
Chapter 189: The Final Battle (1)

Chapter 189: The Final Battle (1)

~Third POV~

[Thread Palace]

With Ragyo defeated all the COVERS stopped functioning as Ryuko asked in a confused tone, "That's it? Is it over?"

Nonon soon made a snide comment at Ryuko's words in an annoyed tone, "What's wrong, new girl? You sound disappointed."

Ryuko rolled her eyes as she argued back at Nonon, "Get off my back!"

Satsuki soon smiled lightly seeing the defeated Primordial Life Fibers in a victorious tone gripping her twin Bakuzan's, "Ragyo Kiryuin, the agent of the COVERS' will has fallen. And the Primordial Life Fibers killed, my purpose has been fulfilled. As long as I live humans will not become slaves to clothing. I won't allow it."

What would be a victorious day soon got ruined when Ragyo spoke up in a stoic tone looking at the hole leading to the outside, "I knew it. Both of you were the singularity, Ryuko Matoi. Mash Bastion."

Mash soon spoke in a confused tone, but his eyes suddenly became alarmed, "She is the singularity? What do you mean by that?"

Ragyo simply gazed at them before returning to the sky above changing her view and laughing lightly at them, "Hahaha… you still don't understand. You're such a fool Satsuki. This world is the manifestation of the future you desire. Your… delusion turned reality. The Life Fibers can interfere with reality. Junketsu took your dreams and made them tangible. That is the distorted world we see now joined together with the true reality of our world."

Hearing her words stunned everyone listening to what she did next in a proud tone Ragyo continued explaining with a grin on her face, "Since my Life Fiber is much more powerful than Junketsu's I took control over your power to reshape this world where I won. Then I could've enslaved humanity and begun the process of turning it… into a Cocoon Sphere."

She soon paused as her eyes lingered on the two people who stopped her plans lingering on them in a stoic tone, "Yes. I could've. If it wasn't for your existence, Ryuko Matoi. And Mash Bastion his natural 'Authority' interfering in this world."

Both looked extremely annoyed by her words as Ryuko asked in an irritated tone looking down at Ragyo, "Yeah, yeah. Are you gonna die already or what!"

Ragyo soon just gazed up at the sky as she spoke in a neutral tone uncaring for what happened next her eyes bored, "None of these matters. This is nothing but a distorted world, born from Satsuki's mind. You can resist to your heart's content. It won't change a thing."

Satsuki soon spoke in a stunned tone not believing the words out of her mother's mouth in disbelief, "This world is my dream…?"

That was when it clicked in Mash's mind to figure out why he couldn't access his space and time skills in a stunned tone, 'Then…! Oh, no wonder I couldn't use it?! Reality unraveling could only mean either its destruction… or a merger of worlds colliding with the Imaginary Number Space. I didn't see that one coming. Good thing I stole that skill from that alien abomination [Space-Time Immunity].'

Mash checked his skill list to ensure he wasn't tripping since he did get eaten by an alien not too long ago.


<Space Time Immunity> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: The user is immune to space/dimensional/temporal/time-based powers, meaning they cannot be frozen in time, slowed, or even be affected by Time Travel and cannot be harmed by space or deleted entirely. They are also immune to Temporal/Dimensional Slicing and have their age controlled by time manipulators.




Suddenly the Primordial Life Fibers sprang to life once again in a desperate attempt at living absorbing anything nearby. Everyone quickly moved as Ryuko yelled at the stunned Satsuki in a worried tone, "Damn it, Satsuki! Don't just stand there!"


However, the Elite Four soon defended Satsuki from the Fibers as Mash grabbed her who was still in a state of shock in a concerned tone, "Not funny Eyebrows now's not the time to be spacing out. Come on…"

Soon Inumuta noticed Ragyo being taken inside the Primordial Life Fibers as he yelled getting everyone's attention, "The Primordial Life Fiber is trying to absorb Ragyo's Life Fibers!"

Soon Ragyo got consumed by the Primordial Life Fiber along with the other COVERS that were defeated or joining into it meshing together bringing the Primordial Life Fibers back to life.


Once it did so a brilliant crimson light emitted from the room as Nonon asked Inumuta in a concerned tone of the situation, "Inu! You're the smarty-pants! What the hell's going on?!"

Inumuta was still analyzing what was happening as Mash glared responding to Nonon's question in an alarmed tone, "It seems like the Primordial Life Fiber knows it's in danger, it's evolving again to save itself by absorbing the remaining Life Fibers in the area!"

Soon an abomination of a Primordial Life Fiber took the form of a baby infant crawling deformed as Life Fibers were being fed to it acting on instinct as everyone noticed its attention on Satsuki.

