
Chapter 158: Mohawk Menace (4)

Chapter 158: Mohawk Menace (4)

~Third POV~

[That Night, Honno City No-Star Slums]

Aikuro was drinking at a bar by himself, when the man with the red mohawk sat next to him in a neutral tone, "I hate being interrupted. That's why you wanted to say, right, Tsumugu?"


Tsumugu replied in a neutral tone leaning against the bar table, "Why did you call me?"

Aikuro trying to lighten the mood sipping some wine spoke in a calm tone tapping his hand over a chair next to him, "Pull up a seat! The Kiryuins don't have eyes down here."

Tsumugu remained asking the same question making Aikuro sigh rubbing his head as he explained in a serious tone, "Sigh… leave Matoi alone. We're at a crucial point. Dr. Matoi planned to use the Kamui to thwart the Kiryuin's plans."

Tsumugu scoffed at the idea not ideal to the idea in a dismissive tone, "Tch. That uniform is too dangerous."

Aikuro placed a cup for him as he slowly began to pour sake for his old comrade in a nonchalant tone, "What if Matoi proves herself to be a powerful ally?"

Tsumugu wasn't enthused by the idea crossing his arms with a stern glare directed at the table in a stubborn tone, "If she's consumed by that thing, it'll create a threat even greater than the Kiryuins. That's why I'm gonna terminate it now."

Aikuro tries to dissuade his friend's extreme idea in a calm tone talking about his sister, "People and clothing aren't enemies. Isn't that what Kinue said?"


Tsumugu slammed his fist against the counter shattering his cup in a serious tone eyeing Aikuro, "I owe you one, so I'm always willing to help you in any way that I can… as long as it has nothing to do with the Kamui."

He turned to leave as Aikuro gave Tsumugu a warning he lit his cigarette in a calm tone as he took a sip of his sake, "Tsumugu… if word about this gets back to headquarters, all of your anti-life fiber equipment will be confiscated. And one more thing… be wary of Matoi's boyfriend. He's anything BUT ordinary and probably won't take you hurting her kindly."

Tsumugu paused understanding what he meant. But he scoffed continuing his goal and muttering to himself in assured confidence, "Tch. No one is superhuman like that unless they have a Goku Uniform of Kamui. He's just an egotistical brat on a power trip. People like them get humbled too fast meeting their betters or folks stronger than him."

Trudging for out of the bar Tsumugu only had that confidence believing Mash to be wearing a Goku Uniform or Kamui to be that strong. It's only confirmed since he lives in the One-Star District idea unfortunately he should've taken his own words to heart himself…


[Next Day, Honnouji Courtyard, Early Morning]

Mash entered the main courtyard and he saw Ryuko standing in the middle of the courtyard with her scissor blade stabbed on the ground, as if waiting to challenge someone. She stood alone at the center of the courtyard with her Scissor Blade placed in front of her, signaling that she was waiting for a challenge.

Mash approached her and saw she was slightly shaking speaking to herself not noticing him in a false confident tone, "That mohawk bastard can bring everything he's got for all I care. I won't get caught off-guard."

Senketsu spoke seeing her shaking appearance in a blunt tone of her fear of the mohawk menace, "You say that so confidently, yet you're shaking."

She growled, grudgingly acknowledging the fact that she was indeed shaking. She didn't want to do so, but Senketsu just had to be that kind of dishwrag or clothing today.

Before she could speak Mash decided to speak up alerting her attention directed at him in a calm tone greeting her, "Yo Gear Eyes, what's up? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you want to fight him?"

She nodded her head being blunt her attention on an all-time high in a false confident tone, "Yup. Right on the money."

He simply raised an eyebrow seeing her shaking as he pointed it out in a blunt tone crossing his arms together, "Uh huh. You're shaking Gear Eyes everything alright?"

She growled muttering to herself as she asked him to leave in an angry tone, "First Senketsu and now him. I'm fine just – shit, he's here!!"


Mash heard something flying at high speeds towards them. Squinting his eyes he sees 4 rockets closing in on them as he scowled pulling Add around his neck, "Annoying. Add Gun Mode."


