
Chapter 109: [Wizard Marshal]

Chapter 109: [Wizard Marshal]

~Third POV~

[Fuyuki Church]

Within the church of Fuyuki were Mash Bastion and Father Risei as they went over the finer details of the fourth Holy Grail War the priest spoke surprised, "To think the Holy Grail was corrupted and no one was the wiser."

The priest said with shock as Mash explained how the Grail got corrupted in the first place and that he used his wish to purify it of All The World's Evils much to his frustration trying to prove his point to others.

But sadly, not everyone was cooperative as Risei extended his gratitude to the young man before him in a curious tone, "I thank you for your assistance in this matter, Mash Bastion, but why not bring this to everyone's attention beforehand?"

Mash groaned annoyed re-explaining the reason with a defeated expression written on his face, "Ugh…. It was because I lacked any proof they deemed me as a heretic. Even to Von Einzbern only to deny focusing on the war instead. I swear these Magus are too prideful that will lead to our doom I say. Would the rest even bother?"

Raising an eyebrow Father Risei sweat a bead of sweat understanding the issue as he sighed reluctantly nod his head, "Sigh… true. Tokiomi would be hesitant to take your word, but that aside with the Holy Grail at an end, your unused Command Seals have no further purpose."

Mash displayed his right hand, and there were only red smudges on the back of his hand lying with a straight face, "I had to use them all to get Caster to obey me and have her commit suicide."

The priest nodded as he asked another question glaring at him with fury in his eyes, "Ah… there is one other thing to discuss, my son, Kirei."

Mash returned a glare in return speaking to the priest in a cold tone being defiant towards Father Risei, "If you want to blame anyone, blame yourself and Tokiomi for trying to skirt around the rules ordering your son to come after me. You have every right to hate me but understand this…"


The darkness behind Mash opened their eyes glaring at Father Risei as Mash finished showing off his Authority of Pride [Power of Darkness], "… I won't take any attempts on my life lying down. You'll be the first suspect to see if you tried."

Father Resei stared at Mash and the blinking glaring eyes till he relaxed relenting his idea of revenge sighing and turning around leaving the area.

Mash exited the Church exhaling examining the outside with a grin on his face speaking to himself proudly revealing his two unused Command Seals stored, "Sigh… What a beautiful day this has been – "




Quickly surprising Mash by instinct getting jump scared immediately went for a punch towards the person in front of him that surprised him. However, much to his shock managed to hold his fist in a casual tone, "Now that's just plain rude young man. Not when I came a looooooong way to meet you."

Mash eyes the person who resembles an old man with red eyes and white hair dressed in a modern royalty suit baring a grin as he spoke, "It's a pleasure to meet one of my friend's projects working. I'm Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg one of the founders of the Clock Tower and the Magician of the Second Magic!"

Taking a few steps back Mash was surprised to see Zelretch before a thought occurred eyes widening upon realizing in shock, "Wait… you don't mean you know Jack! The god one right…?"

Zelretch grinned, nodding and stroking his beard as he explained to the confused Multiverse Traveler, "Ha! The very same young lad when he came to my verse a very long while ago. Did he become a God huh? Such a bored man."

He shook his head as immediately using his Second Magic the world shifted around them. A kaleidoscope color of rainbows appeared before being transported away in an instant.


[Clock Tower, Wizard Marshal Rooms]

Within a room where Mash suddenly stumbled onto a plush velvet couch in a professional-looking saloon, Zelretch spoke in a bemused tone, "Have a seat. Drinks?"

Mash blinked before seeing his situation he sighed looking over the sodas shown pointing towards one, "Sigh… sure. Got any Coca-Cola?"


Tossing a cold can of soda Zelretch cheeky grin as he answers in a lighthearted tone, "Sure. Now you must be wondering why I dragged you here yes?"

He shook his head, taking a sip of the soda and asking a curious question to the old man taking a martini, "Not really. But I must ask how exactly did you know Jack in the first place? And why did you drag me?"

Taking a sip Zelretch cheekily grinned enjoying his martini casually with a wipe of his hand in Mash's direction answering, "Ah… I suppose that's a fair question. But for the latter meh. I simply wish to have some good conversation."

Mash shrugged as Zelretch reminisced a memory of having a flashback calmly casually sipping his drink, "Well I met Jack when he was merely a human a long time ago dealing with his outer god dilemma at the time. Long story short he helped me battle Type Moon long ago with his weapon Ascalon. And saved me time uniting Humanity having my full power compared to the other Me's."

Blinking a bit surprised Mash asked in a curious and concerned tone to him, "Wait… so there wouldn't happen to be a citadel of you guys… right?"

Zelretch laughed humorously recalling his own experience of a certain mad scientist multiverse traveler, "Hahaha! Hell no! Leave that to Ricks to deal with his dilemma in his private concealed or recently broken into Rick Citadel. But no we Zelretch leave to our own devices if that's your concern in our respective Worldlines. Although, inviting Doctor Who does sound nice again."

It took a few seconds for Mash to process the words before eyes widened at the suggestion mouth agape with the old man grinning for that exact reaction, "I know. I know unbelievable right? I remember my time entering my first world Multiverse traveling I seem to recall what you people call it… Ah! Delicious in Dungeon great experience."

Blinking confused Mash thought for a few seconds before remembering that series with a surprised tone, "Oh! You mean the one that was shown on Netflix, right?"

However, Zelretch shook his head explaining to Mash taking a seat on the couch on the other side of him, "No the manga. Good story shame it was only 97 chapters but Trigger the ones who made Kill La Kill are making it into anime episodes. I suggest visiting when you have the chance."

