

Chapter Text

Hitoshi adjusted his seat so he could look at Izuku. There was a bit of time before class, and Hitoshi needed to figure out if he should get involved with his friend's feelings. "So about that text last night."


Izuku nodded. "I need your help."


"To do what? Decide who to ask out or-"


"To get Mina and Toru to go out with each other," Izuku said as he kept writing in his notebook.


"Hm..." that was not what Hitoshi thought he'd say. "Your message didn't imply that."


Izuku sighed. "I texted you because I needed to say it in some way. I didn't want to tell Nemuri or Yasuda because it'd be this whole thing, and they'd probably not like my plan."


"Alright, but still. You admit you're crushing on both of them doesn't add up to you wanting them to date each other."


"I just... I know they both like each other, so if they date, then they'll be happier, and as long as they're happy, I'll be fine. My feelings will go away after some time, and I can keep being their friend. it's the best option."


Hitoshi's eyes narrowed. He knew this kind of talk; he had talked like this before. Not about dating but different subjects with the same attitude. He knew Izuku had been bullied. It was one of the first things he had learned about his friend, but he didn't know the extent. If it was anything like what Hitoshi went through then, he knew Izuku was playing off the possibility of his own happiness out of habit.


"Ok, so what am I supposed to do?"


Izuku shrugged. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll work something out. Can I count on you for help?"


"Sure thing, man." 'I'll need to see what the girls are trying to do, then I'll probably have to work something out. If I don't, they'll be dancing around each other for years. I can't handle seeing that.'




As the four teens went to their usual lunch spot, Toru pulled out some money. "I'm gonna go buy some drinks; you guys want anything?"


The others took her offer, and she grabbed Hitoshi's shoulder "great. Come with me, Hitoshi. I'll need help carrying it."


Hitoshi groaned internally as the invisible girl dragged him away. As they stood at the vending machine, Hitoshi said, "so this is about the text? You need my help or something?"


Toru sighed "yeah, I... wanna talk to them about it, but I'm also panicking at the idea of trying."


"I get that it's supposed to be hard or whatever to tell people you like that you like them, but it can't go that bad, right? They're your friends. What are you nervous about?"


Toru fidgeted as she selected the drinks. "I... I like them like a lot, and I can see that they like each other, but well, I'm me. Why would they be interested in me the way they're interested in each other? I don't really have much going on in the looks department."


Hitoshi shook his head. "I really don't think those two are that shallow. Why not start with telling them about your insecurity about your looks. See how they respond, then work from there."


Toru handed him half the drinks "that's... not a terrible idea, I guess. I'll try to tell them later... just gotta work up the courage. Can you help me out after as well?"


Hitoshi sighed "sure. Why not."




Hitoshi eyed Mina as they walked home from school. She hadn't approached him at all, and now the group was about to go their separate ways. As they got to the train station, Mina said, "I gotta pick up something for my dad, so I'm headed this way today. See you guys tomorrow."


Izuku and Toru waved as they headed to their train. Hitoshi and Mina walked in silence until they boarded and sat down. "So Hitoshi about the text last night."


"What do you need me to do?"


Mina grinned "well. I plan on telling them. I'm confident about Izuku, and I have a feeling Toru feels the same as I do, but I want to confirm it, so I need to get her alone. I want you to distract Izuku on our next day off. While he's busy, I'll spend some time with Toru and see how she feels, then go from there."


Hitoshi smirked. He was happy to hear that Mina had a good plan. He was still concerned about Izuku, but hopefully, that would get resolved when the girls acted. "I can keep him busy for you."


"Good to hear. I'll text you if I need anything." Mina got off at the next stop and went to pick up the stuff her dad asked for.




Mina looked at her phone as she waited for Toru. Hitoshi's plan to keep Izuku busy today was suggesting they test the limits of Hioshi's quirk while also letting Izuku see what it's like to be under the influence of brainwashing. As she waited, Mina checked herself over again. Hot pink converses, blue skinny jeans, and a black tank top with a bubblegum pink zipper half jacket.


