
An Uncanny Guardian

The rest of the schoolday went rather uneventful.

With play time ending not too long after he made his 'perfect' mug, the preschool classes resumed.

Originally he wasn't very excited for class but he soon enough realized a glaring problem… His current location was in Japan, and naturally people here spoke Japanese. 

He himself included, but rather than because he knew Japanese it was more of a side effect from the memories he learned.

Still his understanding was rather lacking and he didn't know how to write or read a single kanji.

Not all hope was lost though… For starters they were currently in pre school and most of the other subjects were rather simplistic and easy to understand.

As for japanese… Well with the addition of a few new talents and the big amount of points he had guaranteed during playtime he soon turned into a small self learning genius, making the problem no longer a problem.


Name : [Thaumiel Saintclair]

Quirk :

First Quirk :Talent Redistribution

Second Quirk :(Unawakened)

TTP: 182


Talent: Pottery(1) LV 3

Talent: Calligraphy(20) Lv3

Talent: Mathematic(26) LV2

Talent: Singing(6) Lv1

Talent: Reading(20) LV3

Talent: Japanese Language(117) Lv8


Sure enough in a few classes he already had the very basics down and could both write and read simple sentences beside distinguishing some not very complicated conjugations.

Most important if languages were also talents Thaumiel found yet another source of TTP specially when considering there are over 7000 languages back in his world.

With so many even if he had only 2 or 3 talent points for every language he could take off on the spot.

Just imagining left him excited… 

With over 7000 points of talent just how fast could he improve in a single subject? Was it to the point of simply staring at something and gaining top-level mastery?

'Do 1+1=2 and become the best mathematician in the world?'

The possible future aside, Thaumiel during the rest of the classes also got a better idea of how exactly the proficiency in his quirk worked.

A basic assumption he came up with for the mechanism behind his improvement was that whenever he did something 'correct', skill wise, that 'correct' became fixed. So basically he would never repeat a mistake, then through continuous actions as more and more 'corrects' appear, be it from accidents or from external guidance the level in a certain subject increases.

As for how talent affected this, he theorized it had to do with the probability of doing something 'correct'.

It was apparently influenced by the talent and by external teaching, which could serve as an extra booster for the rate of improvement.

This peculiar mechanism of improving did lead Thaumiel to a certain questionament though.

'If every right is a small improvement then what happens when it achives 'perfection' or rather the limit that was humanly possible? Will proficiency reach a certain limit like LV MAX? Were there 'ceilings' to how much he could improve? 

Strictly speaking it's impossible to simply keep improving infinitely no matter how 'Talented' he could make himself.

'I guess it's useless to worry about this now though… not to mention reaching a limit I'm still basically a newbie in every single subject, lets worry about that later on.'

As the classes ended and the sun started to settle down over the horizon, Thaumiel was waiting along with a few other kids who were waiting in their classroom while gathering their things.

At this moment he once again felt a bit nervous…

Because it was time to go home, or better yet time for parents to pick their children up, or in his case for his guardian to pick him up.

What led him to worry? Well for starters meeting your new 'family' was awkward to say the least… on another note there was also the fact he had basically taken over this body and although the two were not too close… there was always the possibility his 'auntie' could see the change.

And the situation was to be found… well he will probably be taken for a criminal who used his quirk to possess a kid's body and most probably killed the latter's spirit in the process.

So yeah, Thaumiel was feeling pretty nervous.

"Excuse me, I'm here for my Nephew."

Before he had further time to calm down his nerves a melodious and very even voice sounded out from the classroom entrance.

Although his name wasn't exactly mentioned he felt a familiar sensation from this calm and stoic voice. Turning to the front door sure enough he saw his 'auntie'.

"Ah Makima-san, come on in. Just a minute, Thau-kun is still gathering his things. Ah Thau-kun there you are."

Dressing in kindergarten uniform and with his red preschool back on his back he approached the teacher and his auntie.

Using the opportunity he also had the first real look at his new 'guardian'.

Makima Saintclair, currently 29 years old.

Appearing to still be in her mid-twenties. Her hair color is a light red, kept in a loose braid with bangs reaching just past her eyebrows and two longer side bangs that frame her face. Her eyes are yellow with multiple red rings within them.

Her get up was of a formal office suit with a dark coat draped on top of it.

On her face there was a light small smile.

Overall she looked like a very pretty, and neat woman. A dependable person.

Yet at the moment Thaumiel was only feeling one thing.

'Scary… there is something weird with this woman.'

To be honest Thaumiel could not point out exactly what was the source of his uneasiness, yet looking into the woman's smile all he could pick on was a fake politeness.

Her weird shaped pupils eyes didn't seem to contain a single hint of affection or care looking at him, to be more precise he couldn't feel a single thing, they only transmitted a calm and indifferent chilling sensation. 

It was almost like he was looking at a living doll.

This caused a feeling of creepiness to rise from deep within his soul and make him get goosebumps all over.

"There you are, ready to go?" 

She asked not really waiting for an answer before stepping forth and leaning down to pick him up from the floor into her arms.

Although Thaumiel didn't resist or complain since this was her usual way of doing things, apparently Makima found it more efficient to just pick him up and take him to the car.

"Then till tomorrow Sensei."

She said giving the preschool teacher a small boy before carrying him out of the classroom and out of the school toward a black Sedan parked not too far off the school.

