

It's Dancing. It's Supposed To Be Fun

Hermione awoke early on Christmas morning from a rather intense dream that involve her and Harry and… well it was one of the best dreams she'd ever had. She was at first angry that she woke up before things got really good, but then she remembered that it was Christmas, and then she remembered that Harry had given her the best Christmas gift she'd ever gotten in her life. The smile that erupted on her face was brighter than a thousand suns.

"He kissed me." She kept repeating in her head. "It wasn't a dream. It really happened. A cute boy actually kissed me."

Hermione rolled onto her stomach, burying her face in her pillows as she squealed like a ten year old girl who'd just met her first celebrity crush or something. She kicked her feet and gripped her sheets tightly as she remembered how he had frozen when she first initiated the kiss, and then how he had grabbed her and pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers. It was better than any trashy romance novel or any movie ever made. All because it had happened to her for real.

Hermione glanced at her clock and saw that it was closing in on six a.m. She heard her parents shuffling about in their bedroom down the hall. Her mother was always a very early riser on Christmas morning. She liked to make a large breakfast for the family before any gifts were exchanged. Hermione decided that this Christmas, she would get up and help.

After all, she was far too excited to sleep any more. Plus, there could very well be a Christmas kiss waiting for her downstairs.

She through off her blankets, and hissed at the biting cold that nipped at her bare legs. She hustled over to her wardrobe and pulled out clean jeans, and camisole, and a warm jumper. She then found clean undergarments and headed for the bathroom to get showered.

Without thinking, Hermione barged into the bathroom and came face to face with a shirtless and still somewhat moist Harry. His hair was slicked down as it was still wet, and there was still quite a bit of steam in the bathroom.

"Good morning." He said evenly.

Hermione could only stare at Harry's chest, never having seen such an appealing sight, except in the movies. Harry was very fit; there was no doubt about that. Hermione felt a very overwhelming urge to reach out and touch his chiseled chest, but miraculously kept the temptation in check.

"Are you alright? You look flushed. Did you sleep alright?" Harry asked. Hermione began to nod stupidly, and then felt her mind kick start.

"Oh, yes… I'm sorry, I should have knocked." She stammered, finally averting her eyes, embarrassed by the way her hormones had suddenly ignited memories of their kiss the night before along with the sight before her fueling the flames.

"It's fine. I'm finished." Harry said, slipping a simple black t-shirt on as he slipped by her and out of the bathroom. "I like those shorts, by the way. The mouse is funny."

Hermione's face went crimson in an instant. The shorts Harry had referred to were her absolute favorite Mickey Mouse shorts, which were scandalously short. Worse still was her thin tank top, and the fact she wasn't wearing a bra. The chill morning air had affected her as one might expect in the chest area. Hermione was very thankful that she had been holding her clothes for the day close to her chest right then to save her further humiliation.

She stammered an apology and shut the door quickly before she leaned against the wall and buried her face in her hands, fighting the urge to scream in horror. She had never once felt so embarrassed, and she had suffered through so pretty major embarrassments. Hermione swore she was going to strangle Lavender the next time she saw the blonde for filling her mind with so many lurid and tantalizing images and thoughts. And of course she would have to walk in on a topless Harry the night after she had snogged him so perfectly.

A half an hour later, Hermione came down the stairs, dressed and ready for Christmas. During her shower, a rather confusing thought had occurred to her and it made her extremely nervous as she descended the staircase.

Would Harry want to kiss her anymore, or had last night been a one time thing?

Hermione was certain she would be devastated if Harry had no wish to kiss her again. There had been that moment in the bathroom when he was passing by her when he had stopped for half a second and looked at her oddly. Had he wanted to kiss her then and had been unsure if it was allowed? Did he think that maybe she didn't want him to kiss her again?

"Why does this stuff have to be so complicated?" She thought as she entered the kitchen to find her mother and father along with Harry preparing Christmas breakfast. No one noticed her right away, so she took a moment to watch how Harry interacted with her parents.

He was slicing melon at the moment, and listening to her mother who was frying bacon. Her father was adding to her mother's story while finishing making toast. Harry looked, if it was possible for him at all, to be comfortable. He looked almost relaxed, and if Hermione hadn't known better, she would think he was actually happy, if not a bit nervous.

Harry looked up at her and gave her the faintest of smiles. It was what she now called a Harry smile. It was barely there, but she recognized it at once, and smiled brightly in return.

"Happy Christmas!" She said. Her parents replied in kind, with her mother coming over and hugging her tightly. Her father kissed her cheek when she came to hug him, and Harry accepted her hug without freezing up. He even returned the gesture.

"I was certain I would have to wake you up this morning, but Harry told us you were already up." Emma commented. "I take it you two didn't stay up too late then."

"Actually we were up until just past midnight, I think." Hermione said, pouring herself some juice. She took a sip and then set about helping her father to set the table.

"Really?" Emma looked shocked by this but Hermione shrugged.

"I guess I couldn't wait to get to open presents." Hermione snickered, making her father snort. Harry simply looked confused.

"Hermione really takes her time opening gifts." Dan explained to Harry. "Most people tear into their presents, but Hermione will spend an hour unwrapping a gift preserving the paper as much as possible. Drives her mother barmy."

"I am not that bad!" Hermione snapped indignantly. Her mother and father both began laughing hysterically. "Don't listen to them Harry. They live to torment me."

"It's our rights as parents, sweetie." Emma laughed. "You'll understand when you have children your own."

Hermione rolled her eyes as she slipped around the counter to stand next to Harry and look over his shoulder as he finished slicing the fruit, and setting it onto a plate.

