

[Tai Lung's POV]

The pillar of light finally disappeared after tormenting the world for so long.

And with its disappearance, the storm that was brewing in the sky also disappeared. The clear sky became visible again and for a short period after that, there was absolute silence.

I just stared at the sky, feeling my body which was completely void of energy. I was in a complete state of serenity and peace unlike I had never felt before.

Maybe this was what nirvana felt like.

I was brought out of my peaceful state by the sound of a steel crashing on the ground. I blinked my eyes and then turned my head to see a solider of the Guta empire drop his weapon with a stunned look on his face.

He dropped down to his knees after that and then he put his head on the ground. His action caused a chain of reaction as the sound of weapons falling on the ground rang throughout the battlefield.

The soldiers then fropped to thier knees and surrendered completely.

It was understandable. How could they possibly have more will to fight after witnessing first hand what I was now capable off.

And the power I showed was not a one-trick attack either. I could do that same attack again and again until the world was completely destroyed if I wanted to.

I closed my eyes and felt the chi inside of me. I did the same thing as I did before and let them revolved around each other in the form of a yin-yang symbol.

My fur turned bright blue and a shockwave spread a couple of times and then my chi reserve was completely filled again.

Yes, it was that simple.


I turned towards Po who was looking at me with saucer eyes that shined with unfathomable amazement.

I gave him a grin.

"Well, that's it."

"We won."





[3rd POV]

The pillar of light was seen by everyone in the world. The people in the Asian continent clearly saw the pillar light up thier sky and outshined even the sun for a brief period of time.

It was unmissable as with the pillar of light, a wave of power swept the whole world. Even the Emperor of the Gupta Empire saw it clearly and he was one of the few people who could tell exactly what that meant.

While most people in the world did not even understand what it was, some significant figures in the world who had achieved inner peace or something of a similar level were able to tell the message behind it.

The strongest in the world.

And it was not just words as the the world itself had acknowledged it.

Master Shifu was also among them.

He immediately understood what the pillar of light indicate when he saw it and he broke down in tears right after.

Because his son was finally able to achieve his ultimate dream.

And what father would not be filled with happiness when they saw thier son finally fulfil thier dream?

"I am proud of you, son." He said with the fondest smile on his face as he looked into the horizon.

Other than Shifu, Lord Shen was also another one of the people who understood the message. He was not a master of chi and neither had he achieved inner peace but he was immediately able to tell that such outrageous thing could only be caused by Tai Lung.

He laughed when he saw it and he anticipated good news.

But amongst all of these people, the Emperor of Tibet had the saddest reaction. He was able to see his own defeat from miles away and the letter he got soon after the event only affirmed his fear.

He lost.

Project Godfall was a failure.

After learning about it, he locked himself in his chamber and drowned himself in alcohol and females.

He was only awaiting his inevitable death now.


Even in the other side of the world, the people saw the light. For a brief moment, the night sky turned bright blue as if a nebula had appeared in the sky.

Warriors from every corner of the globe felt thier hair standing on end with thier instincts screaming at them, trying to translate the message of the light.

Animals feared death and instincts were there so that people could avoid it.

But now instincts had a new job. A new thing to avoid.

There was death and there was Tai Lung.

Both were the same thing.

The world witnessed the emergence of an Apex.

The strongest in the world.


(The spirit realm)

The spirit ream was also included among the places that were affected by the pillar of light. The moment Oogway saw it and realized what was going on, he stopped fighting.

"What are you doing, Oogway?" Kai asked while slowly approaching him.

Kai was clueless as he never achieved inner peace and was stuck in the spirit realm with a corrupted chi. So he was confused when his friend suddenly stopped fighting

Kai had already absorbed the Turtle Monk and everyone else who helped Oggway. They were playing a game of cat and mouse where his friend ran away to avoid getting his chi stolen until he suddenly stopped.

"Nothing." Oogway replied.

"It doesn't really matter anymore my friend. I have done my job." Oogway said, leaving Kai more confused and with a bad feeling in his gut.

"You can take my chi."

Kai stared at his old friend, wondering what the hell was going on with the old tortoise all of a sudden. But then he pushed the question away and instead, wrapped his chains around him.

"The world will kneel before me when I return."

Kai said as he absorbed Oogway's chi. The tortoise's body slowly turned into the colour of jade and Kai felt immense power coursing through his veins.

"Its too late my friend. The world already kneeled to someone else."

With that final words, Oogway was fully absorbed by Kai.

Kai staggered in his place and then stood still. He took a moment to bask in his newfound power. He was easily twice as powerful as he was before.

But there was a feeling of unease in his heart. Espcailly after Oogway's final words.

Was the old tortoise messing with him or was there something he didn't know about? He now had the power to escape the spirt realm but he was wondering if he should.

It was then that the spirit realm was suddenly crowded by new spirits. They were all exceptionally powerful with each of them being as strong as an expert Master of Kung Fu.

But out of all, he felt the presence of someone who was as powerful as Oogway himself in terms of chi.

All of them numbered in the thousands.

Kai did not leave the spirt realm and this time, he instead went towards the new spirits. He would absorb them all before leaving and question them about what exactly was going on in the realm of the living.

He shot towards them.






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