

Chapter XXIII: Secrets.

Last Time.

"Careful Naruto. You're starting to sound like the Miz." John said making Naruto roll his eyes

"Oh please, I was awesome before he was. But I'll admit Edge was pretty cool before me." Naruto said before John gave them backstage passes. Naruto pushed Paula down the hall, and past two twin women in their twenties with long brown hair wearing black tops, and leather pants.

Mary squealed and ran over to them. Naruto smiled as the two gave her an autograph picture before walking down, and saw more workers take fireworks to the ring, and past the man from the picture on the building wearing an undertakers hat, and another man standing at 7' with a shaved head, and looks like he's blind in his right eye.

He's wearing nothing but black pants with a barbed wire theme, a black fingerless glove on his right hand, and carrying a large gold belt with 'World Heavyweight Champion' on it, and a gold nameplate with 'Kane' written in black.

They continued talking with the Wrestlers and Divas before going to one of the private boxes to watch the show.

They saw an announcer stand in the middle of the ring before announcing the first match. "The following contest is a Triple Threat Submission Counts Anywhere match for the United States Championship!" He said before they heard Ride of the Valkyries play as a video of a man with short brown hair in highlights of matches played on a titantron.

The man in the video walked out in trunks, and boots with an American-themed belt around his waist and made his way to the ring.


New York City; October 31, 19:26 EDT.

In a Museum, a man with glasses was telling a policeman that the Sword of Beowulf was stolen and that it had great power for those of pure heart. "And you also need to say the words 'Abannan Afol Beowulf'." He finished before hearing a laugh from the rafters.

Looking up, they saw a man holding a one-handed sword with a round cross-guard with a groove in it, and a spherical pommel, both made of dark gray metal.

The scabbard is a gray humanoid arm. Near the chape, it changes into a conventional scabbard.

The man has long brown hair and green eyes. His complexion is extremely pale, has a muscled body and four long claw marks on his face. He has a gray trench coat with torn shoulders, blue jeans, black boots, and a pair of brown fingerless gloves.

He also has a glowing sphere in his left pectoral. "Harm needed the words." Harm said in the third person before saying the incantation.

The sword glowed orange as Harm pulled it out. Showing a wide, double-edged, and slightly leaf-shaped blade. He shocked the Police before slowly walking to the Curator, and smirked.

Mount Justice; October 31, 19:34 EDT.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" Zatanna asked wearing a traditional witch costume as Naruto's shoulders slumped.

"A pirate." Naruto is currently wearing a black bandanna with the kanji for 'Maelstrom' on it, and a black long sleeve trench coat with a hood. The coat has red flames on the bottom and the kanji for 'Maelstrom' written vertically across the back.

Underneath he has a dark red shirt, cargo pants with holsters holding fake revolvers in a reverse grip, and boots.

"Yeah. Like any pirate wore that." Zatanna said with a smirk as he glared.

"Hey! Any pirate that wore this would be a badass. Besides, can't go full-on in costume, in case there's trouble. Not all of us can change with a snap of our fingers." He replied before hearing his daughter speak up.

"Hold still."

Donna was clad in the armor of her homeland, Themyscira, wrapping Conner in toilet paper as M'gann looked on before Wally, dressed like Teen Wolf, walked up to them. "So... Where's Star-" Zatanna stopped as Starfire came out dressed like a fairy.

"Oooh, I had the best time going trick, or the treat!" Naruto smiled as he remembered Richard asking Starfire to go trick-or-treating with him.

M'gann walked over to Naruto and smiled as she transformed into a zombie bride. Naruto smiled as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Other than the tears, and zombie make-up. I'm looking into our future. And it is beautiful." He kissed her making both her and Zatanna blush before hearing the computer speak.

"Recognized: Artemis, B01, Spoiler B09."

Artemis walked in dressed as a female vampire with a high collared coat, and Stephanie was dressed like the grim reaper with a dark purple cloak that's tattered, and a half mask with a skull mouth painted on it. She's using her staff as a scythe, and boots. Naruto smiled as he noticed that she followed his idea, and incorporated her uniform in her Halloween costume.

