

The return to their respective residencies was a short ride, but felt like ages somehow. Link quickly got rid of the dirt bikes by selling them very cheap at the store he bought them originally from, of course the owner of the establishment bought them back noticing they were dirty but in neat condition. Link called an Uber to head back to the park in front of the house he was renting. Li could not help but wonder why he was directing the driver to the park, but soon dismissed it.

The Hero was following a safety procedure, never give your exact direction to a Taxi or Uber… for safety reasons. Once they arrived, Link told Robert to go home and pack light, by this he meant some clothes and other amenities like a toothbrush and deodorant. Everything he choose to carry should fit inside his backpack.

Buying the tickets of the flight was kind of rushed, but Link managed to find a flight that was not full for the next day. Link texted Robert the hour at which he had to be there tomorrow for their departure. Even though the success in booking the flight, the lack of excitement from Link was worrying Zelda. The next morning Li's languid expression made Zelda question if there was something wrong that she didn't know of. Link informed her the flight was going to take almost 20hrs. 



"20 hours… Link, that's a WHOLE DAY!" The Princess says as they were making line for boarding the plane.

"I know… putting up with you for a few hours is a chore, 20hrs is torture, but I will endure it." Link says making a fist and hitting himself on his chest.

Zelda stares a Link with contempt, she then turns to Robert.

"Isn't there a flight that can get us there faster?"

Li shakes his head smiling "Doesn't work that way, this airplane is as fast as any other, Australia just happens to be WAY too far from our current position. That is why it takes long to get us there"

Frowning "Damn… well, the plane DOES have a restroom if I remember correctly. But what about food? We need to eat, when and where are we going to do that?" Zelda asks genuinely worried about that.

"That is why you shouldn't be angry at him" Robert points at Link "he is paying A LOT for this, he paid premium economy class tickets, that guarantees you 3 meals during the flight. And I mean ACTUAL FOOD, not a simple sandwich and crackers"

He paid to include food? The plane not only carries people, it carries their luggage and food for everyone. AND IT STILL FLIES!!! That sounds EXPENSIVE.

Zelda turns to Link, shame on her face. "I am sorry to be such an inconvenience, you didn't have to waste so much for me… you know I would be willing to even sleep on the floor; I don't need all th-"

Shushing her "I AM YOUR GUARDIAN; I must be able to ensure your wellbeing… that means a roof over your head and nutritious food. I am NOT going overboard Princess, the tickets I paid are still lower class"

Zelda frowns at his statement "I don't care about the class of the ticket… it still must have been expensive and you paid that amount for the 3 of us, I didn't ask for you to ensure my wellbeing but thank you for doing so" Zelda tells him with gratitude.

"You didn't ask for this, but Daphnes did. And I agree with his reasoning, if I am advocating for bringing you with me, it means I must be able to keep you safe and sound" Link says aiming to end the discussion.

"Pay attention, we are boarding now" Li informs them.

All the passengers boarded the plane orderly and peacefully. Midflight the Princess realized something that piked her curiosity, so she decides to ask Link about it. She double checked on Li to make sure he was sleeping, since she didn't want him to hear anything, not that she thought that hearing could hurt Robert in anyway, but she still felt the needed to proceed with caution, maybe Link wouldn't want Robert to know about what she wanted to ask. She leaned a little closer to Link on her seat and started speaking.

"You know, the way you handled Robert's request was… like you KNEW what you were doing. I have 2 theories: you wanted this outcome and did everything to draw Robert in, to the point of making him think it was his idea to join, thus making you a manipulative fucker. Or maybe… you have done this before. So, which one is it?"

Link chuckles at what his Princess just implied "Both and none, I wanted Robert to be part of the donor program so he could benefit economically from it, but after seeing how he handles himself with a gun, how he kept his cool during the rescue, and how he basically guided the kids back to normality… I thought it would be good if he joined SWORD's ranks. When he asked for it by himself it was a pleasant surprise." Link sighs and begins to play with his fingers "I have never done something like this, but I saw it being done before… Snail did it to get me in"

"Snail?" Zelda asks since she has never heard of that person before.