It spread its arms to attack Satsuki with everyone defending her with Ryuko and Mash attacking the abomination. It even made a flesh molding sound opening its eyes with him shivering in a disgusted tone, "That's one fucking ugly baby."

Soon it screeched opening its mouth releasing a concentrated beam of energy at the group alarming everyone as Mash changed his lance into a great shield defending everyone in an alarmed tone, "Quick everyone behind me! NOW!"



Tanking the attack using his divine weapon he managed to block the attack as the P.L.F. Baby with Ryuko's eyes widening noticing the wounds from earlier are healing in an alarmed tone, "Crap, it's reforming! That ain't no ordinary Life Fiber!"

Inumuta gritted his teeth as he stated the obvious in a grim tone taking a distance away from the abomination, "This is crazy. We're not strong enough to handle this!"


Screeching the abomination opened its hands as millions of life fibers emerged from it all around with the group trying their best to destroy or avoid it. However, few of them landed on Satsuki gritting in pain as flashes of alternate timeline memories entered through her head (the original Kill La Kill Worldline).

A different series of events happening flashed into her making her have a throbbing headache groaning in a pained tone, "What is this…?!"

With the attack dying down Senketsu soon spoke to Ryuko in a grim tone about their dire situation, "This is bad, Ryuko. That thing isn't just absorbing Life Fibers from this world… it's absorbing them from other dimensions, too."

Ryuko was shocked hearing this in an alarmed tone, "For real?!"

Hearing this Mash spoke in a serious tone listening to their conversations with a narrowed glare at the abomination in front of them, "What Senketsu is saying is true. I can feel the forces of different dimensions and spatial manipulation at the works. It's taking them from different worldlines than this one here… from both their past and futures."

Listening to the seriousness of his words Ryuko cursed out loud in an annoyed tone against the enemy in front of them, "Aw, son of a –. If that's true, then how the hell're we gonna kill it?"

Senketsu soon spoke about another issue dealing with the abomination in front of them in a dire tone, "As long as it has a supply of Life Fibers to absorb, the Primordial Life Fiber will keep regenerating. We have to get to its core and destroy it."

But soon the abomination stopped as laughter emerged from the abomination taking form into Ragyo scolding them with a proud tone, "Hahaha… you still don't understand. You're such a fool, Satsuki. This world was the manifestation of the future you desire. Your… delusion turned reality. Recall how I took your power…. I'll make my dreams into reality."



In a flash of rainbow light, Ragyo became the new core for the Primordial Life Fiber enhanced beyond belief her Kamui restored. In her second form by casting away the last remnants of her humanity, Ragyo draws even more power from Shinra-Koketsu, transforming.

In this form, the chest part of the outfit becomes more form-fitting like a corset, the hood of the dress disappears, and Ragyo's hair is styled as a pair of horns, giving her a much more demonic appearance. In this form her power is even greater than before, combined with the other worldlines Life Fibers are even powerful enough to overwhelm Ryuko and Senketsu in their [Senketsu Kisaragi] canon form.

In that flash of rainbow light, she absorbed the Elite Four Goku Uniforms and the remaining Life Fibers in the area. But because Junketsu and Senketsu have mixed human DNA in them they weren't affected nor absorbed into her new form.

Ragyo looked down below the group as she began to levitate above in a victorious tone and spoke confidently, "With my new abilities transcending into a God I'll unleash [Absolute Domination] across the world that have their life fibers lying dormant awakened. All of mankind will be consumed by clothing, and this planet will be covered in a single piece of cloth. Earth WILL become another Celestial Cocoon Planet, and newborn Life Fibers shall once again spread across the MULTIVERSE!"


With that, Ragyo launched skyward, propelled by Shinra-Kouketsu as Satsuki spoke in a serious tone of the dire situation, "We're powerless like this. Regardless… I will NOT give up now!"

Seeing the situation Mash soon spoke out in a calm tone an idea getting Satsuki and Ryuko's attention, "Not everything is lost yet. Ryuko. Satsuki. I got a batshit crazy idea that might just work to get us out of this dire situation. Can both your Kamui's do what Ragyo is doing? Absorb every Life Fiber to evolve to a point where fighting her is possible."

Hearing his idea both their eyes widened as Ryuko grinned at his crazy idea nodding her head in an excited tone, "Heh. You got a point, pretty boy. There's nothing the Primordial Life Fiber can do that I and Sneketsu can't handle. Nothing."

Satsuki soon smirked gazing at Junketsu fully knowing its ability to grant her desires into reality in a determined tone, "With Matoi's [Absorption Ability], and my Junketsu's ability to grant my desires and dreams into reality… yes. We may have a chance. I'd say we go and grab some Life Fibers of our own. You ready Matoi?"

