
Bad Karma, Good Karma

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Home]

My morning started off as any other morning now, I wake up, hang out with Lustie for a bit, have breakfast, and get ready for classes. As I'm preparing to go, Lustie stopped me and her grin let me know she had something up her sleeve.

"You've gotten the grasp of Heart Stealer, an ability that you'll really only use for meeting new women, but I have a skill that could put you up there in Fame and Status," Lustie said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

I looked at Lustie, sitting down on my bed then took out Lust-E. "You think I'm ready for a new ability?"

"Hell yeah, plus this ability will help you against Mark just in case he does try to fight you because of the situation that went down Saturday." Lustie said.

"Which isn't my fault mind you." I said.


"Well..." Lustie said, looking away with a smirk on her face.

I sighed, shaking my head then smiled at Lustie. "You both know exactly what I mean. All I did was confront her, even you two couldn't believe that Aubrie wanted to have sex with me!"

"Yes, yes, we know. Anyway, use Lust-E to unlock a skill called Luscious Unleash!" Lustie said, excitement evident in her tone.

I looked at Lust-E and went to the Skills Tab, unlocking Luscious Unleash.

[Remaining Credi: 25,600]

[Skill Unlocked: Luscious Unleash]

[Luscious Unleash Description: An ability that unleashes your inner potential, multiplying your condition and senses by a multiple of your Talent Trait. Similar to Luscious Presence, the higher your Ambition Percentage, the greater boost to your talents on top of your initial multiplier.]

"Whoa...This shit kinda sounds OP as hell. Now what the heck would I even use this for besides beating Mark's ass if it came to it?" I asked, amazed by this new skill.

"Aside from boosting your Combat Ability, this Unleashed State allows you to become knowledgeable upon all talents like music, art, gaming, even shit like Slam Poetry," Lustie explained, summoning a chalk board to write down the pros and cons of Luscious Unleash.

"Unlike Heart Stealer, which doesn't have many downsides other than the woman literally being immune to your charms, Luscious Unleash has a very noticable downside. Your Stamina Trait. This ability's duration depends entirely on your Stamina. This ability drains you mentally and physically, depending on how you use Luscious Unleash." Lustie continued, looking back at me. "Questions?"

I looked at the information on the board then looked at Lust-E. I had a pretty good understanding of the ability, so I had no concerns. I was more worried about if I had to really use this skill. "Nah, I don't have any questions right now."

"Great! One more thing, I finally got ahold of Lady Mammon and she finally set up your account at Greed Banking. You can now transfer your Credi into actual money! So the more Credi you get during your outings, the more money you can get!" Lustie said, her smile as radiant as always.

I smiled and nodded. "And you're sure my soul is still intact?"

"I promise! Although I do have connections to the Seven Demons, I do not have the power nor authority to take souls. I only offer contracts via this System!" Lustie reassured.

"Alright, I believe you~ Let's head to campus before we're late and get this day over with," I said, standing up and gathering my things.

"Right!" Lustie nodded then teleported downstairs.


[Day: Monday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I walked onto the campus and stretched, ready to hear the first bell and the last one. As I made my way to the courtyard, I noticed Whitney sitting by herself, her usual vibrancy dimmed by the weights of heavy thoughts. I approached with a gentle tread, my concerns evident in the soft head tilt as I neared her side.

"Wynn, hey...is everything okay?" I asked, my voice full of concern for my closest friend.

Whitney looked up, noticing me then a gentle smile played on her lips. She looked back down, letting out a sigh that seemed to carry the weights of her world, she responded, "My mom's in town...I saw all the articles of her appearance in Destiny Islands and I really want to see her again. But Dad...he won't let me see her. He still hates her...you know.."

"Yeah I know...it sounds rough.." I responded, understanding her pains. I decided to wrap my arm around her to comfort her, her response being to lean into me.

For a moment, we sat in silence, the sounds of background conversations and the rustling autumn leaves filling the space between us.

Then, struck by a sudden inspiration and realization, I turned to Whitney, my expression alight with a hopeful resolve. "Hey, you know, I did run into her the other day when I was out and she gave me her new number. What if I set up a meeting? You, me, and Krystal?"