The acid girl spotted her invisible friend approaching. Toru was dressed in a pair of rose-colored sneakers, a black overall dress that ended just above her ankles, and a white long sleeve shirt under the dress. All in all, Mina thought she looked adorable as she waved to the invisible girl.


Toru was freaking out internally. Mina looked really good and hot, and now she felt kinda silly for wearing this dress. "Hey, sorry if I made you wait."


Mina shook her head. "You didn't. Also, that's a super cute outfit. I love it."


The acid girl grinned, seeing Toru fidget a bit "t-thanks. I like your outfit too."


"Thanks. Now come on, Izuku's busy being a quirk nerd with Hitoshi's, so let's go have some real fun today so we can brag tomorrow."


Toru giggled as she followed Mina "what did you have in mind?"


"I figured we'd hit the arcade then get some lunch, maybe do some window shopping to see if there's anything nice out there and just go from there. Sound good?"


"Yeah, that sounds fun." Toru bumped her shoulder against Mina's shoulder as the two headed for the arcade.


Once inside, Mina cracked a smile "so I heard from Izuku you two came to an arcade before, and he lost more than he won. You must think you're pretty good at this kinda thing."


Toru's posture straightened. "I know I'm good at this. You want me to show you how good?"


Mina laughed. "I accept the challenge. I'll even be nice and let you pick the first game."


It was a tough challenge with one of the girls taking the lead only for the other to close the gap, and by the time they had played nearly every game, they were tied. The girls stood before their last challenge. Silently Mina was cheering. It was dance dance revolution, her absolute favorite game. She had always wanted to take dance lessons but had never found a place close to her home, so DDR was her replacement. 


"How about a couple warm-up games, then we'll get onto the actual challenge?" Mina suggested.


Toru nodded as she said, "sure thing. It'd be terrible for you to lose because you weren't warmed up yet."


Mina laughed as she queued up an easier song. The two got started, and Mina was a bit surprised by how Toru did. The invisible girl's score tied with Mina's. The acid girl cranked up the difficulty, and they went again, and yet again, they tied. This repeated yet again, and Mina stared suspiciously at her invisible friend slash crush. "You have a lot of experience with this game, don't you?"


Toru giggled. "Achi's girlfriend likes this game. We've played a lot."


"Then I don't need to hold back." Mina set the hardest difficulty and picked a song as she rolled her shoulders. She asked, "ready, Toru?"


Toru pumped her fist. "I'm gonna beat you this time."


Unbeknownst to the two girls, they had gathered a crowd with their escalating battle that kept ending in ties. The first song went to Mina, who won by a hair. The second went to Toru by a smaller margin than the first, and the third song tied. The crowd groaned, startling the girls who realized they were being watched. Both of them were panting and starting to feel the fatigue of so much dancing. Toru spoke up, "one more than no matter what we're done?"


Mina nodded "you're on."


The battle was hard-fought, and there were many upsets and close calls, but by the end of it... they tied again. Both girls stepped down feeling exhausted as the crowd dispersed. Mina leaned on Toru "let's get some lunch. I'm really hungry now."


Toru nodded "yeah..."


Mina looked over as her invisible friend trailed off. "What's up, Toru?"


"There's a cute stuffed animal over there..."


Mina spotted the crane machine and walked over with Toru shortly behind. "That pink one is so cute."


Mina smirked as she looked at the hot pink chibi alien with big black eyes and little antenna sticking out the top of its head. "You gonna try and get it?"


"I'm no good at crane machines," Toru said as she chuckled.


"Oh well, then that means if I get this little guy, I'll win?" Mina said as she put some money in the crane machine.


Toru was torn between possibly getting the cute stuffed animal and losing the arcade contest as she watched Mina work the crane into position. Mina stuck her tongue out a bit as she concentrated, and Toru noticed Mina had a similar look to Izuku when he was focusing on something. Toru sighed internally. The two people she was crushing on hard could get really intense when they needed to.


