
An aunt with a big mouth

Meifen was suddenly enraged and she wanted to let out a specific set of curse words from her mouth. She regretted moving from Guangzhou to Beijing. Returning to this city had not brought any good into her life. Her husband had died and Lin Qianfan had resurrected like a bad dream that came to haunt her. 

There was one thing she was unreservedly certain of: and it was that she would not be giving up her son. It didn't matter how many blood tests where done. Yuewei was her son, and hers alone. There were some things she needed to elaborate to Alix, starting with how she met Lin Qianfan.

"Wei, give us some privacy."

Yuewei was unwilling to leave. Even though Alix had claimed not to be a troublemaker, she was a Lin. In his books, being a Lin meant trouble.

"I don't want to." he answered. 

"Aah, this brat. Just go into your room for ten minutes. No, you were going for practice so go." She spoke sternly. 

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