"Well done." She said softly, wanting to rest her chin on his shoulder and just be affectionate and loving, but unsure if she should. It wasn't as if she could ask without calling attention to what was going on, and frankly right now she didn't want to answer a lot of questions form her parents.

"It's just fruit." Harry replied, glancing at her questioningly.

"I know." She sighed.

"Are you sure you're alright? You're a little weird this morning. Did I do something wrong last night?"

Hermione froze as she felt both her parents' heads snap to look at the two teenagers.

"Exactly what happened between you two last night?" Dan demanded. Harry turned and was about to speak when Hermione cut him off.

"Nothing Dad." Though her brilliantly red cheeks did more to convince him otherwise.

Emma slapped a hand over her mouth to keep herself from bursting out with laughter.

"And no, you didn't do anything wrong Harry." Hermione whispered to Harry. He gave a nod though he still looked confused by her behavior. Harry looked to Dan for some sort of answer, but Hermione's father said nothing, though he did give an appreciative nod to Harry, while still looking perturbed.

"Come on you lot, let's have breakfast so we can get to the gifts." Emma said, rescuing her daughter. Hermione saw her mother give her a very pointed look, and Hermione knew that she and her mother would be having a very detailed discussion later that day. As it turned out, it was only two hours later that Hermione's mother managed to get her alone.

When all the gifts had been opened, Dan settled into his favorite chair with a pile of new movies to watch, something that captured Harry's attention as well, leaving Emma to begin work on Christmas dinner with Hermione to assist her. Hermione was by no means stupid, and knew it was a ploy to talk to her daughter privately.

"So what did actually happen between you and Harry that would make him think he had done something wrong?" Emma asked without any preamble at all. Hermione's blush was all the answer her mother really needed.

"We just…" Hermione stammered, and sighed in exasperation as she felt her mother's knowing stare on her. "We kissed."

"Ah ha!" Emma said triumphantly. "Your father's going to be doing dishes tonight!"

"What?" Hermione looked puzzled.

"When your father and I went to bed last night, we made a bet over whether or not you and Harry would spend some time getting intimate."

"What!" Hermione gasped. "Mother, how could you…"

"Oh stop it." Emma waved her hand at her daughter as she began preparing the pan for the ham. "I'm not so old that I can't remember what it was like to be alone with a handsome boy. You're seventeen for god's sake; it's far past time you started exploring some of the things you've been feeling. And I'm not even going to bother giving you the be safe speech because I have every confidence that when you are ready for that, you will be safe."

"Thank you." Hermione smiled softly.

"How was it?" Emma asked mischievously. Hermione looked up, eyes bulging in shock, but as the memory of what it had felt like to kiss Harry came rushing back, her face melted into a truly goofy smile, making Emma laugh uproariously.

"It was really, really good." Hermione whispered. Emma nodded in agreement.

"When it's with the right person, it's always good. You two have been making eyes at each other since we picked you up. I was convinced your father and I would come home one afternoon to find you two snogging on the couch." Emma confessed.

"It was our first kiss." Hermione admitted.

"And you're hoping for more?" Emma smiled. Hermione nodded, but her face became an expression of fearful worry. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know how he feels about me." Hermione sighed. She then explained how strange their entire relationship had been to date, emphasizing how Harry had once asked her to kiss him so he could learn, and how she was now worried that had been what had happened last night.

"I mean, we kissed a lot. Now I'm beginning to wonder if he was just perfecting his technique or what. I just can't figure things out, and it's really making me crazy." Hermione finished. Her mother had listened carefully and nodded along until her daughter had finished her diatribe.

"Are you sure you're felling this way because of all of that, or because he hasn't kissed you at all today?" Emma asked, remembering how Hermione had acted before breakfast and during the gift exchange. "And because the gifts he gave you were so practical."

"A wand holster is really useful, and I know I'll learn a lot from that book. Hermione shrugged. "But yeah, I guess I was hoping for something that would at least hint at how he felt about me. I mean, I know I shouldn't expect it. He's been so isolated his whole life that things we take for granted sail right over his head. He's so inept in regards to simple interaction."

"And you need to keep that in mind. From what you've told us, I think it's a good bet he doesn't even understand what he may be feeling. He's probably really confused, and maybe even a little scared. But if I had to hazard a guess, I would tell you that I think that he's falling for you." Emma said with the hint of a knowing motherly smile, making Hermione smirk in return.

"Do you really think so?" She asked rather shyly.

"I'm no expert, but I've seen the two of you together. I've seen him staring at your pictures on the walls, and the way he is around you. You father noticed as well. He said it was like Harry's watching out for you. Making sure that you're safe. Given that all Harry's ever known is a military lifestyle, it may be his way of showing you that he likes you."

Hermione thought about it for a few minutes, recalling how Harry walked next to her in the halls at school, or how he would slyly put himself between her and anyone he considered a potential threat.

"I think you two are doing just fine, given everything. And I want to tell you just how happy it makes your father and me to see you so happy. We haven't seen you smile, or heard you laugh this much since before you started primary school. It's been very hard for us not being able to help you all this time. We've always been so worried about you not having friends, and now it looks like you're getting those in spades." Emma laughed.

"I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around a lot of it." Hermione shrugged.

"Neville's always been nice to me, but he's kept his distance so Ron Weasley would leave him alone. Lavender and Parvati never made fun of me, but they never stopped anyone from doing it. I think they just took a long hard look at themselves and found they didn't like what they saw. Lavender has become the friend I always wanted. I mean, she's not as smart as what I imagined my best friend to be, but she's really brilliant in her own way. I think she's helped me in some ways to relax a bit."

