

Chapter LX: War.

Last Time.

Gotham; Magnus' Laboratories May 21, 05:48 EDT.

Later, Magnus restores the Metal Men's bodies and praises them for their heroism. Tin has a newly found sense of confidence.

"You alright, Fearless Leader? You're not suffering any after effects?" Red Hood asks.

"Just one." She said in a high pitched voice before her communicator went off.

"Fury?" Naruto asked over the line.

"Yeah, Dad."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'm sorry I'm trying to reach my daughter. Not the Lollipop Guild!"

"It's not funny, Dad!"

"Hey! You know that your voice lowers when you get angry. So go up an octave!"

Fury just gave a high pitched huff as she crossed her arms.


Milky Way, May 22, 15:15 UTC.

A large metal sphere was flying towards Neptune being piloted by a monstrous humanoid male alien, with yellow skin and red eyes. He's wearing a purple bodysuit and a silver contraption on his head that glowed having the room he was in do the same.

He frowned remembering the event that lead him here.


(A/N: Any alien language will be underlined.)

Rimbor April 2, 20:04 UTC.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand." Superman said in a large courtroom in front of three alien who were on a tall balcony.

He has laser shackles on his wrists and ankles as the other six Leaguers that attacked also had the shackles on inside a grid box.

Beside Superman on his left is Icon as an alien is on his right.

The alien in the middle spoke in Interlac before another tapped his shoulder. The alien looked down to a box before hitting it having it glow.

'Translating Interlac.' The box said before the alien looked up.

"Now does the witness understand?" The alien asked in English.

"Yes, Tribune." Superman said before explaining that the Justice League did not intend the harm they caused and that they only want peace.

"Forgive us, Superman... If we find that hard to believe." The prosecutor said bringing up pictures when they attacked. "If those of us that represent Rimbor find that hard to believe!"

"Nevertheless. It is the truth. We weren't in control of our actions."

A pair of observing Kroloteans discuss the trial.

"Why does this trial continue?" One asked looking over. "Surely the bribes have changed hands by now."

"Inexplicably, the defendants refused to pay." The other replied.

"These Earthlings are savages!"

"We were under the complete mental control of one Vandal Savage." Superman said as said Light Leader was in the back behind the Leaguers sitting beside Mongul.

"Why would one 'Savage' do that to another?" The prosecutor asked getting Superman to sigh.

"That… is still unclear." Superman said before screens came up on each of the courtroom's audience explaining the Reach were on Earth. The Tribunals banged their fist on the desk to quiet down the room.

"What does he mean?" Martian Manhunter asked with the mental link. "What is the Reach"

John Stewart looked to him before explaining through the link. "A millennia ago the Reach were conquerors, so powerful that it took the entire Green Lantern Corps to halt their rampage. As a result, the Reach signed a peace treaty with the Guardians of the Universe, that forbade them from invading any world on which they were not invited."

"If Earth really has invited them. No Lantern can set foot on Earth… ever again."

Up above, Vandal spoke to Mongul. "If the Reach controls Earth and exploits its Meta Population. Does that not have long term implications on who rules the Galaxy?"

Mongul growled before standing and walked to the bottom of the stands. Getting the room to look at him. He stopped at the bottom and started at Superman before turning to walk out the door.

Above, Vandal just smirked s the trial continued.

(Flashback End.)

The Watchtower May 23, 21:21 EDT.

Kage with his hood down, stood beside Black Canary as Superboy, Troia, Nightwing, and Aquaman came in while Captain Atom showed footage of Mongul's ship.

"We've been tracking something on the long range scanners. It's on a direct course to Earth. And it's about to pass in front of Rhea, one of the moons of Saturn."

"Not in front of Rhea, behind it!" Nightwing said as the ship went behind the moon.

"Whatever the hell it is, it's huge." Naruto said looking at the screen.

New York City May 23, 21:23 EDT.

"Why has he come here?! And why now?!" The Ambassador asked agitated in their ship. "Open a Subspace Channel!" He ordered having the Scientist hit a button.

"Attention! I am an Ambassador of the Reach. And claimed the Earth as property of the Reach under Guardian Treaty. You are therefore, reaching Reach territory, reverse course."

"Request denied." Mongul said in a deep voice. "It is because the Reach are on Earth that I am here."

The Ambassador cuts the feed before looking behind himself at Black Beetle. "Now what?!"

Taos May 23 20:30 MDT.

