

Shiva stood in front of the massive Colosseum as he was getting ready to enter. The time has come for him to participate and conquer this trial, just as he had done with the previous floors. His two days leading up to this had been difficult as hell, that said, considering he had a breeze the last time he went to hell, it'd be more accurate to say it had been more difficult than hell itself for our crazy necromancer. He was out night and day, every second of the day grinding for levels. All while preparing a secret weapon to ensure his victory. Little did Shiva know that monsters whom he can't even fathom lurked beneath the surface, waiting for the necromancer's arrival.

As soon as he entered the Colosseum he heard a massive crowd gushing, murmuring, and just making an all-around racket. He then heard a loud showmanship-like voice addressing the eager crowd,

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