
Chapter 1 ─ Kingdom of Britannia

We managed to retrieve our things and flee the place.

After a lot of walking we arrived at the first village we came across.

To say village sounds wrong and small, and it was actually a small town with walls around it.

The guard asked us where we came from and we told him we were adventurers from the frontier and showed him the permit the knight gave us.

He opened the gate for us and we entered the place.

The structural level was clearly different from the empire.

There it was a civilization similar to the 19th century while this place was a century lower.

The streets were covered with stones unlike the empire which was the ground similar to cement.

Some things or buildings were very old as you could even see mold growing on them.

But I didn't care at all.

I was here for an important mission.

The place is called Batson and it seems to be a key point for outsiders coming from different parts.

Before we look for an inn we must get our adventurer badges.

According to the guard at the gate, adventurers are given discounts at inns.

I looked everywhere for the guild since going through the main street was supposed to be the way to find it.

As if by fate, it was right next to me.

I told Leila that I was about to steal a skewer of meat from a street food stand.

"Come on, Leila."

"Ah master, wait. At least let me give it a bite."

"Of course not."

We walked in and as expected, the place instead of looking like a hotel for events as it is in the capital, was an old bar where there were a lot of guys straight out of a post-apocalyptic anime.

Are they seriously wearing spiked shoulder pads and disc-shaped hairstyles?

Please, no typical NPC looking for a fight with the new adventurer.

We approached the front desk where a beautiful girl greeted us.

"Welcome to the Batson City Adventurer's Guild, how may I help you?"

"Nice to meet you. We are adventurers from the frontiers, we live almost in exile and we want to become genuine adventurers of the country."

I mention the word "almost in exile" because that way they'll think I'm a peasant who wants to make a name for himself, won't ask for details or anything like that.

Just look at her. With that sneer on her face at someone with a low education and who most likely rides a mule.

That's actually offensive.

She sighed and said.

"Please fill out these documents along with your partner."

She handed me a form, just as I was about to fill it out I noticed something I didn't think much of.

(It's good that the language is the same, but not the writing.)

Thanks to this world being created by lazy developers, I can speak the same language as everyone else's, but it seems the writing is different.

The letters seem to be a mix between French and Portuguese.

With much grief and sweat pouring down my forehead, I said to the receptionist.

"I'm so sorry, can I ask you to help me with this?"

"... Can't you read?"

"...I can, but not to this grade."

"I'm so sorry."

She took the form in a cold manner and started asking me questions.

I'm so sorry. peasants of the world, I'm giving you a bad name.

After finishing the form, she told me to wait.

We sat in the waiting chairs and after a while the girl arrived.

She handed us a brown credential with a big handwriting engraved on it.

Just like the empire, the adventurer system is the same. I am again a low rank adventurer, an F rank adventurer.

I thanked her and went straight to the tabloid and looked for a mission suitable for an adventurer of my level.

I needed to earn local money and get information.

Almost all rewards have the same value.

The local currency is called Elmia and the currency of the neighboring countries is called Almia as I recall from the information the empire official told me.

The quests I need must be minimally good as I need to create a route to seek information from merchants or adventurers returning from a quest from abroad.

It was there that my eyes met the answer.

A worthy mission to not only earn money but also achieve a search route.

I picked up the crumpled brown paper and took it to the reception desk.

This time it was attended by a different girl.

Her smile was pleasant and her chest was large.

"You want to go out and hunt a horned rabbit, don't you?"

"That's right. Is there any limit to hunting?"

"Not really, no. But many get bored with it and it's usually used for food or to sell its skin."

(Apparently monsters don't disappear when you kill them.)

"Understood. Thank you very much."

"Have a good one."

She said goodbye to us and I took Leila's hand who was about to attack some bad looking adventurers who were eating a juicy steak.

"Let's go to an inn and then we'll leave. We will finally begin our quest, Leila."

"Master. I'm hungry~."

We went to look for a cheap inn, as expected. There were many.

We entered one that gave a discount and paid for a room.

I kept the important documents because I can't leave them.

As we went downstairs some guys were laughing, they seemed to see us.

Why in the world did I choose this quest?


Before I chose I could hear some guys commenting this.

"I want to earn some money."

"How about this quest? The horned rabbits leave a good paycheck."

"Of course not. Didn't you see where they're located?"

"Oh, that's right. They're near the Purson hellbears."

"I don't want to die yet, I'm not suicidal."

(That sounds very convenient to me. But that's what matters.)

The place we were going to was about 400 miles northwest of here.

