

Miruko slammed her foot against the wall one more time seeing deep cracks open up through which she could see the other side. "Alright finally through!" Rumi shouted before her ears picked up a deep rumbling. "What is that?" She asked looking through the cracks to see a light coming down the hall getting steadily brighter and the rumbling she'd heard before was getting louder as well. Not knowing what was about to happen Miruko listened to her delicate sense of danger and ran from the cracked wall kicking the two Yakuza through the hole in the first wall.

"Miruko what are you do-!?" Tiger shouted before Miruko cut him off.

"We need to get behind this wall now!" She shouted as the rumbling she heard was loud enough to get the attention of the Pussycats. The team of four rushed after Miruko taking cover against the wall Mimic had used to block Miruko's kick earlier. They waited for a moment then two before hearing a hard boom. The fire crashed into the wall Miruko had been kicking blasting through the nearly broken wall and slammed into the second one like a tidal wave of flame before funneling through the hole Miruko had kicked through it.

The heroes covered their ears as the fire roared past them like an angry beast shattering the two sets of automatic doors before finally slamming into the barrier that cut them off from the outside. For a moment the heroes watched as the flame roared against the barrier thinking the stone work might hold but it didn't. The remnants of the flame burned through the barrier and out into the parking before finally dispersing. Miruko as well as the Pussycats were all coughing as they covered their eyes against the sunlight beaming in through the freshly made hole.

"What just happened?" Ragdoll asked as she stood up looking at the scorched hallway in front of them. No one said anything because none had the answer to that question.

From his spot behind Izuku Mirio watched the explosion of fire from the young Hero's mouth as it roared towards Chisaki. Mirio didn't know what to think. At first he thought there was no way that Chisaki could have survived an attack of that magnitude, this was quickly followed by guilt at his doubt of Izuku's moral code. He couldn't believe that Izuku would willingly kill somebody even if that somebody was a piece of garbage like Chisaki. During Mirio's musings Izuku cut off the attack and Mirio was able to see the damage Izuku had wrought.

As far back as Mirio could see the hallway was absolutely scorched black with the acrid scent of smoke. Pieces of the hallway had been sheared away by the inferno exposing pieces of rebar that now glowed a bright cherry red illuminating the hall in a dull red glow. "Izuku?" Mirio asked as Izuku released a long breath, but before he could respond there was a series of cracking and what Mirio thought was just a thick cloud of smoke crumbled away to reveal it was a wall of stone hurriedly thrown up to protect Overhaul.

Overhaul was smoking slightly patches of his coat were burned through revealing angry red skin beneath, his mask was caked with soot and his eyes were bloodshot. Overhaul coughed a couple times before placing his hands on his arms healing the wounds he'd suffered as he looked at Izuku. "If I didn't know better I'd say you wanted to kill me with that attack JForce." Overhaul chided as he stared at Izuku. Despite his cool demeanor Overhaul was anything but calm. He was furious at the filth he was covered in. His entire body was covered in soot and ash, but more so he was angry at this show of power.

He'd only had seconds to block Izuku's attack and even then he'd taken damage. Chisaki thought he knew all the quirks JForce possessed but just in this exchange he'd displayed two new ones. Overhaul clenched his fists as he glared at Izuku. I won't let this stop me! He thought to himself as he heard Izuku finally speak. "If you're worried about an attack like that killing you, then I suggest you give up now." Izuku said looking at Chisaki.

Izuku had gone through some kind of change. His pupils had once again changed to vertical slits, but that wasn't all under Izuku's eyes looked like scales had formed and his teeth were now sharp with steam exiting his mouth on each exhale. "Mirio you should get out of here as soon as you see the chance." Izuku said before moving. Izuku's legs compressed into themselves before springing him forth, but that wasn't all. At Izuku's feet flames came to life giving him a further boost of speed.

Overhaul stood there unable to react to Izuku's attack. He was far too slow or so Izuku thought as he came with a flaming uppercut plowing into Overhaul's jaw only to see Overhaul disappear into the ether. Izuku's flames erupted from his fist into the ceiling blasting a hole through it as the excess flames splashed across the ceilings. From his right Izuku spotted Chisaki reaching a hand out to him. If that touches me he'll destroy me! Izuku thought to himself as he blasted flames from his feet to force himself into a backflip narrowly dodging Chisaki's hand as Izuku gripped the ceiling his flaming fingers digging into the ceiling as he stared down at Chisaki.

