

In the view of Geen's fans, Geen saved Damien and also pursued his own dream, despite the heavy loss. Although Kendall's mother hurt Damien, it wasn't Geen who did.

Why does Damien's fiancée, Kendall, ride on Geen's head and dominate?

Kendall, can't you move the date of "Lost" back because Geen is Damien's savior?

Do you have to embarrass Geen this much?

It's okay for Kendall to insist on going her own way, but Damien, being by her side and not caring, makes him seem really ungrateful.

They feel sorry for Geen.

Kendall's growing fanbase found Geen's fans' remarks ridiculous, and they argued under the trending search.

But they were only targeting fans, not Geen.

After all, Damien's injuries were real, and they had no position to judge.

The two groups fought online, back and forth.

When the moon was high in the treetops, Damien returned to the manor.

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