Ryuko gazed at Satsuki nodding her head and agreeing in a confident tone clenching her fists together, "Whaddya think? But what are you going to do?"

Mash smirked as he revealed BB from the Moon Cell bracelet in a confident tone preparing to enter his strongest form as humanly possible, "Hmph! Don't think I'm out of the count just yet you two. It's about time I revealed my final trump card against your superpowered monster of a mother. Time for me to level up and help you girls out."

The Bracelet of the Moon Cell shined brightly as Ryuko and Satsuki began to use the new ability they gained from their mother [Absolute Domination] to forcibly absorb the Life Fibers across the multiple worldlines entering their body yelling as star-like particles began to shroud them, "AHHHHHHHH!!!!"


Building up his own Magical Energy Power Mash spoke to the Elite Four in a serious tone as heat began to emerge from his body, "You guys better get out of here. From this point onward this will be a battle impossible for you to follow. Keep your distance and be safe…"

They nodded as they soon left Mash sighed seeing multiple Life Fibers around them and across the Worldlines from the cracks of reality being absorbed into them evolving into a state where they can fight as he smirked activating his chant to unleash his transformation creating a dome of concentrated magical energy in a serious tone, "Before creation was...I was. Where creation ends, I wait. I am the void. The breath between life and death, between death and rebirth. The nothing...from which everything springs. The origin tale of Gilgamesh Root. Initiate [Mythological Mystic Code of Genesis]!"


<Mythological Mystic Code of Genesis> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Description: This skill allows the user to temporarily transform into Gilgamesh time when he first fought Enkidu using the [Mythological Mystic Code] a very powerful engine, its power places much burden on the Servant. The basic Servant frame is not capable of withstanding the power output of the Mythological Mystic Code, much less a [Demi-Servant] to a time limit duration of being in this form is 1-second x the user's current level. But when the user's time limit has passed the user will wait a 24-hour cooldown time for the mind, body, and soul to rest before using this transformation again.

While transformed, the user will receive a drastic increase in his skills [Gate of Babylon; Treasure for the King], [Sha Naqba Imuru: The Omniscient Omnipotent Star], and [Bab-ilu: Key of the King's Law To Enshrine], and [Melammu Dingir: King's Signal Cannon] into ridiculous levels. This skill has a duration period to not overflood the user destroying mind, body, and soul while in this form.

The user must utter this chant either out loud or in their head to activate the transformation: "Before creation was...I was. Where creation ends, I wait. I am the void. The breath between life and death, between death and rebirth. The nothing...from which everything springs. The origin tale of Gilgamesh Root. Initiate [Mythological Mystic Code of Genesis]!"

-[Genesis Manipulation]: Due to unlocking this state's true origin you gain the skill to manipulate Genesis as an event, and thus manipulate how the event of Genesis happens. It doesn't even have to be the whole world, but it can be a specific thing such as a specific civilization or planet.

-While transformed all stats are enhanced beyond recognition.

-While in this form the user has within the laws of humans that Gilgamesh must possess a Noble Phantasm able to counter ANY form of attack or attribute. Gilgamesh possesses all the Earth's... no, all the prototypes of humanity's collective consciousness, that he is the [King of Heroes].



[Outside Earth's Space]


Flying into outer space being propelled by the evolved power of Shinra-Koketsu in an arrogant tone spoke looking down on the world, "Once the Life Fibers devour this planet I'll personally search for the world he originated from and start from there. I'll turn every planet across the Multiverse into – oh."


Ragyo soon paused seeing three colors of light emerge in front of her each of them having a brilliant shiny color coming out of a brilliant red and yellow light emerged Ryuko Matoi in her new form of Senketsu in an angry tone, "Don't tell me you forgot about us you old hag! Time for some payback!"


Satsuki soon emerged from a blue and black aura around her emerged in a new form of Junektsu looking intimidating and divine with a determined tone glared hatefully at Ragyo pointing her evolved Bakuzan's into a two-longed spear or known bidental, "Ragyo Kiryuin! You shall not destroy our home nor humanity for as I Satsuki Kiryuin draw breath!"


But the last one Ragyo glared hatefully seeing the one person that interfered with the sole chance of victory with his body having red tattoo lines, a golden chain wrapped around his wrist, a lance of a divine construct, and golden hair to match his red eyes glaring hatefully at her in a disgusted tone, "Ragyo Kiryuin… time for round 2. Let's end this farce once and for all mongrel."


The final battle for the fate of the Worldline of the Kill La Kill world has entered its final stage… the fate of humanity now rests in the hands of the trio. Mash looked at his counter with a stern expression preparing to end the battle with everything he had left.

[Time Limit: 60 seconds… START!]

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