
C tier

The thought of the Red Demon commander, being as powerful as he was, going out on a rampage on the battlefield against all the weak, lower ranked humans filled Margit with fury.

This was a direct violation of the unspoken rules of engagement.

The commanders of both sides were supposed to remain out of direct combat unless something urgent came up, allowing the lower ranks to fight their battles and earn their glory.

But if the Red Demon commander was on the move, then Margit had no choice but to respond in kind.

His own power was equal to that of the Red Demon commander, and he would not let this challenge go unanswered.

"Prepare my ship," Margit barked an order to his direct assistant who worked outside his office.

"I'm heading to the battlefield."


Deep within the Red Demon command ship, the commander of the Red Demons was monitoring the battle with a mixture of boredom and disdain.

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