

Izuku stood with his back to the lake facing off against Mandalay and Tiger. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright I'm ready." He said as Tiger rushed forward with his fist cocked back. Izuku raised his hands at his side before pulling them together in a boxer's block as if preparing to take tiger's punch head on, but the water behind Izuku flowed from behind and in front of him creating a wall that Tiger slammed his fist into the water rippling under the force, but not wavering.

Taking the opportunity Mandalay ran up Tiger's back leaping off the muscular man to vault Izuku's water barrier and land behind him. Mandalay went for a punch to Izuku's back as the boy dodged to the side and pulling from the lake to blast Mandalay with water and force her back the way she came. Wait the way she came? Izuku thought right before blocking a punch from Tiger that slid the boy backwards. Tiger stood up from his stance and shook his head. "You're still too slow switching between offense and defense. Mandalay was right on top of you before you could attack and as soon as you did your shield dropped giving me the opportunity to attack you." Tiger admonished as Izuku rubbed his arm sure it would bruise.

"You're right it takes a lot of my concentration to form bigger things and I'm slow to switch." Izuku said as tiger clapped his shoulder.

"Still you've improved greatly since you came up with this idea, and you've even managed to implement it during our hero work. Good job kid." Tiger said as Izuku smiled. He couldn't believe that he'd only been here two weeks, it felt like forever, but at the same time it was like he'd only been here a few days.

"I wasn't expecting to get soaked today; you're going to pay for that Izuku." Mandalay said as he smirked.

"Sorry about that Shino." He said as the trio began to walk back to the lodge. Today had been another uneventful day for him and the Pusscats. There had only been three incidents including the flood when he first arrived. Late last week there was a forest fire which he'd been able to help subdue with his power. Then a few days ago there was a mudslide, but other than that everything was safe and sound. "Is it usual to have more than a week with nothing happening. Not that I'm complaining nothing going wrong means people are safe, but it just feels kind of odd." Izuku said as Tiger stretched.

"Yeah it's really feast or famine out here when it comes to problems arising. Sometimes it'll be cave ins and rock slides week after week, and then others we could go a whole two months without a peep. That's why I keep our training sessions so intense otherwise we would get rusty in no time." The older man said as Izuku noted that he hadn't seen Tomoko in a few days. She went on patrol with everyone and then he wouldn't see her again. Ryuko had also been missing from their training session.

Ryuko had been his main instructor in learning his new quirk, but today she was absent apparently she'd went shopping in town. Izuku felt a little let down he'd wanted to show Ryuko how far he'd come because of her, but he supposed he could always do that later. Tiger and Mandalay stepped to the side allowing Izuku to open the door and when he did so confetti exploded in his face. "SURPRISE!" Shouted Ryuko, Tomoko and Kota. Izuku stepped back a little looking from the trio inside the lodge to Tiger and Mandalay.

"W-what's going on?" He asked as everyone smiled.

"Can't you tell it's your surprise going away party!" Ryuko said hugging Izuku to her chest and placing a kiss on his cheek. "We're really sad to see you go, but we thought we'd send you off with a party." Izuku blushed as he smiled. That was right he'd have to leave tomorrow morning to go and learn under Gran Torino. He hadn't exactly forgotten his promise to the elderly hero, but it seemed like the day had crept up on him without him noticing what with all his practicing and training.

"Thanks guys this means a lot to me." He said as Ryuko bounced over to Tomoko.

"You should thank Tomoko it was all her idea. She's been planning this for a while now, and it was her who sent me shopping this morning to go and get the supplies. The three of us set everything up while Shino and Yawara kept you busy." Ryuko said as Yawara ruffled his green hair.

"You deserve this kid it's been great having you around." The older man said as he walked into the lodge with Mandalay pushing Izuku in after him.

"Well come on you are the man of the hour and I need you out of my way so I can change." She said as she slipped past him to her room to change out of her wet clothes. Izuku looked at a blushing Ragdoll as he walked up to her.

"Thanks for this Tomoko I totally forgot that I'm leaving tomorrow." He said giving the green haired hero a hug as she gave a small yelp blushing.

"N-n-no problem I-Izuku." She said as she handed him a can of soda. Izuku smiled looking at the can as an image of Iida ran through his mind. The taller boy couldn't drink soda because of the carbonation. This reminded him how long it had been since he'd talked to any of his friends. Since he was going to be in the city tomorrow he should give them a call and see how things were going.

Kota sat in a chair cradling a half empty can of soda as he watched Izuku and Ragdoll talk. "Come on now Kota you knew this day was coming." Yawara said leaning against the wall next to where Kota sat. The little boy increased his grip on the can denting the aluminum.