Izuku's reptilian eyes looked down on Chisaki his mind working overtime to figure out just what was going on. Mirio said that overhaul was able to manipulate projectiles, but after what he'd just seen Izuku wasn't so sure. Overhaul stared up at Izuku and smiled behind his mask. "Do you really have the time to sit there and analyze things?" He asked before placing his hands on the ground as spikes pulled themselves up from the floor and rocketed toward Mirio.

Izuku was about to react before Mirio called out to him as the spikes passed through his body harmlessly. "Izuku don't worry about me! I've still got my quirk I'll be fine just focus on him!" Mirio shouted as he moved through a wall leaving behind the bandages for his wounded legs. Chisaki growled at this. Lemillion would have been a constant hindrance to Izuku's thoughts, but now he was gone.

"It's just you and me now Chisaki!" Izuku shouted as he let go of the ceiling falling towards Chisaki and bringing his hand down in a curtain of flame in front of him.

"Don't call me Chisaki!" Overhaul shouted as he created an arch of spikes to block Izuku's incoming punch, but it didn't come from the place he thought it was. The flames Izuku had laid down were a distraction as the young hero relied on his ninja training. Izuku had flown over to the wall and bounced off it with his rubber legs sliding in between the wall of spikes around Overhaul to come up with another flaming uppercut. This time Izuku felt his fist connect with Overhaul's chin as he threw the villain up through his spikes and the ceiling knocking him a floor up and surprisingly he'd been smashed into the same room Mimic had been trapped Izuku in.

Mimic had regained consciousness a little bit ago, but after taking so much trigger he could barely move let alone activate his quirk. The rebar wrapped around him was overkill to be frank. Mimic would have had a hard time tearing his way out of a wet paper bag. Suddenly the floor opened up with a blaze of fire as Overhaul was thrown through it landing on the floor some ways away from him. "BOSS!" Mimic shouted as Overhaul rolled across the floor before slamming into a wall. Overhaul slowly got to his feet as Izuku blasted into the room. He looked between the two Yakuza before advancing on Overhaul.

From his position on the floor all Mimic could do was grind his teeth and screech unable to help his boss at all. Once Chisaki was on his feet he launched another attack of spikes at Izuku who planted his feet and began punching at the spikes sending off small fireballs to shatter the incoming projectiles before they could make contact. "Dragon Fireworks!" Izuku shouted. Overhaul grit his teeth as he used the new quirk he'd acquired to throw in some illusory spikes to thrown Izuku off.

Izuku shot off another small fireball that passed through one of the spikes making it disappear right as one came from between his legs. Izuku pivoted on his heel as the spike grazed him tearing open his suit and leaving a cut in his side. Overhaul smiled as he rushed in with his hand outstretched. "I'll break you down!" Overhaul shouted as green lightning arced around Izuku as he used his pivot to throw a roundhouse kick. The wind from this kick blasted Overhaul back throwing him onto Mimic.

The two Yakuza groaned as Overhaul felt the rebar dig into his abdomen, but fighting through the pain Overhaul placed a hand on Mimic's chest as well as his own before disassembling the two and then recombining them. As Izuku moved to attack Chisaki the stone around him began to move and a pair of giant hands came from the floor to clutch the young hero. "Hahaha!" A slow chuckle rumbled through the room as the entire room began to shift and twist before forming a beak and before Izuku's eyes the concrete took the form of Overhaul's face. "Too late hero I win!" Overhaul shouted as the entire room began to come down on Izuku crushing him slowly.

"I won't give up!" Izuku shouted.

From outside the hospital everyone was on guard after having seen a large gout of flame erupt from the entrance of the hospital, but thankfully the only thing that came out of that freshly cooled hole was the Pussycats, Miruko and the two captured Yakuza. The police approached the group taking custody of the two Yakuza as the lead detective began questioning the group. "What's the situation in there what was that huge burst of fire?" He asked as Tiger stepped up to give a report.

"As you can see we've captured two of the Shie Hassaikai our estimate is that there is another Yakuza who has taken control of the hospital rearranging everything within. We had eyes on Overhaul, but he escaped we guess he's still inside." Tiger said before a voice cut in.

"Chisaki is still inside. He's fighting with JForce as we speak." Mirio said appearing from around the corner of the hospital. He'd been forced to abandon his bandages when he permeated through the wall. The bullet holes in his legs were bleeding heavily as he stood there wobbling back and forth. It was clear he was only on his feet thanks to the support of the hospital wall.