"I would agree to that." Emma nodded. "I love you so much, but I've often wished you would allow yourself to let loose and be like other girls your age. I hoped that you would ask me to take you clothes shopping or something, like I used to do with my mother, but you were more interested in reading and learning. There's nothing wrong with it, but I just wanted you to have more balance in your life."

"I think I'm finally learning that." Hermione said, looking over her shoulder when she heard Harry and her dad roaring with laughter.

"Well, yeah." Emma smirked. "If you're snogging a boy with your father upstairs, I'd say you were loosening up a bit."

"Mother!" Hermione scowled, but couldn't hold it as her mother began to laugh. Hermione shook her head as Emma continued to laugh at her daughter's boldness. When she managed to calm herself down she watched Hermione slicing carrots for a few minutes before she spoke again.

"I know that you're worried about things with Harry, and god knows what else, but trust me Hermione. Let things unfold the way they're going to unfold, and do your best not to stress over things, or overanalyze them. Trust your heart, and try and listen to it when it comes to your situation with Harry. His upbringing will make a relationship a bit harder, but I think you're his perfect match. I think the fact you were without friends for so many years gives you a better understanding of what he might be going through. Be patient, and enjoy your time together. If it's meant to be… it will happen regardless of anything else."

"Thanks mum." Hermione said appreciatively. Emma gave her daughter an encouraging smile and together they continued making the evening meal.

"Well, Harry, how did you like Christmas this year?" Dan asked as he got up from his chair to stop the DVD they had just finished.

"I enjoyed it very much. Very different from what I've experienced in the past." Harry said, looking to Hermione, who blushed slightly, though she smiled back at him. "Thank you again for allowing me to join you."

"Harry it was our pleasure." Emma said from beside him. She squeezed his wrist softly as she smiled. Hermione smiled fondly at Harry as well, happy that she had been able to be a part of such a wonderful experience for her friend.

"And thank you for helping with that mountain of dishes." Dan smirked. "I'd still be scrubbing away if it wasn't for you."

"Well, the ladies spent the day cooking, it seemed only fair." Harry nodded.

"Yes, but he was supposed to do them on his own. He lost a bet." Emma said, glaring playfully at her husband."

"Well…" Dan began rather humorously, but a knock on the door prevented him from saying anything further, much to Hermione's relief. Dan went to see who would be calling on them so late on Christmas. They could all hear a Dan speaking with someone and a moment later he returned, looking slightly confused.

"Uh, Harry?" Dan said, coming back to the sitting room with someone behind him. "This man would like a word with you."

Harry shot up from his seat, and began to stand at attention when the guest stopped him.

"Stop Harry." Sirius Black smiled. He came forward and hugged his godson, who looked a bit uncomfortable with the gesture. "We all missed you this year, but if you've been having a good holiday, it will make me feel better."

"I am." Harry nodded.

Hermione saw Sirius look in her direction and send her a warm, thankful smile. She returned the expression as Sirius turned back to his godson.

"Good. Very good. Though, you did miss some interesting things this morning. But, I can share those stories with you later. I came by to give you this."

Sirius held out a thin black box, which Harry accepted with a grateful look and a nod. He began to stare at it, and Hermione began to become really intrigued by the box, as did her mother and father.

"Thank you." Harry said quickly as he accepted the box. "Thank you for bringing it to me."

"I wanted to make sure it got to you, and I didn't want to risk sending it with an owl. Anything could have happened.." Sirius smiled knowingly as he glanced at Hermione.

"Well, I need to get going."

"A mission?" Harry perked up but Sirius laughed and shook his head.

"Party. Mad-Eye made his special nog, and Amelia is stopping by later." Sirius grinned like a mad man and winked at Harry who cringed.

"Go easy on it this year." Harry called as Sirius began backing away.

"It was very nice to meet you all, and I'm sorry to have intruded." Sirius said as he made into to the entry hall.

"Would you like some coffee, or pie?" Emma offered but Sirius declined.

"Another time perhaps." Sirius smiled, and saluted Harry before leaving.

Dan and Emma turned back to Harry who was looking at the box in his hands and then to Hermione.

"Well sweetheart, we have quite a day tomorrow, so I think it best if we headed to bed." Emma said to her daughter as she, got up from her seat. Dan looked as if he wanted to protest at first, until his wife kissed him rather heatedly.

"Good night you two, and happy Christmas." Emma smiled, leading Dan upstairs. Hermione's father simply waved. A minute later, their bedroom door slammed shut, and there was a decidedly heavy thump followed by muted laughter. Hermione cringed a bit, knowing what was going on behind her parent's door.

"So… what is it?" Hermione asked, looking to Harry as a way to distract herself.

"A gift." Harry said softly. He was not looking at her, but softly caressing the box with his thumbs. "A gift for you." He said as he looked up at her now.

"Harry, you didn't… you got me enough." Hermione smiled sweetly. She stood up from where she had been sitting on the floor, and came to Harry, who held out the small thin box. She opened it reverently and gasped when she beheld what lay inside.

"My father got it for my mother the day I was born." Harry said.

Hermione looked at Harry, tears beginning to sting her eyes as she looked back at the gift. She wanted to say something, to tell him it was beautiful, or anything really, but she couldn't speak at all. She looked back down and stared at the really beautiful gift Harry had bequeathed her.

