
Chapter 33: Revelation

[Aldril POV]

As I looked at the portrait, I felt an emotional dam inside me break, and all the emotions I didn't know I had repressed began to flow freely. It was as if my heart had been holding back an ocean of feelings, and now, in front of my mother image, those waters overflowed uncontrollably.

The longing to know her, to be cared for by her, all mixed together in a chaotic storm that I could barely comprehend. The tears fell unceasingly, each one laden with memories and emotions I didn't know I had. It was as if my soul was releasing everything it had silently accumulated over the years.

My legs were shaking, and I could barely stand. Each sob was a reflection of the intensity of the pain I felt. Unbidden, I dropped to my knees in front of the portrait, my hands clutching the edge of the frame as if it could anchor me to reality.

"Why?' I murmured between sobs, my words barely audible. 'Why don't I remember her? Why do I feel this deep pain? Why did I instinctively know she was my mother?"

Everything was so chaotic, yet amidst the chaos I found many answers to my countless questions, the greatest discovery was knowing that I did not transmigrate, but reincarnated into this world. It was as if seeing my mother portrait was a wind that dispersed the fog that prevented me from seeing beyond.

I now knew that, as I fell from the waterfall, the strong emotions I felt at the danger of death stimulated my soul, allowing the memories of my past life, stored in my soul, to bloom like flowers in spring.

It was liberating, I finally understood why the more time passed the more I felt an inexplicable connection to this world that I now knew was truly my home, my second life, one more chance to live.

While everything in me was in chaos, Lord Elrond, or you could say my great-uncle, knelt beside me, his hand rested gently on my shoulder, bringing me comfort.

In a calm and understanding voice he said, "How do you intuitively know it is your mother? Sometimes the heart remembers what the mind has forgotten, it's like a newborn baby, it instinctively knows who its mother is."

I closed my eyes, trying to breathe through the sobs that shook my body. I felt the warmth of the sun filtering through the windows, bathing the room in golden light. Despite the emotional storm, that light seemed to offer me a glimmer of peace, as if my mother was watching me and comforting me.

Elrond's words echoed in my mind. It was true, there was something in my heart that recognized the woman in the portrait, something deeper than mere memories. It was an instinctive recognition, a bond that overcame time.

"It's hard to explain" I finally murmured, wiping away my tears with the back of my hand "From the moment I saw her face, I knew who she was."

Elrond nodded, his gaze full of understanding. "Our connections are different from those of other races. Instinctively we will always seek to be with our family. Did you not feel Rivendell calling you?' he asked softly.

Rising awkwardly on shaky legs, I nodded, "When we went into the forest, I felt a great call to this place" I said, then asked "Why did you bring me here, Lord Elrond? Did you know who I was when you saw me?"

Elrond removed his hand from my shoulder and nodded. "Follow me" he said as he walked to another portrait. This portrait was of a man much like Elrond, with chiseled jaw and straight black hair falling over his shoulders. I was strikingly similar to him, except that I had my mother's eyes and darker hair.

'This is Elros, my twin brother and your grandfather,' Elrond explained in a nostalgic tone. "When I first saw you, it was as if I went back in time and saw my brother in his youth. The magic of my elven blood told me that you were a relative of mine, and your eyes were the last piece of the puzzle as to whose son you were" he said as he looked at the portrait wistfully and sadly.

I was silent, taking in his words. I looked at the portrait of my grandfather Elros, feeling a mixture of awe.

The revelation of my lineage left me extremely surprised, a memory of a month ago in my talk with Balin came to my mind when I heard the name Elros "Tindómiel, daughter of Elros the first king of Númenor but something did not add up."

"Lord Elrond, pardon my question, but wasn't King Elros human? How is he your brother if you are an Elf? And if my mother was the daughter of Elros, why does she look like an elf?" I asked confused and a little embarrassed.

At my question, Elrond turned and gave me a sympathetic smile "You are my family young Aldril, you can just call me Elrond or uncle, as for your question, it will take a while to explain why don't we go sit down?" He said as he gestured with his hand, pointing to a table outside the room in a garden.


As we settled into the garden, several elven servants brought us fruit and wine to accompany our conversation. Elrond and I sat on a finely carved marble bench, surrounded by vibrantly colored flowers. Our conversation began when Elrond spoke of our ancestor.