"The code name for agent Michelle, she showed me the way, I am just following her breadcrumbs"

Zelda widens her eyes for a second then shakes her head briefly "Wait... you use code names? Is perhaps YOUR code name Kid?" Link nods, Zelda giggles "I thought it was a nickname they used for you out of love or something. Very stupid of me to believe that now that I think about it. Code names are used to avoid revealing the actual name, I guess that is done to prevent attachments between peers, since they could… you should NOT know or be using other agent's names" Zelda says pointing a finger at him.

Link produces a low laugh "You are right, I shouldn't. But I don't want to stop doing it… I believe it is important to FEEL their absence if and when they are gone. Besides… it speaks volumes when you have the mental fortitude to move past the pain left by their absence, and still complete your tasks efficiently"

"Volumes you say… well right now it screams MASOCHIST" Zelda says starting to roll her eyes.

"Sadomasochist is a more appropriate term to define me… and yes of course I am, I am a SWORD agent, why wouldn't I enjoy a little pain?" Link answered half smiling and without breaking eye contact with his Princess.

Zelda's face starts turning red so she turns her gaze away.

NOT GOOD. All right girl, lets settle some things first. Why is my face flushing?... I don't know, I guess it has to do with the way he shamelessly admitted to enjoy pain while staring at me with those gorgeous confident eyes of his... Though now that I think about it.

"I should stop kicking you" Zelda suddenly said and used both her hands to cover her mouth immediately.

FUCK! I was NOT supposed to have said that out loud, what am I doing? How come that just escaped my trail of thought.

Link chuckles "I knew you were doing that on purpose, thanks for the confirmation. And NO, I was not getting aroused by that so don't worry, its… not that simple" he winks at her "What did I do to make you want to punish me every night?"

Zelda now relaxed and capable of staring back at him answers "Because it's not fair, this was supposed to have been a family bonding trip, how come you got yours and I didn't?" she answers fuming.

"YOU DIDN'T? what are you talking about? Bardick was shit, but you got a cool mafia brother… you DO know he is also your brother, right?" Link states as matter of fact.

Mafia? What is that? I should ask Robert about it later… WAIT, lets backtrack a little. Link found a brother and I am his sister by adoption, meaning LI IS ALSO MY BROTHER!!!

Zelda begins to grin like the Cheshire cat at the realization, Robert suddenly sits up eyes wide. He then points at Link and then at Zelda.



"Wait a sec… you two are brothers? Wasn't she supposed to be a Princess or something?" Li asks confused.

"SHHHH. I am a Princess. The King… my dad adopted Link. As I said before, this was supposed to be a family bonding trip, that includes bonding between the Prince and Princess of Hyrule too"

She said ¨MY DAD¨ damn, why wasn't I filming this?

Li hides his face between his hands and leans forward as far as the seat in front allowed him too.

"My brother is an abnormal mix between an agent and a royal, and I have a sister… well that one is out of the bucket list I guess."

Link smiles at what Robert said "so glad you are reacting calm and composed, I wouldn't want to draw the other passenger's attention"

"CALM AND COMPOSED MY ASS, I am shaking here, I need to eat before I faint" Robert yells.

"Faint? Why? You did have a hearty breakfast, right?" Zelda asks noticing Li's lips where absurdly white.

"NO" Robert points at Link "He doesn't eat most times, and when he does it's a modest quantity. I wanted to see how that felt"

Link laughs at that, he then calls a stewardess to order a meal for them all.

He made a rooky mistake, it sounds easy, but you have to train your body to withstand hunger before going all in like that. The good thing is that he was not alone, I am here and I know what to do to prevent him from going into shock.

"Shortly they will bring the food for all of us… what you are feeling is normal Robert, you need to train your body for this regime, SWORD will take care of teaching you how"

Robert growls "So, there is a proper way to starve yourself, and you need training for that? Well FUCK" 

The remainder of the flight was uneventful, Li ate like a cannibal… but after eating a soup and a yogurt Link ordered for him first… Link said something about avoiding refeeding syndrome, so he stopped Li from eating solids at the beginning of the meal. After an hour, Robert was free to feast on meat as long as he did it slowly and included salad.

The serving in itself was not that big, but Link still left half of his dish, so Robert finished it for him with occasional help from the Princess. She would suddenly pick bites from Link's plate until they finished it.