Resting on a soft velvet pillow was a small white gold ring that looked like a braided rope with a tear drop cut emerald in the center. On either side of the ring were beautifully crafted tiny hands that gripped the ring on either side of the emerald and linked a thin, delicate looking white gold chain to the piece.

Harry reached out and lifted the necklace, and Hermione immediately grabbed up her hair and turned around as Harry put the necklace on her. When he had it clasped, she turned around and gently touched in with her fingertips.

"It's beautiful." She whispered.

"Sirius said that it signifies unity, and trust. Two people's live that have become intertwined. I wanted you to have it. You've become very important to me Hermione, and I wanted to show you."

That did it. Hermione began to cry in earnest now, which scared Harry. He began to look troubled, and Hermione had to try and explain to him that she was happy. Happier than she'd even been in her whole life and that was why she was crying now.

"So, I didn't hurt your feelings?' Harry asked for clarification, and Hermione shook her head. Harry nodded that he thought he understood, and then, to Hermione's immense pleasure, Harry leaned in and very softly kissed her.

Hermione slipped her arms around Harry's neck as their kiss deepened. She couldn't help but wonder how her mother had become so smart in regards to relationships. Only earlier that day she had been wondering exactly how Harry felt about her, and now she knew. He most definitely cared for her, and for now, that was enough for Hermione.

She slowly began guiding him back towards the sofa, pushing him into a sitting position so she could straddle him, never breaking their kiss. Over the next two hours, Hermione and Harry began celebrating Christmas in their own very special way, and when Hermione was finally convinced to go to bed, she felt for sure that she had begun to catch up and part of her missed teenage years.

The next few days were spent much in the same way as the days leading up to Christmas, save that now Hermione and Harry would occasionally find themselves snogging. Hermione couldn't remember ever feeling so happy or content as she had been since Christmas. Of course her mind plagued her with questions about her new relationship with Harry and what it was exactly. She decided it would be best, at least for now, to not bring it up, as she wasn't sure if he would even understand. For now, cuddling on the couch watching movies with her parents, or the moments when her parents weren't around and she could get cozier with Harry were more than enough.

Through it all though, she were becoming more and more anxious for Neville's party, as they would be going together, and Hermione's mother had promised to help her with what she said would be an outfit that would make Harry's jaw drop to the floor.

The evening of the party, Harry was met by the elder Grangers at the foot of the stairs. Hermione's mother smiled appreciatively at Harry's appearance, while the young man adjusted the collar of his shirt. He and Dan had picked up his suit that afternoon, where he had a final fitting. The tailor had done an amazing job, and it turned out no further adjustments were needed.

Harry found the suit to be rather constrictive, and h was most definitely not a fan of the tie. He felt constricted by it. Dan joked that all men felt that way, but that he would get used to it. Harry disagreed heartily. It limited his movement, and felt awkward and uncomfortable. On the other hand, Dan had assured him that women loved men in good suits. Harry relented as he really did want to make Hermione happy tonight.

"You do look dashing." Emma smiled at Harry, who gave her a stiff nod of thanks.

"You look very nice as well." Harry said, trying to repay the compliment. Emma smirked and shook her head softly. Harry gave a questioning look to Dan, who beckoned him over, and handed him the corsage they had gotten for Hermione earlier that day. Harry nodded his thanks and turned at the sound of Hermione coming down the steps.

Harry had never seen his friend look so amazing. He remembered how nice she had looked for Slughorn's party, but that was nothing compared to the young woman who was descending the stairs, smiling at him shyly.

Hermione was a vision in a long, formfitting crimson dress that ended above her ankles with a long slit up her left leg, giving Harry a teasing glimpse of her black stocking clad leg with each step. Two indecently thin straps held the dress on her shoulders, and the front gave a rather impressive hint of her chest. A simple black wrap was draped on her arms. She wore the necklace Harry had given her at Christmas, and a pair of small diamond studs in her ears. Her hair was done in a braid though a few tendrils of chestnut brown hair were left loose to frame her face. A simple pair of black heeled pumps finished the outfit, and gave Hermione a bit more height for the evening.

"Uh…" Harry muttered, and Hermione smiled shyly in return. The two teens simply stood before one another awkwardly, Harry ogling Hermione, and Hermione eating it up.

"Ahem." Dan coughed and Emma giggled jovially, breaking Harry out of the spell Hermione had cast. Harry turned to look at the man who was pointedly looking at the corsage in Harry's hand.

"Right!" Harry snapped. He all but lunged at Hermione, offering her the accessory. "This is for you."

"Thank you." Hermione whispered, not trusting her voice, and she felt far more nervous than she had for the Yule Ball two years ago. Harry slipped the corsage onto Hermione's wrist, lingering a bit to keep the contact he'd come to truly crave.

Hermione managed not to blush at this, but gave the softest of giggles at Harry's look of admiration.

"What time do you two expect to be home?" Emma wondered.

"Neville said the party usually goes until around two in the morning. He said that his grandmother would make us a port key to get home, so I imagine we'll be back around two thirty or so.

"We'll be back by then, so we'll wait up for you." Dan said, making no room for argument. Hermione nodded and turned to Harry who was still looking at her.

"I guess it's time then." She smiled. Harry gave a nod, and Dan once again cleared his throat, making Harry flinch and stammer. Hermione absolutely loved this. Harry was as normal as any other boy at the moment. It was easy to forget the life he'd led until now. It was easy to forget how clueless he was. At this moment in time, Harry was your everyday average teenage boy, going on his first date.

