

When Victor cut all those thorns in mid-air, even the Blights were shocked. They had no emotional awareness, so they weren't literally paralyzed with fear, but their limited intelligence meant that they didn't have much choice about what to do next.

However, Victor had an almost limitless range of possibilities at this point. He swung his steel sword without a second thought and cut one Blight in half, then another and in the blink of an eye the three fallen thorny Blights were on the ground.

The Pyaxu warrior was stunned to witness Victor's skill with the sword, but was soon reminded by a thorn hitting his armor that he was on a battlefield. Luckily, he had powerful armor, so the wooden thorn bounced off and flew away. 

It was then that Pyaxu looked ahead and saw a Blight with his arms stretched forward quickly forming more thorns to release from his fingertips

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