Robert showed Zelda how to use her cellphone to watch videos and play games, she was entertained for a while, but would NOT forget the other question she now wanted to ask. The moment the plane landed for them to board a new one, she decided to go for it.

"I have a question that needs an answer" Zelda exclaimed as they were walking through a small garden in the waiting zone for the next plane, both boys stopped and turned to look at her.

"Just ask" Link told her.

"What is Mafia?" Zelda bluntly asks.

Li's eyes widen a little, Link smiles and smacks his forehead with his palm.

"Yeah, sorry, completely forgot you couldn't possibly know about that… a Mafia is an organized group of criminals, the crime they specialize on varies from Mafia to Mafia, Robert here ended up being adopted and raised by one of those organizations"

Zelda turns to look at Li in shock, expecting him to confirm or deny everything, he just nodded at her.

"They thought me how to shoot most single-handed fire arms" Li says avoiding eye contact with her.

Zelda asks solemnly "So, you are telling me Rob was part of a group of BAD people?" both of them nod.

"WAS being the important word here, he left them a while ago" Link says placing a hand on Li's shoulder and grinning at him. But Rob still looked defeated and almost ashamed of his past.

Don't worry bro, you DON'T know my Princess, she adores you, and she will continue to do so.

"THAT SOUNDS SO COOL!!! ¨My brother was part of a Mafia¨ DAMN, it gives me chills just saying it" Zelda says smiling and brushing the chills from her arms.

Robert stares back at her in shock, he was NOT expecting that reaction from her at all, but it brought a smile to his face. Link senses the peace veil that just fell on his duplicate, and decides to give him a quick squeeze to the shoulder, and then nudges him away playfully.

A few minutes later they were called to board the plane, after doing so they dined on board and tried to sleep. The seats were comfortable, but it still was hard to sleep for all of them. By morning everyone was exited to leave the plane and talking about visiting the Opera House and many other things. Zelda's eyes glisten in curiosity, she begins tapping her fingers down the rail of the stairs used to disembark.

*Did you SEE THAT? Your Princess is curious about Sidney's architecture, you should tell her to shove those ideas up her ass, we are not here on a tourist voyage, but say it in a nice elegant way… you KNOW how to do that kind of shit.*

Yes, I should, but turn that hate down a notch, she has behaved so far.

*Doesn't mean it will stay this way, she is a master of deceit, have you learned nothing?*

All I know is that I can't judge a person on something they have not done, this Zelda is innocent. I still don't trust her, but I won't punish her over something she was not a part of.

Link approaches Zelda showing her pictures of Sydney Opera House on his cellphone.

"That is what the passengers were talking about, it's a performance art center. Best known for hosting theater, symphony and opera shows. And NO, we are not going to visit, we are not even staying here, to find the next donor we need to go to a… more rural area."

"Wait, rural Australia, that means we will be dealing with Aboriginals… my other brother may be black?... amazing." Robert says in excitement.

"What does he mean by Aboriginal?" Zelda asks.

Shit I just KEEP FORGETING that Robert has excellent hearing abilities, I need to start keeping that in mind.

"It's indigenous people from Australia, they are dark-skinned" Link answers his Princess.

"Like the Gerudo?" Zelda asks starting to imagine a Gerudo as her brother.


Zelda's mouth goes in a u shape for a second, and then begins to smile wickedly, rubbing her lips with her fingers. Link's eyebrows raise wondering about his Princess's suggestive behavior, but then he closes his eyes and starts walking away.

Do I want to know what is on her mind? No, I don't. She can do or think whatever she wants as long as she is not harming anybody or interfering with me, she can even organize an orgy with both my brothers for all I care.



Zelda stares at Link as he starts walking away.

"Is he angry or something?" 

"Maybe a little, I think it's more shock than anything"

"Shock? Why? I didn't tell him about my fantasy, and why would I? he would consider it naughty" she says rubbing her lips.

I DON'T WANT TO KNOW… but please do tell, I need to verify this shit before making assumptions, its Zelda we are talking about, her mind can't possibly be as putrid right?