[Amazing work.]

[Empathy EXP +600]

Whitney's eyes widened, a spark of hope flickering to life within them. "Could you? Do you really think that's possible?" she asked, the possibility igniting a tentative excitement in her heart.

"Yeah I do, just let me work my magic and I'm sure I can find a place and a time for us to meet up. You can help me by picking a few places your mom would love, and I'll make all the arrangements and handle all the expenses," I proposed, my determination and ambition a beacon of support in Whitney's sea of doubt.

[You're killing it.]

[Successfully stole Whitney's Heart.]

[Bond with Whitney greatly increased.]

'Oop, forgot I even had that on.' I thought to myself.

"Accidental greatness, I love it~" Lustie giggled.

"Thank you, Shiji, oh thank you!~" Whitney said, her vibrant personality finally resurfacing.

I blushed and smiled, hugging Whitney back. "You know I've got you..~ There's not a thing I wouldn't do for you.."

[Charm EXP +300]

[Empathy EXP +600]

[Empathy Level UP!]

[Empathy Level: 2 (Increased Emotional Perception)]

The first bell rang, signalling for those who had classes to head to class. Whitney and I got up, heading to classes together, planning the meeting with Krystal together.

[Link Date Possible: Whitney x Krystal!]

[Whitney Dawn Registered!]

Name: Whitney Dawn

Age: 19

Birthday: May 7th

Height: 5 Feet 1 Inches

Weight: 109lbs

Nationality: Caucasian American

Status: Crush

Bond: 90%

Title: Shiro's Princess

Occupation: College Student

Most Desirable Trait(s): Empathy, Charisma, Flirting

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Conservative

Favorite Gifts: Any gift that comes from you

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I made my way outside, pretty surprised that I didn't see Mark or his goons all day. I had a pretty good day so my guard was completely down. As I made my way to the gym to have a workout session with Amber, a sucker punch from nowhere connected to my cheek. Stuck in a daze, I tried to recover, only hearing the yells of distress trying to get my pursuers to stop.

It wasn't just one, not two, but three people ganged up on me. I was too focused on guarding myself that I didn't directly know who was attacking me. I groaned and coughed, feeling the stomps and kicks being landed upon my body.

"Get the fuck up, pussy! You wanna be big and bad now, so get the fuck up!" Mark yelled kicking my stomach.

I groaned loudly in pain, grunting as I held my stomach trying to endure the intense pain that had been bestowed upon me. Lustie, with a worried look on her face, was on the ground checking on me, even she was surprised by this surprise jumping.

"You think you can fuck MY bitch and get away with it?!" Mark yelled, stomping on me. "Get this fucking dickhead!"

"Mark, stop it!" Aubrie yelled as she tried to break through the crowd, but a few of Mark's other friends held her back.

"Make sure no fucking security OR Professor crosses! Y'all are going to need the dean when I'm finished!" Mark yelled, his voice full of vemon as he held his hand out, a friend of his handing him a bat.

I slowly stood up, spitting out a bit of blood from my mouth. My heart was beating fast, everything happened so fast, but once I heard the voices it was all clear. I turned around, noticing Mark, Jake, and Eric surrounding me.

The air was thick with tension as the trio cornered me in an isolated part of the campus, my usual escape routes this time being blocked by Mark's friends and the onlookers. I was outnumbered once again, my only choice but to fight.

I placed my hand on my head then looked at my hand, seeing a bit of blood upon my head. I looked at Mark, a rage awakening within me. "You three always somehow always find a way to ruin my day... Thanksgiving Break being next week and this is how you want to begin your week..?"

"Shut the fuck up...You don't have the right to speak, bitch," Mark said, his anger speaking for him at this point.

"Nah you really crossed the line now, lil bro. The one girl everyone knew not to mess with, and you chose to mess with her. What a dumbass," Eric said, adding his input.