"Lemillion!" Shouted the detective before shouting to the paramedics. "Hey we need a stretcher immediately!" He shouted as Miruko went over to support Mirio.

"How was the fight going when you left?" Miruko asked as Mirio huffed while leaning against her.

"It seemed to be going in Izuku's favor when I retreated." He said as he was lead over to an approaching gurney. Miruko looked back at the hospital and took a step forward before the top of the hospital shifted before bursting outward revealing a misshapen stone creature of some kind. It was a giant thing with six arms on either side of it, but four were being used to support its massive girth as legs. The top part of it arched upward like the torso of a centaur, but where it's head would be was only a massive beak that was wide open revealing Overhaul embedded in the back of its mouth.

It raised one of its fists before letting out an ear shattering roar. "ERIIIIIII!" The roar shook the bones of everyone there as windows shattered around the area. From her seat in the police tent Eri shook like a leaf on a tree. Tsu did her best to comfort the young girl, but she too found herself trembling slightly. "I'm going to go outside and see what's going on." Ochaco said as she slowly slid off the bench they'd been sharing and took a step forward before stopping.

Ochaco clenched her fist as she looked at her other leg. Move, Move go forward! She instructed the disobedient limb. She knew why her leg wasn't moving; she was scared of what she would see out there. She was absolutely terrified of the creature that billowing voice belonged to. Ochaco bit her lip to the point she tasted blood. She was punishing herself for her cowardice. You're a hero now you chose this you can't back down. Izuku wouldn't back down! She chastised herself as she finally felt life come back to her leg and stepped forward. If I stop here I'll never be able to catch up to him.

Everyone looked at the giant stone creature as it raised its fists, but there was something wrong with its right hand as it started to smoke before suddenly bursting apart in a shower of embers and concrete. There hanging onto its stump was Izuku Midoriya. He pulled himself onto its arm as he surveyed the scene from his extreme height. Izuku's reptilian eyes looked at Overhaul in the back of this monstrosity's mouth. "CHISAKI!" Izuku shouted as he began running down the arm his heated steps leaving bright red footprints on it as he raced down the arm.

"I told you don't call me Chisaki!" He shouted as he raised and opened the giant's left hand revealing a multitude of spikes across its giant palm. The spikes shot out from the palm like angry pillars that snaked their way to Izuku chasing him down the arm's length. Izuku dodged the incoming projectiles even managing to break off the heads of two of the pillars and flung them at Chisaki as he ran.

Chisaki raised his hands creating a wall to block the spikes as they shattered across its surface. Izuku smiled as the spike pillars chasing him stopped. "So you have to see me in order to chase me with these things. Good to know." Izuku said as steam poured off his body and his speed greatly increased as he ran down the arm becoming invisible to the naked eye. The only thing that showed Izuku was still there was a blistering trail of fire after him.

Disassembling the wall in front of him Chisaki saw only a fire trail racing up the giant's arm before taking off into the air. Reacting on Instinct Overhaul hurriedly closed the giant beak around him. Izuku created a Rasengan in his hand and then lit it on fire creating a whirling firestorm in his palm. "Dragon Rasengan!" He shouted as he slammed the attack against the stone beak watching it explode across the surface of stone cracking and burning it.

Izuku dug his hands into the crack he made as green lightning crackled around him. He slowly began to force the crack wider and wider before ripping off two huge chunks of stone revealing Chisaki hiding inside before a stone spike blocked his vision. Izuku barely dodged the surprise attack as a cut opened up on his cheek. He glared down at Overhaul before rolling to the side of the hole he'd made. Suddenly the light was cut off as Izuku was draped in shadow.

Izuku looked up seeing the stone creature's hand above him and closing in fast as it began to rain down stone spears on him. "No you don't!" Izuku shouted as he twisted his arms above himself catching the water in the atmosphere and creating a massive shield of water. "Whirlpool Shield." He said as the spikes rained down on the water breaking apart against its surface. "No more hiding Chisaki!" Izuku shouted as he unleashed his full strength with deep green bolts of lightning arcing around him and into the sky. He raised his leg parallel to his body before bringing it down hard against the beak.

From their place on the ground everyone saw this intense display of power from Izuku. "It's like he has different quirks rather than just one." Tiger said while Miruko was practically vibrating next to him.

