. with lee Joon Gi?" " definitely not, with angel boy, Ahn hyoseop" "Wow" Jimin came in too, "That's shocking, although Ahn hyoseop is pretty accommodating" Taehyung took a brush, " what about Jennie, where did she sleep?" "She slept with me" Suga came into view, "But she didn't sleep at all, she was just tossing and turning around on the bed, it was quite disturbing but I didn't want to say anything because she was doing it slightly, she was pretty worried about something, I could smell it all over her" " you mean she stayed on your bed?" Taehyung asked and Suga nodded, "Can we switch places next time?" I asked and we started arguing, until we heared giggles, we turned to the door and saw jennifer there, "You're all funny! that's so sweet, you're like babies" she giggled loudly, "Jennie stay with me this time " Jimin said, "no me, I want to show you something " JK Said, "It's okay, aren't you guys going somewhere?" "oh right, school, Jennie will you and your friend like to go to school with us too?" " A Korean school?? you sure?" "Of course, it's no bother, they can't do you anything, although you don't understand Korean language I can make an exception, I'll just tell the principal to make special arrangements and allow you to attend classes for fun, we don't normally go just we have to for BTS episodes and stuffs" "school for fun?? definitely I'm in" " Then you can ride with me to school huh?" Taehyung asked, "Sure, why not" "I'll order your uniform, just take your size and give me, I'll have it ordered " Jimin said, "To the mountains??" "No, to our house in the city, that's where we're going " Suga said, "Okay guys, and thanks Suga for letting me crash on your bed, it was comfortable and sweet, I can see why the fans like you specially too, okay, bathroom meeting is over" I followed Jennie out of the bathroom drying my hair, "Have you showered?" "No not yet" she shook her head, "You can just shower once we get to the city okay" "sure it's okay with me, I have to go take my measurements for Jimin, okay see you soon" she left and went to Suga's room, I smiled and went to my room, then I took my phone and dialled a number, " Hey it's me" "Yes I have a request, I have two of my sisters coming over to the school and they don't know Korean so they will just be in school like normal students, I want them in our classes too" "Of course you don't need to worry about that " "Yes, but they are blacks" "Okay, they'll be coming to school today, and I don't want any trouble " I ended the call and opened my dresser and took out my uniform.

I saw Callista on my way out, "Good morning, seen Jennie??" "Yes, she took my measurements, and oh the uniform looks nice on you" "Thanks, come on, let's go" we arrived outside where everyone was waiting, "Tch" Callista snubbed at lee Joon Gi where he was drinking blood, "Oppa" Callista ran to Ahn hyoseop, he rubbed her head, "Are you eager to go to school " she nodded, I laughed at the way she was directly ignoring lee Joon Gi,we all enters the van and headed for the city, "You look dashing" I heared Jennifer said and my ears turned pink, "Really?" "Yep, the red really suits you, like vampire although I know you aren't vampire, you look more like a prince especially when you smile, I love the dimples" she said and went forward to join Callista into the building,  when the building attendants saw them they were shocked, "They are bold" JK Said to me, "You think all black girls are like that?" I asked him, " I think so" Jimin joined the conversation, " I'm seeing black people in a new light now, I guess we should visit their country sometime" I said.

We all waited in the sitting room eating for them to dress up, when Callista came into view, the uniform was nice in her body, if not for the color of the skin, she would pass for Korean, "what do you think guys!!" I smiled and gave her thumbs up, "Nice" they all said, "Lee Joon Gi, you can get your clothes back later on okay" he scoffed, " I can forgive you, if you call me Oppa" Callista laughed, "In your dreams, Oppa how's the uniform" Ahn hyoseop looked up from his phone, " you look beautiful " he gave her a thumbs up, "Where's jennifer " Suga asked, "I'm here" I looked towards the entrance, the white shirt was stuck fast to her body and the red jacket made sense and then the skirt was the sexiest thing, with her curvy hips and slightly big laps, and the most surprising thing about her body was her ass, when she walked, it swayed, she looked like American bar dancers, and then the socks and white sneakers were awesome, "That's your shoes?" I asked Jimin And he nodded, "Yeah, I had overgrown those " "Wow" they all said at once, "You look pretty " I gave her a thumbs up, "Okay, I take it back, black is beautiful" Taehyung said, "We have to go now remember or we'll be late" Hwang inyeop said "girls I look forward to seeing you guys tackle school, you look awesome by the way" he left, Ahn hyoseop ruffled Jennifer's hair, and I stood up and moved, "Shall we?" "Yes!" she moved on.

