
Chapter 199: RWBY (5)

Chapter 199: RWBY (5)

~Ozpin (Ozma) POV~

[Later that night, Vale Kingdom, Beacon Academy]

Seeing the elevator open I smiled seeing the arrival of both my former students in a calm tone of their update, "There you are. I'm glad you two arrived safely."

Getting a good look at their faces, I frowned. Qrow looked serious, more so than his usual self. Amber looked worried and crestfallen, looking away and not meeting his eyes as Glynda asked in a concerned tone, "What is wrong?"


Qrow stepped closer and slammed a piece of paper on my desk making my blood turn cold hearing my original name in a serious tone, "Mind telling me who 'Ozma' is?"

Gylnda soon parroted making my body freeze in place, "Ozma? I've never heard of – "

That was when I cut her off louder than intended in a serious stone-eyeing Qrow, "Who told you such a thing?"

Qrow gestured to the letter with a nod, but his eyes were surprised by my raise of voice, "Take a look."

I silently stared at Qrow, dread slowly filling my being before turning my gaze to the letter. Slowly I took the letter and noticed that it was already opened. I began to read it, my heart started to beat faster as my eyes widened.

'I'm going to keep this short and sweet [The Infinite Man]. I know who you are, Ozma, but right now, this is not important. In this letter, there's a description of every one of Salem's minions. Make sure to not let any of them inside the Kingdom, or any Kingdom really. Though don't bother telling Lionheart about it. That guy is a traitor and Raven Branwen is the Spring Maiden that fucking coward.

And tell Tindick Ironwood to change the security codes of his Kingdom. We don't want the one who made the code to simply fuck him over, do we? Granted it would be hilarious if it did happen. You can ignore this letter if you so wish I don't care for your little love spat with your ex-wife Salem. But a little warning won't hurt right big guy?'

The letter goes on to describe Salem's agents. How they look, their semblances, their weapons, and so on. I sat down on my chair, putting the letter on the desk while sighing wearily.

Only a few people knew my first name. Salem, the brother gods, and a few others he knew hundreds of years back. I could only come to two conclusions on how someone found out about it.

Either a descendent of one of our old friends or Salem had something to with it. Glynda took the letter and began reading it, frowning deeply in a tone of disbelief, "Leonardo is a traitor? Your Ex-wife is Salem? And you believe this garbage?"

Qrow leaned his back against the wall as he cooly replied taking a whisk of flask smelling like alcohol, "I don't believe all of it, but the guy who wrote it saved Amber. I think that's enough to least give him the benefit of the doubt. And besides, Raven being the Spring Maiden? I can see it. Raven will never waste a chance to gather more 'strength' for her little tribe. Although the last part of Salem being your ex-wife though? That last part is because of his arrogant asshole."

However, Glynda argued not believing Miss Branwen to be that risky for herself in an annoyed tone, "And bring Salem to her doorstep in return? We know how your sister operates. She won't take the risk."

That was when I finally stood up and looked at them with steeled eyes in a serious tone drawing attention to myself, "Glynda, Qrow, that's enough. Glynda copy the message and send it to Ironwood. Qrow, look for the stranger who wrote the letter. If what he said is true, then we need to act quickly."

Glynda looked at me wide-eyed at my demands in a tone of disbelief following my words trusting this stranger's words, "Ozpin, you can't seriously believe this farce!"

I only sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose the potential of ignoring this warning would mean if it were real in a defeated tone, "We don't have any other options, Glynda. Ignoring what could be true will bring tragedy on our heads."

That was when Qrow interjected as he looked and Amber and nodded explaining in an awkward tone, "That's not the only thing we should be worried about…"

The Fall Maiden Amber stepped closer confessing a shattering secret making us freeze on the spot of her words, "That man, he… he somehow used magic."


We both yelled surprised as Glynda narrowed her eyes in a delusional tone not believing this easily as I did, "That's impossible. We all know that magic disappeared from the world thousands of years ago."

However, Qrow somehow the voice of reason (Oh god help us all) brought up his flask and gulped from it, "Well, it's true. I felt it too."

Hearing this the new stranger just became a VITAL person to us as I spoke in a serious tone about the dire situation we find ourselves in, "Then the more reason to find him. Fast. If Salem gets to him first, then you can be assured that everything we worked for will disappear."

I looked at Qrow as he shrugged stubbornly getting close to me in a defiant tone, "Not leaving till you tell me who Ozma is."

I sighed at this pleading with my best agent in a desperate tone of the situation, "Qrow, please. I… promise, I'll tell you what you want once we contact the mage."

Qrow narrowed his eyes at me then scoffed in a dissatisfied tone but understood the importance of this new mission, "Fine. You better keep that promise, Oz."

Before I could respond he walked towards the elevator and left. Glynda sighed as she read the letter for the fourth time wariness in her voice, "If… what you say is best, then I won't object. But I don't believe that Leo is a traitor. Not one bit."

With that, she left as well. This left only Amber asking me in a confused tone, looking for answers, "… What are we going to do, Headmaster? If Headmaster Leonardo is a traitor, then…"

I soon spoke in a comforting tone calming the poor girl asking about the mage's abilities curious about her encounter, "We'll get to that soon. For now, I want you to tell me everything that happened."