Mina's face shifted to a grin as the alien was caught and dispensed. Mina grabbed the alien and presented it to Toru with a smirk "as the Alien Queen, I will allow you to take one of my subjects with you to keep you safe."


Toru covered her mouth as she laughed and took the stuffed alien. "Thank you, Mina. this will look great in my room."


Mina smirked, "oh, gonna put it next to that green rabbit that sits on your bed?"


Toru was glad Mina couldn't see her blushing as she spoke softly "ah well, I mean... yeah, they're special, you know. My best friends got them for me."


It was Mina's turn to blush as she watched Toru fidget. "C-come on. I'm hungry; let's get some lunch."


Toru followed Mina as they left and looked for somewhere to eat. They found a ramen shop and decided to head in. The duo sat towards the back and ordered. As they waited, Mina watched Toru play with the stuffed alien's arms. She got the feeling something was on Toru's mind. "You ok? You seem distracted."


Toru took a deep breath and steeled her nerves. She had been planning to bring it up, so now seemed good. "I'm just... I'm invisible."


She looked up at Mina's confused face "s-sorry um, it just bothers me sometimes. I wish I could turn this off. I don't even remember what I look like. I don't know what color my eyes are or my hair. I haven't seen my own face since I was four. It sucks that people can't look me in the eyes. They're always just a little off when they do."


Mina smiled softly as her cheeks flushed lilac. "I know I can't ever fully understand what that must be like, and I'm sure I'm off right now while trying to look at you and sorry about that, but just know I'm here for you no matter what, and so's Izuku. You're our best friend, and just cause we can't see that cute face doesn't mean we like you any less."


Toru felt her heart clench as her cheeks burned "t-thanks... that means a lot. Sometimes it just bothers me. I'll try to remember what you said whenever it does."


Mina grinned, and Toru relaxed as she looked at the pink girl. "Glad to hear."


Their food came, and they dug in right away. The two chatted about nothing important as they ate and paid once they were done. Mina led the way to the mall, where the two girls set about looking around the clothing stores and trying on random things they found. By the time they left, they both had some new clothes and even a couple shirts for Izuku that fit his sense of fashion and humor.


By the time it was getting close to the end of the day, the two had found themselves in a park and were simply sitting and enjoying each other's company. Mina took a deep breath as she prepared the next phase of her plan. She knew fairly well how Toru felt about her and Izuku, so it was time to get verbal confirmation then move onto phase two. "Toru, do you have a crush on Izuku?"


The invisible girl stiffened as Mina kept talking, "I'm pretty sure you do, and I do as well, but I want to hear you say it."


"I uh... y-yeah I do. I have for a bit."


Mina nodded, and Toru's stomach flopped as she started fretting that maybe she had misread some of Mina's actions right up until Mina asked, "And what about me? How do you feel about me?"


Toru looked at the pink girl seeing her face was more lilac than pink, and she was looking anywhere but at Toru. The invisible girl swallowed, feeling her own face heat up. "I-I l-like you as well. I've h-had a crush on both of you for a while."


Mina's face broke out into that big grin that Toru was loving more and more as she saw it. The acid girl sighed with relief "that's good. B-because I've had a c-crush on both you and Izuku for some time now... I don't really know when it started."


Toru sat there stunned as she stared at Mina. This is not how she thought things would go. It wasn't even really how she hoped things would go. Toru cleared her throat as she realized there was still more to be said. "U-um, what do we now?"


"Well, I have a plan. I just need to text Hitoshi and get his assistance." Mina pulled her phone out as she kept talking, "we should tell Izuku and see how he feels. If you're both ok with it, I-i'd like to try all three of us dating."


Toru nodded slowly. "I um... I'd like that too. W-when are we gonna talk to Izuku?"


"Well, if he's still with Hitoshi, then we can just do it now, and if not, we'll get Izuku to come to the beach before school tomorrow."


A few seconds after Mina shot off her text to Hitoshi, she got a call from him. Mina answered and put it on speaker. "Hitoshi, why are you calling me?"


"Toru with you?"