He noticed Artemis' costume, ran over, and fell to his knees in front of her. "Oh, thank God! You didn't go with a Twilight version. Honestly, I would have broken up with you if you used glitter to 'sparkle'."

She rolled her eyes before pulling him up to his feet. "Oh like you're historically correct on the whole Pirate thing?" He narrowed his eyes before speaking.

"Hey! Like I told Za-HMPH!"

He was cut off as Artemis roughly kissed him. Naruto's eyes widened as she forced her tongue inside his mouth before wrapping his arms around her waist and fiercely kissed back. She jumped as his hands drifted lower and groped her ass, which was covered by her coat, before hearing Zatanna speak to Stephanie. "Oh, I didn't know Conner and Donna were a couple."

"They're not a..." Stephanie trailed off as she saw Donna still wrapping Conner up, both laughing before scoffing, and turned around.

Artemis sighed as she pulled away from Naruto and followed after an apologetic Zatanna. Naruto looked to see Red Arrow talk to Batman, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Egnahc sehtolc otni ruo smrofinu! (Change Clothes Into Our Uniforms!)"

Naruto looked to see Zatanna use her magic to change their clothes before smiling at them. Spoiler angrily walked off as Artemis blew a kiss to him, Zatanna smirked before winking at him and followed after the two girls. Mary flew in dressed like a princess in a purple dress and landed beside him.

"How was trick-or-treating with Robin and Star?" Naruto asked as she pouted.

"Fine... I couldn't do any. Luckily, Alfred got me some candy."

Manhattan; October 31, 19:57 EDT.

Under a bridge, a picture on a support beam opened up to reveal a Zeta-Tube, and the Girls drove out on their motorcycles. They sped down the road and stopped various crimes, not noticing that Harm was watching them from the rooftops. Later, after stopping a mugging in Central Park and several other crimes throughout the night, they walked back to their bikes.


All three of their bikes exploded sending them flying across the street. "What the hell?" Spoiler asked fixing her hood before sitting up and saw Harm walk out of the flames holding the sword with its sheath strapped to his back.

"So much harm left to do." He said to them as they got up, and entered their fighting stances.

"The Its cannot escape Harm." Spoiler got her staff out as Artemis pulled her bow out, and shot several arrows at him.

Harm calmly swatted them away as he walked to them. "Arrows do not impress Harm." He said before Zatanna lifted her hand to him. "Taeh taht s'nopaew latem! (Heat That Weapon's Metal!)"

The sword glowed red having Harm smirk. "It needs better magic if It wants to hurt Harm." Spoiler glared before speaking.

"Okay! We get it! Your name is Harm!" Harm pointed the sword at them before speaking.

"Its garbs and skills indicate Its mentors are Kage, Zatara, and Black Canary. Harm will practice with Its to fight them."

Zatanna narrowed her eyes before speaking. "Oh you did not just threaten my father, and my ma-" She stopped herself before speaking a spell. "Etativel drows ot em! (Levitate Sword To Me!)" Harm smirked as the sword was being pulled over.

"It wants Harm's sword? It can have it!"

He threw the sword having Spoiler and Zatanna dodge as it went in a wall, and cracked it. Artemis shot two explosive arrows at Harm having him catch them, and throw them back. They exploded sending the girls flying back. Zatanna groaned before seeing a girl in an alley. She has long pale blonde hair held back in a hairband.

She has pale green eyes and is wearing a completely white, hooded, cloak-like dress over a black sweater, and white shin-high boots over slate blue stockings. She also has a silver pendant around her neck.

The girl motioned for them to follow before Zatanna spoke up. "Uh, on second thought... Running sounds good."

"To regroup." Spoiler said as she threw smoke bombs down as Artemis shot smoke arrows.

"Erif nrub, nordlauc elbbub! (Fire Burn, Cauldron Bubble!)" Zatanna made the surrounding fire surround Harm before they ran into the alley, and heard a ladder fall.

They looked up to see the girl on top of the roof and followed after her. When they got to the top, Spoiler walked forward. "Who are you?"

"Secret." The girl said as Spoiler narrowed her eyes.

"Not happening. Who are you, and do you know that Harm guy?" Secret pointed behind them and spoke.


They looked back to see Harm jump up to them. "Damn." Artemis cursed before shooting a regular arrow at a water tower having water spray Harm.