"Right." Harry said, getting himself together again. He offered his arm just as Dan had shown him that afternoon, making Hermione smile and blush slightly as Harry led them to the front door, with Hermione's parents following behind, arm in arm, and all smiles.

When they reached the street, Harry held his wand aloft, calling the Knight Bus. The violent purple triple decker bus appeared with a crack, and a squeal of brakes.

"Have fun!" Emma called out as Harry helped Hermione aboard the magical transport before stepping aboard and paying their fare. With another loud crack, the bus disappeared, and Emma sighed wistfully, before turning to her husband.

"I can't believe how good they both looked." She said happily.

"Why didn't you get a few pictures?" Dan asked, smirking.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot!" Emma shrieked. "They just… Oh, I'm never going to get a chance to…"

"Don't worry sweetheart." Dan laughed, hugging his wife. "We'll make sure to get loads at her wedding."

"So you approve of him then?" Emma joked, though her smile slipped when she saw her husband still looking to where the teens had disappeared.

"You know, I think I do." He smiled. Emma's face brightened and she reached up, kissing Dan's cheek before wiping off lipstick, and heading into the house to retrieve her coat for the evening. Dan simply smiled to himself, feeling happy for his only child that she had at last begun to find her own happiness at long last.

Harry and Hermione stepped off the Knight Bus in front of a rather ornate front gate. There were tall white walls with ivy growing up the sides. Across the street was another equally attractive looking wall, with a larger house sitting on a small rise. Hermione matched the address on the stone wall with the one on the invitation Neville had sent to her a few days earlier.

"How do we get inside?" Hermione asked, looking at the gate. Harry gave a soft smile as he stepped forward and reached up as if he were going to open the gate. Hermione shuddered as she felt a ripple of energy.

"Greetings." a voice spoke.

Hermione started at the sound of the squeaky voice, and began looking for the source.

"Harry Potter and Hermione Granger." Harry said. Hermione turned to him and saw he was looking down towards the ground, and following his gaze found a House Elf, wearing something resembling an ancient Greek toga. The elf had a scroll in its little hands, and was reading it quickly.

"Ah, yes." The elf smiled and rolled up the scroll. "Please follow me, sir and madam."

The gate opened itself with a heavy squeak and Harry offered his arm to Hermione once again, making her smile softly.

The little elf introduced himself as Topper, and led them down a narrow cobblestone path to a large house like something Hermione had seen in one of her mother's tabloid magazines about celebrity mansions. There were very elegant shrubs cut into fantastical animal shapes, and a pond set in front of the house. Topper the elf led them over a small bridge and into the house itself. He asked them to wait just inside the door while he went to fetch their host.

"This house is really amazing." Hermione said, looking all around the entry hall. The walls were done in rich looking wood, and the floor looked like it could be marble. Hermione didn't get much more time to look around as Neville, looking quite dashing in navy blue dress robes appeared with a huge smile on his face. He greeted Harry with a firm handshake, and gave Hermione a very warm embrace, before offering to take her wrap.

"I'm so glad you two made it. How was your Christmas?" He asked eagerly.

"It was really good." Hermione smiled. "Thank you for the book Neville, it was really sweet of you."

"My Gran helped me pick it out. I told her you really liked Ancient Runes, and she told me about that one." Neville smiled as he began leading them into a larger room where a lot of people were mingling. "There she is, I want you two to meet her."

"We'd love to." Hermione smiled at Harry, who was inspecting the room as he normally did whenever he entered an unfamiliar place. She just smiled and patted his arm.

Neville had led them to a very severe looking woman who looked to be in her seventies. She was dressed in a very dark green dress, with what appeared to be a fox draped over her shoulders and long gloves that went nearly to her shoulders. She had warm piercing dark eyes that hinted of forgotten joviality. She was talking to a short pudgy man with a bald head, and twinkling brown eyes, and a thick mustache and a long braided beard. The old woman ceased her conversation when Neville arrived with his two friends, and looked expectant.

"Gran, may I present Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter. Harry, Hermione, this is my grandmother, Lady August Longbottom."

"A pleasure." Hermione said respectfully, giving a slight curtsy.

"Madam." Harry gave a bow.

Lady Longbottom offered her hand, and despite her severe appearance, sounded decidedly friendly.

"The honor is mine." Lady Longbottom said, shaking each of their hands. "I have long wanted to meet my Grandson's friends, and it seems tonight my wishes have come true in spades. Now, please correct me if I am wrong, but you are muggleborn, Miss Granger?"

"Uh, yes ma'am, I am." Hermione said, feeling a bit uncomfortable suddenly.

"Oh no, no. None of this Ma'am tosh. Please address me as Augusta." Neville's Gran smiled. "Now, is it correct that you are, as Neville said, the top student in your year?"

"Yes." Hermione said, glancing at Neville, who was grinning.

"You see Algeron?" Lady Longbottom said turning to her companion. "It's as I've always said, our future lies with Muggleborns, and it is a travesty that the pureblood bigots are so afraid of what they are capable of. We should do more to embrace them rather than turn them away."

"Augusta, we've had this argument many times before. It isn't that they aren't capable. I've never once claimed they weren't capable. They can wield magic after all. It's simply that they are ignorant to our customs. They come into our world with their heads full of thoughts of dramatic change without bothering to understand why things are the way they are, and no respect for our way of life!"

"And as I have told you over and over again, that it is our responsibility. We must help them to understand, and we must be willing to embrace change, or face extinction!."

Neville's Gran cut the man off.

"Forgive us, we've been having this debate since we were fourteen." The man named Algeron said with a rolled of his eyes. He offered his hand and introduced himself to both Harry and Hermione.

