
Satan Meeting

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Word Count 1900


Undereworld. Lilith

Lucifer Castle.

It was that time of the month again. Time for another Satan Meeting. After the end of the Civil war. These meetings were quite frequent. Happening multiple times a month. But after the first 100 years had passed. They became a sort of gathering at the end of each month.

Nowadays Ajuka is too busy with his experiments and Falbium is on the Fallen Border. So the important Satan Meetings have turned into Sirzechs and Serafall getting together to drink and complain about their worries and jobs.

As the Satans of Internal and Foreign Affairs. They had the biggest workload. This lead to a lot of stress on their side. This was the one day in the month where they could completely relax and drink away their worries. Nobody was there except them. Not even Sirzechs's Queen and wife Grayfia. Since she was lightweight it would be weird for them to be drinking and her to just stand there.


Serafall's forehead hit the table "Why did we ever become Satans after the Civil War? Blast this inborn Devil Ambition. We should have just asked for a shit ton of money, territory and a bigger Noble Title. Then we wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit. Another little shithead decided to forcefully reincarnate sexy exotic woman from Greece.

Turns out she was a minor demigod. Granddaughter of Aphrodite. Of course the Greeks didn't care, they rarely care for their own kids except if they are exceptional, and she was useless to them since besides being beautiful she didn't have anything else going for her, but they will use any excuse, no matter how minor to create trouble for us. Now I have to go and deal with that mess. And that was what just happened yesterday. Let alone all the bullshit I had to deal with this month"

Sirzechs chuckled at that. Serafall was wearing her green magical dress today to relax in. Since today they are drinking and Green is for St. Patrick's. A little thing both of them love. St. Patrick wasn't a Saint or Irish, nor was his name even Patrick. Humans really are amazing they literally created a fake holiday just so they have another excuse to drink.

"Its the same thing with me. Trying to stop another Civil War. Oh last week, some imbecile from the Nabirus Family got into a scuffle with the Buné Family. Just because they are weak now doesn't mean that they can be messed with so easily. It got into a fight where the Nabirus member was beaten badly."

 Serafall laughed at that "Ha. Is that piece of shit Family Head still doing his experiments?"

Sirzechs nodded solemnly "Most likely, but as usual, we can't find or pin anything against him. And the Old Satan Faction is backing him up making it even more difficult for me."

"Sighhh. I need my Sonadium. I miss my baby sister. So-tan is so cute~. She will definitely be a looker in the future" Serafall started to giggle like a pervert before gasping "No. I have to be careful. I will teach her to stay away from boys, and I will beat up anyone that comes near her" she finished with a fist pump

Sirzechs laughed along "I can relate to that. I will destroy anybody who comes near to my Rias-tan." then he remembered what his parents said and clicked his tongue "Tsk. My parents have plans to engage her to the youngest Phenex brat by the end of the year. I am not happy about that. Something about a superbaby having Bael and Phenex powers"

Serafall deadpanned "Really? But they were born last year. Sona just had her first birthday three months ago"

Sirzechs remembered something and decided to add fuel to the fire. "My parent's aren't the only one. I heard your parents are planning to engage Sona to Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas"


The glass in Serafall's hand was crushed into pieces "Engaged to that loudmouth brat! I'm going to kill them!"

Sirzechs raised his hands in a calming manner "Now now, save that for later. You might as well get drunk before going over so that you have a good excuse to wreak your parent's place"

Serafall's expression brightened at that "Good idea" she then proceeded to drink some wine, directly from the bottle

"PHaaaaa. Oh things are a bit rough with the Yokai again."

Sirzechs sighed " Cleria Belial incident?"

"Yep~" Serafall popped her lips "That and more idiots keep reincarnating Yokai"

"Diehauser Belial. wasn't happy about what happened with his cousin. Especially since there was no trial and she was just executed. The whole thing is so sketchy that I'm not surprised. But there is nothing we can do about it. There was a lot of support against any investigation. From both the Old Satan Faction and Great King Faction."

Serafall scrunched up her eyebrows "Oh yeah. Old bastard Zekram Bael got involved. Great King my perky ass. If it wasn't for the amount of political backing he has I would have popped his head like a grape"

"Careful there Sera. Your inner berserker is showing"

The magical girl slumped back into her seat "Right. I worked hard to make people forget about how strong I really am. After all. I'm just a magical girl, a squishy mage type now"

Sirzechs chuckled as he shook his head " I am still suppressed that it even worked. When you first suggested I thought you were crazy. But now everybody truly believes you are a mage type. Even though you are the strongest of us Satans"

Serafall smiled "Thanks to you and Ajuka, Falbium and I were mostly in the background. Plus it was not even that well known to begin with. I only fought with Ice Magic in the war and used my physical strength when I fought stronger opponents and was a bit further away from my troops"

'It's still amazing what having the Sin of Envy can do. Normally jealous people don't get far. But she did. When we were children she didn't have my destructive capabilities nor Falbium's defensive ones. She wasn't as smart as Ajuka. She just had a lot of demonic power reserves and an ice mutation. Compared to others she was strong, but compared to us she was weak.