"Yeah, I am. You're on speaker. What's up?"


Hitoshi sighed "alright, so I brainwashed Izuku, and I'm making him do push-ups. I didn't specify how many, so who knows how long he'll be out of it. Mina, you and Toru confessed and are gonna talk to Izuku now, right?"


"Yep, that's the plan."


"Alright, well, he'll probably be annoyed that I told you this when he finds out, but all three of you texted me that night and told me you were crushing on the other two." both the girls blushed. "I asked him first what it was about, and he said he wanted my help but not to help him talk to you two but to push you two together and leave him out. He was talking like it wasn't a possibility that even one of you would be interested. He said he could tell you both liked each other, and once you were dating, his feelings would go away, and it'd be fine."


Hitoshi paused for a moment before continuing, "sorry, thought he stopped for a moment. Anyways I don't know what happened to him much beyond he was bullied when he was younger, but the way he talks, it's like his happiness isn't something that should be considered. You two are the ones trying to date him, so I figured you should know."


Mina and Toru looked at each other, and Mina said, "He never talks about the time before meeting us... he might try to deny how he really feels when we go to him."


Toru bit her lip before saying, "we could confront him. Tell him we know what he told Hitoshi. Try and get him to admit to it."


Mina hummed, "If we aren't careful, we could push him away."


"I think we should try. We'll regret it, and so will Izuku if we don't bring it up. We're his best friends. We need to make sure he knows how we feel and that he can be honest with us."


Mina smiled "alright. Hitoshi, send him to the beach. We'll be headed there in a bit."


"Sure things, by the way, when this is done, you all owe me."


"We'll take you to a cat cafe." Mina shot back quickly.


The line was silent for a moment before Hitoshi said, "alright. I have one I want to check out. You'll be paying."


"Sounds like a deal, and thanks, Hitoshi. This is why you're the best wingman for all of us."


Hitoshi just grunted before handing up. The girls looked at each other as they got up, and Mina said, "alright... before we go, there's one more thing I gotta do."


"What-" Toru stopped as Mina grabbed the sides of her face and quickly leaned in, kissing Toru. Mina was off a bit, but the acid girl quickly adjusted their awkward first kiss before ending it.


Mina's cheeks were on fire as she chuckled nervously, "sorry about being off a bit. I figured if I grabbed your face, it'd be easier to aim."


Toru stuttered and looked at the blushing pink girl as she said, "I-it's fine... yeah, that was really... good. I don't um mind or anything."


Mian smirked while still blushing hard "are you sure I wouldn't mind trying again."


Toru stepped back and muttered, "M-maybe later."


Mina's smirk faltered as her heart clenched hearing how soft Toru's voice was. "C-come on, we gotta make sure Izuku doesn't force himself to be alone."




Hitoshi looked at his phone after hanging up and sighed before releasing his quirk as he came back to the room Izuku was in. the green-haired teen fell on his face as his arms gave out. He groaned. "Oh, they hurt. How many did I do?"


Hitoshi shrugged. "Don't know. I had a phone call, so I left. By the way, the girls want to meet you at the beach. Mina said she had something to talk about."


"Alright, give me a minute, and we'll go."


"Nah, they need to talk to you. I'm not invited. Besides, I need to feed the cats and myself."


Izuku waited for the feeling to get back into his arms before he thanked Hitoshi for the day and headed to the beach. As Izuku made the way to the beach, he wondered what they could want to talk about. It could be One for All stuff since Hitoshi was told not to come, but it wasn't like Toru would be getting the power tonight. A part of his brain was worrying that it could be about their relationship. He knew he didn't do the best job hiding his feelings, but he had hoped he'd done enough to keep them from bringing it up.


Izuku got to the beach and headed down the steps finding Mina and Toru already waiting. The two girls sitting close to each other on the sand. Izuku smiled a bit as he said, "it's getting late. What did you guys need to talk about?"


Mina and Toru got up as they turned to look at Izuku. Mina spoke up first, "Toru and I admitted our feelings to each other today."