Robert makes a hand gesture for her to continue "I was thinking that I would love it if my 3rd brother was a thief. I mean him possibly being dark skinned sounds cool and all but… if he were a thief, that would mean my family is full of powerful and DANGEROUS people. My father is King, and I would have 3 scary brothers, an executioner, an ex-mafia, and a thief… It's cool but kind of depressing now that I think about it, I have to step up somehow…" the Princess rubs her lips again "I need lip balm by the way; my lips feel chapped"

Li sighs in exasperation and relief "The fantasy didn't involve anything sexual then, right?"

Zelda stares back in shock "WHAT, WHY? I am a lady, not a degenerate…"

Her eyes start opening wide at the realization, she points at Link's figure walking away, Robert nods at her. She rushes out, with speed that she was not aware she had and screaming for Link. Li followed her but running slowly, not in a hurry to catch up on the drama.

And there she goes, why did I ever thought that having a sister was something I would ever want? Its stressful. The thought process is not linear, it's completely erratic. I thought not all females where like that but apparently, they all are, and is WORSE if they are smart. I am completely out of luck here, my sister is not only smart, she is also gorgeous. I have already lost count on how many people I have intimidated for looking at her with lascivious eyes.

"DON'T TOUCH ME" Link roars.

Robert raised his head when he heard the yell, and noticed other tourist paying attention now.

"STOP WALKING THEN, I should tell you what was on my mind a while ago, since it includes you" Zelda adds thinking that mentioning him would deter any ill thoughts he may have about her.

"I don't want to know or be a part of, or do you want me to thank you for considering me?" Link says as he slowly approaches his Princess smirking. He coups her face with his hand and using his thumb to rub on her lips.

Zelda turns red in fury and pushes him away yelling "WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU IMPLYING? I AM NOT A SEX LUSTING BITCH" she screams not caring about the tourist hearing everything.

Li rubs his temples with his right hand's thumb and middle finger as he watches the small audience gasping and laughing a little at what they heard. He then notices a few people were staring right at HIM.

Why me? Oh… right, they must suspect I know her, since I came running behind her. They may even think I am the broken-hearted 3rd wheeler. Everyone enjoys a good drama I guess… THAT IS IT.


I take back my bucket list wish of having a sister, they just complicate EVERYTHING.

The people stared at each other confused, but slowly start clapping and then cheering the young actors, some rooting for Link and others for Zelda. Link notices but his stare remained fixated on Zelda, the Princess was squinting at him, both of them waiting for the other to make a move or start speaking. Li approaches them, grabs their hand to force them to smile and curtsy to the crowd. The people explode in cheers and ask for them to continue the interpretation of ¨a fight between lovers¨. But Li pushes them away from the Pier. Once they are alone and at a respectable distance from people Robert starts scolding BOTH of them.

"Let's start with you dear" he stares at the Princess "you HAVE to stop behaving like a vixen, NO shhh, I am not done here, I don't know if in Hyrule is a common practice, but HERE you can't be smiling at everyone who passes you by, is NOT common courtesy, is an invitation for them to think you are sexually available"

Zelda stares back in shock and a little angry "You are exaggerating, nobody has said or tried anythi-"

"Because I haven't let them, do you have any idea of how many times I was about to start a fist fight because of you?" sighs "Here you have to keep in mind how people perceive you ALL THE TIME, ask if you have doubts about how to react to something… a while ago you made facial expressions and hand gesture that made even ME start thinking poorly of you, and I am sure that is what caused all this problem"

Zelda looks down at her feet in shame "I didn't know I was causing all that trouble; I am not used to having all eyes on me, I was never allowed out of the castle… what I am saying is that I am sorry. I promise to learn appropriate and safe mannerisms" Robert nods at her pleased enough.


Link frowns and then lowers his head "I have no excuse, I was only focused on oncoming physical attacks from an outer circle, hence I completely omitted paying attention to ¨friendly¨ attacks in the inner circle. Won't happen again"

Robert sighs in relief; Link turns towards Zelda.

"I am ready to listen now Princess, and I am sorry"

Zelda sighs and smile back at him, then proceeded to explain her whole fantasy as clearly as possible, to Robert's surprise, Link didn't immediately dismiss her delusion, he laughed a little about it, and even entertained her idea of using this hypothetical thief brother for their gain. Li couldn't help but feel that Link knew something about the new donor… but what? And how?


Thanks for reading. Next update: August 23, sorry for taking long to update, health status is not good. Vote/comment/review/add to library.

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