She was envious of what we could do and what she couldn't. She was so jealous that we were getting all the attention even though we were all the same age.

So what did she do. She trained and trained. Until she collapsed every day. She trained her body and her magic. Like the madness of Envy had consumed her. Until one day, she surpassed us. Serafall is the Physically Strongest Satan. The Sin of Envy can truly be terrifying' Sirzechs mused to himself

'Its also why she has such a soft spot for Devils that train their bodies instead of just magic. She knows full well how hard it is to get any results doing physical training'

"Oh and I learned something funny" Sera jumped all of a sudden and grinned.

Sirzechs raised an eyebrow. It must have been quite something if it could raise her spirits this much.

"Well are you going to be all mysterious or are you going to share?"

Serafall smiled even wider "Do you remember the wizards? The first human mages?" 

'That.. was an odd topic to switch to' Sirzechs thought to himself for a while

"Wizards? Lets see... Ahh yes. I do recall something about them. They are the experiment that the devils tried on humans about 1500 years ago right? The time they tried to see if they can give humans Devil Magic. And possibly use their biology to create more family magic. Since we already know that half-devils can mutate the Clan Trait even though its very rare.

I believe they have formed Isolated societies in every major country in the world. And are avoiding both the Mundane and Supernatural Worlds"

Sera snapped her finger "Bingo. They are a bunch of arrogant twits who rarely reach Mid-Class and they think they are above everybody else. Most people in that society don't even know the Supernatural World exists. Especially in the super racist and backward place like the British Wizarding Community"

"Okay... what about them?" Sirzechs was officially confused. This was a very random topic.

"See a week ago I heard that Ajuka had 'almost' gotten his hands on an interesting little trinket from the wizards?" she grinned happily

"Almost? Since when does Ajuka do 'Almost'?" he frowned. That does not sound like Ajuka

Sirzechs attitude send Serafall in a burst of giggles.

"Some of Ajuka's people who go around the world and bring him interesting things found about this trinket in a Magical Shop near Boston. A Pot capable of speeding up the growth of any normal plant and some magical plants by three times."

Now this suppressed Sirzechs "Really? A wizard invented that?" The supernatural world considers wizards beneath them because they are. They are arrogant, dumb, racist and practically live under a rock. So to think that someone from that society invented something like this. Is very surprising.

"Yeah and hear this out. It was a kid. A ten year old boy invented this.

Naturally this got the interest of Ajuka. He thought it was an interesting concept to study and improve for the devils. He needed more funding anyway and this seemed like a quick way to do it."

Sirzechs nodded. Now this sounds like Ajuka

"But here comes the fun stuff. His contact brought the Pot to Ajuka but when he started to walk towards the low-class human. It CRACKED before he was even 10 meters near it !!" Serafall started to laugh with tears in her eyes.

Sirzechs just deadpanned not getting what was so funny. So the human screwed up.

Sera seeing this explained further. "It wasn't the human's fault. At first he thought he was being scammed and his time was being wasted, luckily for the human he had another Pot nearby so, he brought it and put it on the ground and walked away. When Ajuka approached again it and reached the 10 meter mark it broke again.

Apparently the creator made it so when any person above Mid-Class touches or gets near the Pot. Its defence mechanism would activate and destroy the Pot.

Ajuka has been OBSESSED over the Pot. And he is EXTREMLY ANNOYED. Like and I quote

 'I have seen the most fragile glass in the world have more Structural Stability than THIS! He made it so sensitive to aura, energy and magic, it might as well be half broken from the START!' 

he said with bloodshot eyes, it was freaking hilarious" Sera started to laugh

Sirzechs started at her with wide eyes before joining he as he also burst into laugher " Hahahaha, that's great. Its been a while since we have seen Ajuka this worked up about something. The last time it was when he finally got his hand on a Sacred Gear only to blow up in his face when he tried to mess with it"

"I know right that was funny as Hell"

Sirzechs grabbed a bottle "I don't know who that kid is but cheers for him allowing us this good laugh"

Serafall quickly mimicked him and they clicked bottles

" "Cheers!" "

~ A/N

For a little clarification. Harry Potter Plot starts in 1991. Harry starts first year in Hogwarts.

He is 11. (Will be 28 in 2008)

DxD Plot starts in 2008. Issei Hyodou was 17 then in Second year. Rias and Akeno were 18.

Harry is born on July 31, 1980.

Rias was born on April 9 1990. Sona on June 7th. Akeno July 21.

Issei was born on April 17 1991 (This year) (Kiba and Asia same year)

Ravel and Koneko will be born 1993 (Next Year) (but will be 1st year in kuoh)

La Fay Pendragon will be born in the same year (since she was about 15 when introduced)

Hope this clears things up. And why I say MC WONT BE WITH RIAS. He is literally 10 years older than her. She is a child in his eyes.

Btw calculated Kuroka's Age coz i know people will ask. She was 21 in 2008. So she was born in 1987.

Lavinia Reni's age wasn't mentioned, just a young woman in her 20ties. So i'm making her 23. (1985)

Why am I going so much into details. Coz i have a whole freaking timeline.

Rosswisse was (19-20) when introduced

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