
Chapter 434 Round 1

Jiang Yuan spent another day completing the skull restoration of Subject #2.

Compared to the male body tagged as #1, the complexity of restoring the female body of #2 was slightly higher.

The two bodies that died from high-altitude falls, where the male landed feet first and the female landed on her knees. Due to the height, most of their long bones were driven into and above the pelvis, piercing through the organs.

So, both of them likely died soon after hitting the ground, but the decay on the female body was more severe. It's a well-known fact that when males and females die at the same time, females typically decompose faster.

This is because most decomposing bacteria prefer fat over muscle, and females especially have a higher fat content. Moreover, as fat decomposes, it expands more and more rapidly than muscle, which is why female bodies balloon up more quickly and start to stink and rot faster.

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