"I know, but I don't want him to go." Kota admitted as Yawara nodded.

"I know you don't none of us do, but we can't deny the fact that Izuku would do better work in a city. We can't hinder his growth for our own selfishness. Besides I'm sure we'll see Izuku again and just think when you do you can show him how much you've grown. He might even make you his sidekick when the time comes." Kota's eyes nearly swelled out of his head at the idea of him and Izuku as a team working hard to save people.

"You really think so Yawara?" Kota asked as Tiger nodded his head.

"As long as you keep working hard I'm sure it will happen." Kota's displeasure at Izuku leaving tomorrow lifted. He still felt sad but now he had a goal to work towards he'd show Izuku how much better he was with his powers when they met up again.

Izuku was having a great time with the Pussycats the party was in full swing, but something was off; that something being Tomoko. She was acting weird and not her usual brand of weirdness. Normally she'd be moving around the party erratically and speaking excitedly, but she was surprisingly demure. He wondered if something was wrong with her, but he couldn't find a second to ask her about it. Ryuko was draped over him at all times begging him to stay and not go while Shino was trying to pry the blonde off.

Both women had been drinking and it wasn't long before they both needed to head to bed. With the assistance of Yawara who had abstained making himself the one to take Izuku to meet Gran Torino and Ragdoll who'd simply nursed her glass they each took one of the unconscious people to their room. Izuku took Kota while Yawara took Shino and Tomoko had taken Ryuko to their respective rooms.

Izuku laid Kota in his bed and drew the cover over him. No doubt he'd been working hard on the decorations for the party and the party itself the boy was no doubt tired. "This was really fun thanks Kota." Izuku said petting the young boy's sleeping head as he left the room. As Izuku closed the door he turned to come face to face with Tomoko. "Oh Tomoko I thought you'd be in bed by now. Oh and thanks for the party you really went all out for me." Izuku said rubbing his head as Tomoko took hold of his other hand with both of hers.

"Do you have a minute?" She asked in a soft voice. Izuku was used to Tomoko's energetic and bouncy personality he wasn't sure of what to make of her right now.

"Sure thing." He said as Tomoko led him to her room. Izuku followed her inside as she shut the door. Something struck him as familiar about this situation and he swallowed as he thought of what might happen. He took a breath and calmed down.

"Izuku seeing as it's your last night here I thought that maybe you and I could umm." Tomoko bit her tongue she was never shy before about just blurting out whatever was on her mind. "Come on Tomoko just say it!" She thought to herself. "Izuku let's have sex." She said forcing the words from her mouth. Tomoko panted heavily as she looked at Izuku her yellow eyes locking onto his. Izuku's face didn't change all that much before smiling and walked up to her pressing in close.

"I thought this might happen." He said scratching his cheek. "You seemed really ok with me having sex with Ryuko and you pointed me towards Shino as well. I think it's only fair you get something out of this as well." He said biting her earlobe as his hand slipped into her pants. Ragdoll jumped as she felt Izuku's hot hand slip into her pants and panties sliding down her taut stomach and then caressing her slit. Tomoko gripped Izuku's arm as she leaned against him panting in his ear.

"I-I wasn't thinking about a reward." She said moaning some as Izuku fingers slid into her crevasse. Izuku arched a brow as he ran his hand down her long green hair before sliding it up her shirt to cup her boob through her bra.

"You weren't?" He said kissing her neck. "Then you deserve this even more for being such a good friend to the two of them and for helping me see things clearly." He said as he pulled his hand from her pants looking at his dampened fingers and smiled as he licked at his digits. Tomoko panted as she lay against Izuku's shoulder before the boy slid his hands up her stomach taking her shirt off to display her breasts cupped by a forest green bra. Izuku unclipped the bra hearing it hit the floor with a dull thump, but his focus was on Tomoko's pink and perky nipples.

Tomoko blushed seeing herself topless in front of Izuku like this. Izuku kneeled down in front of Tomoko and slid down her pants showing off the matching green panties before those too were removed to reveal Tomoko's dripping cunt. "Thanks for the food." Izuku said before diving in. Tomoko threw her head back against the door with a thud as Izuku ravaged her folds. She felt his tongue enter scraping her insides for her nectar.

Tomoko bit her finger to keep her moans in place lest she scream from the pleasure lancing her brain. Izuku savored Tomoko's taste not forgetting Shino's lesson on taking things slow and enjoying every moment. He delved deep into Tomoko's pussy before moving to lash her clit with her tongue. Tomoko whined as she felt herself cum her juices raining down onto the pile of clothes between her legs. Tomoko shuddered as she began to slide down the door, but Izuku's hands steadied her gripping her butt as he dove back in for more.