The cross around his neck began to change following his words as Add changed into a handgun shooting the four rockets aimed at them with ease blowing them up before they could get near them as he spoke to Gear Eyes in a calm tone, "Gear Eyes I see this is your score to settle. I'll help if the situation gets out of hand."





Her eyes widened seeing for the first time him wielding a weapon from around his neck but shook her head as she transformed in her thoughts, 'Holy shit he took them out! No wait I have to deal with this mohawk menace. Payback time bitch!'

Transformed Ryuko was barraged by needles coming out from Tsumugu needle guns directed at her.




Ryuko ignoring the danger of the needles feeling no damage spoke in a confident tone at Tsumugu, "Your stupid needles won't work on me! Weren't you saying something about how I wouldn't be able to transform around you?"

Tanking the shots Tsumugu kept firing rounds at them as he took out a device with a button moving around she followed him as he spoke in a serious tone, "Physical skill alone will not determine the victor!"





Clicking the button his rocket launcher that he had thrown earlier activated it locked onto Ryuko. Firing more rockets making contact at first Ryuko felt fine as she spoke in a confused tone, "Oh, that didn't work a minute ago. So how come you. Uhg… Senketsu?"

She soon feels exhausted somehow. But soon avoided an incoming attack that was fans not belonging to Tsumugu as random students participated in the fight Ryuko spoke in an annoyed tone, "Oh great now what?"

Weaker clubs soon joined in the battle as Mash took to the sidelines sighing in a bored tone his shoulders shrugging and facepalming, "Sigh… why do ants interfere with a battle clearly out of their depth?"


[Music Room]

From above looking down at the courtyard, Nonon was examining the situation as Inumata asked inside with her in a curious tone, "The way you spoke earlier. I'm surprised you sent your weakest clubs down there."

Nonon eyes gazed at Inumata having her hands behind her back as she replied in an analyzing tone sacrificing her weaker clubs, "Yeah, well, it wouldn't be any fun to just beat her out, right? I doubt you'd do it any different. This is a chance to study our opponent. Whatever we learn today, we can apply to the real battle. Lady Satsuki's planning."

Inumata leaning his back against the nearby wall analyzing the battle outside for his data spoke in a bit of a surprised tone, "I didn't know you were so diligent. I'm impressed."


From ahead of the room the curtains rise as Nonon begins to play the background music in a neutral tone readying her orchestra, "I've known Lady Satsuki longer than the rest of you. And that's why I know how she thinks. So instead of evaluating me, go collect some data on them. Hop to it. Four eyes."

Inumata shrugged his shoulders using the cameras from the academies to take data with a bemused grin seeing him not react to the chaos outside, "Hmm… seems to me there's someone not willing to take the bait. Although…"

He soon frowned as when he tried to analyze data from Mash's cross shifting into a gun it all became errors unable to comprehend what they were analyzing much to his dismay seeing him use a weapon.

Realizing he wasn't going to gather information on Mash he focused on Ryuko struggling against Tsumugu around the school littered with corpses of dead students who tried to fight Tsumugu.

He lightly grinned seeing the traps placed all over the school as the weaker clubs and students went down clearing the army of Satsuki of any weaklings in her force as he spoke in a calm tone, "This will be very useful data to collect regardless of the outcome – huh? Where has Bastion gone to?"

Taking his eyes off him he mysteriously vanished from anywhere the camera could find him no longer within the Academy much to the four eyes confusion…


[Boys Bathroom]


Being kicked into the boy's bathroom by Tsumugu in her normal state with her back against the wall on the ground easily bruised showed by the wounds. She could only glare as Tsumugu responded in an indifferent tone, "It's about time those jamming rounds started working. I can't believe how many it took. Yeah, but that's a Kamui for you."

Ryuko groaned in pain having a hard time standing, "Bastard."

Pointing his gun at Ryuko as he coldly demanded from her having his weapon steadily aimed at her, "Whatever. It's over. You're Kamui's power has been neutralized. Now take off your clothes."

That only made her angry glaring directly into his cold unwavering eyes in a defiant tone resisting him with her back against the wall, "Yeah right. I'm not going to strip down because some pervert says – Ack!"



