

"Gasps!" Layla's eyes flew open as she sharply inhaled, her chest rising with a sudden breath of air. She looked around, disoriented, and realized she was lying on a bed back in the Lander's guestroom.

Throwing off the covers, she sprang up and scanned the room, her heart pounding as she searched for the mysterious cursemaster. They were nowhere to be found. Instead, on the nightstand, she spotted her cursed gadgets alongside a folded letter which read,

Dear Disciple, 

 I have fulfilled my end of the bargain. I hope you will, too. But just in case, by the time you read this, I will have left the country.

I would have loved to stay and teach you everything I know, but your status as a C.I.B. agent complicates things. I trust the C.I.B. will help you navigate your path. If fate allows, we may meet again.

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