"Wait Izuku I-I-!" Tomoko clenched her teeth as Izuku pleasured her through her orgasm drawing more of her juices out of her and pushing yet another orgasm onto her. Tomoko cupped her mouth screaming into it as pleasure seared her body. Izuku was torturing her and she was his willing captive, but he seemed done for the moment as he withdrew from her sopping hole. He gathered the nearly comatose Tomoko in his arms and placed her on the bed as she got a good look at the bulge in his pants and swallowed. Izuku saw where her gaze was aimed at and smiled. He undid his pants letting them drop with his boxers in one fell swoop.

Tomoko shuddered as she looked at Izuku's impressive length and imagined it sliding into her folds, but she didn't have to imagine long as Izuku plunged into her dripping cunt hearing the loud squelch as his cock forced more of her juices from her. By this point Tomoko was too high on her two orgasms to be embarrassed. Izuku drove himself deep into her all the way to the hilt before withdrawing only to do so again and again. Tomoko's breasts jumped with each impact before Izuku grabbed hold of them and began sucking at one of her nipples as he teased the other. Tomoko was Izuku's toy to do with as he pleased and she was more than happy with that.

Izuku pounded into Tomoko again and again as he handled her body inducing pleasure with every touch. Tomoko's body was a roaring fire as she came a third time clenching around Izuku's cock with supreme force that brought the boy to his own climax. Izuku groaned as he drenched Tomoko's pussy with his seed. Panting the green haired pair decoupled with Izuku's cock slipping free of Tomoko's pussy with a wet pop. Tomoko lay on her back panting as Izuku lay next to her wrapping his arm around Tomoko. "Three times, you had your way with me three times!" Tomoko said mortified that she was so easy. She looked at Izuku lying next to her with a smile on his face and his green eyes glittering in the dark.

"I thought I should go all out after the party you threw me. Was it not enough?" He said worriedly as Tomoko rolled to face him.

"Was it enough you're joking right?" She said with a laugh. "If we went any longer I'd have to be put in traction!" She growled flicking the tip of his dick as Izuku gave a yelp and then a laugh.

The next morning came as they all do the sun rose in the sky as Yawara and Izuku drove into the city. No one else had been awake when the two left which was by design. Yawara did not want to run into any of the others because they would just drag things out and make them late. Izuku was in the passenger seat fidgeting a little. The kid was nervous which was understandable. He was going to be put into the care of a complete stranger, but he seemed to be taking it in stride. "Are you nervous or excited Kid?" Yawara asked as Izuku looked at him.

"A bit of both I guess. I haven't had much time to learn anything about Gran Torino. He was a hero a long time ago, but he wasn't in any of the papers or anything. He seemed a lot like Eraserhead. He didn't have any TV appearances and the only articles in the newspapers on him rarely had photos, so I don't really know what to expect." Izuku said as Yawara raised a brow.

"There was that little on the Hero Database? That's shocking." Yawara said as Izuku looked at him confused.

"Hero Database you mean the quirk registry. I checked but I don't know his real name." Izuku said as Yawara shook his head.

"Did they not tell you about the Hero Database?" He asked. "Honestly what are they doing nowadays? They registered your phone right when you got your Hero License right?" Izuku nodded. "Ok get out your phone and open the Hero app then hold up your Hero License in front of your camera." Izuku did so and watched a blue light emit from his phone and scan his license. Acknowledged Hero Jforce. Izuku's phone announced as the app opened.

"That's the Hero app for heroes and law enforcement. With that you have access to all the information we heroes get. There are alerts when crimes happen in your vicinity; this is also how heroes communicate for team ups and the like. Now type in Gran Torino that will give you all the information on him as far as his Quirk and recent hero activity." Izuku's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he listened to what Yawara had told him. He quickly typed in Gran Torino's name and was given all pertinent information.

"His quirk is Jet wow he must be fast and really mobile." Izuku said as he scrolled through more information even typing in a few other heroes to see what came up. For the rest of the ride Yawara was assaulted by Izuku's muttering until they stopped at a nondescript home.

"Alright kid we're here." Yawara said as Izuku looked up and around as confusion crossed his face.

"Already, I thought it would be a longer trip." He said with a shrug as Yawara shook his head Izuku had researched a two hour ride away like it was nothing. Izuku got out of the car and reached for his duffel bag He'd found it packed for him with a note on from Shino wishing him luck. "Thanks for the ride Yawara and thank you and the rest of the Pussycats so much for teaching me." Izuku said with a bow as Yawara waved him off.