we boarded the van and the driver drove to school, "Hey we don't have any backpack" jennifer asked, " we'll get you some" I said, " you can share my book" jhope said, "Aww, I don't know why army can't see this side of you, you're certainly so sweet, you know what, count me in, I'm your number one special special fan okay, if you encounter any trouble just tell me immediately, sign my books too" I frowned playfully, "Okay I will " jhope blushed, "What about me?" I pouted, "Of course I'm your fan" I nodded, and everyone started arguing and we all laughed, "Wow, Seoul is beautiful than in movies" Callista looked outside the window, " of course, it is" Joon Gi said but Callista ignored him, "Are you ignoring me?" she turned to face us, "Do you have a dog in the car?" Jimin shook his head, " wow, I thought I heard a dog backing" "you-" Lee Joo gi surrendered, "Seems like your friend has a sharp toungue" "Yeah, just don't step on her nerve and you'll be fine" jennifer said to me and winked her eyelashes, " seems like we'll watch a pretty interesting drama from now on" Jin said and giggled, "I heared what you said and I will catch you" Lee Joon Gi said, "Oh don't be such a kill joy, admit it, it is fun to watch the both of you yap it out" lee dong wook said.

The van arrived at school and students began to flock the van, "Are you nervous?" I asked jennifer, "No, I'm not, they can't do anything to me" I smiled and laughed, "You're so bold" the door opened and we began to get down, the screaming intensified, then Callista got down and the screaming stopped, I got down And held my hand out to Jennifer, "Thanks" she whispered and got down, then there was hushed whispering and gasps as we entered the school, I got excused and went to the principal's office, "Mr Kim, pleasure to make your acquaintance " I sat down majestically and folded my legs, "Is the transfer script ready?" "Yes Mr Kim, this are the papers " I took the paper and checked it, "At least there will be no suspicions " I thought, "Alright, like I said they will be in class with BTS as they are our sisters" The principal wanted to say something but shut up immediately, "I know what you want to say, as they are blacks and we are whites, but mind you, they are special and I and my brothers won't be too happy with the development" I stood up and left the office, I made my way down that hallway and bumped into Taehyung, "Ah, what are you doing, class has started" "hmm" I nodded and followed him, "When I entered inside i saw Callista and Jennifer, "RM,  I thought we would be having a normal class like everyone else" jennifer asked, "Of course, just with us, you don't know Korean and so maybe just English will do, besides we don't study that much"

"Who Said we don't know Korean?" Callista said, "It's not like you have spoken one before, no need to be so full of yourself " Lee Joon Gi told Callista who rolled her eyes, "Hey, do you have something against me??" Callista stood up and pointed her hand at him, I laughed, "It's enough, that's enough, we don't want to fight now would we?" I said to lessen the tension, "Then Namjoon will you teach me huh? " she looked at me with doe eyes, " I-" I looked at Jennifer, I wanted to teach jennifer instead but looking at how she (Callista)  looked at me, I didn't have the heart to refuse her, " I'll call you Oppa" I smiled, " hahahaha, now I want to be the one to teach her instead" Jimin said, " looks like that word is too common to you" lee Joon Gi told Callista, " hey, every male here is my oppa except you okay, so don't expect me to call you that" Everyone started chattering amongst themselves, " okay I'll teach you then" I sat down beside her" .

"Then will you teach me jhope?" Jennifer asked Hoseok, "You want me to teach you?" I think jhope was more of shocked than surprised.

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