

Lucius created a lightning and then converted it into thunder. While Lucius was conjuring thunder, Elina's expression turned serious.

"Lucius, come here for a sec," Elina called out.

"Yes, mother?" Lucius responded, approaching her.

"I have some questions for you, and I need you to answer them honestly," Elina said firmly.

"Of course, mother," Lucius replied, his confusion evident.

"Then tell me, where did you learn about thunder magic? There's nothing written about it in the First part of Non-Incantation book. So where did you gain this knowledge?" Elina inquired.

"I... I read about it in the second part of the Non-Incantation magic," Lucius replied nervously.

"There is no second part of that book. The author died after completing the first part. You know that," Elina said sternly.

"The last Non-Incantation magic user before you lived over 700 years ago, during the Great Demon and Human War. After that, there were no Non-Incantation magic users until you. You are the only one in seven centuries to wield such magic," Elina continued, her tone grave.

Lucius's expression grew serious as he listened to Elina's words.

"And according to the book, gods have prohibited Non-Incantation magic users from creating new magic. Humans can only use magic permitted by the gods, and thunder magic is not allowed for Non-Incantation users. So, how did you create it? Tell me the truth, Lucius," Elina pressed.

"Fine, mother. I'll tell you, but it must remain a secret, just between us. Do you promise?" Lucius pleaded.

"Yes, only our family will know. I promise," Elina assured him.

"A year ago, after exercising and going to bed, a goddess appeared in my dreams. She told me she had chosen me as her future husband and granted me the power to create anything I desired, including magic. That's how I was able to create thunder magic," Lucius confessed, weaving a white lie.

After hearing Lucius's explanation, Elina paused, contemplating her next move.

"So, a goddess has taken an interest in my son. I cannot allow that. I must protect him from her. Lucius, Athena, Leona, go and rest. I have to have a talk with Throne and Big Sis," Elina declared before hurrying off to meet with Throne and Noir.

"Finally, I managed to escape Mother's suspicion," Lucius sighed in relief.

"You played it quite dirty, sweetie. You defamed my image just to avoid suspicion from your mother. Now, what will your family think? That I have my eyes on a little kid?" the goddess's voice echoed in Lucius's head.

"I'm sorry, goddess. I just said what came to mind at the time," Lucius apologized, bowing his head.

Meanwhile, Athena and Leona observed Lucius talking to himself and performing strange actions.

"Leona, has he gone mad or something?" Athena asked.

"Well, he's been foolish since the day he was born, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's lost his mind now," Leona replied, mocking Lucius.

On the other hand, the goddess continued her conversation with Lucius.

"I forgive you. Now, let me ask you a question," the goddess said.

"Sure, go ahead," Lucius replied.

"Can you kill another human or living being?" the goddess asked, shocking Lucius.

"No, I can't harm another human or living being," Lucius replied firmly.

"If you can't even kill a person, how do you plan to become the strongest? How will you protect your family from demons and evil humans who seek to harm you?" the goddess questioned, her tone heavy.

"I will talk and negotiate with them. I'll seek peaceful solutions," Lucius insisted.

"Don't speak like a child. This world is different from your previous one. Here, it's kill or be killed. Remember, one day, you'll have to choose between killing or witnessing your loved ones die before your eyes," the goddess warned before departing.

Deep in thought, Lucius pondered the goddess's words.

"There must be a way to survive without resorting to killing or being killed," Lucius mused to himself before retiring to his room for the night.

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