"Think nothing of it Izuku just remember us when you get that number one hero spot." Yawara said as he pulled out onto the road and drove off. Izuku watched him go for a moment and waved until Yawara had turned the corner.

"Alright then time to meet Gran Torino." Izuku said as he walked up to the door and knocked. "Hello…Gran Torino?" Izuku called out and received no response. "Mr. Gran Torino?" Izuku said opening the door slowly and saw spots of red on the floor leading to a larger mass of red. Izuku's blood ran cold as he looked at the pool of blood on the floor. "Mr. Torino?" Izuku called out walking in as he slipped his hand into his pocket to open the glasses case that contained his Full Armor.

Suddenly the door slammed shut behind Izuku and something slammed into his back knocking him over the table before he caught his balance sliding across the floor in front of a wall. Izuku looked around the dimly lit room to see where his assailant was before dodging to the side as something slammed into the wall next to him only to bounce off it landing on the ceiling and then propelling itself down at Izuku who dodged again and shot off a Finger Flip Bullet that slammed into the wall as whatever it was dodged to the side at the last second and blasted toward Izuku.

Excellent mobility and evasion wait a minute! Izuku called up his full cowl as green lightning arced around him and jumped across the room feeling something right on his tail as right before hitting the wall he back flipped catching the light switch with the tip of his shoe as he avoided the blow or so he thought before the projectile launched upward at a right angle and slammed into Izuku spinning him in midair before he slammed to the floor. Next to him a yellow boot landed and a gravelly voice spoke out.

"I see what you did there. You guessed it was me and went for the switch to make sure, but you left yourself open after accomplishing your goal. You're thinking far too linear boy. You can't just have one goal lined up because the second you accomplish it you relax. You need to think further ahead than just one goal. What if it hadn't been me?" Gran Torino said as he grabbed a roll of paper towels and threw them towards Izuku. "Now clean up that up and then we'll see about your training." Izuku coughed as he stood up grabbing the paper towels and got to work.

So this was Gran Torino. He certainly wasn't what Izuku expected. He was a lot more…compact than in his earlier years, but like a true hero Gran Torino had used his shrunken stature as an asset making himself even faster and much harder to hit. The yellow cape no doubt drew a person's attention much like a Matador's cape. "Also why didn't you call the police? You walk into someone's home find what you think is blood on the floor and you don't go for your phone? Isn't that the point all you kids make about having one of those contraptions so you can call anyone at any time?" Gran Torino asked drawing Izuku from his speculation as he wiped what he now knew was ketchup and not blood from the floor.

"I didn't think about that. I saw the blood and thought you might be alive and bleeding somewhere and since the "blood" wasn't dried I knew it hadn't been to long since whatever happened, happened meaning the assailant might still be here." Izuku explained before asking a question of his own. "So this was all a test for me?" Izuku asked as he threw away the dirty paper towels. Sorahiko looked at Izuku. The boy was sharp his thinking wasn't as flawed as he thought it might have been. He prioritized what he assumed was the victim and if possible capturing the perpetrator. He also has an eye for detail not a bad start kid. Sorahiko thought to himself before answering Izuku's question.

"No actually I heard you outside and when I turned around I knocked over the ketchup I was going to use on my sausages, and you came in before I could clean it up. I did intend to test you but not in that way, but once you walked in I figured I'd just go with it." Sorahiko said with a shrug as Izuku looked at him with wide eyes. How indifferent can you get!? "I see Toshi's teaching in you. That blockhead never thought about anything but what was in front of him." Gran Torino said rubbing his chin as Izuku cocked a brow.

"Toshi you mean Toshinori as in All Might?" Izuku asked. "You knew All Might?" Gran Torino looked at Izuku.

"Just like I thought he didn't mention me. Yes I knew Toshi. I knew him when he was a little older than you and I trained him to be the hero he was alongside Noelle Silva of course." Sorahiko said with a grin. "I was a harsh tutor and I will be the same with you. Even as an adult Toshi couldn't speak to me without a little waver in his voice." Sorahiko said with a grin. Izuku's head was about to explode. He'd had so many questions about All Might's past and with the recent addition of Noelle's power he had even more and now someone could answer them.

"I have so many questions about All Might and Noe-." Sorahiko slapped his hand on the table.

"I'm not here to answer your questions just yet Izuku Midoriya. First there's a question I need to ask you." Gran Torino said as Izuku swallowed. He'd never been so thoroughly intimidated by a teacher before. Aizawa could take lessons from this man.

"Umm what is it sir?" Izuku asked as Gran Torino eyed him.

"Why did you become a hero?" Gran Torino asked.

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