
Condom (R-18)

Being vigorous is amazing, but try not to forget to use protection next time!

The entire day, the words echoed in Leon's mind. It took a fish at the back of his shirt to get him back to the present. 

"It's not trouble in paradise, is it?" Someone asked, and he immediately shook his head. 

"Ah, no, it's nothing." 

While the image of having children with Naia running around the house, climbing up his legs, and calling him Papa made him smile—widely—he was still self-aware. 

He could barely support the three of them, not including their debts, and he knew that they couldn't afford children. At least not yet.

So after work he went to the convenience store. He got a little lost at first, having to ask a staff where the condoms were. 

They were in the front counters... 


Pushing down his blush, he began to study the options, pretending not to notice the people looking at him, with a few women even giggling. 

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