

His auburn eyes looked at her parted lips and he leaned down to kiss her. The moment his lips touched her soft ones, he felt incredible tingles. 

She was even more delicious than he thought. 

His tongue parted her lips, entering, and he focused on tasting her while his hand started teasing her again. 

In fact, even if he slept around, he didn't kiss most of the women he had been with, especially if they were one night stands. 

He thought it was dirty. After all, his dick was used for peeing, but his mouth was for eating.

But look at him now, tasting a woman as if she was the most delicious delicacy he had so far.

"Hmmm…" she mumbled and her eyes shut, answering his kisses with her own. She was quite skilled, knowing how to respond. She knew how to make a man's blood boil with kissing.

She definitely knew what she was doing and the thought of her being trained by Thaddeus made his blood boil.

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