
Chapter six

Year 273 

It's been eleven years since I was reborn into Westeros, and I have made this world my bitch. House Targaryen has flourished even more since the birth of my baby sister, Visenya. The construction in Kings Landing is going well, the bathhouses and sewage lines are complete, the streets were expanded but they were nearly complete, the city didn't smell like shit anymore; and the taxes on the brothels and protection for the women won much favor from the smallfolk. I bought a few establishments, such as brothels, manors, and smithing locations, and I had my own Blacksmiths at my disposal to forge whatever I needed.

This came in handy when I began recruiting people in a year, One of those people was an eight-year-old Gregor Clegane, who was watching me spar with Tygett Lannister, the newly appointed Men at Arms, a bit young given he was only twenty-three but he was wasting away in the west, so I convinced my father to bring him to court and inform him of his new position. Tywin was happy, but he didn't know that his brother was now a part of my unyielding servant squad, he was a taller version of Tywin, although a lot bigger, Dude was a beast now. 

I had asked Tywin to bring Gregor to Kings Landing, because I needed the mountain that rides as a servant and Sandor is three right now but he will join soon. When I first met Gregor, he was a bit timid at first but quickly settled in, Rhaegar was a bit upset that I went out and found friends, but I quickly assured him that he was still my best friend, which eased his worries, and he joined us as well. But he was like my best friend, we sparred together, studied, spent time around each other and spent time playing with Visenya. 

Anyway, Gregor was dropped on his head as a baby, which had a severe impact on his mind, also added to the growing pains which could lead to violent tendencies. But that was solved with a gold dose of healing magic, and now he will be the mountain that rides for the dragon. He was funny, believe it or not and already a big kid, maybe shy of six feet, along with him was Lyn Cobray of the Vale. He was gay, no doubt about it, but he would be a good swordsman. He spent his time training and the other half staring at me, which I didn't mind.

I had gotten used to the gawking and point-blank lustful stares from men and women, but it drew people towards trying to please me, which was beneficial sometimes. 

Our next addition to our little group is Arthur Dayne, who joined up when me and Rhaegar met him at a tourney in Dorne. His sister Ashara Dayne was a good friend of ours, but she was kind of obsessed with me along with Princess Elia Martell, who was a very kind and witty kind of girl, she had informed me of her condition and I healed her, she was not frail any longer and as for Doran Martell, I did the same with him, I didn't know when the gout would take effect, but better safe than sorry. 

They heavily expressed their gratitude and Princess Loreza the ruler of Dorne, gave me her thanks and expressed her thanks by granting me anything I wished but I declined and told her there was no need. We all got along quite well since then, but a problem arose when I noticed the future sword of the morning, Give me a look. I thought it was just a 'Don't mess with my sister look' but he had the same look Rhaegar's gives me when he thinks I'm not looking...oh well anyway. 

I had begun sending letters to Ashara and Elia to chop it up and stay in touch. This led to Our last member, Oberyn Martell, he was by far the coolest person; he reminded me of what those favorite cousins' people have, and the party is just not the same without them. So that's our team of six. 

Tygett Lannister had gotten out of his brother's shadow and began serving his master, Prince Daemon Targaryen, 'the blessed' whom the realm referred to, but he was glad to serve someone like him. He was brought out of his pleasant thoughts when he was pushed back by the prince. He was training the princes every day for two hours, but Daemon trained beyond that, almost till night. The prince, to put it briefly, was a monster in the yard, he had grown to be at least six foot two, at just eleven years of age, and he still had a youthful face, with his baby fat around his cheeks and his muscles were beginning to shine through each day. 

Daemon dodged the slash from his teacher, and struck back with his padded Warhammer, the blow was absorbed by Tygett's shield. Daemon went on the offensive, with a kick to the chest, which was blocked by Tygett again. He could see the Lannister, wince at the force, as he rang out another strike. Tygett could do nothing but stay on the defensive, as he avoided that monstrous Warhammer.

The Warhammer was padded and then padded again, and it still shook his core every time he blocked a strike. Tygett finally crumbled when the strike struck true on his shoulder, He was sent to the dirt, and he turned to see his prince give him a smile. 