Izuku kept his smile up, but his chest felt tight as he said, "That's wonderful. I had a feeling something like this would happen."


"That's not all Izuku." Toru said as she approached, "w-we also know how you feel."


Izuku's smile faltered. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."


Mina frowned. "Hitoshi told us, and I'm glad he did because we feel the same. Toru and I both like you, Izuku, and we... are both fine with the three of us being a thing if you are, b-but we need to know why you were going to try and keep yourself out of it."


Izuku felt annoyed that Hitoshi had told them everything, but it was overwhelmed by a mixture of emotions. Shock and confusion at hearing that the two girls he had feelings for felt the same. He felt a bit overwhelmed and terrified at the idea that they wanted to hear about what led him to make his choice in trying to avoid letting them know.


Izuku backed up as he stammered, "I uh... well."


"Please, Izuku. You don't have to tell us everything just... Why would you want to keep yourself from the chance of being happy?" Toru said as she stepped back. The girls were giving him plenty of space which helped keep him from freaking out more.


Izuku took a few deep breaths as he clenched his fist and steeled his nerves. "I lost my parents when I was six, and before that, I had lost my only friend. He-he bullied me from then until I met Nemuri, and she saved me. A-as the years went on, and I kept getting older, and people kept passing me up when they came t-to adopt I-I got convinced that n-no would or could c-care or l-love me."


He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. "I-I know I had Yasuda, but she works at the orphanage, and some days when it was bad, I would think that she only cared b-because she was paid to take care of me."


Izuku sat down as he rubbed his eyes, trying to stop the flow of tears. "I-I never thought I'd have a family, but I got one. Even with that, I never- I never thought people would actually care about me the way you two are saying you do. I figured i-it would be better to avoid the possible disappointment of you not feeling the same way. If you two were happy with each other, I-I could let my feelings fade away and just move on."


He heard them move then felt two pairs of arms wrap around him. Mina spoke softly, "I'm sorry you felt that way. You've been through so much, Izuku, and even if you don't think so, we think you deserve to be happy... so i-if you want, we'd both like you to join us and see if this can work."


Izuku wiped his eyes and blinked away his tears as Toru said, "you're wonderful, Izuku, and you've helped both of us grow so much. You were my first friend in forever. You've made things so much better in my life. Please know you deserve happiness, and we want to give that to you."


Izuku sniffled and smiled as he let out a half-hearted chuckle. "I-I can never win when you two team up against me."


Mina giggled "of course you can't beat us. We're your best friends. So what do you say? You want a couple cute and sexy girlfriends?"


Izuku blushed as Toru swatted Mina's arm. "Y-yeah... I'd like that."


Mina grinned "good, now Toru kiss him."


"Huh?! W-wait, why don't you do it first?"


Mina rolled her eyes. "I kissed you, so you kiss him, then he kisses me. It's simple."


Toru was blushing hard, and she could see the other two were completely red or lilac. She took a deep breath and whispered, "Fuck it."


Izuku looked over about to ask what when he felt soft lips press against his. Izuku tensed but managed to return the gesture before Toru pulled away. It was awkward but full of emotion. Mian whistled, "Wow, that looks kinda weird..."


Toru groaned "shush you. H-hurry up Izuku and kiss her. I feel like my face is gonna explode."


"O-oh um r-right." Izuku looked at Mina, who was blushing and fidgeting now that he was looking at her. He hesitantly leaned his head down as Mina closed her eyes. The two pressed their lips together, and as was the trend with the three teens, the kiss was awkward and inexperienced but brimming with potential and the feelings of those involved. As they separated, Izuku said, "S-so what now?"


Mina took a moment before she said, "I-I guess we go home tonight. We have school tomorrow. W-we can figure out how things will go from there."


The other two nodded, but none of them moved to break the hug. They ended up staying on the beach, simply leaning into each other for another hour before finally going home, wondering what their future would bring.


Hi, I'm Scarecrow Ghost and I've never written a confession before. hopefully, it turned out well and I hope you enjoyed it.

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