Slamming his foot into her stomach with a kick and beating her over the head with the blunt edge of the needle gun. She recoiled as she was struck with the blunt end of his sewing gun against the wall leaving a bruised eye as he spoke uncaringly to her, "There are two things you need to know. One. There once was a woman. She believed people and clothes weren't enemies. But she was a fool. And in the end, she was betrayed by clothing. To the road you're heading down leads to the same fate."

Ryuko's eyes glared at the man hatefully till Senketsu spoke to her in a stoic tone getting her attention, "Go Ryuko. I'll distract him."

Senketsu soon slid off her trying to act as a shield for Ryuko to escape…


Ryuko was left stunned seeing her friend Senketsu gunned down and pinned to the ground in her underwear as Tsumugu justified himself to her, "Now. Do you get it? It never cared about you. It was trying to escape."

However, Ryuko mumbles out loud defending her friend's actions, "He was protecting me…"

Tsumugu narrowed his eyes as he spoke out loud in a harsher tone to her, "You're wrong. I'm not. It was running away because it was done with you."

She growled at him defending Senketsu's action glaring at him defiantly, "He was trying to protect me. He was protecting me."

Tsumugu did not believe her words and hatefully replied holding the trigger, "Like hell, it was. It's a parasite."

In this tense stare-off yelling Mash's voice cut through the tension in a cold tone from behind Tsumugu as he had his hand on the trigger at Ryuko, "No, I think the parasite is you."




Tsumugu was instantly slammed against the wall of the bathroom as they were destroyed by Mash welding Add in its Hammer Mode steadily collected Senketsu ripping him free from the needles pinning him and gave it back to Ryuko in a calm tone, "You say this Kamui was trying to escape? I find it laughable you think you know better rapist. Senketsu was defending her to give her an escape from you. Of course, you can call me out to be wrong, but I doubt I'm the one in the wrong here mongrel."

Handing her Senketsu to Ryuko he smiled patting her head and providing comfort in an assured tone reminding her as she held onto Senketsu tightly, "I got your friend back Ryuko. You should be taking more care of your friends from now on. And remember I have your back, didn't I? You can leave this to me."

Ryuko widened her eyes, then they were shadowed by her hair as she took Senketsu and clung to him. Before passing out, she spoke softly, "Thank you, Mash…"

He smiled as Tsumugu managed to recover wounded being slugged by his hammer in a surprised tone steadily standing, "Who are you and – "



No words were needed to follow his judgment as he coldly spoke swinging his hammer in impossible superhuman speed and whispering to him in a cold tone, "Never again show your face to me mongrel… [Mana Burst]."


What was left of the bathroom halls was destroyed by one swing of his hammer and a noticeable hole was made. The hole was as if poked through by a blunt object going at the speed of a jet. It merely took a flash of the moment uncaring if the mohawk menace lived or not.

Returning his attention to Ryuko covering her up with his black fur coat he carried her just as Nonon appeared with an amused grin on her face, "Hmm… seems like you managed to take care of that naked ape. He won't go far with those wounds. Color me, impressed transfer student."

He raised an eyebrow having his hammer at the ready clenching his hand as Nonon produced a paper. Mash took it as he examined it with Nonon explaining, "Congrats One-Star you got your club finally recognized."

She soon turned around to leave as he spoke out loud in a curious tone holding Ryuko in princess style, "And you're simply going to let us go? Or is it because Eyebrows ordered you to only observe us? I doubt the most arrogant of the Elite Four would simply let us go. Especially from a half-pint."

Nonon twirling her rhythm stick merely snickered at him, but a noticeable tick mark was shown replying in an annoyed tone, "Half-pint…?!! Hmph! You consider yourself a lucky naked ape!! If it wasn't for Lady Satsuki's orders you would be gone."

Mash seeing her leave could only sigh out loud leaving the bathroom in a tired tone carrying Ryuko home, "Sigh… guess I'll count this as the first day skipping class. Won't be that much of a big difference."

Smiling he took Ryuko to his One-Star apartment for the day to recover not trusting the nurses or doctors in the Academy.

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