
Chapter 4

There used to be a world out there where people could live normal lives without worries. There were no monsters, no Chosen Ones, and just normal people. It was until one day when the world was in drastic war between the Animal Kingdom and the Human World that things changed. The animals became larger and the humans started gaining special abilities. One family known for their special abilities was the Shikichi Dyansty. Through generations, they had exotic powers compared to the normal person gaining powers from a nuclear outburst during the war. However, one of their descendents didn't receive a skill.

Kaito stood in the middle of the hallway, looking at the beautiful girl. He couldn't help but wonder if everyone else saw her too. No matter how many people passed by, they didn't seem to notice her.

Right as he was about to ask her more questions, a small girl walked up to him, glaring. "Excuse me." She had a cute voice. Her hair was pink, but her ears were white. They looked like cat ears. "Are you the new kid?"

Kaito glanced over at Yukie before looking back at the new girl. "Uh... Why yes, I am." He wondered if word had spread about him.

"Nice to meet you!" The girl shook his hand ecstatically. "The name's Yijun. What's yours?"

"Er..." Kaito felt embarrassed but took Daisuke's words into consideration by sucking up his embarrassment. "I'm Kaito."

"Wow! That's a cool name!" Yijun grinned.

Kaito looked over to his left and found a handsome guy in the corner walking up to them. He hadn't seen anyone that handsome before in his life. Not even Daisuke reached that potential.

"Good evening." The boy said, walking up behind Yijun.

"Ugh." Yijun noticed him but then rolled her eyes. "It's Ryan the Giant. You don't need to talk to him."

"Hey! I'm right behind you, you know!" Ryan angrily sneered at Yijun.

"Seems like they're close, huh?" Yukie commented. Kaito looked at her before looking back at the two who were bickering. It was like Yukie was stating the obvious.

"I wonder if they're dating." Kaito added.

"WE AREN'T!" Ryan and Yijun said in unison. Kaito then covered his mouth. That was the sign that only Kaito could see Yukie, let alone hear her.

Right after the two finally stopped bickering and fighting, the bell rang. Kaito looked around wondering what the bell was for.

"Oh. It's training time." Ryan sighed.

"Training time?" Kaito looked over at Ryan.

"Yeah. It's the time of day where we practice our skills in order to rise up on the tier list. Right now, you, Ryan, and I are on tier 0. That means we aren't even allowed to go out in the world and fight monsters." Yijun kicked the floor with her foot. "If I could, I would scratch the living life out of those monsters!" Yijun's eyes suddenly became cat-like, and she outstreatched her claws.

"Calm down, Yijun." Ryan patted her shoulder. "With that type of attitude, you'll be one of the first Chosen Ones to actually die."

Yijun then looked at Ryan and scratched him, causing him to bleed. Ryan seemed to be used to being scratched by Yijun, just watching her as she walked off.

"She sure is a fiesty girl." Yukie walked near Kaito.

"Anyway, we should get to training, Kaito." Ryan smiled at him. Kaito nodded his head, following him to the training camp where a group of people stood, waiting to be taught.

"Welcome Class of 'XX. I'll be your training teacher. You all can just call me Ms. Risa." Ms. Risa said, walking over to the white board to write something. She was too short to actually write. "I'll just verbally explain. During this class you all will learn how to succeed in using your powers. Whether you are in the Animal section or the Miscellaneous section, I'm sure you all will do your best. だから,がんばってね~♡"

Some of the students couldn't understand what she said at that last part due to coming from all over the world just to train at the Chosen Ones Academy. However, that didn't matter. Everyone gathered in their specific places, but Kaito didn't move. He wasn't given a section and felt a bit left out.

"Is everything alright?" Yukie asked Kaito.

"Oh, yeah. I just didn't get a section yet, so I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Kaito looked over at Yijun who was scratching the living life out of a practice dummy. "I even feel left out here."

"That's fine, right?" Yukie held Kaito's hand to comfort him. "I'm here with you, after all."

Kaito did feel comforted after hearing her words. It was like he needed her to show up before to tell him that everything was going to be all right.

"Kaito. You don't have a section?" Ms. Risa interrupted.

"Oh! I don't." He answered.

"Is that so?" Ms. Risa looked around before looking back at Kaito. "Why don't you practice on me, then?"

Kaito's eyes widened. "Huh?"

"We don't have enough dummies, so you can practice with me. I promise that you won't hurt me." She smiled.

Kaito looked over at Yukie, hoping that it would be alright. She nodded her head as reassurance, and Kaito took his stance. He then took a deep breath, hoping he would be able to use his power. With his "Guardian Angel" Yukie by his side, he could accomplish anything...

Kaito the held out his hand, but nothing happened. Ms. Risa's eyes widened. Nothing happened?

Kaito took his stance again and tried once more, but then again, nothing happened. Why was he able to do it before but not now???

"Is everything alright, Kaito?" Ms. Risa asked.

"Uh...yeah." Kaito looked down at his hands before remembering what he talked about with John. I have to faint in order to use my powers. He thought.

Right as he realized that, his world turned black once more, and he fell to the floor. He looked over at a figure he saw back when it was fighting a monster. It was the same figure.

Standing up, Kaito saw an outline of all the Chosen Ones watching the figure, and Ms. Risa dodging the attacks of the figure. He wasn't attacking, though, but the figure looked like him again.

Kaito looked down at his hands and noticed how pale he was. He knew he was pale previously, but this time he was paler. It was an unusual kind of paleness. His skin almost became as white as his hair.

"Wait...stop!" Kaito yelled out when a sudden pain of fear sent chills up his back. Upon hearing those words, the figure stopped, looking back at Kaito. It was just how John explained the figure. Black hair, black eyes, skin with more life to it. It looked like a splitting image of himself. "Who...are you? Are you me?"

The figure didn't answer, but rather walked up him and touched his hand. The figure then said, "Let me train you," before everything blurred in front of Kaito.

Before he knew it, Kaito's eyes opened, and he saw Ms. Risa and the other students staring at him. Ms. Risa was sweating from fighting the figure. "Are you alright, Kaito?"

"That was wicked!" Another classmate added.

"He already has the strength of a 10 tier! Possibly even more than that!" Another said.

Kaito blinked his eyes as he sat up before hearing clapping. Turning his head, Kaito saw an older man smiling. "Bravo! That was Marvelous." The old man said with John right behind him. "What is your name, young man?"

"Kaito. Kaito Shikichi." Kaito stood up, facing the older man. He watched the older man's expression change completely after saying his name.

"Shikichi?" The older man repeated. "No wonder you have that kind of power."

"Ooh! You're strong, Kaito." Yukie grinned. "Even the headmaster of this school wants to know more about you!"

"Headmaster?" Kaito questioned.

"That is I." The older man said. "You may call me Headmaster Kanamori. I will be watching you from now on, Shikichi-sama."

With that, the headmaster and John left the training camp. Kaito looked at the smiling Yukie wondering what the figure meant by, "Let me train you."

だから、がんばってね~♡ = So, please do your best~♡

Meimei_Mayucreators' thoughts
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