On the way not a word was spoken thankfully as Thaumiel was too preoccupied with trying to dismiss the uneasiness in his heart while frantically trying to remember what the hell was so unsettling about this woman.

'Damn damn come on brain you gotta know something more about this woman!'

Scavenging his memories with maximum effort a few clues and bits came to mind.

For starters about her work.

Makima was most likely, from a few conversations overheard by the original, a civil worker. A person that worked on something called Quirk Abuse Evaluation Department.

It was a department that apparently dealt with matter partaking individuals, even 'heroes', that abuse their quirks in some manner. 

Almost as soon as he started to recall deeper he saw what was probably the reason why he had an almost instinctual feeling of creepiness toward Makima.

It was all during a certain night.

Thaumiel had some trouble sleeping that day and thus could only remain in bed till very late.

Then in the middle of the night he heard it.

A distinctive sound of glass breaking.

Almost immediately the tiny eyes shoot wide open, from the memories the current Thaumiel could clearly feel the deep uneasiness and fear that sound caused.

Back then he had carefully gotten out of bed and grabbed his flashlight before going toward the source of the sound.

A very unwise decision, yet not much rationality could be expected from a troubled and extremely young child.

With small steps he had come to the source of the glass breaking and then he saw.

In the small scope the flashlight could illuminate, there, was Makima wearing her pajamas with her back turned to him.

From her back various chains of different sizes and shapes were extended much like tentacles from Dr Octopus.

And not too far away...

Held in the air, much like a pig in a slaughter house, with chains piercing his somewhat mangled limbs a passed out man wearing a ski mask.

From the wound bright red liquid could be seens dripping down as it eventually culminated into a small yet decent sized pool of blood on the wooden floor exuding a thick metallic and rusty smell that could hardly be ignored.

In the peak of his fear, nervousness and doubts he saw Makima turning back, most likely noticing the flashlight.

"Oh? You are awake… go back to your room, it's already past you bad time Thaumiel."

Speaking in her usual peaceful and uneventful tone as if the situation was nothing worth being surprised or worried over Makika showed her always frigid face the only difference being for the conspicuous blood stains on her face and clothes.

Snapping back from the memory Thaumiel found himself already on the back seat of the black sedan with the safety bidding him in place.

'Well THAT was a hell of a core memory to inherit… Even scarrier is how police didn't even show up the next day, matter of fact he couldn't even see a trace of the blood either. Everything looked clean as if it never hapenned.'

"So, how was school today?"


Surprised by the sudden question he let out a small gasp before looking up, from his current position by looking at the rear mirror he could see a bit of Makima's fake smiling face as her eyes were staring back at him from the rear mirror.

Briefly pausing as his eyes met with her yellow eyes he soon lowered his gaze and tried to make his tone as calm as possible.

"It was okay… like usual."

"Any new friends?"

"Just the usual…"

"Well that's okay, there is no need to rush when making friends after all."

She responded, finally averting her gaze while Thaumiel whipped away some non existential cold sweat off his forehead.

He had tried to be vague like he usually was according to the memories, not really wanting to arouse any suspicion from the woman.

Ironically, her nature which caused his current deep uneasiness was also what allowed him to have some confidence in not being suspected by her. After all, with the original duo barely interacting he just had to keep the current 'distance' between them and everything should turn out fine.

"How was work?"

He asked before immediately stiffening in place.

'Come on man! You relaxed for a second and already messed up!'

At the moment a brief silence enveloped the car, Makima's eyes that had gone away from him suddenly found their way back at him.

From the rear mirror he saw her face stay impassive for a little more before her smile enlarged a tiny bit and she responded.

"A busy day, but okay like usual."

Her matter of fact kind of response was rather similar to his followed by her turning back her eyes to the road.

Biting the inside of his lips so as to not accidentally say anything else Thaumiel stayed silent the rest of the way as they soon enough arrived at home.

A relatively small yet spacious two store tall house.

Not wasting any time, the moment the car was parked and the door was opened he hopped off the car making his way to his room, ignoring the couple dogs he saw on his way.

Finally as the door closed he let out his life's deepst breath ever.


With a few minutes to recompose himself Thaumiel finally relaxed enough to regain some of his bearing.

"This isn't good for my health at all… Come on logically speaking even if she is some psycho sociopath there shouldn't be a reason for me to be too afraid… Just need to keep distance interaction like usual and do my own stuff…"

Murmuring this to himself a few times as if trying to convince himself of such, Thaumiel decided to focus on something else in an attempt to clear his mind.

Looking around and inspecting what would from now be his room Thaumiel was a bit dissapointed there honestly wasn't much to look at.

A bed, a desk with a computer, a wardrobe, a bookshelf with some school and some children's books about superheroes, as well as a medium sized chest at the corner containing a few toys and last but not least a large All Might post near his bed.

'Jesus this dude is Jacked! Can he even reach his own back with that much muscles? Number one hero hum… Would be kinda funny if a villain stuck a bomb to his back and he was defeated because he had too much muscles and couldn't reach the bomb…'

Picturing the funny scene in mind, he snickered for a bit before focusing on the possible source of various answers he had since arriving in this world.

The computer!

"How the hell it is already 2100 yet the computer looks like it's a dinosaur from 2010?... Well it doesn't matter. As long as it works and there is internet, that's enough."

Turning on the CPU and climbing onto the seat, Thaumiel cracked his knuckles while his lips curled up forming a small smile.

"Time to get answers."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sr_Extremiscreators' thoughts
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