"Dloc dniw wolb! Dloc dniw wolb! Dloc dniw wolb! (Cold Wind Blow, Cold Wind Blow, Cold Wind Blow!)" Zatanna yelled freezing Harm.

After a moment, Harm broke free before giving chase as the girls jumped over to the next roof. "These shoes are nice, but... Lacitcarp raewtoof won! (Practical Footwear Now!)" She removed the heels from her boots before they landed.

Happy Harbor; October 31, 20:15 EDT.

The Team minus Naruto, Starfire, Mary, and Robin looked at the Halloween-themed Gym, and the students dressed like heroes from the League dancing. Wendy dressed like Black Canary, pulled Marvin dressed as Batman, Karen dressed like an anthropomorphic bee, and Mal dressed like Superman with a leather coat and sunglasses.

"Guys, this is Wendy, Karen, Mal, and..." Megan trailed off seeing Marvin typing on his phone making Wendy snort.

"Ignore Marvin. He thinks we're being invaded by Martians." The Team notices Megan stiffen at that before Karen spoke to her.

"Hey, I thought you were bringing your boyfriend Megan."

"Oh, he had something come up with his job. But I can show him to you." She reached to a pocket on her dress and pulled a cell phone out. She brought up a picture of her being held from behind by Naruto. Karen smirked before the screen lit up with a text message as everyone's phone did the same.

"A Martian attack?"

"It's a prank."

They looked to see Mr. Carr wearing an eye patch getting fruit punch. "I mean look at Martian Manhunter. Martians aren't hostile."

Megan smiled worriedly as she looked up at the windows. "Of course not."

Mount Justice; October 31, 20:25 EDT.

"Computer, secure the room."

Batman said as he, Red Arrow, Naruto, Aqualad, Starfire, Robin, and Red Tornado stood, or sat in the office room. "Do we believe there's a mole on the Team?" He asked as Naruto stepped forward.

"No. Sportsmaster could have just said that to throw us off our game."

"He could have gotten the information from any of the villains we faced on those missions. Besides, if we did have a mole or moles, they would have betrayed us when we faced the Injustice League." Robin spoke from his seat before Red Arrow walked up.

"I'm not convinced... Sure you four, and Kid Flash are safe... But I know Spoiler isn't being straight." Naruto narrowed his eyes as Red continued. "For starters... She isn't Black Canary's niece." Getting both Starfire, and Aqualad's eyes to widen.

"Well, yeah. In fact, she's related-" Robin stopped as Batman puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Stop. Stephanie's relations may make her a suspect. But she's entitled to her secrets."

"And besides... She's my protégé. I trust her." Naruto said before Batman continued.

"I'm more suspicious of Superboy and Wonder Girl. We know very little of what Cadmus may have programmed into their... Weap-" He stopped as Naruto roughly clamped his shoulder.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't refer to my daughter as a weapon, Batman."

"All I'm saying is Cadmus could have made them sleeper agents. They could have placed a password in their minds that, when spoken, would make them forget about giving out information. It could either be that or a control switch." Red Arrow walked up and continued. "And what about Miss Martian? Sure she's Manhunter's niece, but he told Canary he has a few hundred nieces and nephews, and he's only met M'gann six months ago when she stowed away on his ship."

"OK, why is it you're only targeting my family? Are you saying you don't trust me either?" Naruto said as he stared at Batman and Red Arrow.

Happy Harbor; October 31, 20:45 EDT.

The lights suddenly went out as the teen's phones went off. Suddenly, a deep voice came up on the speakers. "Attention, Homeland Security advises you not to leave. This is not a confirmation of an alien invasion." Superboy narrowed his eyes before using his heat signature vision to see Marvin hiding in the bleachers with a microphone laughing.

Later, Donna saw Marvin keeping Freshmen inside before running to him screaming as Wally followed after.


Conner walked beside him and pointed to a Martian that looked like a bigger, scarier version of Marvin the Martian with green eyes.

Donna was suddenly hit by the Martian's laser gun and exploded as Wally disappeared in a tornado.


Conner yelled as he ran to the Martian, only to fly in the air, and into a wall.