"It all begins with our ancestor Tuor, who arrived in Gondolin after spending many penumbras. After spending seven years in Gondolin, he fell in love with Idril Celebrindal, daughter of Gondolin ruler, Turgon."

"Their love was reciprocated and, after some time, they married. Their union gave birth to a son named Eärendil, who is in turn my father and your grandfather. My father was a Peredhil, a being with elven and human blood, a half elf. They and their descendants are allowed to choose which destiny they will take, either the destiny of elven immortality or the mortal destiny of men."

"As time passed, my father found his love in Elwing the beautiful, also a half elf, who in turn is my precious mother. With her he had two sons, myself and my brother Elros. Both my father and mother chose the fate of the elves after asking the Valar for help in defeating Morgoth."

"In time, my brother and I grew up and were presented with the choice of which destiny we would choose. I chose the fate of elves and my brother chose the fate of men. However, only first and second generation descendants have the option to choose their destiny. But your mother was an exception; her great exploits in Middle-earth as an adventurer drew the attention of the great Valar, Varda, mistress of the stars."

"So much so that he blessed her and allowed her to be an exception. Thus, your mother had the choice of which destiny to choose and, as you can imagine, she took the destiny of the elves. With her chosen destiny, your mother bravely faced the dark forces of Sauron for a long time."

"She was so awesome and powerful that on many occasions she stood face to face against Sauron. Every battle they fought shaped the land, as if they were natural disasters. In many battles she caused Sauron to retreat. She was one of the main people in the fall of the kingdom of Angmar. She was the pillar of light that brought and maintained hope to all races."

"In the battle of the last alliance, your mother together with Isildur defeated Sauron. However, in that battle your mother was wounded with Sauron's dark magic. At first it did not cause great harm and we thought we had healed her. However, after her pregnancy, the dark magic resurfaced and severely affected your mother."

"By the eighth month of pregnancy, your mother was in Lothlórien with Galadriel and my wife. On her return to Rivendell, your mother gave birth to you. However, a moment that should be one of happiness was marred by an orc ambush. My wife was kidnapped, while your mother was severely injured due to her not being in optimal condition from pregnancy and dark magic."

"According to my men, I was told that when they were about to murder you, a beautiful glowing white bird rescued you and led you away from the battle. However, we were never able to track your whereabouts. Your mother, in her depression over losing you, wanted to give in to dark magic. We did everything to keep her alive. One night, your mother visited me and claimed she had a vision in which you and older me met a gray wizard."

"I immediately guessed the identity of the magician. I knew that sooner or later you would return to your family. Your mother clung to that hope, but the black magic overcame my healing art. So, we had to send her and my wife to Valinor to recover."

"Your mother said she would go to any length to return after she was healed, all to see him again, he beloved son."

With all that said, Elrond drank some wine, as he felt a little dry throat, as for me, I was completely in shock, so many events were happening and I was not in my best state, I needed a place alone to sort out everything that happened today.

Only a few words I could say "Thank you, Uncle Elrond, for being here, for helping me understand." I felt mentally weak.

Observing my state, Elrond smiled at me with tenderness and understanding, he knew I needed to sort out my thoughts. "I will always be here for you, Aldril. Now, take your time to process all of this. Rivendell is your home" He said, then asked an elven servant to take me to a room.


Right now I was in a soft bed, with an arm across my forehead, the events of the day of I let out a sigh as I closed my eyes and thought about everything that happened today, until I suddenly opened my eyes. 'With everything that happened, I forgot to ask who my father was,' letting out another sigh, I settled on the bed to take a nap.

"I'll ask tomorrow, right now I need a nap to calm down" With that last said, I allowed Morpheus to take me into his dream territory.


As those who have read the books will know, I made a slight AU with the kidnapping of Elrond's wife. And seriously, haven't you noticed? Vala Varda is the creator of the stars, and Aldril's hair shines like a starry sky when his emotions fluctuate. Moreover, his horse was named Shadow Star and formed a strong bond with Aldril in such a short time.

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Wake the f*uck up orc, we have a Middle-earth to conquer!

Give me you power Stones!!

Ax_nevermay_crycreators' thoughts
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