"Mister Potter, you have truly turned our world on its head. Returning from the dead, as it were, and in such a fashion. Battling the forces of a long thought to be dead Dark Wizard in the heart of the government who denied his return for so long. The revelation of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named being alive and quite well was most terrifying for us all."

"His name is Voldemort, sir." Harry said evenly, staring hard at Algeron. "If you fear to say his name, you may as well dig the grave you'll be buried in."

"Well said!" Augusta said, lifting her chalice.

"Perhaps you don't truly understand the devastation and horror from…"

"I understand it better than you think." Harry cut across Algeron. "I also understand that it was people like you who gave him his power. His true power, I mean."

"I don't understand your meaning." Algeron said. Hermione was looking at Harry very interestedly, as was Neville. Augusta looked as if she was on the verge of laughing, however.

"Fear." Harry said simply. "Lord Voldemort is a terrorist, and as such his greatest weapon is that of fear. But it's the easiest weapon to take away from him. When you do that, he winds up being nothing more than a playground bully."

"You are truly an incredibly bright young man." Augusta smiled, offering her hand to Harry who shook it again. "I can see now why Neville is so fond of you. I must also thank you for inspiring, and helping him. Neville has always been a strong, capable boy, but he lacked focus. He has that now, and I must thank you for that."

Harry saw Neville blush slightly, though he smiled appreciatively. Lady Longbottom thanked them for coming to the party, and then told Neville that he should take them to where the other young people were celebrating, as she didn't think they would want to stay with the stodgy old folks and listen to political talk all evening. Hermione thought she heard the man called Algeron begin talking about something to so with allowing

Aurors to kill before they were out of earshot, but shrugged it off.

"Interesting lady." Harry mentioned as they followed Neville.

"Gran is great. She doesn't stand for what she calls malarkey, and she's spent all my life working to better things for muggleborns in the Wizengamot. She used to be really hard on me. You know, wants me to live up to my potential and all that. This year though she's been treating me more like an adult. I guess I must finally be living up to her expectations or something." Neville shrugged, though he was grinning.

Hermione suspected Harry's influence on Neville had a lot to do with the change in the relationship with Neville's grandmother. Then something occurred to Hermione, and she looked at Neville curiously.

"Neville, I've never asked, and I feel bad, but what happened to your parents?" Hermione asked, sounding apologetic.

"I uh… they were killed a few nights after Harry's parents died. Some of Voldemort followers found them, and tortured them to find out what happened to their leader. Dad fought back, and they killed him. Mum was tortured to beyond insanity. They let her live, but they did so much damage to her that her body and her magic just sort of gave up."

"I'm so sorry." Hermione said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Neville smiled his thanks and shrugged.

"I'm thankful in a way. I can't imagine what it might have been like if she had lived. What if she never recognized me? I mean… Gran told me that St. Mango's is full of people who went mad from being held under the Cruciatus curse. I feel sorry for them, and thank Merlin that my parents didn't have to live like that."

"A wise, if not sad sentiment." Harry said. Neville shrugged again, and opened a door, leading his friend through.

There were around fifty young people in what looked to be a large sitting room ranging in age from around twelve to seventeen. There was music coming from a wizard wireless, and a table laden with snack food, and butterbeer on one side. There were a handful of sofas in a large circle around the room. Most of the young people were sitting or standing together socializing, but there were nearly a dozen couples dancing in the middle of the room.


Lavender Brown came running over, her high heeled shoes clicking on the floor. Her blonde locks were pulled into a simply ponytail, and she wore a slinky black cocktail dress. Lavender hugged her friend tightly, before pulling back to give Hermione a once over.

"You look really hot!" Lavender smiled approvingly.

"Yeah she does." Harry said, making Lavender's jaw to drop open in shock. Neville looked taken aback as well.

"Where did you get that dress?" Lavender asked, trying to compose herself.

"It's my mother's actually. Everything else is mine."

"That necklace is gorgeous." Lavender said, lifting the delicate looking pendant in her fingers.

"Thanks. It was a gift from Harry." Hermione said with a soft smile to her date, who was looking around the room and at all the guests. Hermione was sure he was assessing each and every person for potential threats. She sighed lightly hoping that by the end of the party she could get him to relax as he had been at her home over the last few days.

"I thought he was getting you a wand holster?" Neville looked confused.

"He did." Hermione nodded. "I would have worn it, but it didn't go with my dress."

Both Lavender and Hermione snickered. Neville looked rather startled by the statement, while it clearly went right over Harry's head.

"Why don't we get you two gals a drink?" Neville suggested. Hermione nodded and Lavender thanked them. Neville tugged on Harry's sleeve, and though he was reluctant, Harry followed.

"Ok… something is really different with you two. He's way less stiff, I swear he was smiling at you. And you're practically glowing here. So spill it, what the hell is going on with you two?" Lavender asked, truly bewildered.

"We, uh… we kissed." Hermione whispered not even bothering to fight the smile that erupted on her face. Lavender clasped both hands over her mouth as he eyes threatened to pop out of her head. "A lot." Hermione added with a huge smile.

"Oh, you have to tell me everything, and you have to do it right now!" Lavender hooked Hermione's arm, and led her to a small sofa slightly away from most everyone else.

Hermione proceeded to tell Lavender about Christmas Eve, and how Harry had asked why her parents kept kissing under the mistletoe, and how he had asked why they followed that protocol. Hermione had then told her friend about explaining tradition to Harry and how, as she had headed for bed he had stopped her, and pointed out that it would be bad for them not to uphold such a nice tradition.

