
Chapter 14: Begin the mission

Hinoka, Shikamaru, Ino and Tenten set out at sunset.

In the Hokage's office Kakashi sensei looked at the third Hokage as he said, "Do you really think this is the right decision Lord third? There only genin."

The third Hokage smiled as he nodded saying, "Shikamaru and Hinoka are very capable shinobi. While Ino and Tenten have great potential they have no chance to grow stronger or show their full potential with how strong their teammates are. And if anything goes wrong I sent someone to take care of everything."

Kakashi sighed as he said, "If you think this is what's best. Lord third."

"Actually I have a mission for you…"

As Hinoka's team was not too far from the rogue ninja's base, Tenten started talking, "When we get there we're going to split into 2 teams. The first will focus on collecting information while the second will focus on setting explosives all around the base. There are two entrances, one at the north and the other at the south."

She turned to Shikamaru and Ino as she said, "You two would probably be better at collecting info than either me or Hinoka, so you'll be the info team while Hinoka and I are on the explosives team."

They'll simultaneously replied saying, "Understood."

Tenten When the explosives are set the explosion team will send a signal."

Ino interrupted as she asked, "What's the signal?"

"Three consecutive explosions from outside the base. When you hear it you have 5 minutes to get outside."

"5 minutes!"

Tenten nodded before smiling as she said, "You'll be fine as long as you don't get lost."

Ino gulped and Hinoka smiled saying, "Don't worry if you die I'll make sure to attend your funeral if I'm free that is."

Ino tried to pounce on me as she screamed, "I'm going to kill you Hinoka!"

Shikamaru suddenly grabbed Ino as he put his hand over her mouth while they all hid.

A rogue ninja stepped out of the mine as he looked around before entering back.

They all sighed in relief as Shikamaru let go of Ino. Hinoka turned to Ino as she said, "Way to go Ino you almost got us caught."

Ino glared at HInoka but before she could do anything Tenten said, "Can you two stop bickering like little children already. Me and Hinoka will go in through the north entrance and draw as much attention as we can and bring chaos to this whole place. After a while Hionoka will separate from me and plant bombs everywhere. While the two of you will sneak in from the south entrance and gather as much information as possible."

We all nodded, turning towards the mine as Tenten smiled as she said, "Then let the mission begin." 

Hinoka and Tenten ran towards the entrance with Kunai in hand.

As one of the guards keeping watch outside spotted Hinoka and Tenten they turned around as they sounded an alarm but just as they did their head suddenly fell to the ground followed by their body. 

Six guards came running to the entrance upon hearing the alarm. As they arrived they saw Hinoka sitting on their comrade's dead body as Tenten just stood in front of Hinoka. 

Hinoka grinned saying, "Took you guys long enough I almost fell asleep waiting for you all."

One of them looked annoyed as they charged towards her but in an instant, Hinoka kicked their head into the wall smashing it as blood spilled. 

She turned towards the 5 others lunging towards them, they raised their weapons ready to fight but to their surprise Hinoka ran past them.

They turned to chase after her when a few kunais landed in front of them blocking their path as Tenten said, "I'm your opponent not her."

One of them grinned as they said, "You? You like your going to be an easy target, I want to fight her, not you."

Tenten looked annoyed as she asked, "Is that so? Then you can chase after her if you can beat me."

The man grabbed his sword as he said, "Sure I can use a little warm up. You two go ahead of me. I can handle this brat." as he walked towards Tenten. 

Tenten grabbed a scroll as she said, "Warm up huh?"

She threw two scrolls before running towards the man as she said, "Unfortunately I can't let any of you go."

Before the man could react the scrolls opened as multiple kunais flew towards two of the people who were chasing after Hinoka killing them. 

The man stood there confused when a guandao from the second scroll suddenly pierced him in the head. He fell to the ground as Tenten grabbed the guandao as she continued chasing after the two others.

She instantly cut another person in half, blood splashing onto her.

The last person kept on running scared as they screamed, "Intureder, intruder! We need back-"

Before they could finish, the guandao suddenly pierced through their heart. They took a step forward when Tenten suddenly pulled the guandao out of their body.

The person coughed up blood before falling to the ground.

Tenten swung the guandao removing the blood on it before piercing it into the ground as she looked at her clothes mumbling, "Killing people already makes me feel unceasing but getting the blood of my clothes is so annoying."

She looked at the dead bodies as she thought, "I let that person scream so more people would come this way. I wonder how the others are doing?"

Meanwhile Hinoka moved to the side as she hid behind boxes as multiple rogue ninja's ran towards the north entrance as she thought, "Tenten… I really wanted to see her fight, she's on Neji's team and I heard she's really good at kenjutsu. I need to concentrate and place enough bombs to destroy this whole place."

Hinoka glanced into one of the boxes that was slightly open before placing a paper bomb tag on it, 'From what I've seen most of the things here are weapons. But what could they be planning with so many weapons?"

Hinoka continued running around the mine as she placed multiple paper bombs around when she stopped in front of a room. 

'Most people should be fighting Tenten, so what are they doing here? Did they stay back in case the intruders got in?'

Hinoka leaned in closer to hear what was being said inside.

A deep male voice spoke up as they asked, "Just who are you? I told you there was an intruder and you were meant to join the others to defeat them, you're not part of the force protecting inside. To disobey a direct order from someone superior only to be found searching through documents could only mean you're a spy, Kanako."

A female voice came in as they said, "You should have kept your mouth shut when you figured that out, at least till you got back up."

Hinoka paused as she thought, "A spy… I wonder from which village she's from… Is she alone? What's their goal? What should I do?"

Just as a girl walked out of the room, she stopped as she looked at the kunai pointed at her throat before asking, "Can I help you?"

I made a big change since I'm adding another arc before the chunin exams so chapter 13 has changed and I'll add more 4 more chapters after chapter 13 to complete that arc before I continue from where I left off. Sorry for the mess.

Nen_pincreators' thoughts
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