
(C) I Know Who You Are

"And who is this lovely lady that we have here?" I said with a raised eyebrow as I stared at the rather shorter girl who was missing an eye who had a tense expression on her face.

"Uncle Cain, this is Vaggie and she is my girlfriend, Vaggie this is Cain, he helped raise me while I was growing up." Charlie said introducing us to eachother as I smiled brightly.

"Your girlfriend huh? Well I'm more than happy to see my little Charlie finally finding herself a new love interest after that certain Piece of Shit! *ehem* went and broke her heart, so thank you for being there for her." I say before gently smiling at her as I held her shoulders as I looked down at her.

"O-oh um yeah, it's nothing really." She says a bit embarrassed like which just makes me laugh as I nudge Charlie.

"So when's the wedding?" I grin as I watch Charlie and even Vaggie get all embarrassed as she starts to playfully hit me.

"Stoooop! Your embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend!" She says as her white face has gone bright red from embarrassment.

"Okay okay my bad, you two can take your time thinking about it, you both have all the time in the world after all, but Charlie how about you go tell the others of my arrival alright? In the meantime you don't mind if I borrow your girlfriend for the moment? Just want to have a nice friendly chat with her if that's fine with you." I say with a smile as I lead Charlie towards her door, while we both faced away from Vaggie who's looks suddenly became a bit tense.

"Okay! I'll go tell everyone your here! I'll see you both downstairs!" She says innocently as she heads out the door with a skip in her step.

"Charlie wa-" but Vaggie was a bit late as Charlie already closed the door leaving me and her alone in the room as I went and sat down in on Charlie's couch overlooking Pentagram City.

"No need to be so nervous Vaggie, I just want to have a heart to heart conversation with you is all, and no if your even remotely worried I'll hurt you then you can throw that thought right out the window, so come and take a seat with me." I say calmly to her as I pat the couch right next to me.

"Well…. Okay…. So what do you want to talk about?" She says as she tries to stay calm as she sits next to me, but not too close.

"Oh nothing much just like how you met, how far along have you two gotten, why you haven't told her your an Angel, you know those sorts of things…." I say as I look at my nails as I just dropped a huge bomb on her head right then and there.

"Wait, how do you-"

"Know? Vaggie you should know better than anyone why I would notice instantly that your an Angel and not a demon or a sinner right?" I say as if saying the obvious.


"Alright Bitches! Listen up!" Adam shouted out to the group of freshly recruited Angels, the Same group that Vaggie was apart of.

"Tomorrow will be the day you girls get your cherry popped with your first ever kills of demons on your first HellDive! So I'm proud to say you all have earned your stripes and your helmets by finally becoming Exorcists!" He shouted out and getting a cheer from the crowd of newly annoited exorcists.

"Now a few ground rules, we only target sinners from the deal Lucifer made with my boss and your big boss, so we only attack the pride ring while leaving all the other rings alone!"

"And second you are to be aware of these three assholes as they are the only people in hell who can kill you!" He says before flipping on the projector behind him showing off three different people, two all the girls were familiar with and one they hadn't seen before.

"You already know about Lucifer and Lilith, you should not attack them regardless as they are exempted from the extermination, the one you girls need to wary of is this piece of shit!" He says as the projector focuses entirely on the rather handsome looking male demon.

But suddenly to everyone's shock and horror as the picture was zoomed out to show him wielding two massive blood soaked blades in his hands as he smiled while looking at the camera that wasn't facing him but took the picture from behind.

And beneath him were dozens of angel corpses as his clothes and blades were stained in angelic blood that glowed brightly on him and his blades.

"This mother- This Fucker is better know to you all as Cain, the Earths first ever murderer and begrudgingly my own son, who I would love nothing more to kill myself! But this fucker has killed legions of my girls in the past to the point heaven had to make a compromise between him and us." He said as he slammed his fist into the podium as he was clearly extremely pissed thinking about his waste of a son.

"If you see this fucker, you stay well the hell away from him, so long as none of you girls attack him or his things then he won't attack back, but if one of you idiots do attack him then it's on you for signing your own death certificate! Now then, any questions?!" He shouted out but got silence in return.

"Alright then you bitches! Tomorrow is your big day! So rest up and get ready to kill!!!" He shouted out before he pulled out his golden axe guitar as he played a sick guitar solo to the cheers of everyone there.

But Vaggie had that image burned into her mind, be wary of Cain and you'll live to see another day.

*Flasback End*

"Because you've killed countless angels in the past." She said as she got a nod from me.

"Yep, also doesn't help your wielding an angelic spear for a weapon, then again they leave their weapons all around the place all the time during exterminations, but most sinners don't like to grab them unless they have too." I say as I lean back.

"Frankly I'm happy that you saw what Adam and the rest were doing as bad and stopped doing it in the first place." I say before leaning on my hand to look at her.

"It wasn't like that at the beginning but then there was this little kid sinner and…." She said quietly as she looked down as I placed my hand on her shoulder as she looked up at me.

"But you didn't have it in you to kill the kid now could you?" I say as she shakes her head no.

I really am happy that Charlie found a girl like you to fall in love with, but I know telling her the truth hurts, but if you really love her then when your ready, you will tell her before someone else does it before you do, and believe you and me, she will be devastated to find out any other way than from your mouth, and the one thing i absolutely hate is seeing my daughter cry more than anything." I say with a serious look in my eyes.

"…. Your daughter?"

"My adoptive daughter, but when daddy dearest is around I'm her favorite uncle instead, but to say I was there all those years as she grew up makes me more like a dad than her real dad is saying something, and even though she doesn't like fighting I'm also the one who taught her how to fight with a shield and spear if she ever needs it, along with how to shoot a gun if she needs too." I say with a shake of my head before smiling.

"But since the 'heavy' stuff is out of the way, want to see some of her baby pictures?" I say before pulling out my phone and going through several files to end up in the section full of pictures of Charlie as she grew up.

"Awww! She's so cute!" I could see Vaggies eye sparkle as she looked at the pictures of young Charlie.

"Here, I'll send you some to your-"


"What the fuck? When the hell did that get here?" I turn around and notice a Zepplin suddenly behind us and had bombarded the hotel.

"Alastor! I know your in there! Come and face your arch-nemesis! The One! The Only! Sir Pretentioussssss!!!" The guy over the speaker said with a strong hiss at the end as he announced to the hotel.

"Ugh, not this guy again…." Vaggie sighed as she grabbed her spear and got up.

"…. Does this happen often?" I ask as I followed her out onto the balcony as I looked at the Zepplin that had its cannons aimed towards the front door where I saw Charlie and two others standing out looking up at the Zepplin.

"This is the second time, but since he's after Alastor, he has it handled." And right on cue giant black shadowy tentacles appeared out from the ground as they grab the Zepplin before beginning to thrash it around.

"Alastor huh?" I say as I look down at the man in a full red suit as I could hear him laughing with a weird radio distortion over his voice.

But while he was laughinh stopped and looked up as both our eyes met and I instantly realized something in the mere moment of eye contact.

'Oho…. So he's her plaything now…. Looks like this place is even more interesting than I thought.' I say with a big toothy smile as I matched his gaze.

Things are going to get fun from here on out.


Extra chapter two out of now four since we crossed the 120ps mark, we hit 150ps I'll make another on top of the next two.

Próximo capítulo