Lavender was practically drooling when Hermione told her about her and Harry's first awkward kiss that had turned into something breathtaking. She then told her dorm mate about how he had kissed her again Christmas night. She told her friend all about every single instant that her lips had met Harry's, each remembrance leaving her and Lavender a little more breathless than the last.

"So, are you two… Are you a couple now?" Lavender asked hopefully.

"I don't know what we are." Hermione admitted. "We haven't even come close to talking about it. I want to, but I don't want to freak him out or anything. I mean, there's still a lot he doesn't understand, and I don't want to pressure him, or make him feel pressure or anything like that. I want to take this slow, for both our sakes. But whatever it is between us right now, I like it. I think if he hadn't come home with me for the holiday then none of this would have happened."

"Oh you're going to be the envy of so many girls when we get back to school." Lavender laughed. "Do you have any idea how many girls wanted to drag him into a broom cupboard and teach him about their anatomy. Ginny Weasley was even talking about slipping him a love potion to some of her friends. She's going to hate you!"

Hermione shrugged but kept smiling.

"Other than that, how'd he like Christmas with your family?" Lavender asked, remembering that Hermione had told her that the holiday had never bee really good for Harry before.

"He said it was good. I think at the very least he enjoyed it from a observational stand point. You know, seeing how muggles celebrate and all." Hermione sighed, looking to where Harry was standing with Neville. The two boys were talking, and Hermione suspected Neville was trying to find out what had been happening to Harry during the holiday.

"I am so happy for you. Both of you." Lavender said, following Hermione's gaze.

"This is a really big house." Harry remarked as he and Neville headed for the buffet.

"It's been in my family for thirteen generations." Neville shrugged. "It's home, but honestly, it's too big for my tastes. Eventually, I'll take it over, but I want to get my own house. Something small for me and my future wife, you know?"

"I can honestly say that I don't." Harry replied, making Neville chuckle.

"Yeah, I suppose not." He replied, clapping Harry on the shoulder. "Thanks for the wand holster and the cloak, mate. They were great."

"I hope they'll be useful." Harry nodded.

"I'm sure they will be." Neville nodded. "How has your holiday been with Hermione?"

"Educational, and relaxing."

"Relaxing?" Neville looked scandalized. "You relax?"

"I'm learning." Harry smirked.

"What is with you?' Neville laughed. "I've never seen you smile like you have been tonight. It's kind of cool."

"I wish I had an answer." Harry shrugged. "Things have been strange, yet not in a bad way. I think I'm finally understanding a lot more things these days. On the other hand, I feel more confused as well."

"Well… that's normal I suppose. The more you think you know, the more questions you seem to have." Neville snickered. "So are you and…"

"Excuse me." A very pretty girl with shiny shoulder length blonde hair, and cold blue eyes said, slipping between the boys and snatching a fresh butterbeer. "My apologies, but you two are blocking the drinks."

"Sorry Daphne." Neville said. "Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass. My… what is it, third cousin?"

"Second, you imbecile." Daphne said coolly, though a smile tugged the corners of her mouth.

"Right, second." Neville nodded. "Daphne and I used to be really close when we were younger, but then we went to Hogwarts, and we hardly speak anymore."

"Why is that?" Harry looked troubled by this.

"Slytherins do not speak to Gryffindors." Daphne said heavily. She looked rather remorseful as she spoke. "It's pretty well beaten into us from the first night. No matter the relationship, Slytherins do not lower themselves to that level."

"What if was your brother or sister?" Harry wondered.

Neither Neville nor Daphne replied, but both looked slightly disturbed by the question.

"I wanted to thank you, Mister Potter." Daphne said, changing the subject.

"What for?" Harry wondered.

"Well, to be blunt, for taking Lucius Malfoy's hand and sending him to Azkaban. Thanks to what you did, the negotiation between our families fell apart, and I am free to choose my own destiny." Daphne said, straightening up.

"How do you know that was my doing?" Harry asked. He had only ever told Hermione of exactly what his involvement in the Ministry battle had been. He knew he hadn't been mentioned in any of the articles following the incident either.

"A true Slytherin will never reveal her source of information." Daphne said, the corners of her mouth pulling into a smirk. "Suffice to say, you made an impression that night, and you saved me from a fate I was hoping to avoid very much. You showed up just in time, in more ways than one."

Harry looked to Neville who gave his friend a proud smile.

"Daphne was entered into a betrothal contract with Draco Malfoy at the end of last year. When you helped send Lucius to prison, Draco tried to continue the negotiations."

"At the time, there was a great deal of worry. Father felt a political alliance with a powerful family would protect us from… certain interested parties. But without Lucius Malfoy there to negotiate, and the return of our world's greatest savior, and the fact that Draco is a pompous, ego maniacal ponce with none of the charm, or tact as his father, the contract was terminated. My father promised me that as I'm nearly seventeen that he wouldn't try to barter me away again. My mother and I then made him agree to let my sister forge her own path as well. So, thanks to you, both my sister and I are free to choose whom we wish to marry."

"So you're free to make your own way, yet you still blindly follow the doctrine of your House and don't associate with people based on where they were sorted?" Harry asked.

"That's a bit more complicated." Daphne argued.

"Explain." Harry said.

"Another time." Daphne promised. "This is a party, and I personally don't wish to be bored explaining interhouse politics, and survival. Will you do me a kindness and save me a dance tonight?"

"There you are!" Hannah Abbott said as she came walking over. She looked relieved at finding her boyfriend. "Hi Harry, you look really good."