I looked at Eric then looked back at Mark. I looked around to scan the situation. I noticed half of Mark's friends holding off the security with sheer numbers and the other half holding back Akira. Aubrie, Amber, Gloria, and Whitney were also amongst the onlookers, Aubrie trying to get someone to call the Dean.

"Before the Dean gets here, she'll be awaiting your fucking corpse on campus!" Mark yelled, charging at me with his bat in hand with Eric and Jake.

As the trio advanced, I activated my Luscious Unleash, a surge of adrenaline running wild within my veins. The world around me sharpened, my Luscious Ambition further boosting the potency of my Unleashed State.

As Mark made his first swing to take off my head with the bad, it was as if time had slowed, allowing me to perceive threats and actions with uncanny clarity. It was as if Mark and his friends were moving at a snail's pace, giving me the chance to dodge with elegance and precision I hardly knew I had.

Everyone in the crowd watched as I evaded and countered with a prowess and calculated steps. Eric's fist went flying toward me as Jake was on the other side of me going for a sneak just in case Eric missed, but I sensed both of them, dodging Eric and making him clobber Jake.

'What the fuck..?! We haven't even gotten a hit on him!' Mark thought to himself, bewildered at my ability to now dodge and counter all three of them at the same time.

'Holy shit, what is up with my body?! It's like I can sense everything around me, my body allowing me to move in ways I never thought I could!' I thought to myself, my adrenaline still running rampant.

"That's your Danger Sense~ All of your senses and prowess has been multiplied by three because of your Talent Trait and you're also being boosted an extra 80% because of your Ambition! Now put an end to this! Run the last play!" Lustie encouraged, watching me proudly at how well Luscious Unleash was working.

The brawl continued for another five minutes, Mark, Eric, and Jake all trying their best to land at least one attack upon me, but they were all too slow for my Danger Sense and my multiplied condition. It wasn't long before the Dean had finally came, alerted by the commotion and her presence placed fear in everyone who witnessed her.

"That is enough!" An authoritative voice said in the midst of the crowd, her voice immediately stopping Mark, Jake, and Eric.

I looked back, slightly panting from all the dodging and countering I was doing. 'Finally...'

[You did good, that's enough.]

[Talent EXP +2500 (Combat Mastery)]

[Stamina EXP +1000]

As my adrenaline faded and my Unleashed State receded, I began to feel the toll and aftermath of the mental stress I endured take affect. I began to have a slight headache, my eyes and mind feeling stressed as all could be.

The Dean looked at me, her expression showing signs of her being impressed and concerned. She turned her attention to Mark, Jake, and Eric. "You three, my office. We will be discussing repercussions and yes, it may involve a termination of your scholarships and possible expulsion depending on how I'm feeling right now, and by the way I feel, you three better be looking into more universities..."

Mark glared at the Dean, shifting his attention back toward me. "You ain't safe, buddy... You're not safe...I know what neighborhood you stay at...I know who you run to...I will make sure you pay...Oh buddy, you better fucking watch your back," Mark said as the security finally got their hands on him.

Whitney, hearing what Mark said, felt her heart sink into her stomach from fear. She gulped a bit then watched Mark and his friends get taken away.

"That...could he pretty bad taken he knows where Whitney stays. I could care less about Mr. Dawn since he seems like a man who's well prepared, but on the off chance that he isn't, you need to protect Whitney." Lustie said, looking at me.

'Yeah...I know.' I uttered, closing my eyes.

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

I made my way toward my car and felt someone hug me from behind. I looked at the reflection of my window, noticing it was Whitney. "Wynn? What's up?" I asked, looking back at her.

"Please let me stay at your place for a few days..! Please..." Whitney pleaded, her voice filled with fear.

I looked at Whitney, realizing how much this situation now demanded of me. Not only is Aubrie still in potential danger because of Mark, but so was Whitney. I held Whitney's hand then smiled, closing my eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you, Whitney...I will protect you. I put you in this situation and I will get you out..."

[Empathy EXP +300]

Whitney sniffled and nodded, her hold still tight on me. "Thank you..! Thank you..."

'Hey, Red...Is there a feature I can unlock that allows my harem to potentially live with me?' I asked to Lustie, telepathically.

