


The carriage stopped in front of the palace before anyone could assist Oriana in stepping down. She jumped down by herself, almost losing her balance due to the thick gown.

"We can't go through the entrance," Oriana said to her maid. "I haven't recovered from yesterday's punishment. So, I have another way we can use. Come quickly." The princess walked around the palace entrance with Bessie behind her.

When they got to a part of the palace with walls lower than others, Oriana tied her gown firmly to her waist, preparing to jump. She turned to look at Bessie, "This side of the palace was overlooked during construction, so I learned to use it occasionally. Watch and learn; your first time might not be a clean jump. You might break a few bones or sprain a part of your body. Don't worry; you'll live. I'm a living testimony."

Bessie gulped, wondering if she was supposed to risk her life serving a princess. It wasn't in her job description. "I can't jump; I'll just use the main entrance."

Oriana waved her hands dismissively, "Nonsense. Don't ever underestimate what you can do. I didn't know I would become flawless either. Just watch me; I'll be waiting to catch you on the other side." The princess stepped her foot on the first small stone, then jumped, holding the fence before raising her leg and another, then landed inside the palace like a feline.

Bessie wiped her clammy hands on her dress, hearing the sound of waiting on the other side. She feared she might see the white light soon, but she had to jump with the princess. Following her steps, the maid jumped up and held the fence. When she saw the distance of her landing, her legs trembled.

"Jump. I'll catch you. Jump now!" Oriana called out to her, seeing the fear in the girl's eyes.

Bessie inhaled deeply before jumping, and as promised, Oriana caught her before both of them fell to the ground.

"You're so fragile, Bessie. The offer to change roles still stands," Oriana said, standing on her feet before dusting her hand. "Quick, let's go before someone sees us, and all our jumping would be in vain." The two girls quickly crept inside the palace where Oriana had her bath and changed into something better before going to greet her parents.

Walking along the palace corridor, Oriana noticed how quiet everywhere was. Her ears registered the silent sobs of someone, who was none other than her sister.

"Mother, I thought I would be the Queen of Morado," Sophie cried, holding a handkerchief which she used to blow her nose.

Oriana walked inside the room, where her mother and father sat. They didn't say anything, but they had a solemn look on their faces as they watched the crown princess. Nobody noticed Oriana enter the room, so she sat down on the couch, looking at her sister.

Sophie raised her face, which had now turned red. "Father, do something about it! Orion would benefit from the marriage. During the full moon gathering, I did my best to get their attention, but nothing worked." She blew her nose loudly inside the handkerchief.

Oriana scrunched her face at her sister's action. It seems the news had already reached her sister, who had trained herself for years to be the Queen of a bigger kingdom.

Queen Saline sighed, "Stop crying, Sophie. A crown princess is not supposed to be faint-hearted."

Oriana nodded in agreement. Her sister needed not to forget that she's the perfect one among the two, and sulking doesn't suit her at all.

"Oriana," Queen Saline called on noticing the girl's presence.

"Your Majesty," Oriana bowed to her mother and then father before sitting back on her couch. She tried to gauge everyone's expression to know if her hijinks had already been heard of.

"Minister Cavendish sent back the marriage chest; he said his family has forgiven you but wouldn't want to continue with the marriage because of a sign from heaven or what.." the Queen said, looking at her youngest daughter suspiciously.

Oriana's lips twisted. Of course, the poor minister had no choice but to forgive her. "I tried to persuade him to let me marry his son but he kept talking about his son having a heavenly calling," she shook her head slightly. "Maybe I should go back tomorrow with the chest."

Queen Saline waved her hand, "There's no need for that. You have already made the impression, and I'm sure no man in his right senses would want to keep you as a wife."

Oriana nodded in agreement to this, and when her mother glared at her, she shook her head slightly.

"Because of you, rumors are going around saying that our daughters have not been trained well enough for marriage, seeing that Sophie lost her chance with Morado."

"Waaa..." Sophie's loud cry was heard as she buried her face in her leg, crying loudly.

Oriana bit her lips, trying to hold back her laugh. If a broken music box had a voice, it would be the sound her sister was making at the moment.

"Shut up, Sophie!" King Curtis scolded the crown princess.

Queen Saline rubbed her temples, "And now a marriage chest has been rejected. We need to do something quickly, else nobody would want to marry any of you."

Oriana sat there, with an innocent face like she didn't know what her mother was talking about. All she wanted was for the discussion to end so she could carry out her plan.

"It's her fault," Sophie stood up, pointing at Oriana with anger all over her face.

What now, witch? Oriana said in her mind, watching as her sister pointed accusing fingers at her.

"Oriana is the reason I'm going through all of this because we look alike, people tend to mistake her for me and I lose all potential suitors. Mother, Father, won't you say or do anything about this?"

Do what? Oriana rolled her eyes internally. Scrape her face with a knife or something, like having a face of a witch is something one should be proud of. All these she said in her mind, and when she voiced her words, she said.

"Sister, it hurts me to hear you say this. I know I might not be the best, but I always look up to you." Oriana retched internally at her own words. "Your beauty can never be compared to mine. Don't worry, even if you don't get married to the crown prince of Morado, I'm sure someone else from a big kingdom is dying to meet you."

Sophie calmed down, hearing the praises from Oriana. She dried her face and asked, "Which other kingdom?"

Queen Saline and her husband were surprised to hear Oriana talk rationally.

"Avon, have you never considered Avon? They're the biggest kingdom in both trades and warriors. Imagine being their Queen," Oriana said, putting some suggestive thoughts in her sister's head.

Sophie's eyes sparkled at the thought of being the queen of Avon. "But how will the Crown Prince notice me? I haven't paid attention to him either."

Oriana waved her hands slightly, "People destined for greatness have many ways to meet themselves. Relax and don't worry; I'm sure fate has its ways."

Sophie nodded, drying her tears. Now she smiled. "Seems like the punishment yesterday was enough to knock some sense into you."

You just had to remember that, didn't you? Oriana eyed her sister before giving her a smile. She nodded her head; fate has a way of doing things, and it was by using her to get Sophie married to that man. Another grin formed at the back of Oriana's mind.

"Mother, Father. I will now retire to my quarters." Oriana bowed deeply like a dutiful child before leaving the room.

Queen Saline was surprised at the change of behavior in her youngest daughter. "Maybe the punishment had its perks," the woman murmured.

Outside the room, Oriana smiled to herself. Turning to Bessie, she said, "Quick, get a quill and parchment. We have a letter to send to Avon for my very dearest sister."

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