We went running and were there in minutes.

We went deep into the forest and searched for the target.

"Master, what are we looking for?"

"Bears, Leila."

"Big bears."

"You mean those over there."


She pointed off in the distance and I was shocked by what I saw.

A group of huge red bears were tearing apart an earth dragon and devouring its flesh.

The bears had strong, toned muscles.

They were eight feet tall or less.

One of them stopped devouring the dragon and its black eyes were staring at us.

I could see the bear, too, and suddenly it roared and its companions turned around.

Ah, so this is what they call "feeding time".

The bears came running up and some trees were torn to pieces.

I told Leila to get ready.

"Leila, you can have all the fun you want."

But she was already ready.

"You mustn't tell me master. These furry things think they can give us trouble."

She did stretches as the bears approached.

So did I.

After I raised my arms, one of those bears lunged at me and with its huge claws tried to tear my head off.

As I kept stretching my body, I bent my knees and just as a rocket takes off, I punched its chin and lifted it up.

The body was quite heavy so this would be no easy task.

But since I have the ultimate defense, the Blut granted to me by Astraea, the queen of vampires.

I can survive without a single scratch inflicted on me.

"Let's play, Leila!"

"Of course we are!"

I began to hit the bear hard.

Its body was so hard it felt like I was hitting an inflated truck tire.

But I didn't stop, I gave him more blows at a great speed thanks to my magic element of electricity, and I was able to soften his muscles and finally reached his heart.

I hit him hard and felt it break his bones.

The bear fell to the ground and spat blood as it writhed.

As I turned around I watched Leila defeat three bears like it was nothing.

(I guess this is what they call being in your element, huh?)

I decided not to lag behind and was also giving these bears a good beating when suddenly we heard a roar.


I turned around and in the distance was clearly the leader who had just arrived at the party.

Unlike the others, it was larger and measured about 4 meters.

His body was covered in armor made of bones, even his claws wore bone armor.

His right eye was closed due to a burn he had.

It didn't really matter.

"Leila, I'll go get the big one, take care of the others."

"On command!"

She would easily take care of the weak ones and I would take care of the boss.

I didn't want to waste time because I didn't really care about this giant bear.

I let him play while I prepared my best card.

His big claws were being sent at my face to tear me apart.

I easily dodged his moves as that huge body came towards me.

Even though his speed was faster than a bullet, I could move faster than him.

(He's so slow. Are you really the leader of these bears?)

I was starting to get bored with anger.

I looked at Leila and she apparently finished off the last bear easily.

"Sorry, but playtime is over."

I walked into her personal territory and placed my palm on his ribcage.

The magical power was beginning to gather and I used my best weapon against this weakling.


With that soft but deadly word. A strong shockwave ripped through the bear.

As I imbued a lot of magic power into its body, the internal organs were severely damaged beyond repair.

Now that the leader was down, all that was left was to cut off the ears or claws and take them to the guild.

"Leila, this mission was very simple."

"Let's cut off some of their body parts to take them as evidence-"



Suddenly we heard some shouting.

"Where did that come from?"

"Leila, trace it."

"Got it!"

Like a loyal dog, she began to use her ears and focus on the direction of the scream.

"Over there!"

She pointed southeast.

"Let's go see what it was."

There is a possibility that traders are being attacked by bears, that's good for me because I can get bonds and information.

We hurried and got to the place, but it wasn't what we expected.

"Are you serious?"

In front of us was a carriage being assaulted by bandits.

The escorting knights were dead, surely it's a nobleman taking a ride or returning home.

"Master, what do we do?"

We were hiding in the bushes watching everything.

More and more it was unpleasant what I saw.

Naturally, I am not a good person. I worry about my own and my safety.

But if I've learned one thing, it's that if I were in a situation where my life was in danger, I would want someone to help me.

"Leila, let's go."

"As you say, master!"

We jumped to the spot and met the bandits.

"Who the hell are you?"

We proceeded to take out the bandits easily.

They didn't last at all.

Once I wiped the blood off my hands, I went towards the person attacked.

To my bad or good luck, it was two women.

Both had their clothes torn.

I bent down to hold out my hand to one of them.

"We are adventurers and we were close, it's all over now."

"Are you all right?"

One of the girls looked up and our eyes met.

It was at that moment, where I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

(If I hadn't taken her hand, none of this trouble would have happened to me.)

That's when I met her... to Iris.


Again the fanservice is for Leila until there are more characters.


New chapter of the spin-off, the best always comes at the end, you'll see.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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