"Heh!~ Share Housing?~ Of course there is, but your current home is too small. You need a bigger house, so we need to find mansions, but that costs hella money, so for now you can only have two women live with you at a time. Since it's only a three bedroom house." Lustie answered.

'That's fine...Now I need to find a way to convince Mr. Dawn to let Whitney live with me...maybe my Heart Stealer can work on men in a non romantic way..' I replied, my mind now lost in a bit of thought.

[Day: Monday]

[Time: Evening]

[Location: Sanctuary City]

I walked around the bustling streets of Sanctuary City, the second largest city in Destiny Islands with Destiny Central being the largest. I had to clear my mind and think straight, carefully planning my next few steps on how I was going to protect Whitney and Aubrie while also trying to fix Aubrie's situation and convince Whitney's dad.

Everything was happening so quickly, even I, who is supposed to have all the answers I need with a System in play, didn't know what to do—better yet, how to go about the situation. Convincing Aubrie to live with me was easier said than done, and I know Mr. Dawn will need a perfectly good reasoning for Whitney to join me despite our close relationship.

The background sounds of cars driving by and the conversations amongst civilians became distracting to me, so I made a left turn into an alleyway so I could bask in the silence and think clearly. As I made my way down the alleyway, I noticed a woman leaned against a wall, with a motorcycle beside her, smoking a cigarette. I walked past her, deciding to not make conversation in case something bad happened.

[*Beep Beep Beep*]

The woman, who's attention was on her phone, noticed me walk by then put out her cigarette. "Hey, guy, you lost or something? Wandering down there is a dangerous move."

I stopped walking, looking at Lust-E and noticed the Lust Tracker was tracking the woman I walked by. I turned back and looked at the woman. Her long silver hair and purple eyes was being illuminated by the brightness of her screen, her figure slender yet curvy, a few scars upon her body was visible as well.

"Well..?" The woman asked, looking at me and turning off her phone.

"I'm not entirely lost... mentally I am at the moment, but it doesn't concern you." I answered, hesitant on how I should pursue her.

The woman watched me then sighed, putting her phone away. "You should be careful around these areas at night. Everyone knows these alleyways are no place for useless civilians. I would rather keep the innocent from having their blood spilled on the streets."

"Well luckily I'm no normal civilian...I won't be needing a bodyguard thank you." I said, smiling at the woman with what bit of confidence I had.

[It didn't work, she's immune to your Heart Stealer.]

"You should be thanking me that I stopped you. Past those wired fences is a neighborhood named Yellow Lake. You don't want to go there, my gang lives there and they don't take kindly to strangers." The woman said.

"Your gang? Who are you?" I asked.

The woman crossed her arms, staring at me. "Who are you?"

"You can't answer my question with a question." I said.

"Are you a fed?" The woman asked.

'Shit with a System like this, I might as well be...' I thought to myself.

[Hilarious (=_=)]

"No I'm not a fed...the name's Shiro. I'm a college student and I'm just clearing my mind with a silent walk. No need to get your panties in a bunch alright." I said, introducing myself.

Naomi stared at me, sensing I was also carrying a burden on my shoulders. "Alright, Shiro...I trust you. I'm Naomi...I lead a gang named Karma."

I looked at Naomi and noticed her gaze turn to the ground. I decided to walk up to her and warm her up to me without my Heart Stealer. "You seem to have a lot on your mind, and look like you want to talk. Any reason you're standing out here like you're a Gotham Hero or something?" I asked, taking my spot beside her against the wall.

"Just keeping look out...I'm just dealing with a lot. Not only is my friend Ashley in a lot of shit, but I have my own shit to deal with. It's like life is testing what little patience I have left..." Naomi said.

"Gauging how guarded she seems, Empathy is your best bet for women like Naomi who are heavily guarded within. Just...talk to her. That's the only play that's acceptable right now." Lustie said.

[Task: Raise Naomi's Attraction Meter to 50%]

"So you know about the situation between her and Aubrie?" I asked.

"Yeah. You know them as well?" Naomi asked, looking at me.