"Good spar, Ser Tygett, I will let you continue to train the others. I have a meeting with the Lord hand, my father wishes to leave for the tourney at Storms End in two hours so be ready for that." he said with a smile. 

Tygett bowed in response, and as the others resumed sparring with one another, he had Gregor strike a dummy before he sparred with the others. His brother Rhaegar informed him he would skip today's training to catch up with the books he had been meaning to read. Two years prior, Daemon wanted to read something different, but all the stories were either about Dragons, the faith, or the histories of the seven kingdoms. 

So, he decides to take his otherworldly knowledge and place it on paper. He spent most of that time writing books about Pirates of the Caribbean, Peter Pan, Cat in the Hat, and the adventures of Mowg the Dragon Rider. Basically, any children's books he remembered and the cool movies he watched in his first life, he put them on paper.

He had written them for Rhaegar and Visneya to enjoy, and they did just that. But they were book addicts, and they only wanted more and more, so he made more but word had surely spread, and Lord Tywin wanted some for his children, then the Martell's wanted to be included as well, NOW EVERYONE WANTS TO READ ABOUT CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW. So, he wrote to the Citadel and requested for Qyburn to Kings Landing, they accepted, of course, they tried to put someone else for the job, but he needed Qyburn for his future inventions. 

He made Qyburn his loyal servant, of course but he grew a bit of muscle, but the real effects were on his mind, and that's when things kicked off. I had a workshop built in the Red Keep, so he could work peacefully, and I had him take on apprentices to learn and help him, As such, the first Targaryen printing press was created. It took us a bit to get the necessary parts to assemble it, but it was done. 

My parents weren't all that shocked that I had come up with it, they had learned to accept things and roll with them. I started printing book after book, and I even helped the faith and printed out books about the seven-pointed star and other stories. Of course, I told them I needed coins to continue this project, 'I didn't but they don't know that' so they graciously donated to the Daemon Foundation for doing cool shit.

A little extra gold dragon doesn't hurt anyone, and as such, my popularity grew, as did Rhaegar's, I included his name in the invention because he helped convince Mother to let me do all this in the first place. 

My father Aerys wasn't mad, but he did have a temper, and his famous obsession with Tywin's wife was still there, but it was a subtle thing, I guess our house continued success curbed his little crush, so I made every cook, maid, and stable boy my servant, Luckily, the changes were sudden, so no one really noticed, but I had spies everywhere in the Red Keep to alert me if anything happened and to relay information back to me, I was not going to tolerate Aerys treating my mother poorly, and if he did, then long may my brother reign. The Kings Guard were split, Barristan, Gerold, and Whent were mine, Lewyn, Gaunt, and Darry weren't, but they liked me well enough. 

I made my way to the tower of the hand, flanked by my boy Barristan, to which a Lannister servant went to inform Lord Tywin of my presence. I flashed the servant a smile and entered as Barristan watched the door. 

"Lord Tywin, it is good to see you. Tell me how my little lion cubs," he said with a smirk as he sat across from him. 

He kept the same stone expression on his face, but he saw a bit of annoyance flash in his eyes at the titles he referred to the twins. "They are well, they have written to me to give thanks for the toys and books you had delivered, and once again, I give thanks for your help with my wife in delivering my son Tyrion and for fixing...his deformity," he grounded out the last part.

Tyrion was born last year, now that was a change from the original, but my mother and siblings visited the rock, so I just so happened to be there at the right time, I was skeptical about seeing if my healing magic would fix Tyrion's dwarfism but it worked, He still had one black eye and one Lannister green eye, but for the most part, he was normal.

There I met the twins, Cersei and Jamie, They were an adorable duo, as they followed me and Rhaegar around the whole time, but they got along well with Visenya. My baby sister was shy, but it only added to her cuteness, No doubt someone would try to make a move and bother my sister, but they would meet my Warhammer instead or I could just train her. 

But the real beauty was Genna Lannister, she wasn't fat yet, no, she was thick as cold peanut butter and I didn't stop paying her compliments and joking with her, she indulged my childish advancements, but I got her cheeks to redden a few times. I had thought about fucking her in time and perhaps getting a little dragon lion, but she was tough to crack, but she'll crack. 

