
Proceedings (2)

September 1994

Ministry of Magic



After Snape's conclusion, Dumbledore announced, "Now the prosecutor may begin."


Amelia nodded and walked a bit closer to the members of the council.


She started, "What Mr. Snape spoke is factually correct but the image presented by those facts have been twisted completely."


She continued, "Let me begin and correct the presented picture one by one."


"Since Mr. Snape himself admitted about firing the curse I need not to call any witnesses but some things must be described. Along with Mr. Snape to arrive at the scene were many people but two of those must be named- one the retired auror Alastor Moody and other the veteran witch and transfiguration mistress Minerva McGonagall."

"The point I am trying to make is that neither of the other professor including these two experienced veterans figured the possessed and the dangerous look of Mr. Potter but only Mr. Snape was able to figure that out."


She grinned in Dumbledore's direction, "The thing which the council must keep in mind that Mr. Severus Snape is a professor of potions and not of any combat related branches of magic so he has no experience regarding this matter. Even chief warlock and headmaster would agree to my assessment of Snape being incompetent as he himself had rejected Mr. Snape's application for the post of DADA professor numerous times despite Hogwarts not having a permanent DADA professor for years."


At this moment Harry noticed the small subtle smile Dumbledore had on his face vanished a bit. He smiled now understanding this even if Snape is going to get free today, Madam Bones is going to shred the bat into pieces.


"So, Mr. Snape's argument regarding this matter cannot be taken as he has stated and we must also consider other factors while looking at the case," declared Madam Bones.


"Now, the other point I must make out is that Mr. Snape did talk about how his instinct told him that Mr. Potter may fire curses in direction of the students is a blatant lie. Memory from any of the witness of the event can be extracted and looked upon. It would be clearly seen that when the professors arrived at the scene, Mr. Potter had his wand lowered and not in the direction of the students," said Amelia.


Dumbledore interrupted at this moment, "Madam Bones, I as a chief warlock must remind you that memories are not admissible evidence in the wizengamot."


Amelia chuckled, "And neither are the words of Severus Snape. I believe we can call the professors of Hogwarts to ask the truth about this matter."


Dumbledore immediately shook his head, "I believe that won't be necessary. You can present the rest of your case and if the need arises, we can summon them."


Amelia did not pursue this matter and moved forward, "Very well."


"Now, we must talk about Mr. Snape's action. Even if we for a moment we assume that all what Mr. Snape told is true, how can he justify directly firing a bone breaking curse at the head of Mr. Potter?"


"Mr. Snape in ideal condition should have fired the disarmament spell. He could have fired a stunner instead to make Mr. Potter unconsciousness. But he fired a curse that could kill if it struck the head and this is exactly where he aimed. Not at the legs or arms but at the head," argued Amelia.



Harry, inwardly let out a small praise for Madam Bones. Till now she had been brilliant in his opinion. None of Snape's reasoning could stand against Madam Bones arguments.


Madam Bones continued, "Now, I must also mention other important event. Mr. Snape had been very subtle in this regard so it is my duty to make it clear."


"The potions professors very subtly maligned the image of Mr. Potter as an evil fellow. He very clearly remarked about the brutality of Mr. Potter so as to create a negative image of Mr. Potter in the mind of the members of the wizarding council."


"Though this is unrelated to the current case, I must this on the table that those four students were caught attempting to assault a Miss. Lovegood. Miss. Lovegood is goddaughter of Lily Potter, mother of Harry Potter."

Amelia Bones was about to continue to her argument further when a "hem...hem…." interrupted her flow.

She tried to ignore the interruption and was about to continue when another "hem…hem…" interrupted her again.


Meanwhile Harry also caught the pink toad as the source of disturbance.


On the other hand, Amelia sighed in annoyance and turned towards the pink toad, "Undersecretary Umbridge, please at least learn to be civil. Learn when to interrupt and if it is something important you must ask for permission. Maintain the decorum of the council."


Harry looked at Undersecretary in amazement as her mere presence was enough to annoy any person to no end.


Dolores Umbridge turned in embarrassment on being schooled from Amelia Bones in front of the entire council. She was about to retort when, minister of magic who had been quiet the entire time spoke.


Cornelius fudge declared, "Miss. Umbridge is recognized by the chair. She may put her views forward."


The pink toad controlled her emotions and said, "Thank you minister."


She then faced towards the council, "I would correct the fact that 4 students were assaulting a Miss. Lovegood. The fact has been not established in the council till now."


She then faced Amelia and began as if trying to lecture Madam Bones, "Therefore, you should choose your words very carefully Madam Bones. All those 4 students are respected member of our societies. They belong a pureblood wizarding family and have a very high status in the wizarding world. What need will they have by assaulting a girl with no background and no status. I am very sure she must have tried have some off hand measures to blackmail the 4 students. Upon not being successful she would have framed all this story."


As soon as she finished speaking there was a pin drop silence in the council. Madam Bones looked so intently at Umbridge wondering if the toad has had her brain removed from her head.


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