
Chapter 12

During training time, Kaito glanced over at Yijun and Charlotte, who were both avoiding each other like the plague. Sadly, as they both used to be part of the Animal Kingdom, they both were put into the same group during training.

Kaito was in the miscellaneous group while Ryan was in physical and Ivan was under sound. Due to all three boys being separated from each other, the goal of Charlotte and Yijun becoming friends again was 0 to none.

"Yukie..." Kaito looked around the field, hoping to find his Guardian Angel, but to his dismay, she wasn't there. Where could she have gone?

"Kaito, since you're now a tier 10, could you show us your skill?" One of his classmates asked.

Kaito stared at him for a few seconds before scratching the back of his head. He then looked over at a flower and hovered his hand over it. He then closed his eyes and opened it, saying, "Rewind."

"..." The whole class watched him.

Nothing happened...?

"Rewind!" Kaito tried again before looking down at his hand, narrowing his eyes.

"Nothing's happening?" The classmate tilted his head.

Kaito then remembered that John mentioned about his power only being able to work against animate objects.

"Is there a moving monster or anything?" Kaito asked.

"What?" Some of the classmates were murmuring amongst each other. "Does that mean he can only do it to monsters?"

"Try it on Ms. Risa!" One of the classmates said. "She doesn't age anyway. She's a magical girl."

Kaito was worried, but if she was a magical girl, then it wouldn't hurt trying...

Kaito lifted up his hand before closing his eyes again. He heard whispers coming from behind himself, but they weren't the whispers of his classmates. No... they were deeper whispers.

"የዪጎጋቹቻ፱ረ, ልዪቹክ'ፕ ሃዐ፱..."


Kaito opened his eyes, noticing he was aging Ms. Risa. Ms. Risa fell to the ground as she started gasping for air. Kaito couldn't move his arm due to it being stuck on Ms. Risa.

"Huh?" Kaito then grabbed his arm with his other hand, trying to move it to stop it. It still wasn't budging. "H-help!" Kaito yelled.

The classmates just watched not knowing what to do, but John soon came walking into the field and ran up to Kaito, tapping his finger on his forehead, saying, "Sleep."

Kaito's world turned black as he fell over. Ms. Risa now was able to breathe again, but she now looked old. Her wrinkles formed, and her body was crippled.

John glanced over at her befor telling the students to leave the premises. He then took Kaito's paralyzed body and threw Kaito over his shoulder. Kaito slowly opened his eyes, the last body part he could move, seeing Yukie walk right past them. He wanted to say her name but couldn't.

Yukie gracefully placed her hand on Ms. Risa before saying, "Rewind."

Before Kaito could see what happened next, he closed his eyes once again.


Kaito opened his eyes once more to a room he has grown accustomed to. The same white ceiling. The same bed. Only this time, he didn't faint. It was John who caused him to sleep.

Kaito looked over to his right, finding Yukie by his side, smiling. He then grabbed her hand, and mumbled her name. "Yukie."

"It's okay." Yukie smiled at him, placing her index finger against her lips. Turning her head, she found John and someone that looked oddly familiar to Kaito walked up to him.

Kaito sat up, looking at the older man who entered the room. To Kaito, he had never expected this older man to ever come see him, but he did. It was his grandfather.

"Grandpa..." Kaito couldn't believe his eyes. The old man who had banished him was there right in front of his eyes. Kaito's grandfather stood there, smiling, wondering what to say just as much as Kaito was wondering. The words were silent, but they both knew how each felt just from glances.

"We had to contact your grandfather, Kaito, after what had happened today." John looked serious. Kaito lowered his head ready for his discipline. It was true, Kaito knew that if it weren't for John stopping him, he might of actually killed Ms. Risa. The memory of Ms. Risa laying there on the floor, on the verge of death, was something he was never going to forget. What if John hadn't been there? What if Yukie didn't reverse time? There would have been no hope for Ms. Risa, then.

"I'm sorry." Kaito apologized.

"I'm sorry too." John also apologized, shocking Kaito. "It was my fault for putting you into the 10th tier without understanding your full power. You're still having difficulty controlling it, correct?" John lifted up Kaito's arm, analyzing it.

"Uh...yes." Kaito nodded his head before looking back up at his grandfather. His grandfather had gotten so old since the last time he saw him. His hair grayed even more; his eyes were now a grayish color rather than the blue he once had.

"Your grandfather told us about his prophecy." John informed Kaito. "He mentioned that there is something that had been following and teaching you. But you have to tell us what it is that's following you."

Following me? Kaito wondered. The only thing he could think of was Yukie, his Guardian Angel. Kaito looked at Yukie who smiled at him warmly. It was as if their fight they had never happened.

"My Guardian Angel." Kaito mumbled.

"Your what?" John asked, trying to hear what Kaito said.

"His Angel." The grandfather finally spoke, reaching out his hand toward Yukie. After holding her hand, his eyes began tearing up, but he quickly wiped it away and nodded his had. "Yes. I sense that she will help Kaito with his powers."

"What do you mean?" John furrowed his eyebrows, more confused than ever.

"This Guardian Angel of his will be hsi teacher. But please put him in tier 0. He still has a lot to learn." The grandfather then placed his hand onto Kaito's head before ghe grandfather's eyes shined blue. After nodding his head, he repeated. "Yes. She will be your teacher. Please learn from her, my dear child."

Kaito then nodded his head. He didn't know why his grandfather could sense Yukie wad there, but Kaito came to the conclusion that it must have been the grandfather's power. "I understand."

"Please forgive me for all that I have done." His grandfather mumbled, but Kaito heard it.

Even though it took his grandfather this many years, he was grateful.