I was brought from my daydreaming by a loud and not subtle throat clear. I looked to see Tywin giving me the signature Lannister look. "I understand you will not accompany us to the tourney but I'm sure the little cubs will be there....and Genna as well." he asked, trying not to sound curious. 

The flash of annoyance again flashed across his face, "Of course, my prince, my children, along with my wife and Genna Lannister and her husband," he emphasized the last part. 

Daemon smirked, 'if a Frey will stop me from smashing,' he thought.

"Good, and also, when Jamie reaches his ninth name day, I offer him to become my squire," he said. 

Tywin raises a brow and says, "You are not a knight yet, my prince," his green eyes locking onto his purple ones. 

"No but I will be after the tourney at Storms End, and how is that Flea Bottom planning going? You know, you heard my suggestions, yes?" he asked. 

"Yes, it's a very sound plan and your suggestions will go over smoothly and will help with the reconstruction," he says simply. 

"Great, and one more thing: Lord Tywin, Uncle Steffon's son Robert and Lord Starks son Eddard have been fostering in the Eyrie for some time now, and Brandon stark has made a trip to the Riverlands with his father." he states simply. 

Tywin gives a snort, "Yes, what of it?" 

'You're a dumbass' he thought, "Well, no doubt the boys will grow close in the vale, and Jon Arryn does not have children so he will see them as sons, the stark heir could be betrothed to the Tully girl and that's four kingdoms tied up quite nicely, don't you think, Whether Uncle Steffon, realizes what he's doing or not, that is quite an alliance." 

Tywin felt the air change in the room, as Prince Daemon went on. He admired the prince's strength and intelligence; simply put, he was a political monster and a prodigy with various weapons but the Warhammer of his is something to behold. The city was changed, it looked cleaner, and the roads were wider and made of marble, and it wasn't because of Aerys, it was this boy in front of him. There have been talks of Prince Daemon being appointed commander of the city watch once he becomes a knight, but he could not confirm for sure. 

And in those eyes of his, he would give a smile that would suck the air out of people, and they would dance to his voice, throw themselves, and try to get closer, his sister included. He noticed the look in her eyes, but he quickly assured her of her duty to House Lannister, and that he would not have his sister a whore to the prince, but she played it off quite well. And then there was the 'Stare' that made his spine ache, and his fingers numb, gone was the realm's delight and emerged the cold, bone shaking gaze of the prince. 

The faith was mixed between the prince, some praised him, and the others said unsavory things, but none had reached the king's ears. The small folk loved him, they saw him as a gift from the gods, the High Lords of Westeros were eager to finally meet the prince, so far, only the Martell's have had the pleasure. 

"Lord Tywin," a voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see the prince giving him that same BLASTED stare. "You're sweating a bit, my lord, no doubt the summer sun gets to everyone," the prince said with a smirk as he handed him towel. 

"Well, give what I said some thought about the potential alliance, and I can assure you my lord, if there is any whiff of a threat..well just think about it," he said with a genuine smile and left. He released a breath he did not know he was holding. 

Daemon had prepared for the trip and made his way down to his horse. A flash of silver grasped his leg, and he looked down to see his sister Visenya. "Dae, are you ready for the tourney!" she asked, giving a smile. Daemon scooped his sister up; she gave a squeal of joy as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Of course, little sister, and maybe Rhaegar will sing a song during the trip," he said. Her sister nodded her head and began chanting. 



A throat clear cut the air, He turned to see his mother looking up at him in mock anger, He and Visenya had the decency to look embarrassed. "Come, daemon, and help Visneya in the carriage," she said with her arms crossed, but her smile broke through.

"Will you participate in the tourney my son?" she asked with worry. "Of course, someone needs to crown you the queen of love and beauty and I will participate in the melee as well," he said, giving her a grin. 

She smiled, "Please be careful, my son, Are you sure you do not wish to wait, There is no shame in participating in the squire's melee, your brother had participated in it," she said, her voice laced with worry. 

"I know but I'm too tall and too big for that melee, I knock around Ser Tygett all the time and Rhaegar is still learning from him, he is a good master at arms, but I have simply outgrown him. Do not worry for me, I will be fine," he reassured her. 

She relented and gave him a nod as the guards mounted their horses in preparation for their departure. 

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