"Shit I'm caught in the middle of it. Long story short, Aubrie had revenge sex with me and now my life is kind of in jeopardy. I'm certain Mark is going to try to kill me. That man literally crashed out on me earlier.." I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Mark..? Mark Angels...yeah I figured. That Scottish bastard is part of my problem as well...He is good friends with my ex-boyfriend who happens to also own a gang that rivals mine. That guy always finds ways to start shit...I feel bad for his sister and his friends' sisters." Naomi said.

"Shit we got a common enemy huh? Glad to know I'm not the only one dealing with his BS.." I chuckled softly, looking up at the night sky.

[Naomi's Attraction Meter rose to 15%]

"I guess..." Naomi sighed, her eyes closing as she began to think. "So what's up? You just thinking of ways to handle your situation..?"

"Just about. Not only is Aubrie in danger, but he practically threatened one of my good friends as well and I'm trying to find a way to successfully protect her as well." I said.

Naomi was silent for a moment before finally speaking. "I could help you...but it's gonna cost."

"Cost what?" I asked, looking at her.

"Money." Naomi said.

I chuckled softly, turning my gaze back at the sky. "See, if I was really that far into the hole I would've accepted...but I'm not gonna agree to anything that won't make me happy as well.."

"Yeah? Well then what are you going to give me?" Naomi asked, looking at me.

"Since we have a common enemy, a guy who is in a gang that is giving us both problems, how about you help me help you. I may have no experience with Street Knowledge, but I'm sure we can help each other." I said.


[Empathy EXP +300]

[Talent EXP +300 (Negotiation Mastery)]

[Naomi's Attraction Meter rose to 30%]

Naomi was a bit intrigued by my offer, a skeptical smirk curling on her lips. "Okay, and what do you want out of helping me. Everyone has an alternative motive."

"I'm but a simple man...all I want is your number and maybe we can meet up sometime to strategize or something. It's not like I can truly help you telepathically.." I said, using my Heart Stealer to try and fully win her over.

[Naomi slightly fell for your charm..]

[Naomi's Attraction Meter rose to 50%]

Naomi looked at me, her guard still up, but not as much as it once was. "You sure know how to smooth talk... Alright, Shane."

"Shiro." I corrected.

"Shiro...I'll accept your offer, but I don't think you truly understand what you're about to get into." Naomi said, taking her phone out of her pocket.

"I'm already in deep shit...nothing wrong with a bit more chaos," I said with a soft chuckle, watching her hand her phone to me.

I put my number in her phone, handing her phone back. She texted me, locking us in then got off the wall.

"Well... You're locked in. How about we schedule to meet tomorrow afternoon at my hideout? That way you know where I stay and we go from there." Naomi suggested, getting on her bike.

"Yeah, that'll work with me." I said.

"Cool. Well see ya...and if anyone asks about me, you don't know who I am." Naomi said, putting on her helmet and starting her bike. She revved her engine, speeding off into the dim alleyway.

[Naomi Haruna Registered!]

Name: Naomi Haruna

Age: 20

Birthday: March 24th

Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches

Weight: 118lbs

Nationality: Japanese American

Status: Strangers

Bond: 0%

Title: Karma's Enforcer

Occupation: Gang Leader

Most Desirable Trait(s): None

Least Desirable Trait(s): Romance, Empty Promises, Betrayal

Libido: Pretty Low

Favorite Gifts: None.

"Damn, based on this damn information, she's got bigger baggage than I initially expected. Immune to Heart Stealer essentially, her personality is a bit aloof and hardened by her circumstances. I'm sure if you try hard enough, you can break through her walls but it might seem like a bit of a daunting task." Lustie said.

"It doesn't matter too much to me really. We do have a common enemy, but I looked beyond my situation...I could see in her eyes that her situation is also stressing her out. If I learned anything from last week, it's how to actually talk to women. I can see something big forming between us, just give it time." I said, a smile on my face as I made my way back to my car.

"You've got it, Superstar~ Let's head back home and call it a night." Lustie said.

"Right." I nodded.

Próximo capítulo