Kage stood with Grifter, Nightwing, Captain Atom, and his future self as Green Beetle stood in front of them and the S.T.A.R.'s Scientists.

"Thank you for coming. My Scarab has accessed the Reach's database on the approaching threat." Green said before showing a hologram of the ship.

"The approaching object is the War World, a massive artificial satellite slightly smaller than Earth's moon. It is a mobile doomsday weapon. Created a millennia ago by a now-extinct race it is self powering, and self sustaining."

"Thanks to an endless supply of worker drones providing repair. And battle drones providing security. It was reactivated by a once-lost crystal key, somehow found by the current commander, Mongul, now sits at the helm of the Warworld. Mongul is able to control it through thought alone."

"Who is this Mongul?" Captain Atom asked as Green brought a hologram of Mongul.

"Long ago, he was once sole dictator of his home world, but was ousted by another. And is determined to retake his home world." Green Beetle explained.

"So what does that have to do with us?" Nightwing asked.

"Mongul has determined that the surest way to take back his world, is to first conquer the whole galaxy. He must now see Earth as a threat to that plan. And now he comes with literally enough power to destroy your world." Green finished turning the hologram off.

Ivy Town May 24, 21:38 EDT.

"It's great that we're finally spending quality time together." Mal said to Karen who stopped as she looked to the sky. "Karen?!"

"I'm sorry. I'm just distracted… BY THE SECOND MOON IN THE SKY!" She yelled pointing up to Warworld that floated beside the moon.

The Watchtower May 26, 07:39 EDT. (1.)

Kage watched a report with Cat Grant on his glasses.

"There's panic across the country, and around the world. What NASA calls 'An approaching Planetary Body' is already having a gravitational impact on the Earth."

She then shows clips of the League helping people out of the sea.

"Tides have altered and so-called mini-tidal waves have become commonplace. The U.S. Weather Service has advised the Populace to stay away from the water and move Inland from the Coastlines. And it appears, this is only the beginning."

They then switched to show the Ambassador with Tseng.

"The Reach and the United Nations take this unprovoked and aggressive threat very seriously." The Ambassador said before pointing to his ship that's still above the U.N. building.

"Unfortunately, the Reach only has this single ship. Design for peaceful exploration and Diplomacy. And unequipped with any weapons."

"Nevertheless, we pledge solidarity with the people off Earth! The Reach will not abandon you!"

A few minutes later, Captain Atom spoke to Mongul on the communications as Warworld was in seeing distance of the Watchtower.

"Attention War World. This is Captain Atom of the Justice League representing the people of planet Earth. We wish to open negotiations."

"But I an uninterested in negotiations!" Mongul replied back.

The Warworld May 26, 12:00 UTC.

"The Earth under the Reach's thumb is too dangerous for my long term plans." Mongul said as his room glowed yellow with the Earth on his window as red circles came up.

"It must be destroyed. And frankly, if you understood what you were in for with the Reach. You'd thank me for putting you out of your collective misery now." He said as his head piece glowed.

A segment of the Warworld's surface retracts, revealing a huge laser emitter. The laser powers up and fires, but as it does, Doctor Fate emerges from a portal in Earth orbit and conjures a giant magical portal, which absorbs and reflects the laser, destroying the emitter.

Angered, Mongul targets Fate with a number of missiles. The missiles detonate, but fail to harm Fate, who is protected by Rocket's force bubble. Captain Atom, Captain Marvel and Green Beetle emerge from Fate's portal and assault the Warworld, as many small energy weapons from across the Warworld's surface open fire.

"Not sure we're doing much damage in the grand scheme! But Rocket is protecting Dr. Fate, allowing him to maintain focus on protecting Earth. And Captain Marvel, Green Beetle, and I seem to have Mongul's attention."

"Good." Kage said over the earpiece. "Because the Team's already inside!"

Inside a room of Warworld, Impulse, Beast boy, Blue Beetle, Guardian, Batgirl, Robin, Bumblebee, Sphere, Superboy, Grifter, Wolf, Arsenal, and Wonder Girl looked up as Guardian brought a holo-screen up.

The Watchtower May 26, 08:10 EDT.

"Any sign of detection?" Aquaman asked Kage who was looking at a 'blueprint' of the Warworld beside Nightwing.

"No, they're undetected. They got past the security." Naruto replied. "Mongul doesn't know they're inside… Yet."

"Alpha Squad to Watchtower." Super boy said over their communication.

"Watchtower here." Nightwing replied seeing dotted lines appear showing Alpha Squad split up.