Amber nodded and began to speak.


~Mash B. POV~

[Next morning, Atlas Kingdom, Mantle Crater, Inn]

Waking up in the morning I see Ryuko holding me tightly as I smiled at my Gear Eyes clutching me tightly. I soon think back to the letter I gave to Ozpin about messing with the plot of the story greatly by handing him that letter.

Am I worried about Ozpin finding out about me? Not really. Thinking about it a little more, I realized that even if he does know, he can't do anything to force me into his group. Ironwood might, but Ozpin will stop him.

But fun fact, my interference with Cinder's plan had consequences. Now that Amber is saved, Ozpin and his inner circle will know who the culprits of the ambush are.

The reason why Qrow didn't know in the show, even though he saw them, was because of Emerald's Semblance. How I know this is thanks to my Gamer Ring granting me mind protection against her skills.

But the biggest consequence of my actions involves the miss protagonist herself Ruby Rose altering her course. Since Cinder has no Maidens, she couldn't pay Roman, and because of this, he wouldn't rob the dust place, which in turn wouldn't get Ruby to Beacon early.

And I… surprisingly enough don't care that much, to be honest. I mean, I prefer if she followed the plot but then again, I'm not here for that exactly. Technically speaking, whether Ruby goes to Beacon or not doesn't matter since I already fucked up all the canon events.

Waking up I find myself groggily wanting to sleep more, but there were too many things to do here in Atlas that I needed and wanted to do. Doing a bit of exercise, I woke myself up a bit more. I went to see Ryuko cuddling the pillow instead of me, which is not surprising considering the fact the tavern is a bit chilly with an outdated heating system.

The area around and in the slums is in disrepair, and even the city heating system in this part of town needs maintenance. My honest thoughts on learning this place from the locals are FUCK ATLAS!

It may be the leading kingdom of technological advancements, but it's a terrible place to live for Faunus. I sighed as I grabbed Ryuko's shoulders and shook her awake. Gear Eyes groaned eventually pulling herself out of bed while wrapping the blanket around her.

Ryuko complained, still looking sleepy in a tired tone seeing small bags under her eyes, "Mash, why do I have to get up now? Coulda just let me sleep in?"

Joking around I replied with a smug grin in a joking tone, "But I'm lonely."

She only shot me a glare scoffing and rolling her eyes. I then told her the actual reason for waking them up at 6 in the morning in a calm tone, "You want a fresh hot breakfast, right Gear Eyes?"

She finally relaxed and gave me a slight smile as she replied in a calm tone, "That is a good reason."

She soon got up and changed from her pajamas and followed me to the dining area of the tavern. Fiona's Uncle's tavern master greeted us with a stiff nervous expression, "Morning, what would you like for breakfast?"

I greeted the tavern master asking for a menu as he asked a waiter will come shortly. I noticed Gear Eyes saw his reaction as she spoke in a concerned tone, "Why did he look so worried after he saw us? We are his customers, right?"

Seeing her expression, I sighed as I explained to her, we took our seats in a calm tone to her and Senketsu, "Around here, humans usually mean trouble for faunus, so be on your best behavior with them."

She nodded her head understanding. The waitress came by and gave us some menus while giving Ryuko a wary glance. After getting our drinks which the tavern only had water or alcohol, the waitress went off to give us time to think about our orders. I then informed Ryuko about my plans today in a neutral tone, "I'm going to be looking for someone, and if you want you can poke around the human side of town to find some better accommodations than here."

Ryuko looked over the limited menu as she spoke in a neutral tone eyeing me, "I'm fine here even though it's a bit chilly at night. But who are you looking for?"

Ryuko asked me as she looked away from the menu. I then told them in an honest tone as I didn't need to hide who I was searching for from her in an interested tone, "Apparently, one of Atlas' finest minds likes to operate down here in Mantle to help the locals, and I want to meet him to see if he can give me some insight on advancing my technical skills."

Ryuko simply nodded understanding what I meant asking in an interested tone, "Mind if I come along?"

I nodded agreeing and the waitress came back to take our orders.


~Third POV~

[Atlas Kingdom, Mantle, Pietro's Pharmacy]

Not far from Mash and company's location Pietro Polendina helped a young girl with cat ears adjust to her prosthetic leg after losing her original one in a recent accident. After making some final adjustments he told her in a kind tone, "There you go, good as new. Now, if you have any issues with the leg, just let me know, okay?"

The little girl smiled and nodded at the good doctor, and the girl's dog-eared mother also thanked him in a grateful tone, "Thank you, doctor, how can I ever repay you?"

Pietro merely smiled waving his hand in a kind tone as he replied, "It's no trouble at all. Feel free to come again if there is anything else."

The mother-daughter pair thanked him once more, then left the excellent doctor alone. Pietro felt slightly envious of the pair since he was incapable of starting his own family due to being sterile within his bound chair.

But he let that jealousy go as he recalled his daughter Penny Polendina. His P.E.N.N.Y. Project is based on endowing weapons with souls. In a strange sense of fate, he will be making his daughter and having a family member to nurture come true.

He smiled seeing a small photograph of Penny and him. He caressed the photo as Penny is working for General Ironwood currently in Atlas Academy putting the photo down, he returned to his work helping the people of Mantle.

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