"Thank you." Harry smiled.

"I'll catch up with you guys a bit later." Daphne smiled, waving to them as she walked away. Hannah gave the Slytherin a slightly foul look.

"I can't believe she's here." She sighed irritably.

"She's my cousin." Neville defended the Slytherin.

"She's really mean to people she thinks are beneath her." Hannah argued.

"She isn't the only one." Harry remarked, earning a surprised look from Hannah.

"That's a façade." Neville explained. "She's just trying to survive."

"What do you mean?" Hannah looked confused.

"I'll tell you later. Come on, Lavender and Hermione are probably wondering what happened to us."

Harry agreed and Neville grabbed a few bottles of Butterbeer and led Harry and Hannah back to where Hermione and Lavender were seated. Hannah greeted Hermione and complimented her dress. The five teens caught up on what had been happening during their holiday before Hannah asked Neville to dance with her. The two headed for the makeshift dance floor, with their friends watching them go.

"That sounds like fun." Lavender smiled, getting to her feet. "And I didn't get all sexied up to sit on my arse all night. I'm going to find a dance partner."

After Lavender disappeared, Harry and Hermione were left alone sitting together in a slightly awkward silence. After several minutes, Harry looked to Hermione.

"I don't know how to dance." He stated.

"I sort of figured that out." Hermione smiled softly, taking his hand. "It's ok, we don't have to."

"I want to." Harry said, turning to look at the couples, who were dancing to a rather soft number, holding each other closely. "It looks comfortable."

"Comfortable?" Hermione asked with a laugh. She then looked to the dancing couples, and had to agree, though she was sure she would never described it as comfortable.

"Would you teach me?" Harry asked earnestly, surprising Hermione a bit.

"Uh… sure." She said nervously. Harry got to his feet, and then helped Hermione up. She led him towards the edge of the dance area. Hermione couldn't stop smiling as Harry took her hand, imitating a couple next to them. Hermione laughed softly as Harry watched their neighbors for a few seconds before he began to move. Thankfully he didn't step on her feet.

"Harry, it isn't a march or some drill. It's dancing, and it's supposed to be fun." Hermione said after a bit. He was trying, but he was so stiff, Hermione wondered if he had rigor mortis. His face was stony, the way it got when he was trying hard to grasp the concept of something most people took for granted. "You need to loosen up."

She massaged his shoulder where her hand rested, and shook her other hand, which was joined with his. Neither of which helped to relax her date. Finally she looked into his eyes, leaned in and kissed him softly.

That worked.

"See?" She whispered as she drew back a fraction of a breath, gazing into his enchanting green eyes. "Just let the music move you."

At Harry's confused expression, Hermione laid her head on his shoulder, closing the miniscule gap between them. She smiled to herself when she felt Harry's arm wrap around her waist a bit tighter, holding her closer to him. He swayed with her, though she guessed he was still watching some of the other couples as examples of what he should be doing. Her heart was pounding in her chest once again and she was certain that he could feel it, though, surprisingly, she wasn't freaked out about it. Instead, she chose to just enjoy the moment.

As he spun her gently, Hermione saw Neville and Hannah looking into each other's eyes all gooey like, and Neville had a pretty goofy grin on his face. She also saw Lavender dancing with a boy Hermione was certain was in Ravenclaw and a fifth year. Hermione was sure that boy was having the time of his life dancing with her buxom friend.

It was a nearly perfect moment, Hermione thought. She had friends at last. Good friends. It didn't really matter to her how they had become friends, only that they were. It was then that she realized that for the first time in memory, she wasn't afraid. She wasn't worried about being set up for some kind of prank, or ridicule. She wasn't worried about how to avoid certain people, and she wasn't wishing that someone could just take the time and get to know the real Hermione.

Harry cleared his throat and Hermione looked up at him to find him smiling his soft smile, the one that only someone who really knew him would recognize as a smile.

"You look different suddenly." He said. "I don't know what it is, but… it's almost as if you've taken a calming draught spiked with a cheering charm."

"Something like that." Hermione smiled brightly. "I'm happy."

"Happy?" Harry asked, looking a bit startled by that. Hermione nodded. Harry seemed to uncoil at her gaze which made her smile He watched her for a few seconds before making her stomach lurch in anticipation when he started looking at her lips. Slowly he leaned down, and touched her lips with his own once again. Hermione loved how tender he was with her. How each and every kiss was so soft, and full of longing. She knew without doubt that he coveted every kiss as if it was the most precious thing in the world to him.

She couldn't help but give the softest of whimpers when he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tightly and the kiss deepened, and he ran his hands up her spine. She felt like if he let her go, she would melt into a puddle on the floor. The happiest puddle to ever have existed.

Hermione felt Harry's fingertip brush the bare skin of her back, just between her shoulder blades. She shivered lightly as jolts of electricity ignited every nerve ending and she swore she heard a clap of thunder, and was certain the earth itself had trembled as Harry kissed her. They had spent a lot of time this past week snogging, but never once had she felt his hands on her bare flesh, nor had she thought to explore his body with her own lithe fingers. Yet, it suddenly sounded like a really, REALLY good idea. After all, why shouldn't she find out what she'd been missing all this time? She was sure Lavender would approve. Perhaps when they were alone over the next couple of days she might be able to entice Harry in a bit of an "intelligence gathering and exploration" sort of activity.

Hermione became so lost in the moment that she barely registered that Harry suddenly broke off their kiss and began looking around them suddenly very alert.

"Did you feel that?" He asked.

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