"Green Beetle's schematics are on the money, so far."

"Roger, but all of you keep your guard up." Naruto replied typing on the holo-keyboard.

"Beta squad is en-route to the Key Chamber. We snag the crystal key and the threat ends." Blue beetle said on another line.

"Gamma Squad is en-route to disable the power core. No power and the threat ends." Bumblebee said on a third line.

"Delta Squad moving into position, laying down cover fire for surface forces… Now!" Batgirl said over a fourth line as Naruto saw several of War World's guns blow up by a camouflaged Bio-Ship.

The Warworld May 26, 12:22 UTC.

In a Warworld corridor, Beta find themselves with nowhere to hide as a carriage arrives deploying a number of battle drones.

"We've been caught!" The trio engage the drones, as Blue Beetle reports that they have been spotted.

In another corridor Gamma is under fire. "I like the attention! At least a big alien moon notices me when I'm around!" Guardian yelled blocking some blasts.

"Was that a slam on me?! In the middle of a mission?!" Bumblebee asked surprised at the slam at her expense while on a mission.

"Woman, when aren't you in the middle a mission?!"

Meanwhile, Alpha is also battling drones before Arsenal pulls out a rocket launcher.


And hits a large group in front of Superboy.

"A little warning would be nice!" Superboy yelled dusting himself off.

"Take cover." Arsenal said nonchalantly.

"Come on. We're close." Superboy said walking away. The quartet enter the command center and face Mongul.

"He's a big one." Arsenal comments on the invader's great size, but Mongul is not so impressed by the Team.

"This is your attack force? I'm insulted."

"Learn to cope!" Superboy yelled before They attacked him.

Mongul easily swats aside Superboy, Wonder Girl and Wolf, and is unharmed by Arsenal's rocket. Superboy appears out of the smoke to punch Mongul in the face, to little effect. Mongul picks up Superboy, and noting the symbol on his shirt.

"Little Kryptonian, so proud of your powers, did you truly believe that your world was the only one with a Red Sun?"

Wonder Girl lassos Mongul, who easily pulls her in to knock her out with one blow. Arsenal hits him with a foam arrow, but Mongul quickly slams Superboy to the ground and frees himself. Wolf then attacks, but Mongul, through playing games, throws him onto Wonder Girl.

"The novelty of this attack has worn off."

"Nap time, ugly!" Arsenal fires a knock-out gas bolt, but it is ineffective.

"I love that. It smells like, victory." Mongul charges at Roy, but is intercepted by Superboy. The delay is only momentary as Mongul slams Superboy's abdomen against his knee. He once again focuses on Arsenal, blocking the barrel of Roy's rocket launcher with his hand, and causing it to backfire.

"Do you really not understand? Your deaths today in face of the Reach's are a mercy." Mongul explained walking back to his chair. "But it seems that the mercy of Mongul is not appreciated. Instead we must now do it the hard way, and the War World, will unleash all its weapons on the Earth."

He said as the Warworld fired a swarm of missiles. "You're welcome."

The Watchtower May 26, 08:31 EDT.

Kage watched a report by Cat Grant as the others fought the War World.

"The Earth's military leaders are mobilizing all air defenses against the assault. Here in the U.S. Homeland Security's recommendation citizens to stay at home, rather than attempt evacuation. There is nowhere to go."

He sighed before looking out of the window.

In Earth orbit, Doctor Fate conjures an enormous protective shield, as the other Leaguers destroy as many missiles as they can.

"Delta to Watchtower. The Bio-Ship estimates that our efforts will take out 64% of the missile strike."

"Got it Batgirl." Naruto replied as Nightwing was typing on a keyboard.

"Watchtower estimates Earth's military will neutralize a further 13%." Aquaman said looking at a screen.

New York City May 26 08:35 EDT.

"But a 23% saturation of the barrage will be enough to destroy a hemisphere and spoil all of Earth's 'Meat'." The Scientist said looking at a clipboard.

"Then to protect the Reach's investment. Mobilize the Fleet." The Ambassador ordered.

Philippine Sea May 26, 22:40 ChST.

A number of Reach vessels emerge from the waters and head into space. They open fire on the Warworld's missiles, but many of the ships were destroyed in turn.

The Warworld May 26, 12:55 UTC.

Back aboard the Warworld, Gamma reaches the power core. Guardian and Bumblebee enter the chamber, while the Super-Cycle holds off the battle drones.