"I should get in there!" She shouted, but before she could there was a giant bolt of green lightning and everyone saw the stone beak that had been closed up until now shatter like glass with large chunks of it falling to the ground.

"We have something more important to do! We need to keep the collateral damage to a minimum. Everyone keep the debris contained and make sure this area is evacuated!" Tiger shouted as Miruko leapt into the air and kicked a boulder into powder showering the parking lot in concrete dust.

"Ugh fine I'll handle the debris!" Miruko shouted as she hopped into the air again reducing another boulder to powder.

Nejire and Ryukyu looked at one another before taking off into the sky. They'd finally gotten their second wind as they soared into the sky. Nejire blasting stones with her Wave Motion as Ryukyu caught as many boulders as she could while using her tail to break apart any she couldn't dropping her load in a safe spot and going back for more.

Ochaco looked at the falling rocks from where she stood outside the tent before looking back at Tsu. "I'm going to help out Tsu." She said as she pressed her fingers together and began floating into the air. Ochaco touched as many rocks as she could stopping them midair and giving the heroes more time to dispose of them.

Mirio looked at the collective efforts of the heroes and clenched his fist wishing he could help, but at this point he would only be a hindrance. Mirio then shook his head and cupped his mouth before shouting. "You can do this everyone I believe in you!" He shouted out his heartfelt encouragement again and again.

Several buildings away Twice, Mr. Compress, and Toga all watched the titanic battle in front of them. "Damn Izuku." Toga whispered as she watched him smash the giant stone beak.

"I think that would be the understatement of the year my dear. The boy is a showstopper!" Mr. Compress clapped as Twice looked between the two.

"Pfft I could do that no sweat. He's fucking amazing!" Twice shouted as the three League members continued to watch.

Overhaul watched as cracks opened in his strongest Shield shining down shafts of light that steadily grew wider as gravity took hold of the unstable stone work. Izuku looked down through the crack in front of him and saw Overhaul sitting there like the yolk in a cracked egg. "No stay away!" Overhaul shouted creating a myriad of stone fists that shot out at Izuku before being blown apart as Izuku rocketed towards Overhaul.

"Fire Dragon Sword Horn!" He shouted as he slammed his entire body into Chisaki's chest shattering the stone he'd covered himself with at the last second to lessen the impact. Overhaul grit his teeth as he broke apart the giant stone monster raining down even more stone onto the heroes below. He began reforming the stone around himself once more creating a similar stone creature but smaller even so it was about three times the size of Izuku.

"Fall to your death hero!" Overhaul shouted as he used the giant arms to grab Izuku as they fell. These hands weren't as big as before but they made up for it by being even denser. Izuku felt like he was in the gravity chamber again as he fell. Even so Izuku seemed hardly fazed by this turn of events. He looked at Overhaul as he took a deep breath. Overhaul having seen this before immediately reacted and let go of Izuku just before a swath of flame erupted from the young hero's mouth. "Fire Dragon King's Roar!"

Even after getting away from it Overhaul could still feel the heat blistering his skin right before he hit the ground as soon as he touched the ground everything in several feat of him became spikes that then shot up towards Izuku at breakneck speed. Izuku looked down as he flew in the air. He raised his fist above his head as it lit on fire before the brilliant yellow and red were accompanied by large bolts of green lightning that turned those brilliant colors into a deep verdant green. As Izuku channeled the full power of One for all through himself.

Izuku relinquished his flight as he began to fall fist first towards the rising tide of stone spikes. The spikes that came into contact with Izuku's fist were incinerated nearly instantly as the others were struck by the green lightning arcing off Izuku's entire body carving a path straight towards Overhaul. "100% FIRE DRAGON KING'S DEMOLITION FIST!" The last thing Overhaul saw before he was struck was a giant green dragon coming to devour him as the parking lot erupted with green flames straight into the sky that could be seen for miles around.

The wind form Izuku's impact blasted through the area blowing open the flaps of the tent Eri and Tsu were in allowing the girl to see the rising green inferno. Her red eyes went wide as the spectacle was burned into her memory. This scene was not something she would ever be able to forget nor would she want to. Those green flames made her feel so warm and the shaking she'd been enduring up until that moment suddenly stopped. It was as if she was standing next to a warm fire after having come in from a painful blizzard.

Tsu was able to take her eyes off the blaze in front of her and looked down to see Eri crying, but the giant smile on her face showed that those tears were of pure joy and Tsu couldn't help but smile as well.

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