Mash nodded as Zelretch spoke catching his attention and bringing up a topic that he hadn't considered, "What do you plan to do with your life? Knowing about the Multiverse and joining his guild what's your grand plan at the end of the day for you young man?"

Mash paused considering his words seemingly lost in deep thought as Zelretch spoke after a few minutes of silence, "It's okay. Take your time. You have plenty of life ahead to know what you want to do. From what I recall Jack mentioned you are lost in the Multiverse is that correct?"

Perking up at this he nodded his head as Zelretch smiled in an understanding tone taking a sip from his cup, "Trust me kid I've been there just like your seniors. The multiverse throws everyone for a loop. When you stumble upon the unknown and judging by your reaction you're not those harem-seeking horndogs."

Mash almost spits his drink as Zelretch smirks leaning back casually explaining looking at the window outside the Clock Tower in a serious tone catching his attention, "It's not wrong in your prime of youth. But it's rather too simple to do if you were able to. Once you have it all you become lost. Without purpose, without meaning in your life, your existence becomes a joyless chore. Only purpose makes eternity bearable. Probably why Jack created his Guild of Gamers with his loved ones."

Mash listened as he contemplated essentially giving him an existential crisis in the process with his worrying expression. Zelretch seeing this merely took a sip from his drink and enjoyed giving the destroy your world view treatment like many, many, many, many, and many of his interns did shattering their views of the world and lightly grinning.

But he wasn't cruel as Zelretch gave some advice while listening intently to the old man's words in a sympathetic tone, "As a Multiverse Traveler let me get into some practical bits of advice. Consider creating a home base because while you have potential access to a lot of resources but little in the way of extracting them. I bet you traveled to a few already but noticed you couldn't take what you could right?"

Hearing words Mash's eyes widened before responding in a neutral tone raising an eyebrow and talking to the Zelretch, "True… but I have my – no that doesn't count as my own home base doesn't it? Are you suggesting I conquer a world?"

Concerned in his eyes Zelretch merely rubbed his chin as he answered his question refilling his martini drink in a cheeky tone, "Not per se. Just ruling from the shadows is enough, having a portable flying fortress spaceship, or having a great deal of influence on the world where no one questions what you would do. Be safe. Be silent. Fly under the radar till you can go toe to toe with the world or their forces. And one important note… when you conquer a world do not hesitate. Wipe. Them. Out. Utterly and completely to not leave an enemy standing."

Mash was deeply disturbed by Zelrecth's kind words to speak such atrocities before gulping scared of Zelretch much to his enjoyment trolling the poor Gamer, "Noted…"

Zelretch got his enjoyment trolling the poor gamer with genuine and truthful advice taking out a jewel ruby and responding in a cheerful tone, "Ah… this has been a very progressive conversation lad. Here take this Jewel and place it on your Ring. You trust me right old boy?"

Mash could only shake his head nervously agreeing much to Zelretch's delight. Mash placed the jewel over his Gamer Ring and it shattered showing pop-up screens much to shock as Zelretch explained gazing at the outside, "That Jewelcraft was my record of my map charting the multiverse in my young days. Consider it as thanks for cleaning the Grail in my verse.

Mash stood up thanking Zelretch in a thankful tone shaking his hand, "Thank you so much! You have no idea how much time you helped save me with this! Thank you! Thank you!"

Zelretch let go of his hand simply smiling, puffing his chest, and pulling a small prank that made Mash freeze in place, "As thanks I'll have the privilege of giving you my student treatment! Don't worry I'll take care of things for you on my end now… after all this wasn't free you know."

Gripping his hand tightly Mash's expression soon shifted into horror as Zelretch explained to him with a friendly smile, "You see I need you to do a request for me. It's a minimal request with a greater reward. Have you heard of Fate/Apocrypha by chance?"

Mash slowly nodded his head having heard of it but doesn't know much from the series much to the Troll's delight bluffing some key details, "Perfect! You see the Holy War is going to happen in that area soon and it just so happens to trouble my parallel world. And seeing you go through the trouble cleaning my world… I'm allowing you to seek the Holy Grail if you win and save another world in the process! Ain't I such a nice guy?"

Mash didn't believe that for a second seeing Zelretch's smile widening ever slowly matching his horror-filled expression. But Mash did consider the idea of using the Holy Grail with a thought betraying his rationality, 'If I did get the Grail, I would need to Master Magecraft fast to search for my world… but do I need to connect myself to Root though? Sounds like a major pain in the ass…'

Reluctantly Mash slowly nodded his head tempted by the notion causing Zelretch the smile as he asked in a curious tone of the catalyst earning Mash's attention, "Good. I expect good things from you fellow Gamer of Jack's Guild. But do you have an idea of what Servant to use for this Holy Grail War?"

Mash thought before opening his mouth about where to go next in a serious tone, "I know of one… but first I'm gonna need a weapon in this world. Can I ask for the coordinates when I'm done?"

Zelretch merely smiled allowing him to take a sip from his drink in an amused tone, "Very well. I bet this world Sakura would be safe with Kiriya around. You can leave the small stuff to little old me."

Mash doubted it but then again, he doesn't know much about the [Wizard Marshal]. All he does know is his connection with Jack which was good enough for him considering he wouldn't ally or be friends with troublesome people, right…?

Mash nodded as he began to leave towards the Blackmore Cemetery in Wales through a rainbow kaleidoscope with Zelretch watching amused talking to himself and pouting, "Now that's one of my good works. I hope the bloody bastard added me to the description otherwise I'll be annoyed. Hmph!"

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