"Super-Cycle's got our backs! Love a lady I can count on!" Guardian yelled as they ran.

"Alright, I get the message. I'm a terrible girlfriend now quit pouting!" Bumblebee replied back.

"I'm not pouting! Let's just blow up the core and go!"

"Uh, we just can't 'blow it up' it would blow all of Warworld and take half the Earth with it! We gotta shut the core down!" Bumblebee explains making Guardian feel belittled.

"Well thanks for explaining things to your idiot boyfriend! Just make with the science and get it done!"

"What? I never said you were-(Groan)! Never mind!" Bumblebee tries to smooth things over before giving up in frustration and entering the core.

"Good luck, beautiful." Guardian wishes his girlfriend luck.

Meanwhile, Beta battles their way into the key chamber. "Beta to Watchtower we're in!" Blue Beetle reports sighting the crystal to Watchtower. "And there it is!" He said before more drones came in.

At the power core chamber, some drones begin to break past the Super-Cycle. Bumblebee's attempts to disable to core by targeting certain circuits with her stings are thwarted.

"There are too many fail safes built into the core!" Bumblebee tells Guardian as he attacked the drones.

"Then reroute it somewhere useful!"

"(Gasp!) You're a genius!" Bumblebee calls him a genius, and targets a new set of circuits.

At the command center, Alpha begins to wake up.

"(Sigh) Pests." Mongul calls in battle drones to deal with them, but as they arrive, a power surge overloads Mongul's control device.


Mongul is dazed, and the battle drones clatter to the ground.

"He's rocked, take him!" Superboy calls for an all-out assault on the dazed despot. They successfully knock him out, and Wonder Girl moves in to restrain him with her lasso.

On the War World's surface, missiles about to launch stop in their silos.

"Mongul is down and contained." Superboy confirms to Captain Atom that Mongul is down.

"Way to go, Alpha!" Batgirl congratulates him.

"I'd love to take credit, but someone else did all the work. As he ready to attack, his own machine stung him. I'm guessing with a little help."

"You guys ready?" Grifter asked from his seat beside Batgirl as he looked to them.

In the key room, Beetle takes the crystal key.

"And I'll take this for safe keeping."

As he does so, the Warworld's weapons port closes back up.

"Good work Teams. Rendezvous ASAP so we can bring you back home." Naruto said over their earpieces.

Beta and Gamma meet at the entry point, shortly joined by Delta. The Teammates celebrate their victory,.

"Where's Alpha?" Guardian asked before hearing Arsenal on his earpiece.

"Trudging along with the big guy."

"Even though we all helped, it was you who saved the day with that beautiful brain of yours." Guardian said to Bumblebee.

"Thanks. But it was your idea."

"I wouldn't call it an idea. More like: A desperate cry for help." Guardian said getting Bumblebee to chuckle.

"Mal you know I couldn't have done it without you."

"No that's not true. You would have found a way. Karen, you're destined for great things. And I have to admit. You've just, outgrown me. But we can hold onto high school forever. And, I'm so proud of you."

"You know something? You really are an idiot. And I'm an idiot too. I've been taking you for granted. But knowing you're there for me, makes all the difference." She said pulling him into a kiss

"How can I get that reward?" They are interrupted by Arsenal.

Wonder Girl answers him with a kiss on the cheek. With the whole Team gathered, Blue Beetle hits Impulse on the back of his head with the crystal key, and fires his sonic cannon, knocking out Batgirl, Beast Boy, Grifter, and Guardian.

"Blue, what are you doing?!" Superboy asked before Blue charges him, sending him clear across the hanger and pins Wonder Girl to the ground with Mongul and staples.

"No! Not again!"

"Arsenal! No!" Bumblebee yelled as Arsenal, terrified at the thought of being captured again, opens the entry hatch.

"I will not be taken again!"

Sphere is sucked into space before Blue Beetle is able to close the hatch. He takes advantage of the chaos to blast Robin, Bumblebee and Wolf with his sonic cannon.

"Why?" Superboy asked out of breath to the little oxygen.

"Don't waste the oxygen, Hermano (Brother). There's very little left in here."

Arsenal uses a re-breather to help with the thin atmosphere and moves to escape. Beetle tries to staple him, but Superboy takes the hit, allowing Arsenal to get away. Blue Beetle knocks Superboy out, then ensures the crystal key is still in his possession.

Observing through Blue Beetle's eyes, the Reach smile at what is now in their possession.

To Be Continued.

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