Marvin winced as Conner hit the wall headfirst, and ran inside screaming. Not noticing the air around the Martian waver revealing the others standing with M'gann as she reverted to her original form.

"Let's go, and watch the show," Conner said as they walked in Marvin revealed it was a prank but they died after a real attack.

"Really?" Wendy asked as Donna, Conner, Wally, and M'gann walked in with confused looks.

Manhattan; October 31, 20:55 EDT.

Harm threw a dagger as Artemis brought her bow up. It cuts the string, and her cheek making her hiss. "Cover me while I restring!" Zatanna and Spoiler ran over and fought Harm, only for him to easily bats them away.

He dashed to Artemis who fought him hand-to-hand before pulling her crossbow out. "Want to play without the toys?" Harm smirked as he put the sword away, and stuck it in the roof.

Artemis fought him as the others tried to pull the sword out. Only to get shocked just as Artemis dropped by them. "Its try to take the sword... But Its didn't go through what Harm did to make Harm's heart pure."

"It's Secret," Zatanna said as Secret waved from the next building.

They ran over as Artemis, and Spoiler threw smoke bombs down and ran to Secret. They followed her to a two-story home and saw a shop with 'Abel's House Of Secrets' on the top of it. Suddenly, Harm dropped down. "Its came to Harms' home? How did Its know?!"

He asked before shocking them with the sword. The last thing they saw was Harm with Secret walking behind him. As Harm took them inside, he didn't see Artemis drop a Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God) kunai having Secret pick it up, and drop it off the roof.

Mount Justice; October 31, 21:00 EDT.

Naruto was getting ready to go to M'gann's school party before feeling a pull in the back of his head. He disappeared before reappearing outside Harms's house.

"What the hell?" He asked before jumping over the fence and saw a grave with a plywood tombstone. "Greta Hayes, Beloved Sister." He read the writing out loud before the girls ran out.

"Na-Kage!" Spoiler yelled as they ran over, and noticed the grave.

Suddenly, Secret floated out getting Naruto to jump, as she was glowing white. "This... Is your grave. This is your secret. How did you die?" Zatanna asked before Greta brought up Harms's dagger. "Harm did it?" Spoiler asked before Harm ran out.

"How did Its find Harm's holy place?" Naruto narrowed his eyes before walking forward.

"I remember you. Not too long ago your sister was found murdered with a knife... It was you? You killed your little sister?" Naruto asked his eyes glowing red and became slits. Harm attacked with the sword only for Naruto to grab it. "The Sword of Beowulf."

Naruto calmed down before grabbing the sword making it glow light blue. "How did It do that? It needs to be pure of heart!" Naruto looked at the sword as the scabbard flew to him.

"Really? Good thing I removed the hatred from my heart." Greta walked over and pulled the red 'pure' out of Harms's heart. Naruto shocked Harm with the sword, knocking him out. He looked to Greta and smiled. "We'll make sure you'll get a proper burial."

Greta smiled before going back to her grave. "Hey, look at this." Naruto sheathed the sword before walking over and saw Abel's shop with the neon sign in the window with all but 'Secret' being burnt out. "Must have been the last thing Greta saw."

Naruto raised an eyebrow before jumping over the fence followed by the girls. He walked into the store and saw a man in the shadows. "You're Abel right?"

The man nodded before walking out. Abel has black hair with a beard and a blue suit.

(A/N: For a Better Picture type Abel DC Comics.)

"Yes. Zatara's told me about you Naruto. I see you brought the sword."

Naruto nodded as he dropped it on the counter. "Yeah. Zatara told me about you too... Have you been able to find anyone for the Helmet of Fate?"

Able shook his head as he puts the sword away. "No. Your spy, Xanadu, is too inexperienced. Constantine flat out said no. And Jason wouldn't be able to do it because of his... Other half. Everyone else that I can think of is also too old or too inexperienced to handle Nabu's power. I'll help with the burial of that Greta... I thought I heard screaming that day. But I was too preoccupied to get out of the shop."

Naruto nodded before walking out with the girls. As they left the shop, a calm wind blew by, and the building changed into a broken down one. "Well then... Let's go girls." Naruto said walking to Harm's house as the Police, and Firemen came over to it.

To Be Continued.

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